reverse song

Chapter 433 Strong Attack

"The 50% certainty is too low." William's face was a little elusive. He also knew that in the current situation, Situ Hao was 50% sure to break the energy circle, and their grasp of approaching the energy circle was less than 20 percent.

At present, they are not completely without a choice. They can choose to leave. However, Yi Tian and others always feel that it's too sorry for their hard work to leave like this. In particular, the alliance has set up such a big battle outside this location that people have to think that there should be something in it.

"Do you have any other way?" Yi Tian looked at William and asked slowly. He also has no way at all. If he can avoid the defense circle alone, as for the energy circle, he will know what to do after he comes into contact with it. However, such a premise is that he acts alone, but it is obviously impossible to act alone in this situation.

"No." William answered honestly, "Why don't we go to location 3 first and then come back here to check." He thought of the idea of crossing the second location directly. But this also depends on other people's opinions.

"It's not impossible." Yi Tian also knows that there is no way to waste here. If there is no way to break through the defense circle and release the energy circle, it is of no use at all.

"But there may also be energy circles elsewhere." Remind everyone. Since the alliance can arrange energy circles in this place, it is completely possible to put such a thing elsewhere.

Xiu's words undoubtedly dispelled the enthusiasm of the group. Originally, they thought that there might be different situations in another place, but after such a reminder, they felt that it was not impossible. The face couldn't help sinking.

"Are we going to worry about these things all the time?" Giles asked in a low voice. In his opinion, they do encounter difficulties at present, but since they dare to enter the alliance to do these things, they have naturally foreseen such problems for a long time ago, so this is not difficult at all, but a very normal thing. Should the alliance open the door to their troubles?

When Giles said this, Yi Tian's heart lit up and couldn't help thinking that should we always escape? These problems will be encountered sooner or later, and it is very normal to have such a thing with alliance technology. It's just that they have always met the alliance before, instead of actively attacking some important strongholds of the alliance, so they feel that the alliance is just a huge capable organization.

"We think too much." Yi Tian exhaled, and his originally gloomy face unfolded, and a faint smile appeared on his face, "I don't believe there are no loopholes at all." The light in his eyes suddenly became strong, and Yi Tian had dispelled his worries.

"I won't go to location 3. If we can't even find Dolly here, we don't have to look for it anymore. One day, Dolly will always appear in front of us. Yi Tian thought of Bai Lian and Yi Yun. Did they appear in front of him at a specific time? Although the final result was not what he wanted, he still found them. I don't think Dolly is too dangerous in the league.

"What are you going to do?" William saw the smile on Yi Tian's face and felt extremely strange. He suddenly felt that Yi Tian in front of him became a little strange, which was not obvious, but it was enough for him to feel it.

"Bat." A simple word came out of Yi Tian's mouth.

"Fight? Are you crazy? We are so few people that we don't even have the right to put their teeth in those people. William will not do things without thinking at all like Yi Tian. He knows how terrible the combat power of those people outside Site 2 is. Even if they are capable, they can't deal with so many people.

"Do you have a better way?" Yi Tian looked at William.


"That's it. I'll take action first, and you'll prepare aside. If you can't go against it, I'll catch up with you. Yi Tian's eyes burned with a strange light. At this time, he showed strong self-confidence and a strong feeling, and did not pay attention to the people of the alliance at all.

"What are you going to do?" William repeated this question. He felt that Yi Tian must be crazy. Although the momentum revealed on Yi Tian at this time was so horrible, in William's opinion, Yi Tian was completely crazy.

"Strong attack." Yi Tian said these two words without raising his eyelids, and then a silver flame burned to the extreme in his eyes.

After a slight silence, Yi Tian said, "Okay, get ready quickly. I'm going out." After saying that, he came out and directly turned into a silver light and rushed towards the hill where the No. 2 location was located. When he rushed forward, Yi Tian had drawn several runes in front of him in a row.

Each rune reveals a chill, which makes it completely impossible to ignore.

The divine light flashed in his eyes, and Yi Tian's mouth made a clear roar, which fell directly on the outermost defense circle like a meteor. The silver light on his body suddenly spread and turned into silver flames burning around. There was no temperature of ordinary flames or coldness, but there was another completely irresistible force. It is a force to swallow everything up.

When his body fell, Yi Tian also pushed out dozens of runes in front of him. Each rune was full of cold air. With the push of the runes, the silver flame on his body gradually turned earthy yellow, and a heavy feeling emitted from the earthy yellow light.

"Twenty times the gravity." With a low shout, Yi Tian suddenly kicked his right foot on the ground, and his whole body leaped out, and the earthy aperture remained within 20 meters around him. This range is not large. For capable people, such a distance can even be said to be very short, but Yi Tian ignored these and still rushed forward like a cow.

Every time his footsteps are very calm, and every time he jumps out of a long distance.

Where Yi Tian passed, the road collapsed, and even those defensive buildings collapsed in an instant. There was no attack, but these buildings collapsed because they could not withstand 20 times the gravity.

When the building collapsed, there was a roar from all directions, followed by cold currents. It was the runes sent by Yi Tian that played a role. There is no need to see that Yi Tian knows that those runes will definitely make the people of the alliance confused. Although he has always been against the people of the alliance, he can guarantee that the people of the alliance don't know much about Yi Tian at all.

The rune suddenly burst when it touched the first thing, and the silver-white light engulfed the first thing in an instant, and then burst into an amazing cold air sweeping around. Where the cold air passes, everything turns into ice crystals, and there is no possibility to resist it at all. Even capable people can only choose to avoid this sudden ice crystal.

Yi Tian's action is really like what he said, and it is completely a strong attack.

Yi Tian, whose whole body was shrouded in the earthy yellow light, showed the courage of thousands of people and rushed forward all the way, breaking through the first layer of defense and reaching the second circle of defense.

At the beginning, the people of the alliance were shocked by Yi Tian's strong attack and failed to organize the defense circle at the first time. When Yi Tian arrived in front of the second defense circle, they finally organized an effective defense and finally stopped Yi Tian. Stoping Yi Tian does not mean that Yi Tian can be controlled or eliminated.

On the contrary, after Yi Tian found that the people of the alliance blocked him, an extremely strange look immediately appeared on his face, followed by the earthy yellow light suddenly converging, but his body jumped back. I don't know when there were a few silver lotus seeds in his hand.

With a flick of fingers, the silver lotus seeds turned into subtle silver light and flew forward. The light is too weak, and Yi Tian has been attracting the attention of the alliance with himself, so no one has found those small lotus seeds at all. And after seeing Yi Tian, the people of the alliance have also boiled, and no one will pay attention to Yi Tian's small movements in such a chaotic situation.

Everyone just wants to crush the guy in front of them.

The idea is good, but there are still many difficulties to overcome before putting it into action. The first difficulty encountered by the people of the league when they jumped out was the lotus seeds that Yi Tian popped up.

Those lotus seeds did not hit anyone, but they fell directly into the soil, quickly rooted and sprouted, turning into a silver lotus, a very magical silver lotus. A light lotus fragrance came out, but no one noticed it. Because all the alliance people who rushed to Yi Tian found that the foresight suddenly changed and turned into a strange mountain.

Before they figured out what had happened, they felt a violent tremor under their feet, a smell of sulfur, and a strange burning feeling. With a loud noise, the originally clear sky suddenly turned red, as if there was a flame burning. Then they saw a pillar of fire rising up into the sky and going straight through the sky.

Volcanic eruption!

These four words flashed in everyone's mind. Many times when a person looks at the dangers encountered by others, they will think about why they don't know how to choose to run away. But when they really face the danger of life, these people are still stiff there, like a puppet.

They knew that the current situation was very dangerous and they should run away, but they couldn't even move their steps, and then they saw the hot red lava spreading down and swallowing their bodies. Before they even felt the burning pain, they found that they had turned into a pool of blood. No, there was no blood left and nothing left.

These people who saw the volcanic eruption stood still in the eyes of others, followed by a sudden howl, and then there was no breath. If the situation is extremely strange in the eyes of others. But they don't understand what happened to these people. All they know is that these people no longer have a breath of life.

No scars, no attacks, these people died like this. No matter how good the psychological quality of the alliance is, they can't help but feel cold when they suddenly see this situation. This makes Yi Tian more unpredictable to them. After all, everyone knows that these people suddenly encountered such a terrible change on the way to Yitian.

Although they were afraid, in order not to let themselves die, these people still held up their courage to catch up with Yi Tian.

The silver lotus seed just sent by Yi Tian has withered, so the people who caught up with him did not see any strange pictures. And Yi Tian has been waiting for the arrival of these people for a long time.

I saw a rune floating in front of Yi Tian, emitting a cold atmosphere that is the same as before. A cold smile flashed on his face. Yi Tian pushed the rune in front of him, and then suddenly turned into a light and shadow and rushed to the other side. On the other side, there are also people and horses of the alliance, but there are not capable people, but ordinary people holding terrorist weapons. Although Yi Tian does not attack ordinary people, he is not like being attacked by those weapons, so he can only take action first without hesitation.

Ordinary people, even soldiers, can't help panicking when they see a horrible murderer rushing at him, and the weapon in his hand immediately burst into amazing light. The light bullets flew away. These light bullets did not aim at any and were completely released randomly. But such a messy shooting caused some difficulties for Yi Tian. If these people can attack in an orderly manner, then Yi Tian is not worried at all. With his skills, he can completely avoid those flying light bombs. However, the situation is different at present. The trajectory of those light bombs is completely unpredictable, and even Yi Tian does not dare to fly by.

After some thought, Yi Tian immediately retreated, but he did not retreat to the place where those capable people rushed, but turned to the direction of the second layer of defense circle. The originally disappeared earthy light appeared around him again, followed by a heavy feeling, and another roar came. Cracks appeared on the ground, and the buildings around Yi Tian collapsed directly.

Some capable people who approached Yi Tian only felt that their bodies were heavy, and their whole body fell directly to the ground. Those with weak physical fitness have broken hands and feet.

It seems that at that moment, Yi Tian became the violent murderer again, but his clear eyes showed that Yi Tian was very awake at this time and very clear about his situation.

He looked coldly at the people around him, and his body, which had rushed forward, suddenly stopped. Because of the huge inertia, the earthy yellow light on his body suddenly formed a light cone flying forward.

The earthy yellow light gradually disintegrated in the shining, and then turned into a red firelight, a scorching red firelight. No one saw what was going on, but everyone saw a huge flame flying towards them. When the heat wave hit, they also smelled their hair burnt.

These people were still stunned when they saw a strange bird call from the firelight, and then the flame quickly transformed into a huge flame bird.

Those people were still stunned, but the flame bird rushed towards them without any hesitation. With a flapping of flame wings, fist-sized flames flew out and fell directly into the crowd. After a burst of fire rain, the flame bird's body also shrank a lot, but it still flew towards those people.

"Defense! Hurry up and defend!" Finally, someone recognized the current situation and roared. If no one reminded them, I'm afraid they will become barbecue.

With such a roar, all the people in shock woke up, and then all kinds of light flashed, and one capable person after another held up the energy mask to resist the falling fireball. Following them, they saw the flame bird rushing over.

A fire-capable man made a strange and sharp shout and rushed to the flame bird.

The flame flashed, and the flame bird immediately turned into a burst of fire and disappeared in mid-air under the bombardment of the man, while the capable man laughed and laughed happily. However, before his laughter spread far away, he saw a flame suddenly appeared on his body, and the whole person was swallowed up by the flame in an instant.

The man was burned to ashes without even howling.

With a sneer, Yi Tian was too lazy to pay attention to those stunned capable people. His body turned again and rushed to the other side. At this time, the people and horses of the alliance have shown a situation of encirclement. If this encirclement is completely formed, Yi Tian will also be trapped here. But how can Yi Tian form this encirclement, and even if this encirclement is formed, William and others will help him appropriately.

Looking at Yi Tian rushing towards him, the people of the alliance were shocked and happy. They were so surprised that Yi Tian, the murder demon king, rushed this way. What they were happy was that they could kill the murder demon king. The award of the alliance would not be few.

It is difficult for many people to keep calm in the face of interests, especially in such a frenzy situation, so everyone rushed to Yi Tian as soon as their heads were hot, without any melancholy, but can they really keep Yitian here and get the award of the league? This is still an unknown number, which is very difficult to determine.