reverse song

Chapter 257 Looking for each other

After the fight, Yu'an City once again restored its daily peace. The matter of the duel that day did not spread. Everyone knew that Yi Tian would hold back in the end. Otherwise, in the situation at that time, Yi Tian could easily kill Qi Baiyang. However, it was also because Yi Tian kept his hand that the powers of Yu'an City felt that they had been underestimated. For several nights in a row, no one in Yu'an City appeared sneaky near Xiu's residence. Yi Tian and others finally lived a stable life for a few days. However, this kind of life is only temporary. When they finish recuperation, they will be ready to find a place to leave here. After all, they have to go back to the earth to continue to do their things. As for what Bab and others say, they have to follow Yi Tian and others, and they don't listen to advice at all.

On the day of the duel, Yi Tian's performance convinced everyone. Babu's guys obeyed the strong directly, so they had no surprise choice to follow Yi Tian and others. Anyway, they are also exiled, and it is impossible for them to return to the tribe.

But these days, Yi Tian and others are not idle. They collected and consulted all the information to the best of their ability, but they couldn't find any information to leave here. A few days of hard work have yielded no results, and everyone is a little decadent. Yi Tian, who should have been most disappointed, did not feel any decadence. On the contrary, he was so calm that this should not have happened. But he sat there so calmly.

Yi Tian's calm performance made Xiu and others feel strange, just when they wanted to ask something. Li Xingfeng rushed in and said breathlessly, "Those people are here again." A word was unclear, but from his poor face, Yi Tian and others felt that things were not good at all. They didn't have time to ask anything more and hurriedly ran out.

As soon as I got outside the door, I saw Qi Baiyang coming this way with a group of powers. The momentum was like looking for revenge. Seeing such a large group of people coming, Yi Tian and others looked cold. Without Yi Tian to open their mouth, Xiu, Al and Moore took the lead and released their momentum without concealment. Babu and others also took out their weapons and protected Doli who ran out together.

"What do you mean?" Xiu looked coldly at Qi Baiyang and others and asked coldly. The wind roared around him, but there was no flash of blue light.

The wind pressure suddenly spread away, forcing Qi Baiyang and other people to stop. Xiu and others did not hide their murderousness at all. If these people really come to look for trouble, there is no need to be polite at all.

Who knew that Qi Baiyang, who had just stopped, knelt on the ground and kowtowed heavily in the direction of Yi Tian. Qi Baiyang suddenly came and scared Yi Tian and others. They don't understand what Qi Baiyang means by doing this, but they are not here to make trouble. Because the person standing behind Qi Baiyang did not stop Qi Baiyang's behavior, but stood there and watched with no expression.

"What does this mean?" Yi Tian looked coldly at Qi Baiyang kneeling on the ground. Do you want to apologize? It doesn't look like it. No one apologized and brought such a large number of people, making it look like they were going to fight.

"I'm very sorry about the day of the duel." Qi Baiyang knelt on the ground and looked at Yi Tian and said sincerely, "I'm too reckless. I hope you can forgive my behavior." Qi Baiyang said this without any pretentiousness and used a very sincere tone.

"Don't mention the past. If it's okay, you can go." Yi Tian is really lazy to deal with these people. He guards against outsiders every day and has no confidence in himself. Even if such people get more things, they will be anxious all day long for fear that others will suddenly appear to rob their own things.

Qi Baiyang still knelt there and looked at Yi Tian: "My little nephew's unreasonable behavior that day offended you, and please forgive me." Qi Baiyang never thought that his family would get into trouble with such a person. He remembered the duel that night clearly. He had no resistance in the face of Yi Tian. Every outbreak seemed to be able to catch his opponent, but he could not hurt the other party at all. This sense of powerlessness made Qi Baiyang have no choice but to collapse. However, in any case, he knew that neither he nor his family should offend such a terrible person. According to the rules of the strong, a terrible character usually implicated more terrible characters.

If Yi Tian is annoyed with the rest of the terrible high numbers, the whole Yu'an City may be destroyed by his small fault. This is the scene he doesn't want to see, and it's also the scene that all the powers of Yu'an City don't want to see. These days, it is also those people who are discussing this matter, so there is a scene where Qi Baiyang came to apologize. In fact, the apology is only secondary. Their main purpose is to have a relationship with Yi Tian and improve the almost rigid tension between them. However, in the current situation, Yi Tian doesn't seem to buy them, and obviously shows a trace of hostility. This is a very bad warning, very, very bad.

It's okay if the relationship is just rigid. The problem is that Qi Baiyang violates the rules of duel in the middle, and the rest of the powers have not stopped Qi Baiyang's obvious extreme behavior at all. This is the power of the whole city to bully outsiders. If you don't know Yi Tian's strength, this is easy to do, but even if you lend ten courage to these people now, I'm afraid no one dares to do so. No one wants to offend anyone who can subdue Qi Baiyang in one move. After all, Qi Baiyang is not a mediocre person in Yu'an City.

The cold attitude of Yi Tian and others made the hearts of a group of power people who came to try to make friends sink, thinking that this completely offended Yi Tian and others. Just as they were entangled, Yi Tian opened his mouth again.

"I have no intention of competing with you for anything. Since you all came here today, I'll say by the way. We will leave here tomorrow. After saying that, Yi Tian took a group of people into the room, closed the door tightly, and completely ignored the group of people who were stunned.

At this time, the feelings of the powers of Yu'an City are a little complicated. They are very happy to hear that Yi Tian is leaving, but they are also very unhappy. Yi Tian left, and the biggest threat they thought was followed, so naturally no one would come to compete with them for the resources of the city in the future. They are unhappy because they haven't had time to make friends with Yi Tian. If they can make friends with such a power, even if he doesn't live in Yu'an City, in case Yu'an City encounters any crisis, he can have personal care of him. It's a pity...

A group of power people sighed slightly, but they couldn't help looking at Qi Baiyang with slightly resentment. If it hadn't been for Qi Baiyang's nephew bullying others and Qi Baiyang's violation of duel rules, they would not have had sex with such a powerful power. At the thought of a good thing being messed up by the Qi Baiyang family, these people were more or less resentful. These people consciously ignored their previous unreasonable behaviors.

Looking at the closed door, a group of people knew that it was impossible to see Yi Tian and others again now, so they had to leave. As for the Qi Baiyang family, they have already felt the eyes of those people just now, and they couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts. He knew that if his family had not been strong, I'm afraid these people would have started to exterminate the clan. With a slight sigh, Qi Baiyang also knew that his life in Yu'an City would become harder in the future.

Early the next morning, Yi Tian and others packed up their things and slowly went out. Ling Yitian and others were surprised that there was another group of supernatural people standing outside the door, and the leader was the guy who used to be a notary. As soon as he saw Yi Tian and others coming out, he hurried forward and held Yi Tian's hand and said, "I'm really sorry these days. On behalf of the powers of Yu'an City, I would like to apologize to Mr. Yi and others. Please forgive Mr. Yi for your neglect. Without giving Yi Tian a chance to speak, he said such a large number of words, blocking Yi Tian's back road to death.

Who knows that Yi Tian doesn't eat this at all. He just smiled faintly and said, "I dare not. You are right. There is no way to neglect. It's our fault first. Now I'm really embarrassed to bother you here. Let's say goodbye." After saying that, he pulled out his hand and walked in the direction of the station. Now they have money. Although they have not set a goal, they have to at least leave Yu'an City first.

Yi Tian's attitude was greatly unexpected. At this time, they knew that they had completely offended Yi Tian and others, and there was no more chance to make friends. Watching Yi Tian and others get on the car and leave, the superpowers of Yu'an City can only sigh in their hearts.

With the car to another city aimlessly, Yi Tian and others got out of the car. As for the two yan leopards, they were sadly locked in a cage. For this city, fierce beasts such as Yanbao can only ensure safety in cages. After all, there are too many ordinary people in the city, and a little carelessness may hurt people.

As for the curious eyes cast around, Yi Tian and others completely did not see it. Looking at Yi Tian wandering aimlessly in the street, Xiu and Al had more and more questions.

"Yi Tian, what are we going to do next?" After a period of separation, Xiu began to call Yi Tian's name directly. Anyway, Yi Tian did not object.

"Find someone."

"Looking for someone? Who are you looking for?" Xiu is very curious. Does Yi Tian have any other acquaintances here?

"William and others." Yi Tian said lightly, as if he were talking about trivial things.

"William?" Xiu Xian was stunned, and then the figure of three men and one woman flashed in his mind, "Are they coming too?"

"Didn't I tell you?" Yi Tian looked at Xiu with a shocked expression in surprise. He felt that he was just going to find William and others. What's so surprising?

"Have you seen them?" Xiu asked again.

"I've seen it and had a fight." It's still a faint tone, and now Yi Tian is really too different from before. He has experienced so much that he has been very open to some things.

"Have you forgotten that they are from the alliance?" Xiu wanted to break his head and couldn't understand what it meant for Yi Tian to go to William and others.

"I know. But what about the people of the alliance? They know the way to come and must know how to go back. So it's right to find them." Yi Tian answered as a matter of course.

At first glance, Yi Tian's words seemed to be very reasonable, and even Xiu couldn't help it. Then he thought that Yi Tian went to find William and others, which was tantamount to throwing himself into the trap. How can such a thing be done? He hurriedly said, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Is there anything wrong?" Yi Tian turned his head and looked at the anxious Xiu, thinking why this guy said so much today.

"They are from the alliance. Let's go to them like this. Aren't we just throwing ourselves into the trap?"

"What are you afraid of? There are only five of them, but there are more than a dozen of us. Yi Tian pointed to the people behind him. In addition to Yi Tian, Xiu and Al, there were also seven people behind them, Dolly, Moore, Babu and the brothers Li Xingfeng. Although some of these people are not combative, the number is the best thing to deter others, especially the strange weapons in the hands of the seven Babu. If it weren't for the long way back to the tribe of Babu and the complicated way to make this weapon, Yi Tian would have wanted to get more of these weapons. .

Yi Tian's answer is very helpless and helpless. After all, the person they are going to find is also a first-class master in the league, and it is really unwise for Yi Tian to go to find them like this. However, Xiu also knew that once Yi Tian made up his mind, he would not be able to change his mind anyway.

The group casually found a hotel to stay, and finally spent a clean night.

William and others scattered to find Yi Tian and others returned to the city and gathered together, and the group had no harvest. This can only be blamed on their lack of intelligence network here, and the only tracker was found by Yi Tian. William and others are now looking for Yi Tian and others with their eyes open, without any clue.

After exchanging their own income separately, the four finally locked in the border city of Yu'an City. They chased after him without stopping at all.

As soon as the five people came out of the station, they found that the powers here were surprisingly gathered together. What surprised them more was that there were so many powers here. The five people carefully restrained their breath so as not to disturb the power here. But no matter how careful the five people were, their whereabouts were still discovered by the powers of Yu'an City, so someone soon appeared in front of them.

After experiencing the incident of Yi Tian, the powers of Yu'an City also became **. A simple question should be made to any new power to avoid any misunderstanding. But such a move by the power of Yu'an City made William and others feel that they had been greatly violated. This kind of interrogation like interrogating a prisoner made the hot-tempered Cook extremely uncomfortable.

After they answered two questions, Cook finally couldn't stand his anger and roared, and his body immediately burst into an amazing momentum, forcing the two powers who were asking about them to retreat involuntarily.

"What do you want to do?" A frightened roar came from the mouth of one of the powers, who did not expect that the other party would dare to release their powers so boldly in such a crowded place. This is a completely unruly move.

"Get out!" Cook roared. He didn't want to make trouble, but he didn't want to be asked by these people. He has never been questioned like this, and naturally he feels extremely unhappy.

The two powers were sent out after being yelled at by Cook. Cook also restrained the momentum that broke out of himself in an instant, and then followed William into the crowd. If it is hidden, William and others are also masters, so although the power behind him is fast, they still can't find the trace of William and others.

As he walked, William asked Situ Hao in a low voice, "Have you found anything?" After getting along with each other during this period, William finally knew the particularity of Situ Hao's ability. This is a completely different ability from a known power, not a mutation ability, but a brand-new power. So as soon as he disappeared, William hurriedly asked Situ Hao.

Situ Hao frowned slightly and said, "They came here. But it's gone." I don't know what ability Situ Hao can know that Yi Tian and others have appeared in this place.

"Where have you been?"

"I don't know about this. I just left yesterday, and there was a big scene here before I left. Situ Hao frowned more and more. He didn't know why Yi Tian and others made a scene in such a place. However, it is also a good result to have their news.

When he heard that Yi Tian and others had just left, William couldn't help smiling bitterly, but he didn't expect that he was still a step slower. However, he still asked, "Can you catch up?"

"There should be still a chance." Situ Hao was not sure. Because Yi Tian and others are not sure which city they left, they are likely to miss Yi Tian and others.

"Never mind, try it first." With that, William took the group into the station again. And the power of Yu'an City who came behind did not find the trace of William and others. This can only be said that Situ Hao was too perverted to disturb the free energy in the air to cover up the whereabouts of his party. Situ Hao knew how troublesome it would be to provoke a superpower in a city. He didn't want to face the scene of being chased and killed by hundreds of people again. After all, it would make him have nightmares.

William and his party stepped on the car, casually chose the nearest city, and began their journey to find Yi Tian and others again. However, this time, it is no longer their unilateral search for Yi Tian and others. At this time, Yi Tian is also looking for their traces, but he does not know what will happen if the two groups meet again.


The long eight-day shift is finally over. I wonder if you are tired?