reverse song

Chapter 329 Broken Memories

It's like the light of the whole world has been swallowed up, the darkness is shrouded, and the things that sink down are extremely heavy. Breathing becomes difficult, walking becomes difficult, there is only darkness in front of you, and then there are many hallucinations. What appears is the bright light of Taoism and the vague figure of Taoism. Who am I? Why does it appear here? In order to look for something? Silent response, only heavy and weak breathing came in the dark.

The mountains are green, the smoke curls at the foot of the mountain, and the sound of shouting for children playing outside to return home. A group of children roared through the dirt-filled roads in the village, laughing and jumping in the disturbing village. The oblique light fell through the cracks in the mountains and reflected on the faces of every cheerful child. If they hadn't heard the sound of calling home, these little devil-like children would not have thought of going home.

After the child roared by, a quiet and peaceful atmosphere flowed in this small village.

My name is Yu, a child born in this peaceful village. I quickly rushed across the long village path, and every step of the road splashed some soil and trotted all the way. Yu shouted behind me, and his face was full of anger. Every time this stupid boy plays hide-and-seek, he hides alone in the mountain, but no one is willing to look for it.

It's like this again. Next time, I won't go to see him. Looking back at Yu, who caught up with me, I shouted and rushed home. Stepping into the house, I turned around and looked at Yu, who was gasping for breath, and said happily, "I won again." After saying that, Chao Yu made a grimace. Well, you don't have to help with housework tonight. Thinking of this, I am very happy.

Yu looked at me angrily and said dissatisfiedly, "You are cheating." Yu sat on the ground and looked like a scoundrel.

"This won't work. Every time you cheat." I didn't want to go to see Yu's scoundrel. I turned my head and rushed to the table, waiting for the delicious dinner to be served.

Yu dragged outside for a long time before coming in with a bitter face. As soon as he saw Yu's expression, his father frowned slightly and said harshly, "Yu, are you bullying your brother again?"

"No." After taking a bite of the rice, I took a look at the poor Yu, and then continued to pull the rice in the bowl. At this time, it would be too stupid to jump into the trap set by Yu. This boy is like this every time he loses a bet. Fortunately, I was smart enough not to be fooled by this guy. Well, but Yu is really cute when she has a bitter face. As I pulled the rice, the corners of my mouth bent slightly, and I almost couldn't help laughing. Fortunately, I have strong self-control.

Yu sat next to me dissatisfiedly, pulled the rice in the bowl dissatisfiedly, and looked at me dissatisfiedly. In short, his face was full of dissatisfaction. Forget it, I'd better pretend not to see it.

This is probably my last memory of my parents, and then there was a big fire, and everything turned into ashes in front of my eyes. Losing everything overnight, I can't explain my mood at that time. I just feel that a large piece of heart suddenly became empty, and that part was completely filled by angry emotions. I pulled Yu and slowly walked out of the valley to this cruel world.

After all, we have not escaped fate, even if we have been avoiding fate.

We lived on the street, were chased by other beggars, and then met Mr. Rui. Should the person who changed the fate of our lives be said to be lucky or unfortunate to meet him? I can't explain, but everything has changed because of Mr. Rui's appearance. Yu and I finally don't have to live the days of begging along the street and being beaten, but we are still unhappy.

The wind is free and unrestrained. But my wind was trapped in the cage and roared angrily. I began to become lazy, began to escape from reality, and began to fall into an endless sleep. Only in this way can I hide the hatred in my heart. Finally, I left Mr. Rui, but after all, I have not escaped the arrangement of fate.

My father told me that my life is hard and I won't live long, so he will name me Zhen. Unlike Yu, he still has a lot of things to do, and he would not have suffered too much, if it hadn't been for that shock.

Then, my memory began to be confused, completely chaotic.

I also have a name, Qi Yan. The name is very old, so old that it is similar to human history. The name is also very sad, sad enough to make everyone cry. However, no one shed tears for him. It's really sad. Two names, two memories, and two lives, I haven't been able to change my fate after all.

Yu died because of me, and Yin Ning also died because of me. After all, I'm still a disaster-like person.

Yinning, this name engraved on my heart. The time was so long and cruel that in the end, I couldn't forget her loss of all her pale blood. If the soul does not die, Yin Ning will not die.

Why do I feel so sad every time I think of Yinning? Why did she leave suddenly? If heaven and earth are ruthless, then I will destroy heaven and earth. If people are ruthless, I will be enemies. Yes, it must be the struggle of too many capable people to lead to such a result.

I have vowed to kill all those who have the ability to kill in my lifetime.

A heavy vow, a road of no return. I can't see the way I came, I can't see where I want to go, I can't find Yin Ning, and my heart is getting more and more desperate. Everything is fake, and they are lying.

Yin Ning is dead. What a ridiculous lie. I'm still living well. How can Yin Ning die? They must be lying to me. Lie to me!

But where is Yin Ning? Where are you? Come back soon. I can't stand it alone.


It is boundless darkness. The result of being the enemy of the world is to fall into the eternal darkness. You can't see the head or the darkness of the head. The world will always be like this. Winners write history, and losers bring grief. But who can understand my grief?

They say that souls cannot be immortal, but what about themselves? It's not in various ways to make yourself alive. What kind of soul can't be immortal? Jokes are all jokes, the biggest jokes in the world. But I don't have a chance to find the answer. Everything is too late. I have fallen into the darkness and will never see the sun.

If one day you can get out of the darkness, I will never turn over in the name of my Qiyan.

You see another sad person, killed by the person he trusted the most, and finally wondered why it was like this. There are so many reasons, but there are not so many answers in the world. Do you think that if you don't hurt others, others won't hurt you? It's ridiculous. If you walk on the road and block the way of others, naturally someone will want to push you away, even if you dodge. The situation will not change.

This world will always be a world of the law of the jungle, so you have the power to end up like this.

Yu, integrate with me, so that you can live. You probably don't want to make Yu sad.

But Yu is still dead after all. Even if you have arranged everything for a long time, Yu still died to save you and me. What a ridiculous reincarnation, what a sad reincarnation. I fought all my life to find my beloved, but after the war, the people I cared about fell into death. What do you think we should do?

After playing for so long, I feel so tired. You should be tired too. What's the point of such a thing? We just want to find a place to live a stable life. Why must someone stop us? Who did we offend again?

Now it's finally over, everything is over, and the surroundings have turned into darkness again. You see, it is Yin Ning who stands there and smiles at us. You haven't seen her yet. Do you think it's the same as what I told you? She is gentle enough to melt this cold world. But my body is so heavy that I can't move forward any further. Can't I really be with Yinning?

And Yu, why don't you talk anymore? Don't you still want to find Yu? Isn't he also waiting for you in front? You see, your parents are standing there. Your family is finally reunited. This is also a good ending. After all, we are out of the troubled world and can live a quiet life. It's just that it's a little dark, if only there was a little sunshine.

After talking for so long, why do I feel that my body is getting heavier and heavier? It seems that something else has been forgotten.

Ji, are you there? You should still be there.


Yu, yes, and Yu. Where did he go? I remember that he rushed out to block me at the last minute, but I didn't see his face. What's the matter? Why did he suddenly appear here? And why is he in front of me? Yanluo, you murderers, I want you to pay for your lives.

But why can't I get angry at all now? Where is this place? I seem to have seen the picture of my childhood just now. Maybe I'm dead. I heard that people will see what they have done in their lives when they die.

Well, didn't I die a long time ago? How can you live to this day? Who is standing in front of you? Who is standing next to me?

Is that Yu? What about the side? Qi Yan?

Qi Yan? What a familiar name. Is it me? It doesn't seem to be, but why do I have his memory and emotions? What are those chaotic memories? I remember, Qi Yan, my other name is also another person. Blessed me, I can live until now. As a result, Yu was killed because of this.

The child was unfilial and finally failed to leave a trace of incense for the family. But Yu should have done it.

The body suddenly became heavy, and the road under his feet began to become erratic. Where am I? Go to hell? That's really the most suitable place for me. However, why did Qi Yan also come with him? Isn't this guy immortal? If you don't think about it, you will die. Why do you still think about these things?

This is death, but I still couldn't see Yu for the last time.

What is this silver light? Who is the person with a painful expression in front of him? Why did he stand so close to me? What's wrong with the slight pain in the chest? It's coming to an end. Such a long life is coming to an end. Damn, I was actually affected by Qi Yan's memory. I have only lived for 30 years. Why did I suddenly begin to sigh that life is long?

However, death is really a relief, and finally there is no need to pay attention to all kinds of disturbances.

Yi Tian, thank you.

I tried to make a smile on the corners of my mouth, but all my strength seemed to have been pulled away, and it was extremely difficult to blink my eyelids. Sure enough, nothing can be done in the end. It's a pity that I didn't see the person who looks like Yinning. I hope I won't be so unlucky in my next life and encounter so many strange things.

The eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, and the body is getting heavier and heavier.

This white flame is really warm, but unfortunately it can't warm my body anymore. It seems that I went back to the valley to have a look, as if I had a look at Yu again, but unfortunately I couldn't do it. I don't know if anyone will bury me back to that valley after I die, and so will Yu. It's a pity that none of this can be decided.

So, it's really going to die now. The body is already heavy, and the light that has just appeared disappeared again. It was still dark around, and the people who had just stood in front of them had already left. Those pictures finally no longer appear. If only I could see my parents again in the picture, but this is really an extravagant hope.

Qi Yan, do you think so too?

Qi Yan, you must have died first, have you?

This is not right. How can you leave alone like this? You let me live until now, and I have to go first.

It's really tiring for such a person to talk to himself in the dark. Just die. Stop being so wordy. Close your eyes and let the darkness come completely.

No sound, no more sound came. There is a bright light in the dark, and twisted and strange figures keep appearing in it. Yu's body slowly integrated into the darkness and no longer appeared.

The expression was painfully twisted in front of Yi Tian, who was at the extreme. He slowly closed his eyes, his hands were powerless to droop, and his breath was weak to the extreme. The white flame that rushed out of his body surrounded his whole body in the middle, slowly burning, turning his body into ashes little by little. This hero, the hero who set off the chaos of the planet, died silently in the white flame.

No one witnessed this scene except Yi Tian. The old age of a hero is as sad as the sunset of a beauty.

In the end, he was just a person, and in the end, he did not take away anything extra.

Yi Tian, who also had white light eyes on his body, suddenly knelt in mid-air, and his muscles were fierce. The silver and white rays alternated on him, and he was so painful that no sound was released. Even if he killed Zhen at the last moment, he could not eliminate the pain in his body. These are all left by Yu.

The body began to twist violently, as if to become a twist, but no one could help him. There is a vast ocean around here, and no one can see it. Even if he died here, no one would know. In the hazy, Yi Tian seemed to see a vague figure, but he didn't seem to see anything.

He heard a slight sigh, but the sound was like an illusion. He wants to stand up, but he can't exert any strength all over his body. He could only lie in mid-air and twisted his body in pain, and then lost control of his body and began to fall from high altitude and fall straight to the sea.

The turbulent sea below roared, as if to devour this world. Yi Tian's body is negligible compared with this boundless sea.

Pong, Yi Tian fell into the sea, and there were still silver and white lights around him, but his body was no longer distorted. He also seems to be in a strange state.

On the ruins of the city, the defectors who were still fighting just now suddenly made a heartbreaking roar, roaring crazily, and then kept pounding their chest with their hands, regardless of the enemy in front of them. The muffled sound echoed over the ruins like a drum, and everyone's heart beat violently. No one knows why these people suddenly went crazy to do such a thing.

However, everyone felt the sadness revealed in them.

Puff, the defectors sprayed bright red blood, and a shocking bloodstorm suddenly appeared. Then the defectors roared at the same time, and their bodies suddenly burst apart. At this moment, they chose to protect themselves and die. A shocking scene appeared, which shocked the powers one by one and didn't know what had happened. But no one will ever know about this.

After a series of roars, the ruins returned to silence again, and even the energy fluctuations that were still surging violently just now gradually calmed down. Without unnecessary words, everyone knows that this war is over, but it is unknown what will be in the future.

No one cheered or cried loudly. Everything came too fast, and everyone was still stunned and could not react. The survivors looked at the purgatory-like situation around them, and suddenly looked sad. It was not until then that they remembered that there were their friends and relatives among the bodies. But people can't come back to life after death, and everything is doomed.

The grief spread away, and only a low sob came. Everyone is trying their best to suppress their emotions, but in the end they fail.

The child and the white wolf looked at the scene in front of them without any expression on their faces. As combatants, they had experienced more cruel things, but they had no reason to laugh at these people.

"Let's go." The white wolf left this sentence, put Yi Tian, who had just appeared beside him in a coma, on his shoulder and left.