reverse song

Chapter 400 Control

A little ink-like darkness suddenly appeared in a bright world, and then the darkness began to expand and devour. This darkness raged in the light and swallowed up everything almost in the blink of an eye. With the darkness coming is fear, endless fear. Fear invaded, and Dolly's whole body began to tremble violently.

She never understood why she could conclude that the woman was a fake at once, but when she saw the man on Yi Tian's back, she felt fear for no reason. After the dark fear came, followed by a sense of belonging, a sense of belonging that was enough for her to give up her body.

Doli is scared, but she is suppressing the fear in her heart. Because she doesn't believe that these are true, even if she already has the answer in her mind, she still doesn't want to believe that all this is true. Taking a step back, the frightened look on Dolly's face restrained, and then lowered her head. She dared not look at the face again. She was afraid that she would suddenly go crazy.

She finally understood why she could conclude that the person was a fake at the first time, and he finally understood why she had a sense of belonging when she saw that face. But she doesn't want to admit it, and she can't admit it.

He ran thousands of miles to help Yi Tian, but the result was like this. How did she accept this?

Doli finally understood why the virtual old man stopped her. It turned out that everything was for her good.

"Let's go back." Yi Tian's voice was a little dry. After saying these words, he did not speak again, but walked in the direction of the outside. He walked very slowly and lightly, as if he was afraid to wake up the man behind him.

However, everyone present knew that the man would never wake up and never wake up again.

They don't know how much sadness Yi Tian has suffered. They just saw his back look a little lonely. The group did not say anything, but slowly followed Yi Tian and walked out. They also know that such a result has been expected for a long time, but it is expected that when they really encounter this situation, it will be another scenario.

In silence, she walked forward slowly. Dolly followed the group at the end, and the horror on her face had already disappeared and was replaced by sadness. She suddenly didn't know who she was. It seems that all the memories disappeared at this moment. However, no one noticed Doli's situation.

Time seems to have frozen at this moment, overflowing with sadness.

Many times people don't have time to be sad, especially when they are in the enemy camp.

When Yi Tian came out of the research institute building, the white-haired man and Bai Nian arrived near the building. They also hid in the dark to observe the situation in the square, but they did not meet the arrest team, and there was no need to join. They squinted slightly and looked at Yi Tian and others, and finally their eyes fell on Doli at the end of the team.

"Do you want to go out?" As soon as Bai Nian saw Yi Tian, an anger came out. The body he had hard to get was destroyed by Yi Tian. How could he not hate it?

"Wait a minute." The white-haired people have no intention of rushing out, and those people in the military have not yet arrived. Their combat strength is really insufficient. White-haired people don't want to expose their strength.

Holding down Bai Nian, the white-haired man then gave orders to the arrest team through the communicator: "Get ready to arrest and be ready to control the test body at any time." The order is very simple, but it does not indicate the time to take action, and the arrest team can only hide from the preparation work.

Just as the arrest team was preparing for work, the people of the military department finally came. Unlike the low-key hiding of the people in the research institute, the people in the military department burst into amazing momentum before they appeared. The leader was the soldier who took Xuanbing away from Yi Tian's hand before. This man's face was resolute and there was no fear at all.

A huge momentum also erupted from the people of these military departments.

William and others did not expect that the reinforcements of the alliance would arrive at this time, and they did not expect that they would still come from the military headquarters. When he felt the arrogant momentum, William and others couldn't help changing their faces, and then immediately prepared to fight. Yi Tian, who walked at the front of the team, seemed to have not noticed the changes outside at all, and still walked forward slowly. His pace was still light and slow, without any change.

Doli, who was at the end of the team, suddenly changed her face when she saw Yi Tian's behavior, and immediately rushed forward. She can't watch Yi Tian die.

As soon as Dolly moved, the people in the military department fell in front of them one after another, releasing a wild momentum, as if to stop Yi Tian and others.

The turbulent energy caused a circle of invisible energy, even though Dolly herself was also a power, but when the front was swept by this momentum, the forward body also immediately stagnated and then flew backwards. However, Yi Tian did not pay attention to this momentum at all. A faint silver light flashed in front of him, and the energy was wiped away.

William and others control their body shape and are not affected by their strength. They don't have such a strange means as Yi Tian, but this momentum can't cause them any big trouble.

As soon as he saw the cold-faced soldier, William couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly, and a silver light flashed through his eyes. He didn't expect that this guy would lead the team out in person and look at the powers around the soldier. They were all calm and restrained, and obviously they were all masters.

Exhaled a turbid breath, and the energy in the body began to surge crazily, and the fighting spirit was also soaring crazily. After all, the alliance still didn't want to let them go, so it sent such a big force to intercept them.

"Interesting." Slightly spit out this sentence, and the will of war suddenly soared without any concealment. The war spirit attracted energy, and another crazy wave swept around.

Under William's control, the air wave swept straight in the direction of the soldiers.

As soon as the two sides met and did not take action, they began to compete secretly.

Yi Tian, who was between the two factions, still walked forward and was completely unaffected by the external environment. He walked forward slowly without any change in rhythm. He just walked forward as if he hadn't seen the people of the military headquarters standing in front of him. When he was only five meters away from those people, he finally raised his head slowly and looked at those people.

"This road is impassable." Someone behind the soldier spoke, with a very dry voice and a trace of arrogance. When he spoke, the man was still frantically urging war, as if he wanted to drink away Yi Tian with his fighting spirit.

Soldiers have long learned Yi Tian's strength, so when Yi Tian stopped, he immediately took a step and stood in front of Yi Tian. Although there was no change in the expression on his face that had remained unchanged for thousands of years, there was a burning flame of war in his eyes. The scene where he was forced to escape with Xuanbing last time was still in his mind. How could he forget it? At this time, when he saw Yi Tian again, he felt as if he had returned to that day again.

There was no change in expression on his face, and even his eyes did not change. Yi Tian looked at the soldier in front of him, but his eyes did not seem to fall on the soldier, but farther away.

Yi Tian's attitude is very dissatisfied, at least it makes middle-aged people very dissatisfied. He has never seen that person show such an arrogant posture when facing himself. Indeed, Yi Tian's performance at this time is arrogant in the eyes of soldiers.

But the soldier forgot one thing. He was not the only one facing Yi Tian, but also William and others standing not far from Yi Tian. A large part of the reason why both sides have not started to take action so far is that Yi Tian, who did not expect Yi Tian's performance would be so different.

What's more, Yi Tian just easily broke the scene of their outbreak, which made the people of the military department more and more afraid. However, these guys who dared to come here to intercept Yi Tian and his party are all capable and arrogant people. How can they endure Yi Tian's arrogant behavior? For a moment, they all ignited a fierce fighting spirit.

A wave of energy fluctuated from those people, and just as those people were ready to do it, William and others also moved. Both sides were launched almost at the same time. And the goals are very consistent, that is, Yi Tian. The people in the military want to kill Yi Tian, while William and others want to protect Yi Tian.

As soon as the two sides moved, they immediately affected the originally peaceful free energy, and an energy storm rolled towards Yi Tian. The wild energy seems to crush Yi Tian between the two groups.

The energy surge naturally shocked Yi Tian, and his originally indifferent face became ferocious in an instant, and then opened his mouth and roared.

"Get out!"

is just a word. With just one word, the energy that originally rushed to Yi Tian was smashed by this roar in an instant.

William and others are fine, but they feel that Yi Tian's roar is a little louder. In addition, there is not much feeling, but the soldiers rushing towards Yi Tian and so on are completely different feelings. The person who rushed to the front only felt that his chest seemed to be hit by a huge hammer. After making a muffled hum, he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of bright red blood. What's more, the unbearable person directly lost his combat effectiveness under the roar of Yi Tian. The soldier was fine, and his face turned slightly white to look at Yi Tian.

The soldiers saw clearly that Yi Tian did not use any means at all, just to stimulate the energy in his body to make a roar. How powerful this sound is.

With just a roar, Yi Tian shocked the people of the military headquarters. He looked at the people who looked at him in horror and walked forward again. He doesn't want to stay here. He just wants to take her back to the place that belongs to them.

If there is still someone who can affect Yi Tian's mood at this time, then there is only Dolly. But now Dolly is standing still, with a lonely face. Just now she wanted to help Yi Tian, but when she was hit back by a wave, she found that she couldn't do anything. She has no ability to help Yi Tian at all. What a cruel fact this is.

The white-haired man and Bai Nian, who hid aside to watch the scene, also looked shocked. They did not expect that Yi Tian's strength was so amazing and horrible. They know the strength of soldiers, but they didn't expect that they would be so miserable in the face of Yi Tian. In this case, the originally planned white-haired man did not know whether to let the arrest team take action.

"This boy is too perverted." Bai Nian, next to the white-haired man, had competed with Yi Tian, but when he competed with Yi Tian, Bai Nian did not feel that Yi Tian was particularly powerful. Why did he suddenly become so strong?

"That boy is going to be enchanted." The white-haired man saw it real, and he knew the purpose of Yi Tian's trip. His strength soared in an instant, and Yi Tian's performance was also extremely strange at this time, and the white-haired man naturally made such a judgment.

"Fat in magic?" Bai Nian's face changed, and he was not a fool. After careful observation, he really found some clues. However, he didn't expect that Yi Tian would behave like this when he was enchanted. Normally, ordinary people will lose their minds when they are possessed, which will make their behavior a little chaotic. However, Yi Tian is different. He is very calm and can even be said to be calm. There is nothing special except for the surge in energy.

"Prepare. If they can't hold on, we will take action later. After the white-haired man said this to Bai Nian, he quickly issued an order through the communicator, "Get ready to arrest work, control first, and then arrest. Wait for my order." Since you can see that Yi Tian is enchanted, the white-haired person will naturally not let go of such a good opportunity.

The people who arrested the team were actually afraid, but when the white-haired man ordered, they still had no choice but to carry it out. Because if you don't execute it, it will be a dead end. Quickly prepared, waiting for the white-haired man's order, the people of the army and William and others had already touched each other at this time.

Only Yi Tian is a special case. All the people in the military department flew directly by him and had no intention of touching him at all. After all, Yi Tian's roar just now, Yu Yun still exists. No matter how arrogant these people are, they still naturally choose to avoid when they really meet irresistible opponents.

Only the soldiers were still standing there, staring at Yi Tian coldly. In the roar just now, he was also forced to retreat a little, but this not only did not make him retreat, but stimulated the fighting spirit in his heart.

The burning flame in his eyes is the strong fighting spirit in his heart. Step by step, a force burst out of his body, as if to shatter the air in front of him.

Taking another step forward, heavy and steady, the soldiers slowly inhale and begin to mobilize the energy in their bodies, and their bodies begin to bend slightly and prepare for strength.

He exhaled a turbid breath, and the soldier suddenly turned into a dark shadow and rushed to Yi Tian, which was extremely fast.

However, Yi Tian, who was targeted by soldiers, did not change at all. He still walked forward slowly without any intention of changing and dodging. He walked forward step by step, and even if it was amazingly murderous, he was fearless.

A black fist fell head-on, breaking the air, as if to directly pierce Yi Tian's body.

Bang, the silver light flashed randomly, and Yi Tian did not take action at all. A silver light appeared in front of him, blocking the blown fist. Slowly looking up at the fist that hit the silver light, Yi Tian just drank a word.


With a sound of ping-pong, the silver light shattered like glass and kept falling, turning into sharp blades and rolling directly to the fist. The strange changes surprised the soldiers. He didn't expect that Yi Tian could do this without taking action. He was shocked, but he hurriedly retreated. The punch on the silver light just now didn't seem to have changed much, but the soldiers themselves knew their difficulties. There were bursts of soreness on his fist. If it hadn't been for his amazing physique, I'm afraid his whole arm would burst at that moment.

As soon as he retreated, the soldier did not give Yi Tian a chance to breathe. Of course, he did not give himself a chance to breathe. Another punch fell down, still with unparalleled strong strength. So far, he has not used his own strength.

Another muffled sound, followed by a silver light suddenly bursting, and a silver light flashed in everyone's eyes, and almost the eyes of the people present were blinded.

Yi Tian is still walking slowly and is not affected by the soldiers at all, and he will not be affected by the soldiers. Nothing that happens outside can affect him.

Looking at the chaotic scene, the white-haired man and Bai Nian couldn't help but be shocked. Looking at so many masters at such a close distance, the overflowing energy alone makes people a little untenable. The white-haired man seemed to suddenly remember something and hurriedly roared at the communicator.

"Do it."

The white-haired man knew that it was one thing if the people who arrested the team were affected by these energy aftershocks to survive, so he hurriedly asked those people to control the experiment.

The capture team, which had been suffering from the energy shock, finally heard the sound they had always wanted to hear. At this moment, the sound is really like the sound of nature. The captain hurriedly entered a piece of identification code on the microcomputer, and then entered a control password. When he pressed the OK button, he seemed to hear the sound of his heartbeat, which was so intense and with a trace of excitement.

An excited light flashed in his eyes, and the people who captured the team couldn't help but look at the square, the lost experimental body.

The progress bar is finished reading and writing, and then a series of instructions are sent out. Hearing a roar, the figure suddenly trembled violently.