reverse song

Chapter 247 Escape in the Thunder

The dazzling purple thunderball rose to the air, and the dazzling brilliance overshadowed the neon lights flashing at night. The roaring thunder suddenly plunged the whole city into a strange quiet atmosphere. The powerful people who kept roaring before looked up at the huge and powerful thunderball. They all had a bad feeling in their hearts, but no one chose to escape at that moment. In a strange and horrible scene, everyone looked up and watched the thunderball slowly flying northwest in the air.

At that moment, the whole thunderball became the center of the city, and everyone's eyes were also condensed on the thunderball. They all knew that if the thunderball exploded, it would cause large-scale damage, but no one thought of stopping the destruction of the thunderball. Their brains fell into an inexplicable gap at that moment.

"Catch Cook quickly and go northwest immediately after the thunder." Except for Yi Tian and William, who are still breaking through the siege, only Situ Hao is probably the most sober. So when he saw Cook throw the thunderball out, he hurriedly shouted at Garmy. This roar shocked everyone.

Jimi grabbed Situ Hao beside him, desperately stimulated the wind, grabbed Cook who was about to fall to the ground, and then launched it with all his strength. The roar of the wind suddenly rose, and the dazzling blue light was not very dazzling under the purple light. Turning around and rushing north to the northwest, Giles also hurriedly chased after him.

Just as Jiami and his party were acting, Cook opened his mouth slightly, with a strange smile on his face, and whispered, "Blow." The soft and powerless words led to earth-shaking changes.

When the powers who were awakened by Situ Hao's roar were about to launch an attack to stop Gimi and the thunderball, a purple light flashed, reflecting the already bright night sky. Then there was a deafening sound, which shocked those who were about to take action to change their faces.

Cook, who was caught in his hand by Jiami, showed a weak smile, and his slightly open mouth made a "hehe" laugh. He didn't expect that he really made such a blow, which shocked the world. He fainted in a low laugh.

The thunderball burst, and suddenly burst into countless thunder lights with the thickness of the arms. The lightning covered a full range of 500 meters. This range is so small that it is negligible in this city. But the terrible thing is that there is a large group of power people standing densely within 500 meters, all of whom gathered here. There are countless blast furnace buildings within 500 meters.

Thunder fell, smashed tall buildings, and bricks and gravel fell down. Some powers could not dodge and were buried directly under these bricks and gravel, while others were directly struck by lightning. The thunder hooked the energy in their bodies, and they burst directly with a bang. The destructive power of the power of the power is more terrible than the high explosive bomb. The people around them were injured by their companions one by one.

The thunder that still keeps falling is constantly destroying everything around. Jiami, who was rushing to the thunderous place, was so shocked that the hair on his body was about to stand up. She couldn't help hesitating. The thunder in front of her was obviously an indiscriminate attack. Is she really going to rush in and die? Even Giles, who was fearless, was afraid when he saw the destructive power of those dense thunderbolt.

Are they really going to rush into the thunder to die?

"Go in!" As soon as Situ Hao found the hesitation of Jiami and Giles, he couldn't help shouting. Now is the only chance to escape. If they miss such an opportunity, they will no longer be able to get out of here. Even if you can finally meet Yi Tian and William. Thinking that he would be trapped here, he became anxious.

Jimi also shouted desperately. She didn't want to die, at least not as tragic as death. Didn't you see the situation like purgatory in the thunder? No one can be spared. It's not that they were smashed into meat sauce by bricks and gravel and cut out of coke by lightning, and some of them were self-destructed by their companions and could no longer stand up.

"Go in? Do you want us to die?" With a roar, Jiami could no longer hide his fear. She has always partnered with Cook, but she never knew that Cook would be so horrible when he launched with all his strength.

"If you don't go in, you will die!" Situ Hao was not afraid of Jiami at all and then roared. Now they are on the edge of lightning, and no superpowers will catch up. At this time, it's too late for those powers to avoid these thunderstorms. How can they catch up?

"This thunder will not last long. If you drag on like this, let me in by myself." Situ Hao continued to shout, "You are afraid of death, I'm not afraid." Anyway, he is on the verge of death now. It is profitable to be able to rush out of the thunder. If he can't rush out, there is no loss. At worst, it's just a life.

At this time, Giles reacted first and pulled Jiami to the thunder without thinking about it. Jiami roared several times and tried to break free from Giles' pull, but he didn't expect that Giles pulled him to death without letting go.

They were very close to the thunder, but it was just a sprint, and the group rushed into the thunder. A thunderlight with a thin arm fell beside them and bombarded a big hole on the ground. The splashing sandstone bullets shot into Giles and his party, which was painful. The screams looked so sad in the roar of thunder that Jiami, who was already afraid, was shocked.

The group of people kept running to the depths of the thunder under the guidance of Situ Hao. Fortunately, Situ Hao was otherwise they would march in such a dense lightning and tragic environment, either killed by bricks and rubble or were killed by lightning. The thunderlight fell right to the side of the group, but it was stunned that Situ Hao and his party did not march without any rules.

Gradually, as the distance continued to advance, even Jiami, who was most afraid at the beginning, had a strange feeling. How could those thunderlight fall on them so coincidentally? Is Situ Hao really so powerful that he can choose the safest route in such a dense thunder? Just when the doubt came, a soft cough came. Cook coughed and smiled feebly and said feebly, "With my Uncle Cook here, how can these thunder hurt you?" Cook, who passed away, didn't know when he woke up, and there was a faint purple light in his eyes. Under his control, those thunders naturally avoided them.

"Go quickly. This thunder won't last long." Cook spoke this time, and he was very sure. As the initiator of these lightning, he naturally knows how long the energy contained in these lightnings can last.

With Cook's assurance, Jiami suddenly had confidence. She reversed her hand, grabbed Giles, and hurriedly flew northwest. With Cook controlling the thunder and the guidance of his boss Tu Hao, the group shuttled through the thunder at a very fast speed. Although there are many powers in this thunder, no one has time to worry about them.

Before the thunder sounded, Yi Tian and William were running in the direction of Jiami and theirs at a very fast speed. With their skills and speed, it is extremely difficult for the wind powers to stop them. What's more, when those powers see them running in the direction of the center of the siege, they have made way one after another to catch turtles in an urn.

Just as Yi Tian and the two were about to approach Cook and the others, a dazzling purple light suddenly flashed in the sky, making the faces of the powerhouse present suddenly change. They watched the thunderball in the sky slowly float to a dense place of power in the northwest, and then an amazing scene broke out. The thunderball cracked, and countless thunder surged out, even Yi Tian and William couldn't help but be shocked.

William, who was very familiar with Cook, knew that it was Cook's masterpiece as soon as he saw the thunderball. He roared and hurriedly rushed in the direction of the thunder. Yi Tian sighed in his heart and hurriedly caught up with him. Such thunder reminded him of his brother, Yi Yun, who did not know his life and death. If he can get out of this city, he must ask William about the whereabouts of Yi Yun and Bailian, no matter what.

The thunder fell shockingly, but Yi Tian and William rushed directly into the thunder without fear. That's completely an act of death. Although there is a gap between Cook and them, but after all, this is Cook's full blow. No matter how strong they are, they can't stand Cook's full blow.

However, the two still rushed into the thunder regardless, as if they were not afraid of death. As soon as the two entered the thunder, a strong silver light broke out on their bodies at the same time. A strange rune directly appeared around Yi Tian's body. The rune will also shroud William, who was beside him. So the thunder that fell was absorbed by that rune.

I don't know how the two found their way in such a dense energy disorder thunder. Anyway, they rushed directly in the direction of Situ Hao and others like a dog nose, and it was extremely accurate.

The two did not rush far away and met the original Jiami and others. Without Jiami's traction and Situ Hao's guidance, it would be extremely difficult for them to pass through the thunder. There was no need to shout or say anything else. As soon as he saw Gami and others, William accelerated and rushed straight towards Gami and the others.

And Jimmi and others couldn't help showing joy on their faces when they saw William. If they don't meet William and others again, they will really collapse. After all, anything can happen in this thunder. Although they will not be struck by lightning or smashed by bricks and tiles, they can't estimate the explosive powers, especially the shock wave caused by the explosion, which made it difficult for them to stabilize their bodies. Several times they were almost involved in the explosion.

took over Cook in Jiami's hand, and William turned around and shouted at Yi Tian, "Help me." There is no hesitation or worry at all. At this time, he can only choose to believe in Yi Tian. After all, the two fought side by side just now.

Yi Tian did not disappoint William. He rushed to Giles to bring up the exhausted Giles, and the group broke out under the command of Situ Hao. At this time, there were no powerful people in the way, and with the help of Yitian's runes, the group rushed out of the thunder all the way unharmed.

Those powers outside looked at the thunderstorm with horror, but no one dared to go forward. When they saw Yi Tian and others rushing out of it, their faces couldn't help changing.

"Quick! Stop them! Never let them run away." A power man screamed with anger in his voice. It was these people who caused such a terrible thunder. It was these people who destroyed their city. Without these people, it would still be a quiet and peaceful night tonight. But now most of the cities have become different, and the power people have been killed and injured.

The excitement of the group is probably to describe the current situation. There is no need to say more words. Those powers rushed to Yi Tian and others in the roar of thunder.

"Bastard." He cursed in a low voice, and Yi Tian sent the rune floating around him forward.

The bright white runes floated slowly in the air, as if flying to the group of power men who rushed without force.

"Find the way out of here immediately." Yi Tian shouted at Situ Hao, "You can't go ahead. He doesn't want to rush into the trap he laid. So far, he can only use runes, but he doesn't know how much these runes have changed. It is not reassuring to use a lethal attack without knowing it.

Without Yi Tian's order, Situ Hao is already looking for a way to break through. The surrounding situation formed a map in his mind, and he soon found a weak link: "Southeast, immediately."

As soon as Situ Hao's words were out, the group immediately changed their direction without any hesitation. At the moment of turning, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and gently touched the rune.

A grunt extinguished the roar of thunder and angry roar, which was as clear as the only sound between heaven and earth into everyone's ears. Then a wave of energy full of destructive nature surged out.

It's the roar of thunder, and it's a more frightening thunder. Fu culture is a silver light sphere, which constantly releases silver thunder light, only the silver thunder light with the thickness of children's arms, but the destruction contained in it scares everyone. There is no such domineering nature as Cook's thunder that evokes the energy in the human body. Anyone who is concentrated by silver thunder is directly turned into flying ashes, and no trace can be found. Just now, when Yi Tian burst into the thunder, this rune absorbed a lot of thunder energy. It is also one of the few runes that Yi Tian can control freely at present, turning the absorbed energy into his own use and then releasing it. However, this release is not simply to release the lightning again, but to change the nature of the release, so although the rune just absorbed a lot of lightning, the silver lightning that can be released after such transformation is also pitiful. But in the face of such a dense power, these thunder lights have the greatest effect.

The pressure that made people's scalp tingle, and the horrible attack made those chasing power stop and look at Yi Tian and others in fear. At this moment, no one dares to roar again. No one wants to be the first bird, and no one wants to be the next dead soul to die under the thunder. So they could only watch Yi Tian and others quickly shuttle in the dark and rush to the edge of the city.

A night of fierce battle, a night of thunder, and most of the city was destroyed in the struggle of the power. Looking at the almost disobed city, those powerful people suddenly felt like crying without tears. They didn't understand who those people were, especially the two people with silver light all over their bodies. They obviously looked like two ordinary people, but they were extremely horrible when they took action. All the forces in the city lost their strongest strength in this night, and several of them were destroyed.

The official power organization has also suffered heavy losses. Under the siege of many forces, it is very good that they can barely keep a few people. But what awaits them next will be another suffocating battle. After the great destruction, the strength of all forces was weakened, and the order that had been formed completely collapsed overnight. If you want to form a new balance again, you will inevitably experience a bloody battle. However, all this has nothing to do with Yi Tian, William and others. They just want to escape from the city quickly so that those powers don't give up again.

Under the guidance of Situ Hao, they kept shuttling through the darkness, and their speed was amazing. But in half an hour, they have reached the edge of the city. And those powers did not chase, but this did not reassure Yi Tian and others. They still ran out desperately. In another ten minutes, they finally rushed out of the city, even if they were out of the city's power. Now even if those powers come after them, Yi Tian and others will not be afraid. It is even more difficult to hunt them down in the wild.

I don't know if it was intentional. When he fled just now, Yi Tian deliberately guided William and others to run in the direction of Moore and Dolly's escape, where there were two flaming leopards waiting for him. As long as he meets Moore, he doesn't have to be afraid even if William and others turn around and make trouble later.

Running all the way, the group finally arrived outside the city safely and finally stopped. Giles was thrown aside and Yi looked at William and others breathlessly. Now that they are safe, their temporary alliance will naturally be dissolved, and the rest is hostile relations. William also stared at Yi Tian. He never thought that he would join hands with the person he wanted to kill. Fate is really wonderfully tight.

A strange smile appeared on their faces at the same time, which made Situ Hao, who saw their smile, creepy.