reverse song

Chapter 676 Blurred Shadow

Chapter 676

The sadness spread, which suddenly calmed down a lot of the surrounding turbulent energy, but it was just a calm, and then the energy surged more violently. The energy that was about to break out of Yi Tian's body made a roar, as if to break free from the shackles of Yi Tian's body. As if feeling the sadness in Yi Tian's heart, the energy in Yi Tian's body became more restless, and the power to rush into the meridians suddenly increased several points. The already scarred and fragile meridians were shattered by the impact of restless energy.

Yi Tian, who had been staying still, spewed out a mouthful of silver blood at the moment the meridians broke. A mouthful of blood spewed out, and Yi Tian, who had been unable to move, suddenly gained action, but the meridians in his body had long been dilapidated, and because his physical strength was not enough to support the energy he currently had, he fell directly to the ground and twitched violently.

Originally approaching Yi Tian, the young man who wanted to take action did not expect that Yi Tian would suddenly have such a situation and could not react in shock. Until Yi Tian fell to the ground, the young man suddenly screamed and rushed towards Yi Tian.

When Yi Tian opened his mouth and sprayed blood, the light scattered around him dissipated, but what made people feel strange was that the turbulent energy in his body did not gushed out at all, but still collide wildly in Yi Tian's body, as if to smash Yi Tian's whole body. Just now, Yi Tian just spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body was still trapped in extremely strange sadness.

The young man completely ignored the current situation of Yi Tian, because he had broken through the protective light around Yi Tian and was hit by energy when he approached Yi Tian. He was close to the edge of collapse. If he could not quickly find a supplement or seize a body, he would completely dissipate. The young man who had become thin and transparent quickly approached Yi Tian and rushed to Yi Tian's body before Tang Mu approached.

Tang Mu, who was dedicated to saving Yi Tian, never thought that Yi Tian would have a series of situations in the ancient battlefield. It is said that Yi Tian should have some experience after just got rid of the control of the remnant soul. How could such a strange situation suddenly happen? Tang Mu was not very clear about this situation. As soon as he got rid of the illusion laid by Lao Qi and Twelve, he saw the scene of Yi Tian spraying blood, and then saw the young man turn into fog to invade Yi Tian's body.

In a hurry, Tang Mu ignored Lao 7 and 12 who had just been defeated by him and flew directly in the direction of Yi Tian. With anger, Tang Mu has burst out at the most amazing speed, but no matter how fast he is, the distance between reality is still there. He could only watch the fog melted by the youth completely rushed into Yi Tian's body and disappeared without a trace.

Of course, even if the young man seized Yi Tian's body, Tang Mu was not completely helpless, so he still did not give up, but approached Yi Tian at a faster speed. However, as soon as Tang Mu approached Yi Tian, he noticed a surge of energy bursting out of Yi Tian.

Yi Tian's originally godless eyes suddenly burst out strangely, and some weak energy fluctuations just burst out completely. Tang Mu, who was preparing to get close to the past, was rushed by the energy fluctuation, and the whole person flew directly backwards. When he wanted to get close to the past, there was nothing he could do. Daodao silver light spewed out of Yi Tian's body and quickly formed a circle of energy masks around him, making it impossible for people to get close to the past.

Seeing this situation, Tang Mu, who just felt that there was a chance to save Yi Tian, couldn't help sinking. When he saw such a situation, he knew that he had no chance to get close to Yi Tian. When Tang Mu was stunned, Lao Qi and Twelve, who had just been beaten by him, rushed to Tang Mu with a roar.

Originally, he remembered the situation of Yi Tian. At this time, he was rushed up by Lao Qi and Twelve. Tang Mu was worried that there was no place to vent his anger. With a cold look, two strong winds swept out, trapped Lao Qi and Twelve's bodies. Then he stepped out and came to the two remnant souls. He raised his hand and slapped them more than a dozen times, beating Lao Qi and Twelve's bodies apart.

Even if the body is dispersed, the seven and twelve are not so easy to dissipate completely, but condense into fog again, but there is no way to condense the adult type. The low roar floated out of the fog, as if summoning their companions, but in this case, there is no remnant soul to help them. The previous remnant soul army had long been shocked by the appearance of young people and did not know where to escape. As for other remnant soul masters, oh, sorry, no masters have appeared for the time being, so now Lao 7 and 12 can only rely on themselves.

Sadness still spread in Yi Tian's body, and Yi Tian was completely unaware of the changes that had taken place in his body. He didn't know that he had just spewed a mouthful of blood, nor did he know that the young man had seized his body when the energy shield around him disappeared, let alone that Tang Mu spent a lot of energy to save himself. Yi Tian fell into an extremely strange sad state. He saw the distant bodies of those people, as if he saw these people fighting on the battlefield, and also seemed to see the heroic side of these people.

The inexplicable sadness kept hitting Yi Tian's mind, making his mind constantly stirring, and even the energy in his body began to surge more and more intensely.

The young man who just rushed into Yi Tian's body can't figure out what Yi Tian is doing. He just wants to maintain his figure. If his figure had not reached the edge of collapse, the young man would never have made such a reckless move, but he would not have time to think, otherwise he would have disappeared from this ancient battlefield.

An extremely strange emotion for young people suddenly rushed to his heart, making the young man who was ready to control Yi Tian's body suddenly stagnate, and then he fell into the same fantasy as Yi Tian. However, what the young man saw was different from what Yi Tian saw. Among that group of people, he overflowed with amazing murderous atmosphere and walked step by step into the distance.

Where his eyes fell was a desolate plain, and blood spread under his feet, with a fishy smell and a smell of war. When the cool wind swept by, bursts of sadness appeared inexplicably, making the young people feel more and more sad. However, before the sadness fully spread, it was dispersed by the murderous spirit in his heart, and he saw a red cloud not far away.

It is not a real red cloud, but a red glow of energy, which gives people a rather evil feeling. At first sight of the red light, a word came to the young man's mind, a foreigner.

I don't know why, as soon as he thought of these three words, the young man inexplicably burst into anger. This is an extremely rare situation. The remnants are fierce and cruel, but there are few angry emotions, because they don't need this emotion to support their actions. But this time the young man was really angry, his eyes turned red in an instant, and his murderous spirit became stronger and stronger.

Not only did the young man's breath change, but the people beside him also looked angry and roared almost at the same time. These people rose up and rushed out in the direction of the red cloud.

The red clouds swept in like a tide, falling overwhelmingly, and involved young people and others in the red light of the sky.

Falling into the red cloud, the young man seems to have fallen into a cold and evil world. He can't say the rest of his feelings at all. The only thing he can express is evil, the same evil. He saw that the enemy in front of him had a similar appearance to himself, but with a completely different atmosphere. Even as a remnant soul, his expression can't help changing when he feels the breath released by foreigners.

On this side, Yi Tian and the young man fell into a strange fantasy, and Tang Mu on the other side just defeated Lao Qi and 12 until they could only turn into a fog. When he was about to take further action and completely smash Lao Qi and 12, he felt a pressure on his body. The pressure was very weak, but extremely heavy, which made Tang Mu's figure sink down.

When his heart was shocked, Tang Mu looked up and realized that the pressure was falling from the sky. Naturally, he wanted to see what strange things brought such strange pressure.

Looking up, Tang Mu only saw a vague figure in mid-air, because the figure was too blurred to see the real figure of the man. However, it is not impossible to catch the other party completely. With a cold hum, Tang Mu left the seven and twelve souls, rose directly, and approached the blurred figure. The closer you get to that figure, the greater the pressure on your body. However, with early preparation, such a little pressure is nothing for Tang Mu.

The wind in his body swept away the pressure that fell on his body. With Tang Mu's hand, a wind blade swept out and cut towards the figure.

As soon as the wind blade approached the man, it suddenly burst and split, split into countless palm-sized wind blades swept away. The power that seems to be only the size of a palm is extremely amazing. With such a move, even Tang Mu himself is not sure that he can avoid it. After all, the wind is unpredictable.

The vague figure has no intention of dodging at all, and of course, it doesn't mean to take so many blades. Anyone knows how good it would be to take so many wind blades, even if it is a peerless master.

After the blurred figure floated forward for a distance, the wind blades directly penetrated his blurred shadow. When the wind blade penetrated the figure, it did not make any sound, not even a ripple, but only penetrated the blurred figure. Passed by the wind blade, the blurred figure looked at Tang Mu with his slightly empty eyes, and then slowly opened his mouth.

"Is this you now, Tang Mu?" The vague figure also said Tang Mu's life in one bite. When he spoke, his tone did not fluctuate.

He was called out by the young man before, and now he is told his name by a vague figure. Tang Mu still doesn't have any surprise. He just snorted coldly, "Who are you pretending to be a ghost to scare?" After saying that, he had already approached the blurred figure. Since the other party did not want to appear, he had to force the other party to appear.

The method of avoiding the wind blade just now is indeed very smart, but such a method is not enough to make Tang Mu feel afraid. There are too many people who can use such a method, but not many people can use such a method to avoid the wind blade so cleverly. At this point, Tang Mu must admit that the vague figure is a master, but no matter how master he is, this guy in front of him is still a remnant soul, not a complete person.

"Is it still so impulsive? In those years, it didn't make you think behind closed doors in the virtual world, but it didn't work at all? The blurred figure is still speaking in a familiar tone, but the tone has not changed much.

When Tang Mu heard this, he snorted coldly again. He said that the remnant soul was really getting stronger and stronger. Can even use such a demagogic means? Although he disdained such a means as the remnant soul, Tang Mu still had to admit that such a method was extremely effective for some unreliable people. Of course, Tang Mu is not a man with a strong mind. In the long years, his mind has long been tempered like a rock, and the impulse he shows now is only caused by emotional excitement. If Yi Tian hadn't been in a dangerous situation now, Tang Mu would not have been so impulsive at all.

"Are you not going to listen to me at all?" The vague figure opened his mouth to speak again. Since he was found by Tang Mu, he has been chattering and completely ignored Tang Mu's situation. Now when he saw Tang Mu ignore himself, he said such a sentence.

However, seeing Tang Mu approaching, the vague figure did not dare to be careless at all. He knew Tang Mu's methods. If he really approached Tang Mu, I'm afraid it would be much more troublesome. His body retreated naturally and followed him to raise his hand and pat forward. A strange energy fluctuation appeared, and a ripple appeared in the shaking air, slowing down Tang Mu's figure.

When Tang Mu's body slowed down, the blurred figure stepped out, approached Tang Mu and punched Tang Mu in the abdomen. This is a rare opportunity to know that the speed of people with wind ability is terrible. It is the stupidest way to compete with the other party when you know that the other party is very fast. Obviously, the blurred figure would not do such a stupid thing, so as soon as he took action, he first limited Tang Mu's speed, and then launched an attack near Tang Mu.

Suddenly slowed down, Tang Mu couldn't help but be shocked. The method in front of him is a little unexpected. Generally speaking, no matter how tricky the remnant soul is, it is impossible to limit his speed like this guy. Has this remnant soul evolved to be like a monster? Although many thoughts flashed in his mind, Tang Mu's reaction was not slow at all. Seeing the other party's fist bombard, Tang Mu immediately retreated. At the same time, his body twisted a few times in the air and avoided the punch. Then he rushed forward, got rid of the restrictions of the vague figure, and bullied him close to the blurred figure. .

When the hands suddenly pressed forward, the energy in the body bulged, a strong wind came out and immediately wrapped the blurred figure in front of him into the strong wind.

The fuzzy figure did not expect Tang Mu to get rid of his restrictions so easily, and he did not expect Tang Mu to take action so fast. When he was shocked, he had already slowed down and his whole body was swept into the strong wind. When the surrounding scenery began to turn over quickly, the vague figure had already been calculating how to get rid of the present predicament. The wind blade is interspersed in the wind, which is very clear to the shadow. In order to avoid being hurt by those wind blades, the shadow has protected the key parts of the body early.

With one blow, Tang Muke was not careless to think that this could trap the vague figure. He felt a threat from that figure. When you take action, you will naturally do it with all your strength. However, Tang Mu consumed a lot before, and now even if he does it with all his strength, the power that bursts out is extremely limited.

The vague figure in the strong wind has noticed the shortcomings of Tang Mu. He looked awe-inspiring, and the energy that had just been restrained completely burst out. Unexpectedly, a completely opposite wind formed around him, which offset the wind released by Tang Mu. After getting rid of the restrictions of the strong wind, the blurred figure immediately opened the distance between Tang Mu and Tang Mu.

Before the figure stood still, the blurred figure spoke again.

"Is this your current strength? It's really pitiful." The vague figure does not explain why Tang Mu is pitiful, but everyone understands what this means.

"Poor? It's not as good as your father." Tang Mu answered coldly, and his figure did not slow down at all. The vague figure could get rid of the restrictions of the strong wind had long been his expectation, so instead of not having any surprise, he reacted very quickly and quickly approached the shadow.

"The speed is too slow." Before Tang Mu approached, the figure appeared in front of Tang Mu, and then punched out, "I'm afraid you can't even dodge this punch now." Before the words fell, the fist of the figure suddenly turned into a shadow and bombarded Tang Mu.

A huge force attacked him. If it was just a huge force, Tang Mu could still stand it, but in such a force, a sharp breath burst out, which made him feel that his body was about to be torn apart. At the same time, there is also a breath in this force that makes Tang Mu feel extremely familiar, which makes Tang Mu feel confused.