Legend of Rebellion

Chapter 98 Years of Misfortune

"B son of a bastard, you've done a good job!" Zhao Lin kept sprinting forward, but he did not forget to sarcastically, and at this time, the lonely soul was also bitter!

Look at the faces of the two, I'm afraid that even if I am not buried in the snow this time, I will be buried in blood when I go out!

"Big brother, big sister, little brother, I was wrong! Hurry up and run for your life!" The lonely soul was a girl running away, while Zhao Lin behind him also roared to the sky, energetic and rushed straight forward!

And at the same time, the snow waves behind him are overwhelming!

At this time, the lonely soul turned around and looked at the time and space, but with his current power, he could not compete with this power and fled!

At this time, the lonely soul's heart is just a forceful reminder to turn the true element in his body and quickly rushed to the distance!

At this time, Zhao Lin started a little slowly, and at this time, it was like running on the waves, instead of hearing the curse behind him!

At the same time, the people in the snowfield also saw the turbulent snow waves from where Tianshan was located, and their hearts shouted like crazy!

Although Tianshan is a distance away from the snowy area, there is no need to pay attention to the usual avalanche, but this time, this avalanche is simply incomparable to ordinary times, and this avalanche is too unrestrained! It's too huge!

At this time, the heavy responsibility in the snowy city looked up, and there was just west. There was a snow-white light shining above the sky, and the halo suddenly spread away, and from the high sky, it was like a ball of boiling water, rushing in all directions. At the same time, it seemed that it suddenly exploded from the mountain that day. A mass of snow, and then bursting up one after another, and the snow waves burst everywhere, rolling into dozens of feet high or even higher waves, layer by layer and rolling rapidly on all sides.

Then I heard a deafening "rumbling" loud noise, and the heavy responsibility of the city couldn't help but shake my whole body, and at the same time, I heard the earth-shaking roar!

At the same time, a large area of snow vulture suddenly flew from the snow mountain, constantly crying, but it was compassion!

This avalanche caused a powerful shock from the earth within the circle of Tianshan Mountain, and at the same time, the various beasts and birds that had been lurking made a earth-shaking scream and cry at the same time! It can be seen from afar that the several-meter-long big bird wanted to flap its wings and fly away in the sky, but it collided with each other in the high sky, not being rolled into pieces by a big avalanche!

"Bastard, look at what you have done. My old life will be defeated by you bastard this time!"

At this moment, although the speed of the three people has been mentioned to the extreme, they still seem to be unable to get rid of the surging avalanche behind them, setting off hundreds of feet of blood waves like a flattening world!

At this time, the old man Zhao Lin is still cursing behind him!

"Old man, brother, I'm sorry for you this time. If you have an afterlife, I will compensate you well!" Although the lonely soul rushed forward, he also felt that he had reached the extreme, so he had to make fun of the old thing that he didn't know when he had been on par with him!

"Compensate for your grandfather's head. I don't ask for the afterlife, but for this life. Damn, I escaped this time. Your grandfather doesn't compensate me well. I won't end with you!"

After the old guy finished speaking, the girl rushed forward, and this time it seemed to be faster, but two jumps have crossed about a hundred feet! The lonely soul looked at the old man who suddenly showed such strength and couldn't help but be stunned!

"The old man is really not simple!" Although the lonely soul muttered, it looked at the snowy tide behind him, but his heart was very plain!

And while the lonely soul was in a daze, a high blood wave ran behind the lonely soul again, and it was really the waves following the previous waves!

At the same time, a roar was like a thousand scorch thunder. Even the people in the snowy city felt a rumble in their ears and dizzy in their brains. At this time, the lonely soul was softer and almost collapsed to the ground.

At the same time, the peak where Tianshan is located seems to shake violently, and with this shaking, even the world where the lonely soul is located seems to be shaking!

And this Tianshan is like the fundamental place between heaven and earth, but at this time, the lonely soul has no hesitation! Wind and lightning!

The body was like the wind and swept away, but as soon as the lonely soul moved away, there was a thunder behind it!

There was suddenly squeezed down by a bigger snow wave!

At this time, the old man who jumped in front of him seemed to feel guilty. Although he was still a little less guilty than this guilt, he still turned back, picked up his lonely soul, and quickly ran towards the snow!

At this time, the lonely soul is muddled in his head. He doesn't know why he was suddenly carried by something, and then he didn't know what was going on, but his ears were full of wind, and at the same time, he felt an indescribable pain all over his body!

"You little bastard, I'm not in a good mood today. You have been buried in the snow!"

The lonely soul is still in consterred and still in the stage of touching his buttocks, but he heard a sound that he didn't want to hear!

"Wh! Why didn't you get buried there? It's really a disaster for thousands of years!" The lonely soul grinned and said.

"You heartless bastard, if I had been buried below, I'm afraid you would have been crushed by the snow below!" Zhao Lin also roared and said, "If you bastard hadn't caused a good thing, I might have been holding a treasure by now!"

Zhao Lin paused and continued, "You little bastard, you remember the compensation you mentioned, and you still owe me a life, plus your previous compensation!" Speaking of this, Zhao Lin seemed to have a quite fruitful smile, "It seems to be good, but is this compensation? You will find us a good hotel tonight and treat us to a good meal. Is there anything else? Are you going to dump the toilet for me tonight?" Speaking of this, Zhao Lin's head twisted to the sky!

At this time, when we heard our lonely soul, it reacted, and at the same time, we saw the expressionless spiritual moon beside us!

Although the lonely soul at this time was surprised how Lingyue could escape from the avalanche, it did not ask, because the lonely soul of Lingyue could not see through it!

At the same time, there was a shout from the gate: "Close the gate and start the moat array!"

At this time, the lonely soul was surprised, but it found that he had been taken to the snowy city, but he was also secretly grateful to Zhao Lin, but he did not say anything to thank him!


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