Legend of Rebellion

Chapter 23 The Sea of Desire

"Look at that cloud?"

Qingxuan, who pointed to the silence in the distance, suddenly said, pointing to the cloud! It's not the blue sea and blue sky. There is a cloud there. This cloud looks really out of place with the sky!

A dark cloud!

And as the dark clouds rose in the distance, everyone suddenly felt an inexplicable depression and heaviness! Amitabha!"

At the same time, there was a sound of Buddha in the distance!

A leisurely Buddha suddenly sounded, giving people a feeling of endless vicissitudes. At the same time, in this darkness, a mass of Buddha light centered on the circle went straight to the sky, and the brilliance of the sky fell down.

And with the Buddha's light all over the sky, everyone's hearts suddenly relaxed!

And Zhantian and others in the distance were also shocked. Unexpectedly, this Yuanjue was only a few months old and had reached such a cultivation!

It is said that Chiba Temple came from the Six Miaomen in the Paleozoic period!

And these six wonders are "one number, two follow, three stops, four views, five return, six clean".

With the Buddha's light all over the sky, the lonely soul is also shocked. This round feeling has definitely reached the level of three stops, and the so-called three stops is to calm down. As far as the name. Concentric and worried. The heart does not fluctuate. Then the meditation will be developed naturally.

And the three-stop realm has also reached the realm of imperial air, and from this Buddha's light, the lonely soul clearly feels that the circle cultivation at this moment is probably much deeper than itself.

And with the advent of the Buddha's light, the lonely soul also felt a feeling of unobstructed and calm!

And at this moment, the lonely soul didn't think much, just looked at the cloud! That cloud is very strange!

But this is not a strange place, but a picture that appears through the dark cloud as the blood moon approaches! And the expressions of the people on the ground are also different at this moment. The men's faces are red, and several women, including Shuiyue'er, have red cheeks!

In the sky, you can see a magnificent picture through the black clouds!

There are about four beautiful women in the black clouds, and their beauty is stunning, and the dance is even more peerless!

Four charming women surrounded a black lotus. They coiled their black hair into a high top bun, full of pearls, and then only wore water-red shoulders below, covering the small half of the towering jade-breasts, and revealing their snow-white breasts. On the blue sky and under the moonlight, It looks very touching!

And especially the wonderful place seems to be surrounded by a layer of red silk scarf, which is even more attractive!

At this moment, everyone, including the blood demon, looked up at the sky and seemed to be a little anxious and restless, with strange light in their eyes!

Everyone's breathing seems to be a little short! At this moment, the lonely soul also feels a little uncomfortable!

Even if it is like the Yuanjue of Chiba Temple, although the Buddha's name is constantly hanging high in his mouth at this moment, his nose is still short and his face is red!

At this moment, the lonely soul looks at Qingxuan, and at this moment, Qingxuan seems to be trying to endure it, but the flushed skin now emits a seductive luster in the darkness! At this moment, the people around me couldn't stand it and ran to the distance!

The hands kept flying high in the sky, muttering ** evil words in his mouth, his face was crazy, and there was a slight trace of blood on the corners of his mouth!

And with the continuous dancing of the four women in the sky, the lotus flower slowly unfolded, and as the black lotus continued to expand and expand, the dark clouds around it gradually dispersed, turning into several lotus leaves, delicate and touching. At this moment, the lotus flower seems to be more beautiful than the four. Women are more worthy of heartbeat!

The lotus seems to be moving, and the lotus stamens seem to gradually stretch out as they unfold, and on the stamens, what is more wonderful is a beautiful woman who gradually appears!




With the appearance of the woman, even a few practitioners who have reached the realm of the imperial sky rushed to the sky like flying!

Just jump over! Like a vicious dog seeing a bone, it is actually better. Its eyes are like a fire, constantly tearing its clothes, turning into fragments, and the naked bodies pounce on the black lotus one by one!


At this moment, Yuanjue's endurance seems to have reached the limit, and with the sound of Buddha, Yuanjue spewed out a mouthful of blood and then collapsed on the ground!

The circle sitting on the ground looked at the lonely soul and the blood demon. At this moment, the lonely soul and the blood demon understood the meaning of the circle! Maybe the power of three people can * this kind of **!

"Exceed you two, if I guess correctly, this is the sea of desire!"

Hearing Yuanjue's words, the lonely soul did not react, but the blood demon's face changed greatly! However, the lonely soul seems to understand a lot when it hears this sea of desire and confirms the impact in the sky!

"Brother Soul, let's do our best to help the monk Yuanjue. I'm afraid there is no other way but to guard everyone's hearts and minds in the King Kong Prajna Paramita Sutra of Chiba Temple!"


After saying that, the lonely soul exerted all his strength and passed on his true yuan with the continuous chanting of Yuanjue!

Suddenly, the Buddha's shadow is all over the sky, and the lotus flowers are blooming, but this lotus flower is transformed by the Heart Sutra and is a wonderful meaning of the Dharma!

However, although everyone is much better with the sound of Buddha pouring all over the sky, the situation is still not very clear!

In the sky, the petite body was dancing at this moment, and every time I looked back, I couldn't help but make everyone present rippling! Especially that dress!

Although the girl above the stamens is petite and seems to be very young, her development seems to be too abnormal, and especially the whole body is covered with a thin layer of white dress, which now reveals that her delicate body is exquisite and graceful!

It's worthy of the sea of desire. Is this sea of desire such a fantasy? Although the lonely soul tried its best to help Yuanjue, he still paid attention to the movement around him from time to time!

This is no longer charming! This is the desire to destroy all sentient beings! This should indeed be called a sea of desire!

What shocked the lonely soul was the decorations on the little beauty's body. On the quite raised buds, there was an extremely delicate black lotus hanging on the top of the two bright red dots, and a dark black lotus was also embedded in the small navel, reflecting the white and almost transparent skin, showing a strange The beauty.

She also hung six identical black lotus on her slender waist. Looking further, the wonderful and mysterious triangle area is decorated with another brilliant black lotus, which cleverly covers the most charming square place. If you look carefully, you can see where this black lotus seems to grow from!

It seems that the thin layer of clothes on the body is just a senseless cover, and it is a decoration that doesn't matter at all~!

Beautiful face! Enchanting and strange smile!

And at this moment, when I see the lonely soul here, I can't help but feel a ripple, and I can't help thinking about it!

"Soul Brother!"

The blood demon who felt the change of the lonely soul couldn't help roaring!

When the lonely soul heard the low roar of the blood demon, he couldn't help but be shocked! I can't help nourishing my heart. Instead of moving a lot around, I try my best to stimulate the vitality of my body and cooperate with the sound of Buddha's praise, which is suddenly much easier! At this moment, there were also changes in the sky, and the wolves that rushed to the sky turned into a ball of powder and disappeared in the air, but the five women in the sky laughed more strangely at this moment!

The little beauty, especially located in the stamens, began to slowly twist her waist, and the little buds on her chest also shook slightly, and the black lotus around her body seemed to be alive, scattering extraordinary brilliance!

The dance gradually accelerated, and the delicate snow-white car body of the little beauty in the sky gradually floated a layer of strange pink, which looked so touching.

What's more strange is that at this moment, the Buddha's voice is like an accompaniment, and the snow-white bare feet in the distant sky are lightly on the black lotus petals, and they are more advanced and retreating, moving and jumping, lifting high and low. The situation is as beautiful as beautiful it is, and how attractive it is!

The four beautiful women around also kept dancing with the little beauty in the plate! The tender body is constantly changing, like catkins in the wind, like duckweed in the water!

At this moment, although the people below have a round Buddha's voice, everyone, whether male or female, is fascinated by it. Such a dance is really something I have never thought of in my life. ** charming, light and graceful, really makes people don't know how to describe it!

The extremely beautiful body language stretches, and the whole person is immersed in the cheerful dance. With the accompaniment of the Buddha's voice, it is really like a beautiful butterfly dancing among the flowers, spreading an extremely attractive beauty.

The little beauty shook her delicate body sharply from side to side, and her dancing posture seemed to be rapid for a while. There seemed to be a sound of excitement in the sky. Everyone's eyes seemed to be completely out of here, and the sound of the sound in front of them still made them completely lost themselves! Although some people still maintain some sage, they can feel that they are suffering from pain on the hot face control!

At the same time, a groan like a nine-day fairy in the sky flowed out of the cherry mouth of the little beauty on the black lotus, gracefully flew in the sky, jumped back to the stamens in the black lotus, and sat down in an extremely beautiful posture. The little pink face sweated slightly, delicate --Breathing softly, and with this whisper!

The obsessed smile on everyone's faces is stronger!

And at this moment, Yuanjue has recited the Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra to the sixth.

"... are all sentient beings, and there is no one who lives with each other, and there is no illegal appearance. Why? It's all sentient beings, if the heart takes the phase..."




At the same time, the three people, including Yuanjue, finally couldn't hold on and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood! He staggered back a few steps and looked at the crowd helplessly!

And at this moment, everyone's faces are even worse! And breathing is more rapid!

"The sea of desire is boundless!"

At this moment, with the spitting out of the blood, the blood demon looked up high and muttered to himself!


Recently, I wrote about the sea of desire, and maybe the plot is a little popular! Hey hey! But try to avoid it! Avoid it as much as possible!

The Jedi Canyon is an unknown number! Ha ha!