Legend of Rebellion

Chapter 37 Nine Yellow River Seal

Is this?

At this moment, the lonely soul frowned, and he felt the violent and uneasy breath again from the old man!

Is the anger of the mythical beast they said is the anger of their clan?

Is the lonely soul a little confused? How did their patriarch become a mythical beast?

But at this moment, he is not allowed to think too much, because of the change of the old man!


At this moment, there was a earth-shaking sound in the old man's mouth! With the old man's low roar, the old man also changed!

The old man's body gradually expands and distorts!

If there is a faint and looming bloody smell, it floats around the empty altar from all over the old man.

In the huge cave where the altar is located, there is no sound except for the old man's roar like a beast, but when people are in it, they seem to have the illusion of being in a whirlpool of torrents, an invisible but huge power, and a pair of dark eyes seem to stare at here coldly!

At this moment, Ren Yuan and the three people who originally came with the patriarch were gray and their faces were full of death! But his eyes seemed to be full of strange heat, without any fear!

At this moment, everyone felt the cold and bloody coming from the old man. Although everyone seemed to understand what it meant, everyone seemed to be more looking forward to it!

At the same time, the stone sculpture on the altar began to crumble, and the shocking tears scattered from the glutton's head and gradually cracked around!


The stone statue was smashed, and at the same time, a blood-red light sank into the old man's forehead!

The cold and bloody taste is stronger!

The old man's head is bleeding, and his eyes are a little gloomy at this moment!

At the same time, the old man's eyes suddenly looked sad, and at the same time, his calm hand suddenly inserted into his chest! Don't!"

At the same time, the three people who were kneeling in the distance shouted with tears in their eyes!

But it seemed that all this was useless. The old man's hand pierced deeply into his chest! There is no pain, and at this moment, the old man's mountains have rare comfort and enjoyment, which seems to be wonderful for him!

The hand inserted into the heart slowly stretched out, and at the same time, the bloody hand dragged something, bloody, a heart! It can still be seen that the heart is still beating!

The originally enjoyable face suddenly changed dramatically, and suddenly became angry and sad. The expression, the deep hatred in the heart, seemed to burst out suddenly. At the same time, the old man looked up to the sky and roared like a low roar from ancient times, sad and clumsy!


And at this moment, the lonely soul who heard this cry actually had a feeling of wanting to cry, and several other people were also staring at the old man with tears on their faces at this moment!

With this roar, at this moment, the stone walls around the altar seem to begin to drop a lot of dust, and at the same time, the pictures on the stone walls around the altar seem to have been resurrected, evilly looking at the heart in the old man's hand!




A drop of blood is still dripping from it. At this moment, the old man is still standing like that, smiling evilly. The devil-like smile scares the lonely soul!

At the same time, the lonely soul seems to be able to hear countless evil spirits roaring around the altar, the rapid and sharp wind keeps ringing in their ears, and the swaying candlelight makes this place look strange and ferocious!

Sweat kept falling from the forehead of the lonely soul, and he could clearly hear his heartbeat and the heartbeat in the old man's hand!

At this moment, Ren Yuan and others in the distance were already pale and collapsed weakly, looking at their patriarchs with fear. In the end, they seemed to have something to say!

At the same time, the lonely soul has an illusion. At this moment, the old man looks like a glutton, ferocious and evil!


The deep roar came from the old people again. In an instant, the whole altar seemed to tremble, and all the evil spirits were shouting and roaring!

The old man's sad eyes suddenly looked at the lonely soul and suddenly looked a little evil, and the heart in his hand seemed to beat more rapidly and blood more at the same time!




The sound is faster and faster!

Suddenly, the old man rushed towards the lonely soul like a giant beast! This place is not very big, and at this moment, the old man is like a mountain, covering the lonely soul from top to bottom!

The pupils of the lonely soul contracted in an instant, and the force under his feet were strong, and the knife in his hand was full of snow. The whole body floated backwards out to avoid this angry thunderous situation.


At this moment, a drop of blood fell on the hand of the lonely soul. The lonely soul felt a soul-eating pain, and his forehead couldn't help wrinkled tighter. Is this?

While the blood dripped on my hand, my skin began to slowly change color!

Blood red...redred...pink......

Is this?

The lonely soul couldn't help but be shocked, but at this moment, he did not hesitate. The knife in his hand trembled slightly, and the piece in his hand had been cut off!

However, at this moment, the old patriarch, who seems to be covered by a nihilistic gluttony, seems to become more angry. The roar and roar are even more shocked by the sand and dust, and his sad eyes are staring at the lonely soul!

The lonely soul looked at the bleeding heart and the hollowed out chest, and suddenly felt dry in his mouth.

Can you live without a heart? He doesn't believe it?

Is human blood corrosive? He doesn't believe it?


But it seems that he can't believe it, because everything in front of him is so weird!

The evil figure, the bleeding heart, the hollow chest......

All this is too evil, and at this moment, there are countless evil ghosts and gods roaring silently, making the lonely soul feel like the illusion of being in nine hell!

At this moment, the lonely soul can clearly see that the patriarch seems to be like an ancient glutton, as in the legend, the huge body is several feet high, the four feet are as thick as human claws, the thick head, and the whole face is like a big mouth, bloody!


The old man roared again and rushed over again. The lonely soul did not escape this time!

Although it is illusory, the lonely soul feels so real, and the huge volume has a feeling of crowding! It seems that the original spacious hall is almost occupied by him!

The hegemonic knife in the hands of the lonely soul is even more chilled at this moment. At this time, although without the assistance of the soul flag, although the lonely soul is the cultivation of the imperial realm, it is also powerful at this time!

At this moment, the lonely soul is gloomy, but the huge body on the opposite side is like a lonely soul. The two fire-breathing beast eyes are staring at the lonely soul, but a heart in his hand is even more enchanting!


At this moment, the lonely soul no longer hesitated, and the knife in his hand drew a strange trajectory, turned into a strange mark, and folded towards the virtual shadow!

This is the seal of the combination of the lonely soul on the first state of impermanence of water!

And there is a cold that represents water on the knife!

Jiuqu Yellow River Seal!

Jiuqu Yellow River Seal, this is the name given by the lonely soul itself, because the change of the Yellow River is indefensible, and it is the impermanence of the Yellow River!

The domineering knife in the hands of the lonely soul drew hundreds of trajectories, hundreds of cold air, and handed over to form a nine-curve Yellow River, hitting the illusory phantom!

And at this moment, the gluttonous virtual image also made a sad cry here. At the same time, the wild atmosphere around the body is stronger and the bloody atmosphere is more gloomy!


I uploaded it after the code was finished in the afternoon. Hey hey, I've been a little lazy recently! I don't want to code after coding! Hey hey, please encourage me and let me ** burn down!