reverse song

Chapter 66 Robbery

Obviously, both of them are fire powers. The flame on the red man's left hand is wrapped around the burning heat, but the fireman feels extremely cold. This is a kind of cold from the bottom of his heart and a fear of death. The fireman has clearly felt the violent energy fluctuations and intense heat behind him. He even clearly felt that his back began to tighten under this burning temperature, and his skin and flesh were about to crack. With a low roar, the fireman did not care about the hand controlled by the red man, but urged the power, and the flames on his body gathered behind him, trying to use this hand to force the red man back.

Unexpectedly, the red man had long guarded against the fireman's hand. Seeing that the other party urged the power and grabbed the fireman's right hand with force, the red light on his right hand suddenly turned into a purple flame, and his right hand instantly became like a red iron pliers caught in the hand of the fireman.

"Ah!" The unbearable high temperature and severe pain from his hands made the fireman, who was originally driving the power, unable to exhale pain, and the power also collapsed as soon as he stagnated. He could only barely wrap his body with flames and block the burning high temperature emitted by the red man. With such a delay, the fireman has clearly felt that the red man's flame-wrapped left hand had touched the skin of his back, and the burning flame kept rushing into the body from a small cut on the skin, destroying the surrounding tissues.

The fireman roared like a beast and could no longer care about the pain in his hand. He forcibly twisted his body and heard a crisp sound from his restrained left hand. He actually wanted to abandon this arm to avoid the fatal blow of the red man. After all, compared with his life, an arm is really nothing, and The rebirth of amputation in medical technology is not a big problem at all. As soon as his arm was broken, the fireman's body rushed forward. As soon as he touched the ground, he hurriedly rolled aside. His fighting experience was rich. As soon as the fireman left the red man, he heard a loud noise, and the bombed stones splashed on the flames on his body. This loud noise turned out to be a shot from the red man's left hand to the ground.

At this time, the fireman had jumped up, and the flame of his right hand flashed. He pressed the broken place of his left arm and made a sound. The wound was condensed by the flame in an instant, and the blood that was constantly gushing out also stopped in an instant. Until now, the fireman saw that there was a crack about one meter deep in front of the red man. He couldn't help shivering. He thought that if this blow fell on him, he would definitely be directly split in half, and there was no possibility of survival. Seeing that the red man used such a killing move, the fireman already knew that the other party had a dying heart, but just wanted to pull a cushion before he died. Thinking of this, his eyes were full of anger when he looked at the red man.

The celebrity didn't expect that the other party would give up an arm at the last moment. He couldn't help but admire the other party's courage. This kind of person who dares to hurt himself at the most critical moment is definitely a cruel character, so the red man looked at the arm in his hand, and then the flame on his hand lit up, and the broken arm turned into ashes. Now he wants to completely kill the other party. The other party has lost an arm. No matter how strong the other party is, his strength will be greatly reduced. Thinking of the other party turning into ashes under his own hands, the celebrity couldn't help laughing excitedly. Thinking of the happy place, he stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked his lips. At this moment, he doesn't want to run away, just thinking about how to kill more people to cushion himself.

The strange smile of the red man fell into the eyes of the fireman, and the people who could still laugh at this time were all crazy. The fireman concluded that the other party had completely red eyes and had a crazy idea. When he didn't have time to guess what kind of idea the other party had, the red man suddenly moved, and his whole body turned into a red light and rushed to the fireman.

Even if he has been preparing for the sudden attack of the other party, the fireman has just injured his arm, and there is no way to respond immediately. With such a delay, the red man is about to rush to him. The fireman never thought that he had just got out of danger, but now he is in danger again. He can't help closing his eyes in despair and waiting for death. At this time, the power cannot be mobilized for a while, and it is impossible to resist the other party.

With a muffled sound, the fireman felt that the hot wind swept across his face, but there was no expected pain. He couldn't help opening his eyes, but what he could see was a burning figure full of flames. Jack." A name was spit out in the fireman, and the whole person seemed to suddenly lose all his strength and collapsed on the ground. Anyone will react like this after experiencing a death threat, not to mention that the fireman has experienced this situation twice in a row.

The person called Jack by the Fireman looked back at the fireman and said, "Go and have a rest. Just give this person to me." After saying that, the flame on Jack's body was a little stronger, and he looked at each other with burning eyes.

Jack? *Jack?" The red man suddenly opened his mouth and his tone was full of surprise.

"That's right." Jack looked at the celebrity, "So who are you?"

"Good, good." After saying three good sounds, the celebrity laughed out loud, "I didn't expect to meet you in this situation. My name is Pros, remember." The celebrity still reported his name.

The two did not be polite after exchanging names, but directly began the first round of attacks. Just now, when Pros wanted to take the life of the Fireman, Jack, who had just said goodbye to the reinforcements, was ready to join the regiment. By the time he rushed to the Fireman regiment, the Fireman was already in crisis, and he could not care about many of the killing moves that could only block Pros for the Fireman. He hurriedly blocked Pros's full blow, even if Jack's intact body was still a little injured, but the injury did not affect his current performance.

Pros is not in the mood to fight with Jack. He knows very well that since he has made the determination to fight to the end, there may be a chance to live. If he holds a fluke mentality, there is only one way to die. So when the two finished talking and began the first round of attack, Pros did not use any tentative attack at all, but directly used killing moves as soon as he took action.

The red and purple flames completely wrapped Pros' right arm, and the flames made a roaring sound, like a beast staring at its prey. As soon as Pros shook his right hand, the flame on his arm began to rotate, and his whole hand seemed to turn into a fire drill with a burning hot wind.

With a low roar, Pros's legs were hard and his right arm was pointed at Jack. A flame shadow came out of Pros' right arm and shot at Jack at a very fast speed. The flame shadow is the same as the fire drill, but the flame shadow continues to compress and become smaller in the forward weighing, and finally becomes a shuttle flame only the size of a thumb. After the volume became smaller, the shuttle flame ejected a little faster, and almost came to Jack in the blink of an eye.

Jack still squinted at Pros's behavior at the beginning, because he saw Pros rushing towards him, but when he rushed forward, he first emitted a flame shadow. He had just seen the change of the virtual shadow of the flame, and the shuttle of the flame had hit him. Jack was shocked, and the shuttle was very similar to the flame bullet he shot with *. However, Jack was just scared. His reaction was not much. He raised his right hand, grasped the shape of a pistol, and then aimed at the flame shuttle close to him. A sound similar to a pistol sound came from his hand, and a flame bullet met the flame shuttle.

For a moment, the flame bullet and the flame shuttle collided and offset each other. After a flash of flame, it completely disappeared into the air. At this time, Jack's hands were held in the shape of a pistol and began to shoot all over the sky. Countless flame bullets kept spewing out of his hand and shooting around.

Pros didn't expect Jack to use his famous stunt at the beginning. You should know that although Jack's * method is not very aggressive, he wins with a large number of fast speeds, and the lack of attack power has also been supplemented by the last two. And even if the attack power is insufficient, it is relative to a flame bullet. Once dozens of flame bullets hit the body, the attack power is still extremely considerable.

Pros was not like being concentrated by these flame bullets, so when he saw the flame bullets flying all over the sky, his body was also abruptly restrained, and then his right hand crossed, and the fire drill on his right hand instantly disappeared back into a purple flame wrapped around his arm. As soon as the flame on his right arm appeared, Prous circled his right hand in front of him, and then his left hand held the center formed by the flame. A flame shot out of his left hand and connected to the circle of the circle. The original circle of fire immediately turned into a flame shield. As soon as the shield appeared, Pros blocked the shield in front of him, his right hand was still shaking, and the purple flame turned into a diamond again. Pros kept pushing forward with the help of the fire shield. As long as he is close to Jack, Prous is sure to be killed in one shot.

As soon as Jack saw a change in Pros, he knew that the other party had found a way to resist his flame bullets. He was not a fool and naturally would not let the other party get close to him. Therefore, when Pros blocked the bullet with the help of a shield, Jack also put his feet on the ground a little bit and began to run, but It was his hands that were not idle, and he shot in turn in the direction of Pros. As long as he looked at the flaw accidentally revealed by Prous, Jack would unceremonishly shoot at the flaw.

Pros is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He knows that even if there is a shield, there will be flaws, so even if he sees Jack shooting at his flaws, he will not rush to block it with his right hand and then take time to launch a counterattack. Seeing that Jack began to swim around him, Prous was not in a hurry, but kept guarding against Jack's flame bullets. Suddenly, Jack seemed to step on the air. His wandering body stagnated, and the attack in his hand stopped for a moment. Pros roared and rushed to Jack. Pros's forward rush was exhausted, and the fire powers, who were not known for their speed, also brought shadows in the air.

While Pros rushed forward, his right arm stabbed forward. This time, there was no flame shadow, but the fire drill kept rotating and speeding faster and faster. Because the fire drill rotated too fast and made a harsh friction sound with the air, a black smoke rose from the surface of the fire drill. The original red and purple fire drill turned purple and black, and the sharp parts of the fire drill became thinner and brighter. The fire drill began to fade from the sharp part, changing from the original purple-black to bright red, dazzling bright red, and then bright red kept spreading on the fire drill. Finally, the whole fire drill turned into a dazzling bright red. From a distance, Pros's hand was like holding a small sun.

The bright red fire drill emitted a burning high temperature. Even the shield that had been blocking him could not bear it. In an instant, it cracked and turned into nothing, while Pros' figure became a little blurred. His whole right arm had completely disappeared into the bright red fire drill, and a deep roar came from Pros' mouth. He bet everything on this blow, and he had firmly locked Jack not far away.

Seeing such an amazing change in Pros, Jack's first thought was to avoid the edge of the other party. However, when he wanted to jump away from the original place, he found that he was firmly locked by the other party, and there was no possibility of escape. Since you can't escape, there is only a chance to strike desperately. Jack would not stand still and wait to die. A red light flashed in his eyes. His hands in the shape of pistols were opened, and flames soared from the palms of his hands. As soon as the flame appeared, Jack put his hands forward and back to a high position on his shoulders. As soon as he grasped the void, the flame in his hand began to deform with this grip, and finally formed a rocket-shaped thing on his shoulder.

As soon as the rocket launcher formed, Jack pointed the muzzle in the direction of Pros, aimed at it, and began to condense the energy of his whole body into the barrel. With the infusion of force, the barrel formed by the flame gradually emitted red light, and then the red light became more and more dazzling. For a moment, the red light turned into a strong firelight, and the whole rocket gun became three or four times larger in an instant.

The moment the rocket gun changed, Pros rushed to less than five meters away from Jack, and the bright red fire drill in his hand kept making a sharp sound, which made people panic. Jack seemed to be unaffected at all, aimed at Pros, and then hit the trigger with his right hand.

With a loud roar, a huge flaming shell shot out of the muzzle and bombarded Pros with a red tail flame. The moment the cannon popped out, the rocket's red light flashed into black, and Jack also exhaled, and then fell to the ground, completely soaked with sweat all over his body. Obviously, this blow was also very exhausting for him.

Seeing that the flame shells fired at him continue to get bigger, he knew that this was also the other party's full blow. At this moment, he had no possibility of dodging at full sprinting at all. He could only roar and stabbed the bright red bright diamond at the front of the cannonball.

Rumbled, and the shell burst as soon as it was touched. The huge energy exploded instantly, causing a strong energy hurricane. The flame instantly engulfed the center of the explosion, and Pros, who was in the center of the explosion, was also the person most seriously injured by the explosion. At this moment, his clothes almost completely turned into ashes, ** came out The skin is scorched, and there is no hair left on the head. Only the fire drill on the hand is still there, but the color has faded, and there are faint signs of collapse. Even so, Pros stretched out his right hand and walked forward in the flames with the help of the fire drill. Every step he took was extremely difficult, but under such a difficult situation, he gradually came out of the scope of the flame.

As soon as he got out of the enclosure of the flames, Pros saw Jack sitting on the ground panting heavily. He laughed and walked over to Jack and staggered over. As soon as he walked a few steps, the fire drill in his right hand flashed a few times and completely disappeared, and Pros also shook a few times and fell to the ground with a bang. After all, he exhausted all the energy and physical strength in his body. Just before he walked out of the flames, he had exhausted all his physical strength. He could only come out by a survival instinct. Originally, Pros consumed a lot in the fight with the fireman, but later he fought with Jack and released a big kill move, but he could no longer support it.

"Hahaha..." Seeing that Pros, who had been walking towards him fell to the ground, Jack couldn't help laughing happily. He thought that his life would be in the hands of Pros, but he didn't expect that he would be so blessed that he could avoid this disaster at such a moment.

After the effect, Jack trembled and got up from the ground with difficulty, but as soon as he stood straight, he fell down and sat back to the ground. Jack didn't believe in evil, stood up again, and then fell down again. After two or three attempts in a row, Jack was convinced that he had no strength to stand up, but he had other ways. He lay down and slowly climbed in the direction of Pros. Jack's crawling speed was not fast, but he still came to Pros soon.

Looking at Pros, who had been completely unconscious and had no resistance, Jack laughed again, reached out behind his back and groped for a dagger. The bright dagger emitted a cold light under the night light, like a deadly sickle. Jack sat up, looked at Pros' neck, lifted the dagger and rowed down.

Before Jack's dagger was scratched down, he suddenly felt a cold wind blowing in front of him. The dagger in his hand was bounced away and fell to the ground to make a rattling sound. When he looked at the ground, there was no Poloss.