reverse song

Chapter 750

Chapter 750

It's not so much whether you still want to stop it, but whether you can stop Yi Tian. When Yi Tian made that move and said that sentence, the people of these alliance were shocked by him. How could they dare to take half a step, let alone launch an attack on Yi Tian. The cold and domineering breath escaped from Yi Tian, which made people feel feared for no reason. Whether it was the most capable people or those ordinary soldiers on the periphery, they couldn't help retreating and then made way.

Yi Tian had no intention of killing. He looked at the people with a normal look, and then slowly lowered his body, landed firmly on the ground, and walked slowly. Naturally, it was impossible for him to let go of those capable people. After signaling Xiu and others to control those capable people, Yi Tian took a group of people to continue to walk towards the alliance headquarters.

The gray worm and others, who have been reaching out with Yi Tian and others, looked at this scene in horror. They have never heard of anyone who can be so domineering in the league, except for the man who destroyed the marginal city under the Red Giant. Are these people from marginal cities? Or their followers? The gray worm felt that his brain was not enough. He saw the fearless courage from Yi Tian and others, which was an attitude that made him extremely envious. If they could also be so frank, why should they be afraid of those people in the alliance?

However, Grey Bug and others are not stupid. Since Yi Tian and others can show such strength and are not afraid of the alliance at all, why don't they attack the alliance behind them? Maybe they can get some unexpected results. Thinking so in his heart, the gray insect has taken people to follow the footsteps of Yi Tian and others, and has the intention of following to the end.

Aware that someone was following him, Yi Tian looked back and happened to see the gray insects and others. A smile appeared on his flat face, and then said, "You'd better get out of here quickly. It's not safe to follow us." His words are true. Following Yi Tian, he will only continue to attract alliance attacks, and the people who appear will only become stronger and stronger. Although so far, the alliance has not sent any masters, and the foreigners who appear are all little-rooted guys, Yi Tian will not think that the alliance will really let them walk here randomly. For the alliance, Yi Tian is a big trouble. If it can't be removed, I'm afraid that foreigners will feel extremely uneasy every day.

The gray worm and others were surprised that Yu Yi Tian would turn around and say this to himself. He felt that Yi Tian must be scaring them. What danger can he encounter with the strength of Yi Tian and others? Even if there is danger, Yi Tian and others can easily deal with it. There is no need for him to worry about these things. So he had no intention of listening to the advice at all, or he still decided to hold this thigh completely.

Yi Tian just persuaded him and didn't say anything more. He knows that some people are useless no matter how much you persuade them. The only thing he can do now is to get rid of these people. And with the strength of Yi Tian and others, it is very easy to get rid of gray worms and others. Suddenly, Yi Tian flew directly in the direction of the alliance headquarters without even saying hello, at a very fast speed. Of course, William and others who followed Yi Tian were not slow at all and caught up with him one after another. However, the gray insects and others who followed the end of the team were stunned for a moment. They wanted to chase. However, how could they catch up with Yi Tian and others with their uneven strength? They could only watch Yi Tian and others disappear into their eyes, but they were helpless.

Here, the gray worm and others gave up following Yi Tian and others, but Yi Tian and others have no intention of slowing down. They have delayed too much time, and now they have to get to the direction of the alliance headquarters faster. In the galloping, Yi Tiancai found that Tang Mu was not in the crowd and couldn't help asking, "Where's Tang Mu?" Where have you been?" He thought Tang Mu should follow.

"Isn't he with you?" Xiu looked at Yi Tian in surprise. He remembered that Yi Tian and Tang Mu left together. It is said that the two should also be together now. He didn't see Tang Mu before. He thought Tang Mu had something else to do, so he didn't ask. However, when Yi Tian asked about Tang Mu, Xiu found that things didn't seem to be that simple.

"Didn't he come back?" Yi Tian's face also changed. He always thought that Tang Mu also came out of the channel, but he didn't expect Tang Mu to come out at all, and it seemed that he had never come back from the beginning. This situation surprised Yi Tian, and at the same time, he felt that things did not seem to be as simple as he thought. Yi Tian was completely unimpressed about how he came out of the channel. He originally thought that Tang Mu was separated from himself when he took him out of the channel, but now it seems that something else happened at that time.

For Yi Tian's question, Xiu can only shake his head to answer. Tang Mu has never come back. He remembers this clearly, and now Yi Tian asks about Tang Mu's whereabouts, which only shows that Tang Mu seems to have encountered some accident.

What happened on the other side of the channel? Suddenly, Yi Tian began to care about the things on the other side of the channel. He felt that he had missed something very important, but he couldn't remember what he had missed at all. This made him extremely distressed.

"Don't think so much, solve the immediate trouble first." Sensing the change in Yi Tian's mood, the white wolf couldn't help shouting. At this time, I am most afraid that the leader will be emotionally unstable, which is very easy to make some wrong decisions. Now Yi Tian is not acting alone, but taking a group of people to move within the alliance. If he is a little careless, it will be the end of the destruction of the whole army. Yi Tian may be able to rely on his own means to save his life, but what about others? That's not the case at all.

After being drunk by the white wolf, Yi Tian also understood that he had almost done something that should not have been done. He hurriedly stabilized his mood. He was ready to find out the situation on the side of the alliance first, and then go to find out what happened on the other side of the channel. Yi Tian was sure that he would not be as embarrassed as before when he went to the channel again.

The group continued to move in the direction of the alliance headquarters, but there was another situation at the alliance headquarters.

"Has Yi Tian joined those people?" There is no change in the expression on the nameless face, so that people can't guess what he is thinking, but it's useless even if he knows it. No one can control the nameless, especially in the league.

Before he finished saying the nameless words, he saw a red light flying over his head. The red light was so dazzling that the corner of the nameless eyes couldn't help beating fiercely. Seeing that the red light fell into a group of buildings, the nameless turned his head and looked at the white-haired man who reported to him: "Is that fool going to die again? Don't they know that they are not Yi Tian's opponents at all with their strength? Although the tone is not too harsh, it still makes people clearly feel the dissatisfaction of the nameless heart.

The white-haired man who was reporting the matter sensed the anger of the nameless heart and couldn't help trembling slightly. He didn't expect that the nameless would suddenly pursue this matter. At first, the nameless said to let these people move freely, so those people were a little unscrupulous, but these people's performance of not weighing their own and the enemy's strength at all angered the nameless.

"They are just curious about what kind of gap there is between themselves and their enemies." The white-haired man gave such a reason after a period of silence, but his expression was quite plain, so that people could not see what he was thinking. However, his heart was full of dog blood scolding those new people. Recently, because the channel is about to be opened, there are more and more cracks around, which has led to more and more people coming to the earth first. The advantage of having more clans is that they are bold, but the same trouble is that they are inconvenient to manage. These clans are all unruly people. When they first came here, although they will obey the nameless instructions at the beginning, more often, they do not pay attention to nameless people at all. Another point is that these people do not know the existence of their ancestors at all. If they know the existence of their ancestors, it may be another situation. However, for some reason, the ancestors asked the unknown and others to completely block the news of his existence, which caused many people not to know the existence of the ancestors at all.

"Now that they know, are they satisfied?" The nameless looked at the white-haired man, "Notify me and let them hit the auditorium. Those who dare not come will be killed without mercy." Although he is a member of the same clan, he will not be polite to these people at the real moment, especially if these people break his big plan with the general, he will kill these people without hesitation.

The white-haired people didn't expect the nameless reaction to be so fierce, but think about it, the recent performance of those people has really gone too far. Instead of listening to advice, they continue to act privately, which makes the white-haired people quite distressed. On the contrary, the white-haired man was quite concerned about the young man who appeared last time, but the young man has not appeared since he disappeared, which made the white-haired man quite care about him. Of course, it is impossible for a white-haired man to ask who the young man of his ancestors is, which not only offends his ancestors, but also may lose his life.

The white-haired man still attaches great importance to his life, otherwise how could he have been hiding in the back and unwilling to face Yi Tian and others?

Following the nameless arrangement and gathering those people in the auditorium, the white-haired man went to the room where his ancestors were again.

Qin Mo didn't expect that Qin Xu would agree to the request of cooperation so easily. He didn't even say anything superfluous. He agreed, and even didn't even make any demands, as if he was not worried about what tricks he would play at all. However, he also knows that it is useless to play tricks at this time. Once foreigners come to the world completely, they will still be forced to join hands. It's better to take the initiative now, and maybe they can take some initiative.

It's not nothing to get together with Qin Xu. At least Qin Xu told them that there are only a small number of foreigners coming to the earth now. As for the large army of foreigners, there is still no way to appear on the earth for the time being. Another news is that there is no sign of blocking the passage of foreigners, so there must be another way for foreigners to come to this earth, and now all they have to do is to find the passage, and leave it to Yi Tian and others to contain the alliance.

Qin Xu is very confident in the combat strength of Yi Tian and others. Qin Mo doesn't know why Qin Xu is so reassuring about Yi Tian and others' actions, as if he knows Yi Tian very well. Qin Mo did not know that there were white wolves and others around Yi Tian. Qin Xu naturally knew Yi Tian's actions like the back of his hand. Of course, for now, Qin Xu can't fully grasp what Yi Tian is going to do next. After all, Yi Tian has never been playing cards according to conventional rules, otherwise the marginal cities would not be destroyed.

After determining what he was going to do next, Qin Mo and others began to think about how to do it. They already know a lot about the world, but with Qin Xu, who have been immersed in this world for a long time, they are still too young after all. Many things in the world are out of a state of little understanding. In this case, it is completely blind to let them go out and act by themselves. . However, Qin Mo and others have no choice. The best way is to ask Qin Xu directly about the next arrangements. Of course, it's nothing for Qin Mo to do this, but Xun Zhong has a different feeling in his heart.

The five guys were originally superiors, and he never begged others in a low voice. Therefore, it is definitely impossible for Xun Zhong and others to let Qin Mo ask Qin Xu, let alone let Qin Xu make arrangements for them.

Fortunately, Qin Xu is a delicate person and has been arranged early in the morning. The vulture left here is naturally arranged among the five guys and others. Qin Xu actually thought about making the vulture be the helper of the five guys and others. On the one hand, it can really help the five guys and others find the cracks where foreigners landed in the world. The other point is to monitor the five guys so that they can't do some messy things. Of course, the so-called surveillance is also a little difficult for the vulture to execute. Although the vulture is a master, it is still somewhat different from the five guys and others. The vulture himself knows this very well.

After everything was arranged, Qin Mo and others left Qin Xu's small yard, and of course the vulture arranged in it.

After Qin Mo and others left, Ling Xiaozi walked out of Qin Xu's room. Just now, he has been observing the situation outside in the room. For him, Wulao and others are dangerous. He has never believed anything Wulao and others say, even if it is the simplest word. His attitude towards Wulao is as resolute as his attitude towards foreigners.

"Have you finally left?" Ling Xiaozi exhaled and looked at Qin Xu, "Do you think their words are credible?" Knowing the relationship between Qin Xu and Qin Mo, Ling Xiaozi still said so. He would never believe the words of the five.

"xin, why don't you believe it?" Qin Xu did not hesitate and gave his answer directly. He believed in Qin Mo, Wu Lao and others. Otherwise, it is impossible for the personality of the five guys to come to ask for cooperation. They must have noticed the unknown factors hidden in the dark.

"It's rare for you to trust others so much." Ling Xiaozi sneered and said in a slightly sarcastic tone. Now he is beginning to believe in Qin Xu. He doesn't want to put himself in danger because he believes in some people too blindly.

"If you can't trust others, then you can't do anything." Qin Xu looked at Ling Xiaozi, "I know that you have a preference for the five guys, and I am not, but they are still of the same clan after all. In the face of the threat of foreigners, they can naturally distinguish the importance."

"Foreigners? Humph, don't say you don't know that foreigners are actually from the same clan as us. Ling Xiaozi looked at Qin Xu coldly. Foreigners evolved from their peers, so who else can believe it?

"Do you still want to talk about this old story of the past? No one knows why those people evolved into foreigners, but their existence poses a threat to us, and this alone is enough. Qin Xu knew that Ling Xiaozi was stubborn and did not intend to argue with him any more. "This is the end of this matter. We still need to find out how the foreigners came back. If we can't find their channels, we will be in trouble when their army comes. Qin Xu thought very long-term. If he can't stop it in time, no one knows what it will become in the end.

They all saw the ancestors of foreigners who appeared in the border city on that day. If more foreigners come, it will be a big crisis. Although Yi Tian and others are restraining the alliance now, this does not mean that Qin Xu and others can rest assured. No one can guarantee that Yi Tian and others can contain the foreigners on the other side of the alliance for a long time. Once the foreigners perceive their arrangement, they are afraid they will encounter an extremely fierce counterattack, even if they If you want to find a channel for foreigners to come to the earth, I'm afraid there is no time.

Of course, Ling Xiaozi understood the meaning of Qin Xu's words, but he just didn't believe in the five guys or foreigners. Even Yi Tian and others who fought in the alliance didn't believe it at all. The only thing he believes is himself, but as Qin Xu said, if he doesn't believe anyone, then he can't do anything.

Qin Xu ignored what Ling Xiaozi was thinking. Now he needs to start analyzing various intelligence on his opponents, and then start arranging various things. At the same time, he also needs to deal with various changes that may occur among foreigners. He still has so much to do that it gives him a headache. Compared with Qin Xu, what Yi Tian and others do is much simpler.