reverse song

Chapter 636 Kill

Chapter 636

The beautiful woman's head suddenly burst like a watermelon, and the red and white skull fragments flew around, making a sound like a shrapnel through the air. The blood from the headless body spewed out from the wound of the neck, like a fountain, directly hitting the ceiling, and then splashing down. There was a bloody rain in the small secret room, and everyone present was drenched with blood. The strong bloody smell spread throughout the secret room, making the air turbid and disgusting.

The headless body stood still and twitched a few times, then fell to the ground and fell into a piece of blood. Everything happened so fast that there was no time to react at all, so that the people present were stunned to look at the fallen headless body. For a moment, they didn't know how to react. Even if they were masters present, no one knew how the beautiful woman's head suddenly burst.

After a strange silence, the governor suddenly roared.

"Who is it!" The governor opened his eyes angrily and wanted to find the murderer of the beautiful woman. His eyes glanced at everyone with a cold murderous spirit. Although there was a little conflict between him and the beautiful woman just now, it does not mean that he wants to kill the beautiful woman. On the contrary, he just wanted everyone present to calm down for a while so that he could make a good judgment on the current situation, but after the dispute, the beautiful woman was suddenly killed, which did not make the governor angry.

The cold eyes swept everyone, and finally made the drummers and others come back from the consternation just now, and then they immediately got rid of the relationship. They have felt the cold murderous intention on the governor and know that if they react slowly, they are likely to be killed directly by the governor. Of course, this has nothing to do with them, so it is extremely normal for them to deny it.

Seeing that the drum guys and others denied it at the first time, the governor also knew that it was impossible for these people to attack beautiful women. Although there were some differences on weekdays, they would not have to take such a heavy action. Moreover, with the strength of a beautiful woman, it is not so simple for drums and others to attack and kill her, not to mention that the beautiful woman was attacked without any defense just now, and even a little resistance could not be made. Thinking of this, the governor knew that there were extremely powerful masters entering their headquarters, but where did such masters come from?

The governor suddenly shivered, because he thought of the only foreign master, and so far he could not see through the strength of that master. This made him feel uneasy and very uneasy. He turned his eyes to the door of the secret room to see if the man came in from the door. But the door of the secret room did not open, and everything remained the same.

There is a mysterious breath in the dark room. The headless body lying on the ground is no longer blooding, and it is stiffly spread out, emitting a cold and strange smell. The rest of the people in the secret room did not even dare to breathe, but gathered together very carefully and observed the surroundings very carefully.

In the secret room, the light is already dim, but when the atmosphere becomes thick, it becomes more and more dim. The governor felt that what he saw was changing rapidly, as if he was going to stun him. Looking up at the dark place, there seemed to be something ordinary there, but after looking at it for a long time, he still found nothing, and there was nothing there.

The grewd atmosphere spread out, and the people present felt that their hearts were getting heavier and heavier. The atmosphere here made them feel that they were about to suffocate. The heavy and slow breathing echoed in the narrow secret room, but it made the whole secret room seem quieter and quieter.

Son, two dark shadows flew out of the darkness. Before everyone could react, they fell directly to the ground and rolled to the feet of the governor. A smell of blood suddenly surged and rushed directly into the governor's nose, making the governor, who was already tense, suddenly exclaim, and his body retreated.

The dim light fell on the two dark shadows, but it made the governor and others see a more terrible scene.

Yile and Yiping opened their eyes wide, with an unbelievable and shocking expression. They stared at the front, as if they were going to see through everything in front of them. But at this time, their divine eyes had long lost their brilliance, and a gray color covered their bright eyes, and the pale color had been painted on their bloodless faces.

There are two more heads, and they are also one happy and one flat. At this time, if the governor and others don't know who was killed, then they can also find a piece of tofu to kill.

"William, get out of here." The governor roared, blushing and his thick neck was obviously extremely angry, and his body was trembling slightly, as if he was about to collapse. He looked in the direction of the head, where nothing existed, but at this time he felt that the darkness around him was full of gaze.

This situation not only made the governor panic, but also the rest of the people were also panicked. They stared cautiously at the darkness for fear that some fierce monsters would rush out of it, but they all knew that there were no monsters in the dark, but there was something more terrible than monsters.

"You really should listen to her." The indifferent voice came in the dark, without any emotion or murder, simple and cold as if it were a mechanical sound. The sound suddenly appeared in the secret room with a dignified atmosphere, as if a sharp blade suddenly appeared, cutting off the solemn atmosphere, making the people present inexplicably comfortable.

"Kill." A glimmer of light flashed in the governor's eyes, and he had stepped out first and pounced directly in the direction of the sound. Although he knows that he is likely to be empty, he still wants to do so. The more there is no change, the more it needs to be changed. Only in this way can the enemy appear. I have to say that the governor's idea is extremely correct, but he underestimated William, or he never saw William clearly.

When the governor jumped out, a low roar suddenly appeared in the dark.

"Kill." The same word has a different tone, which is full of murderous spirit, a golden horse, and a daunting momentum.

A silver light suddenly flashed from the darkness, and then a figure rushed out of the darkness and rushed directly towards the governor. Both of them rushed out at a very fast speed, so they just jumped out and met directly halfway.

The sudden change surprised the governor. He didn't expect William to suddenly rush out in the dark, which was completely unreasonable. Normally, William should change his position directly after speaking, instead of coming out of the inside, but this shows that William is confident to control the whole situation from the other side.

This thought made the governor suddenly panic. He found that he could not see through William at all, but he stepped into William's trap early in the morning.

The two figures collided in the dark, and the silver light suddenly flashed. The dazzling light made everyone present feel pain in their eyes. Then they heard the governor shouting and retreating back. The governor looked at the place where the silver light had just shined with a shocked face, and there was already a wound on his right arm, bleeding.

Silvermang retreated, but William's figure disappeared again, as if it had never appeared. And there were so many people present that no one saw how William disappeared. They even doubted whether William had really appeared just now. But the shocking wound on the governor's right arm said it all. Such a situation made them feel a chill rushing directly to their bodies and made them tremble involuntarily.

"Why did you do this?" The governor looked at the darkness and said, "Did it cost so much to destroy us?" He is smart and wants to determine the location of William and others through dialogue.

Why did you do this? Why do you plan for marginal cities? How can it cost less than us to calculate marginal cities? William's voice came from the darkness again, and there were also soft footsteps. The footsteps were very soft, but everyone present knew that it was a deliberate sound made by the other party.

As the footsteps became clear, the governor and others saw William slowly come out of the darkness. William's behavior surprised the governor again. He felt that the man in front of him was really unpredictable. He not only answered his words, but also appeared in front of him without scruples. Isn't this guy afraid of being besieged?

"Anyone who dares to cove of marginal cities deserves to die." William looked coldly at the governor and others and said such a cold sentence. As soon as the words fell, he turned into a silver light and hit the governor directly.

With a loud bang, the governor was directly knocked upside down, hit the wall fiercely, and then fell to the ground. Until this time, the drummers and others realized that the enemy had appeared, and now was a good time for them to take action. Without any discussion, the drummer and others rushed to William at the same time.

The expression on his face was quite ferocious, and the drummers and others went for William like wolves who saw their prey. However, before they approached William, they felt a chill. The chill did not come from the heart, but from outside themselves. A very clear chill immediately climbed to their hearts, making their movements slow down involuntarily. Then they saw three figures rush out from behind William.

After losing the four people of Fox, Beautiful Woman, Yile and Yiping, there were only five people left in the Hydra's head group, which was no different from William's four-person team, so Giles alone blocked the four drummers.

When both sides meet, there are no unnecessary words at all, and there is no need for unnecessary words. As soon as they take action, they will directly burst out killing. As soon as the drummer shook his hands, dozens of fireballs flew out. These fireballs were only the size of fists, and the flight was strange and unpredictable. In this way, it is difficult to deal with.

Seeing the fireball sweeping open, Jiami pulled all the swept fireballs away with one hand and the wind surged out. However, she obviously underestimated the drummer's ability to control the fireballs, only as ordinary fireballs.

The drum guy saw his fireball being pulled by Jiami, but he didn't care at all. As soon as he put his hands together and his eyes flashed, he shouted a low "explosion". The fireball in the imported wind suddenly burst open, and fires surged out one after another, directly smashing the strong wind, and a wave of impact was The narrow secret room dispersed, and the people who rushed at hand retreated one after another.

Even when retreating, the two sides did not mean to stop. Cook stepped forward, and a purple thunderbolt sprayed out and swept towards the four people on the opposite side. The thunder that came out of his hand was like a fierce snake. He opened his mouth and was about to swallow the four people opposite him.

It was still the drummer who took action, and the firelight turned up on the drummer, covering the drummer's whole body in an instant. Before the thunderlight approached, the firelight on the drum man suddenly roared out, like a tiger out of the gate, and threw down the thunderlight.

The red and purple light is constantly devouring in the narrow space, struggling, and the sound makes people's ears hurt. Such a sound made the people present retreat again. However, this time, the drummer obviously failed to prevail, and there was a faint situation of suppression.

Cook's face looked flat, and his right hand looked forward, and the thunderlight entangled with the firelight suddenly smashed the firelight directly. With a roar, the purple thunder was an acceleration sweeping towards the drummers and others.

Aware that the situation was not good, the drums and others hurriedly flashed aside. The purple thunder flashed past their bodies, and then heard a loud noise. The wall of the secret room was actually blown open by a huge opening by lightning, and the bright light outside leaked in, making the originally dark secret room much brighter. . However, there is no way for the bright appearance to change the war situation, let alone ease the life-or-death situation between the two sides.

When the beautiful women were killed, the Hydra understood that this was an endless battle. Of course, they understood why William killed them. They would have done the same.

The battle situation of Cook and others could not affect the battle situation between William and the governor. At this time, the two stood stiffly like two statues, motionless, but everyone could feel the solemn atmosphere emanating between them. The shock wave caused by the battle next to them can't affect the two people at all, and all the energy fluctuations will melt cleanly within a range of a few meters of their bodies.

"I didn't expect you to make up such a play in order to destroy us." The governor sighed. He knew that he had been fooled this time, but he did not feel wronged. After all, he was not rational enough. If he was willing to listen to the beautiful women early, maybe they would not have come to such an end. However, there is no regret medicine to take in the world, so even if you know that you have made a mistake, there is no room for turning around now.

"Do you act? Maybe." William did not say whether he was really acting, and only he understood everything. Of course, he believes that Yi Tian must understand.

"At this time, do you still want to continue to cheat?" A wry smile appeared on the governor's face. He felt that he had lost unjustly and lost to such an opponent without any complaints.

William just shrugged his shoulders and did not take the governor's words, but changed the topic.

"Did you commit suicide, or do you want me to do it?" William's tone was flat, and his expression was also extremely plain, as if he were saying a trivial thing. But what he wants is the life of the governor.

"It's better not to underestimate me too much." The governor looked at William, and the murderous intention loomed in his eyes. Just as William was about to speak, he suddenly turned into a shadow and rushed towards William.

The governor's launch was quite sudden, and the speed was also extremely amazing. Originally, the two were quite close, but at this time, the governor launched all his strength and came to William in a blink of an eye. The fist was raised and smashed down directly, without any light flashing. The governor's punch was like the most ordinary attack, but the energy surging around him showed that the governor's punch was not simple at all.

William's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that the governor's action would be so fast, and the energy fluctuations caused by it were also amazing, but all this could only make William's face slightly change. Everything was still under William's control, and nothing could be escaped his control. His right foot retreated, and his body was slightly deflected. William raised his hand and slapped it, which was directly printed on the governor's chest. A silver light suddenly flashed and directly rushed the governor's whole body back and flew back.

When his body was thrown back, the governor opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood. He didn't expect that William could deal with it so easily under his sudden launch, and the attack he launched was so heavy. This dimmed the little hope that he was still hanging on his mind, and this situation made him a little desperate. Because he found that he could not cross the high mountain of William.

William didn't think so much. He just stepped out, approached the governor directly, and raised his hand to pat the governor again. This time, he killed the governor. However, when his hand fell, a dark shadow suddenly emerged from the side and threw the governor directly out, and the dark shadow was slapped by William.

After bearing William's palm, the black shadow's body trembled inexplicably, and then fine cracks appeared on him, and the faint silver light emerged under the crack, giving people a rather strange feeling.