reverse song

Chapter 82 Secret Channel

Yi Tian and his party successfully sneaked near the secret channel. At this time, the three were lurking in a hidden corner, hiding their bodies with the help of the environment, and began to observe the situation near the channel. The place where the secret passage is located is actually a small hill. The mountain is not high. If you climb the mountain with the strength of Yi Tian, you can climb to the top of the mountain in about ten minutes. However, there are many trees on the mountain, a lush scene. There is a small cave near the foot of the mountain, which is the secret passage that Yi Tian and the others have been looking for. No one would have thought that a secret passage of the alliance would be a cave-like thing.

The secret passage was not heavily guarded, but two soldiers were stationed at the entrance of the cave. The two soldiers yawned and looked sleepy, giving people the feeling that they were extremely bored with this kind of guard work, and from their relaxed look, it was obvious that this was not important. Besides, there are no other patrols around here except these two soldiers. If an unwitting person passes by here, he will completely ignore the cave.

The purpose of Yitian's trip is to enter the cave and then to the edge of the alliance. Naturally, they will not be deceived by this appearance. Moreover, Yi Tian and the three saw it very clearly. Although the two soldiers looked sleepy, their half-squinted eyes flashed from time to time. Obviously, they were two powers, and their performance was not ordinary powers. The alliance is also a big deal, and two capable people have been sent to guard for a long time in such a secret passage. And Yi Tian explored very clearly that in addition to the two powers, there were also hidden whistles and traps near this channel. If the three really rush in, they will definitely be sifted.

The three were not in a hurry, but hid in a hidden place and quietly observed the situation here. Moreover, it took the three people to sneak all the way here from the forest, and now it is not long before dawn. If you are rashly ready to sneak in, once you are entangled, you may not be able to get out. While observing the surrounding situation, the three drew a simple map near the passage on the ground from time to time. At the same time, the three also marked the observed situation on the simple map so that they could find the safest and hidden hidden route.

Yi Tian identified all the hidden whistles and traps nearby. The dark whistle here is as difficult to find as the previous one in the woods. However, after seeing the hidden methods of the other party's secret whistle, Yi Tian easily found the hidden whistle around him. The dark whistle near the passage is surrounded to protect the passage, and the distance between each dark whistle is just right, which can be said to completely make up for the blind spot of another dark whistle. The surrounding traps are set in a place where the dark whistle cannot be observed. These traps are also set very cleverly. If it hadn't been for the knowledge of Yi Tian, he might not have been able to detect these traps.

The three couldn't help gasping when they looked at the dense secret whistles and traps on the simple map. If it weren't for the lack of substantial walls, such a layout could be regarded as a small fortress. Such a patrol line is completely an impenetrable wall. However, no matter how meticulous the place is, as long as there are people, there will be omissions. Yi Tian and the others carefully looked at the simple map painted on the ground and finally marked the safest and most hidden road on the map. It's just that the road is a little longer, and it has to bypass many dark whistles and sneak in the trap area. This added a lot of difficulty to the sneaking of the three of them.

As the three studied the simple map and the surrounding environment in front of them, the sky gradually dawned. At dawn, the three of them did not dare to act rashly, nor did they dare to observe the surrounding environment at will for fear of exposing their whereabouts because of momentary carelessness. I felt uncomfortable with so many patrols in the woods before, and the three of them were unwilling to face that kind of thing again. However, the three also knew that the news of the invaders should have spread to the surrounding patrol network. Although the patrol of this passage in front of us doesn't look eye-catching and there is no change in the secret whistle, God knows whether there are other patrols watching here farther away. You should know that the current technology has reached a terrible stage.

Not long after the sky started, a roar of the engine was heard from the sky, and the roar became louder and louder. The last small airship landed on the open space near the passage. The blue and white boat was painted with the logo of the alliance, and then the door of the airship opened and a team of people walked from the airship. These people went straight into the passage and ignored the two power men standing at the entrance of the passage. And the two powers did not look up at those who went in. They still yawned and still looked sleepy. After those people entered the passage, the airship flew away.

Yi Tian saw the situation outside through a small gap, but after seeing the airship fly away, he lay back on the ground and closed his eyes to refresh. Last night's consumption was too big, so he needs to have a good rest and recover. Xiu and Al have already closed their eyes. They rarely have a chance to stop and have a chance to experience what they have gained. Although you can't practice now, you can still experience it.

The three of them spent a hard day in hiding. Throughout the day, a total of five patrols passed outside, and the time passed by each patrol was completely different, which made it impossible for Yi Tian and the three to calculate the possible time of the patrol. However, they don't plan to operate during the day, so it doesn't matter if the patrol is an orderly patrol. The three were just worried that there would be a patrol at night.

The night doesn't come quickly, but it's not slow. Seeing the sky gradually darkening, Yi Tian and the other three finally breathed a sigh of relief. Changes in the environment have a great impact on the hiding of three people. It is also much more convenient to move at night. The three were not in a hurry to act, but stayed in a hidden place for a midnight time. When they were sure that no patrol would suddenly pass by, the three finally sneaked out of the hiding place and followed the *good route in the direction of the passage.

The three people who came out of the hidden place first evacuated a distance, and then sneaked along the predetermined road to the passage. Yi Tian opened the way in front and paid attention to the surrounding situation from time to avoid stepping into undiscovered secret whistles or traps. Xiu and Al followed Yi Tian closely and paid attention to the arrival of the patrol. The gait between the two was much lighter than before, and obviously they experienced good things.

Because the route was planned in advance and the hidden whistle and many traps were avoided, the speed of the three-person march was not fast, but it was extremely smooth. From the departure to now, the three have bypassed several secret whistles. However, even so, the three did not dare to relax. Instead, they tightened their nerves and paid attention to the noise around them.

It didn't take long for the three to completely cross many hidden whistles and traps near the entrance. As soon as they arrived near the entrance, the three hid again and observed the situation of the two powers at the entrance.

Although the two powers at the entrance of the channel showed a careless look, Yi Tian and the three were very clear that the two were observing the surrounding situation at all times. And this entrance is the place where all the dark whistles can observe, which naturally makes it more difficult to sneak in quietly.

"What should I do?" Al asked Yi Tian in a low voice. Now it has arrived at the entrance of the passage, but the powerman has been standing there as if he doesn't need to rest.

"Don't worry, wait and see." Yi Tian stared at the entrance for a while and knew that it was impossible for the two powers to walk away, and suddenly felt troubled.

"Why don't we..." make a neck wipe, indicating that two powers will be killed.

"No. In case it catches the attention of others, we will finish it. It's not that Yi Tian didn't think about doing this, but he was not sure that he would do it unconsciously, so he didn't bring it up.

"What should I do? Is it going to be consumed like this?" The repair is a little urgent. Since he stepped into the scope of the league, he has always felt hairy.

Yi Tian looked at the two different people at the entrance, looked at the dark environment around them, and whispered, "You two wait for me here. Don't do it until I come back." After saying that, Yi Tian sneaked back alone and soon disappeared into the darkness.

Seeing Yi Tian hide in the dark, Xiu and Al both had a strange idea in their hearts, but neither of them said what they thought, but just looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes. The two didn't believe that Yi Tian would suddenly leave them alone. He didn't have to do that at all. But they can't believe that they really dare to do something crazy.

While Xiu and Al were still speculating, Yi Tian had sneaked near the farthest and most remote secret whistle from the entrance of the passage. Without the need to hide their bodies, Yi Tian's stealth speed can only be described as amazing.

Quietly approached the dark whistle and quietly touched it in. The dark whistle is actually a small cylindrical sentry post with a radius of about two meters. It is very simple and leaky. There is nothing but instruments used for observation, detection and communication. A soldier is standing in front of these instruments and operating constantly. Obviously, even if there are no invaders, these soldiers can't be free. Although Yi Tian doesn't want to do something to these ordinary people, he has to do this for the purpose of his trip.

leaned forward quietly. Yi Tian just stretched out his hand and gently pressed it on the back of the soldier, and the soldier fell down softly, and there was no longer any stranger. After shooting the soldier, Yi Tian stayed for a moment, but hurriedly reached out to paint something on the ground. Yi Tian's eyes flashed and stared cautiously at the ground. His right index finger was also flashing silver, drawing obscure words on the ground. Yi Tian only carved five words on the ground, but he seemed to have exhausted his whole body and sat on the ground and gasped.

After breathing steadily, Yi Tian stood up and pinched a few knots in his hands. A few silver rays flew out of his hand and disappeared into the strange words on the ground. As soon as the silver light disappeared, the words on the ground flashed a few rays and disappeared. Seeing that the words on the ground had disappeared, Yi Tian nodded with great satisfaction, and then slipped out of the secret whistle and sneaked in the direction of the passage.

The speed of going back was a little faster. When Yi Tian walked halfway, the silver light in his eyes flashed, pinched a strange fingerprint in his right hand and whispered, "Bang." As soon as Yi Tian burst his words out, he heard a sudden explosion behind him, and then the fire rushed to the sky and reflected the night red.

This sound shocked the world and immediately alarmed the nearby dark whistle and the patrols in the distance. For a while, the originally quiet night suddenly came out with messy footsteps and scolding. Yi Tian clearly noticed that all the people in the nearby dark whistle were out and rushed in the direction of the explosion. Yi Tian, who heard the explosion, did not stay at all. He immediately accelerated his pace and rushed in the direction of Xiu and Al.

As soon as Yi Tian took a few steps, he heard the explosion again. It's just that the direction of the explosion was not behind Yi Tian, but in the channel. As soon as he saw the direction of the firelight, Yi Tian's words thumped and cursed damn it, but he could no longer hide his figure and tried his best to escape to the direction of the passage. Once Yi Tian is urged with all his strength, the speed is absolutely amazing. Hearing the sound of the darkness, Yi Tian had rushed to the vicinity of the passage, and at the same time, some of the sound of fighting also came to Yi Tian's ears.

Hearing the sound of fighting, Yi Tian's heart, which had been beating a little, immediately stabilized. However, although he was no longer as nervous as before, his footsteps were not chaotic at all. His feet were connected to the ground, and his whole body disappeared into the night like a ghost.

There was a continuous explosion near the entrance of the channel, and there were a lot of people. The sound of messy footsteps came from time to time, and at the same time, there were also some people's screams. Those screams suddenly stopped as soon as they appeared, and it felt like the screaming person was suddenly pinched by the neck. The two tired powers guarding at the entrance of the channel are beating back and forth at this moment. One of them flashed red light, and the other person flashed blue light. The two cooperated with each other without a tacit understanding. The explosive power of fire and the agility of the wind are indeed a painful combination.

In addition to the two powers guarding the entrance, there are also six powers present, and one of the middle-aged powers shining with yellow light is obviously in the same group as the two gatekeepers. The other five people are in the group, confronting the three of the alliance. There were several bodies lying not far from the eight-person regiment. Some of them were all black and obviously burned to death, while others were wound all over their bodies and bleeding all over the ground. Further away from these bodies, there were many ordinary soldiers standing there, staring at the regiment with a vigilant face.

In the eight-person regiment, the three people in the alliance can not fall behind at all, which shows the strength of these three people. However, only four of the five people against the alliance fought against the enemy, and one of them, a pale young man, stood between the four and had no intention of taking action, even if he knew that his side was in a weak position. But there was a not weak energy fluctuation from the young man. It seemed that he was not a powerless person, but he didn't know why he was slow to take action.

"Catch the young man in the middle alive, and kill the rest." The powerman with earthy yellow light roared at the two people guarding the entrance. After saying that, the earthy figure pressed his hands on the ground and roared "ground sinking", and then there was a roar, and a crack on the ground immediately attacked the other party.

The five people seemed to know the power of the middle-aged man and did not touch the other party at all. Seeing the cracks coming, four of them hurriedly retreated. One grabbed the young man and hurriedly jumped aside, and the other three also jumped away. However, as soon as the three jumped off the ground, they heard the sound of wind in their ears, and a burning heat wave also hit them. The three were shocked and hurriedly urged their powers. One of the water powers made a mistake with his hands, directly laid a layer of water curtain to block the burning heat wave, and then hurriedly turned his body back.

A burst of white smoke rose, and the water curtain hurriedly laid by the water power was not enough to resist the joint attack of the two people guarding the entrance. Under the momentum of the fire, the flame burned extremely vigorously, and it was still under the condition of mindless calculation. The red flame broke through the water curtain and turned into a firebird, chasing the three people with a chirping. Obviously, the words of the middle-aged man just now played a role, so the two did not intend to take action against the powerman with the youth at all, so as not to accidentally hurt the youth.

However, the three were not idle people. Although they were hurriedly attacked by the other party, they soon stabilized. The water powers set several water curtains in a row, and then retreated, and the other two powers were fire powers. Two fire powers gathered their strength one after another, waiting for each other's attack.

The firebird quickly broke through those water curtains. After breaking through several water curtains in a row, the firelight on the originally red glowing firebird was also much dim. With a long roar, the firebird still rushed towards the three people. Seeing the firebird attack, the two fire powers did not hesitate at all. At the same time, they punched, and the two red fist shadows came out of their hands and grew into huge fist shadows in the wind. The two fist shadows merged in the process of flying forward and became a physical fist shadow.

The flying fist shadow saw that it was about to collide with the firebird, but the firebird suddenly had a wing, and its rushing body suddenly stopped, and then flew high to the fist shadow and rushed to the three people again. At this time, the fist shadow also suddenly changed, turning the fist into a palm, and grabbing the firebird that suddenly raised its body. The big red hand is like a red iron pliers, which firmly grips the figure of the firebird. The captured firebird made rapid calls, and white smoke kept coming out of its body. As the white smoke became thicker and thicker, the firebird's body gradually became smaller, and finally made a sad cry.