Legend of Rebellion

Chapter 2 Looking back

The sun rises high, and the ground is smoking from the poisonous heat wave.

In the west of Jiuquan, in the land of Anxi, there is a small town with a strange name, called Huitou Town. Maybe it is because of Jiuquan. Although the population is not large, the streets of the town are still sparse and full of shouting!

In dozens of miles away from the town, a figure is slowly coming, broken clothes and rolled black hair! He is the lonely soul who came from Jiuquan! And the people in the town watched a figure coming from the wine spring and stood there motionless without moving at all!

Once you enter the wine spring, there is no circuit!

How can anyone come out of Jiuquan alive!

There was an unbelievable shock on everyone's faces, which was a place where even those immortals and powermen did not dare to set foot in. Listening to the legend of the older generation in the town, it is said that many years ago, there were unknown immortals who would set foot in the wine spring every Shuowang, but they would never return, so gradually the originally prosperous town Become depressed, and there is a saying circulating on the whole continent, which is that there is no loop in the yellow spring!

It didn't take long for the lonely soul to enter this town. Looking at the shocked faces, the heavenly soul moved quickly and finally got rid of the harmful eyes. Although he was dressed in rags, because he was ordinary and his clothes were also worn out, like a beggar, no one paid attention to him.

Tianhun looked at the snacks that kept selling on the street and touched his stomach with his hand!

"It seems to be very hungry! But I'm penniless!" The lonely soul looked at its own appearance, don't laugh secretly! Pretume to be a beggar!

The lonely soul looked at the steamed bun with hot air in the sound of selling, and was in a daze! The son of the prominent fly group leader in those years actually fell to the point of begging. The lonely soul was really embarrassed to open his mouth!

"Little beggar! Here!" The boss who sold steamed buns was very enthusiastic. Looking at the broken appearance of the lonely soul, he knew that it was begging, so he happily handed two steamed buns to the lonely soul!

The lonely soul looked at the steamed bun handed to him. Although he couldn't understand what the boss was talking about, he knew that the steamed bun was for himself, so he took the steamed bun, raised his bow, and walked far away with the steamed bun!

The heavenly soul sat aside, with steamed buns in his mouth, looking at the road in the distance, and didn't know where to go!

At this time, the lonely soul has five flavors in his heart and doesn't know what to rely on!

I am alive, and I can have a new life, but the world is big, and I am the only one who doesn't understand the language of the world and is lonely without relatives!

What kind of world is this?

I was surprised to find that in addition to black-eyed people like him, there are also blond-haired and blue-eyed residents in the town, as well as red-haired blue eyes, blue-haired and black-eyed...

"It seems that too many things have happened in this ten thousand years, and I must integrate into this society as soon as possible."

The lonely soul suddenly felt a chill on his back and a chill in his heart. With intuition, Tianhun felt that someone was staring at him.

The heavenly soul looked at it with a feeling, and saw a half-hundred old Taoist priest shaking his head at a gossip stall not far behind him and sighing, "It's strange that my divination technique has never felt this way. How can I calculate a reason for a broken beggar!"

"No, it seems really wrong! Well, it seems that it's really wrong. Why is it getting more and more chaotic? Damn, I don't count it! No one came to tell fortunes for a day, and now even this little beggar can't figure it out why. It seems that this divination skill will not be used for a long time and will not work!" The old Taoist priest lost the hexagram in his hand and wandered to walk away!

The lonely soul looked at the fading old Taoist priest strangely, and suddenly felt a feeling of spiritual excitement in his heart!

"Is that old Taoist priest a monk!"

The lonely soul looked at the old Taoist priest's fading away and couldn't help thinking of what his father had said.

"Soul, you have to remember that among the hundreds of races, martial arts practitioners like us must be terrible, but there are also many powerful roles among those monks and immortals, especially those who can understand the fate and see through the internal circulation of our family's Xuangong. They are not really martial arts masters, or born cultivation. Taoist, you have to be extra careful!"

"He should be a monk! Don't these kinds of people rarely walk on earth? The lonely soul deeply knows the horror of this kind of people, and non-cultivated martial arts masters dare not be their enemies.

The father's words are still in his ears: "... Reshaping the body, solidifying the genshen, and reaching the level of living together with heaven and earth, and shining with the sun and the moon. This is the ultimate goal of monism, that is, the realm of immortality. The road that martial artists want to take is to cultivate themselves against the sky, so as to reach the legendary realm of immortals and martial arts, but the road we take is between martial arts and Taoists. What we take is to pursue the ancient bloodline, return to creation, evolve the origin, and the path is dangerous... Our ultimate realm is not immortals, not gods, but creation! .........”

His father did not go on, but the lonely soul has understood that whether it is a martial artist or a monk, they can't resist in the end, because his father himself is the best example. Even if those monks are successful, the martial saints will only make friends with ordinary people after seeing him.

Thinking of this, the lonely soul moved, "I don't know if my father has finally stepped into the realm of creation, if so... maybe there will be a day when father and son meet."

But when he thought of the forest-like tombstone in the cemetery, he panicked.

"But the god is dead and the immortals are extinct. I don't know if the father... If the father steps into the realm of creation, I'm afraid he can't escape..."

"Let's not think about what happened in those years!"

He was gloomy for a while. He doesn't have the courage to recycle many things. Those are painful!

Pedestrians come and go, buying and selling one after another, but the lonely soul feels extremely lonely. He feels that he is an outcast of the world and has been ruthlessly abandoned by history.

"I was mediocre. Now that I have died, why did you let me climb out of the ancient tomb after a long time?"

"My name is Lone Soul. Has I really become a Lone Soul? Where should I go?"

A large dark cloud floated in the sky, and the sky immediately dimmed.


After a thunder, the shops on both sides of the street closed one after another, and the pedestrians on the street hurriedly. Soon the street became deserted, leaving him standing alone in the middle of the road.

After the lightning and thunder, the heavy rain poured down, and the cold rain poured through his lonely clothes. He felt a chill on his body. However, what was colder was his heart, and his heart was extremely cold.

"Although the world is big, where is my home?"

There was a rain curtain between heaven and earth, and a lonely figure walked blankly on the street, allowing the raindrops to hit his body wildly.

Where will I go? Ten thousand years ago, even if I was mediocre, I was still a son of a family with unimaginable respect... But now I have lost everything. Should I live a mediocre life in the vast sea of people? I really don't want to!"

"Haha...so what if you are unwilling, can you change all this? Ten thousand years ago, you were mediocre, and ten thousand years later, you are still mediocre! There is no need to live again when you die, and there is no need to be detached from burial! Hahaha... Heaven is impermanent, and the world is even more impermanent. In such a strange world, just let me die!"

The lonely soul asked himself, and his face was full of pain. Looking at the thunderbolt of the thorns in the sky, my eyes are obsessed!

"Dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, am I dragons or phoenixes?" I'm nothing, hahaha! What am I? Ten thousand years ago, I became the proud son of heaven because I reached the realm of Yukong at the age of 20, but when I was 25 years old, I became a disgrace because of that disaster! I am known as the shame of the fly clan and become the laughing stock of the hundred clans! ......”

"At the age of 18, he entered the realm of the great success of the family's Xuangong. At the age of 30, he was already invincible. That year, his father had reached the realm of peeping into life and death, and entered the realm of nirvana. What about himself? A shame, a tragedy!"

"Tiger father and dog son, there is no weak person in the blood clan of the fly clan!"

"Blizzard lion blood cold, it's really enviable to have such a son!"

"After the blood lion, another generation of strong men is not far away!"


"The shame of the fly clan!"

"A waste! Useless guy!"


A completely different picture passed in front of the lonely soul. Ten thousand years ago, what was you? What is yourself now?

"I'm a loser, I'm a disgrace!"

"My blood lion's son is not a waste, and he will not be an incompetent person!"

Once my father said that he had tried because of such a heroic saying, but it was just a struggle!

Thinking of the "he" in his heart, his lonely soul was sad, and an unspeakable pain surged in his heart.

"Nuwa, do you know? Hahaha! I thought you would always be with me, but I didn't expect, hehe, I really didn't expect that you, like them, thought I was a waste, and still abandoned me! Hahaha! Even if anyone in the world abandons you, I don't think you will abandon me. Unexpectedly, I really didn't expect that even you abandoned me in the end! Run to Fuxi! Ha ha! You are so cruel!"

"Nvwa! You are so cruel, but I didn't expect that even if the history of the years abandoned me, even the ghost would not accept me, hahaha! OK OK! You are all fine. God doesn't allow me and the earth doesn't allow me. Only this mortal world tolerates me and abandons me. Only my father doesn't abandon me!"

"Nvwa, I will always come back one day, hahaha! The vicissitudes of life are only accompanied by loneliness! Love and hatred still dissipate with the smoke!"

"Do you know Nuwa? Still with the years, I still love you, and I still love you, do you know?"

The years are gone, and the beauty fades away!

The regret of Nuwa's lonely soul is his eternal trauma!

The lonely soul stumbled and ran in the rain. I don't know when my chest was stuffy, and a mouthful of blood spewed out and fainted!

"Nvwa, you are so cruel, you are so cruel!"


Division of realm!

washing spirit, quenching soul, imperial sky, life and death, nirvana, creation

Everyone supports me!! Ha ha! In the past few days, the books over there have been packed up, and I will concentrate on typing here. I hope everyone can stand up