Legend of Rebellion

Chapter 21 Killing

Recently, several important events have taken place in a five-emen gate.

The first major event was the birth of a strange treasure in the Lotus Mountains, which is said to be the soul flag of the Neoproterozoic period. Moreover, it is said that the news from the ancestors who have not appeared for a long time make people of each sect look for it. If they get it, they can not only get the special treatment of entering the hanging pavilion to choose and practice the secret book at will, but also get the strongest soul vein.

This news spread like a storm in the five elements gate, and many doormen automatically asked to find it, and even if most of the people with ordinary cultivation were dispatched, the five elements gate suddenly became clean and abnormal!

The second major event is that the legend of the native grandson of the five elements sect was defeated by an unknown boy and was defeated miserably. It is said that the man played with the grandson like a sandbag, and finally threw the grandson away like throwing garbage, and finally found it 100 miles away, and it is even more said that the man scolded Tuyansun. It's cheap!

The third thing is that Muzong's proud disciple was killed, and it was rumored that he fell off the cliff and disappeared! Second, it was the golden wheel with a broken arm that spread this rumor!

The fourth thing is that the golden wheel, which has always been strong, has been broken!

The lonely soul followed several doormen of the five elements. Listening to these words, his heart was surging. It seemed that these things were related to him, especially those who were loaded into the strongest soul vein!

Now the lonely soul really wants to find out all this, but how to enter it is still a problem, especially with so many people in the five elements, and they are not familiar with it, which is enough to spend a lot of energy!

However, at this time, the lonely soul felt that the whole forest was full of killings. He knew that maybe Qingxuan had returned to the Five elements, and maybe the sect had notified all the doormen. It seemed that there was a lot of trouble!

The lonely soul can't help frowning when thinking about it! But I can't think of a good way!

But this place is extremely wild. In addition to the towering ancient wood, it is a monster bird, and its volume is unusually huge. Looking at several pairs of people in the five-line gates being torn by monsters, although the lonely soul is happy, it also feels the difficulty of the journey!

Even the five-emer people here seem to be unable to escape the predation of evil beasts!

Looking at the torn body and the tragic blood stains, the lonely soul suddenly had an idea and sneaked in!

The lonely soul turned around looking for a set of clothes. Although there are many broken places, it can still be mixed up! Make your hair fluffy and messy, and put some blood on your face, which looks like a fugitive!

The lonely soul didn't know where this place was, so the lonely soul found a cave and hid it secretly. It stayed here for three or four days. In these three or four days, organic wave people came over, but looking at the leading people, the lonely soul knew at a glance that the cultivation was not shallow, at least not with itself. Compared with each other, several pairs are even stronger than himself. Although he is not afraid that the other party will see his cultivation, even if he let them see the lonely soul, he dares to make sure that they will never see it, but he doesn't want to be with these pairs of people, so he still has to practice silently and wait for the arrival of the next group of people!

The lonely soul waited for another three days, but no one appeared at all. On this day, the lonely soul decided to leave here and decided to go to the lake, at least where there is a water source. As long as there is a water source, there will definitely be people, although it is not good to make the place where evil beasts and birds appear! But where should be the best choice!

Just as the lonely soul was about to turn around and leave, the lonely soul was stunned by the scene in front of him! That is definitely an ancient beast, which does not belong to their era, and the existence of their era!


The lonely soul is shocked!

It is said that when heaven and earth were first formed, on the day when everything was first transformed, there was a saying between heaven and earth, gods, ghosts and five immortals, and added Asura to achieve six reincarnations! And there are five insects in the world, that is, dragonfly, scales, hair, feathers and Kun. Among them, worms refer to humans, scale insects refer to aquariums, caterpillars refer to beasts, feather insects refer to birds, and insects refer to insects.

But there are all kinds of strangeness in the world. It is said that there are floods and famines in the world that do not belong to the five immortals and five insects! Among them is this all-armed ape!

Legend has it that the arm ape can hold the sun and the moon, shrink thousands of mountains, distinguish the blame, and the universe. It has the ability to understand the heaven and the earth, and the existence of a god. In ancient times, it is incomparable!

How can there be such a flood and alien existence here? The lonely soul is dumbfounded. What kind of world is this? Why shouldn't it exist? Hundred races seem to have mutated, and even this ancient alien species has appeared! The lonely soul is shocked!

And the ape is more than feet tall, holding several feet of ancient wood pulled out in his hand, sweeping away at a large forest!


The harsh sound sounded again, like a roar when killing pigs, but it showed a strange cry that went straight up to the sky and penetrated thousands of miles!

The lonely soul blocked its ears and went far away! He doesn't know what that guy wants to do. He just wants to stay away now! The farther away you hide, the better. This kind of thing is not something he can get close to!

Finally, the lonely soul returned to the periphery of the lake and found a suitable place to heal the wound. It is only two or three miles away from the beach and close to the habitat of the eight-armed dragon, so that ordinary fierce beasts dare not approach it easily. The small lake is still surrounded by unknown ancient trees and environmental protection, and there are different kinds of flowers competing for beauty. Large areas are in full bloom, purple and red, flowers are fragrant, and it is not the sound of beasts from the distance, which adds a different atmosphere here!

The lonely soul found a hidden place, ate some food, and began to continue to practice! I have to say that the weather in this forest is unpredictable. In the afternoon, the originally cloudless sky was gray and gloomy in the blink of an eye, and large dark clouds surged quickly. The black clouds rumbled, the island was empty, lightning and thundered, and it rained heavily. The lonely soul was lucky to have built a bamboo house in time. Looking at the rain curtain outside the window, his thoughts flew. The past is like the wind, and the scenes are passing by!

"Brother Jiu, I finally saw you!"

"Brother Jiu, we will never be separated again!"


The lonely soul stood in the wind and rain, looked at the fog on the lake like a quiet rain, and couldn't help muttering to himself, "I will definitely find out what's going on with all this. As long as there is a glimmer of hope for you, I won't give up!"

"Even if there is only a trace of soul, I will take you back!"

The lonely soul's tears were hazy, and the rain slid down his cheeks! Keep sliding down!

At this moment, I suddenly saw a strong light reflecting through the lake! Although it disappeared in an instant, the lonely soul felt the strong killing behind him!

With years of experience, he knows that it is the brilliant reflection of the blade! Although the lonely soul was happy to finally meet someone again, the killing made the lonely soul feel the unusual not far behind him! Don't underestimate people!

There is another update at about six o'clock, brothers stand up