Legend of Rebellion

Chapter 109 for the source of living water

"One flower, one world, one grass, one heaven..."

How can flowers be the world! Although the lonely soul is in this territory at this time, less than dozens of feet in radius, surrounded by nothingness, and the earth is even more dry and barren, but the lonely soul is towards the last sentence in his heart!

One flower, one world, one grass, one heaven, one leaf, one bald head, one sand, one bliss, one pure land, one smile, one dust, one thought and one purity!

One or one, but it represents different things. The original one is still not the original one!

Yes! No!

No! Yes!


The lonely soul's heart has always been in a contradiction. He doesn't know how to understand all this, but this kind of thing is between illusion and illusion, sometimes it's an epiphany, sometimes it's an opportunity! As Xueyi said, most of the time, things in this world rely on a predestined word!

opportunity! No matter when, this opportunity is essential and crucial!

"Maybe this is a state of mind. If the heart has nothing, it can be a flower, a world, a grass and a paradise. If you understand these, you may be able to see through this Yujiang, and maybe there is a possibility of fusion and as a seed! Otherwise, I'm afraid no matter how hard you try, it will be futile!"

Although the lonely soul is very calm and old-fashioned at this moment, it is constantly thinking about all this in his mind, and it turns much faster than usual!

The state of mind, but at the same time, the heart of the lonely soul is as if it is enlightened!

"One flower, one world, one grass, one heaven, and the whole world has become like flowers and plants, and everything in the world is better, and this Yujiang is also a world, a flower, and also..."

"It's as if they are all relative, and idealism is not without mistakes! Yujiang is a world, a world that belongs to itself, a world that only its own heart recognizes, but this world in the outside world is another world, a world that everyone thinks! Because of what I think, I can feel the existence of Yujiang. Because of what everyone thinks, there is the existence of the big world. No matter where I am, I need a feeling that my heart has heaven and earth to see it!"

Although the lonely soul seems to understand this meaning, it is impossible for him to really melt this Yujiang! Because it is one thing to figure out, and the real enlightenment is another thing, and the real melting is a word of enlightenment!

Even if it is clear, but if you can't understand it, everything is still useless!

Although I can feel the existence of Yujiang, he is not mine. If it weren't for Xue Yi, I'm afraid I wouldn't know that there is something called Yujiang in my life!

However, since you have got it, you must grasp it well, and listen to what Xue Yi said, as long as you really melt it and take this Yujiang Party a seed!

If this is a seed, then you are the soil, and if you want him to bloom and bear fruit, you have to work hard! At this time, the lonely soul gradually calmed down, and there was no fluctuation of breath all over his body. He just sat there quietly, like a piece of wood!

At this time, there seems to be a very deep voice, constantly asking the lonely soul what to do. With each question, it only takes a few seconds for the lonely soul to answer at the beginning, but later it seems to take a few hours to answer!

Flowers and plants, flowers and plants, everything is alive?


The answer of the lonely soul is very reluctant. Even if he doesn't know this, after so much experience, he really doesn't know whether time is like life or not!

Do you think that's a birth?

The lonely soul looked along the sound, but saw a thunder flashing through the sky, cutting through the sky, and the world was purple and blue!

It's like a tearing earth!

Is he born? Still dead. The lonely soul was not clear, but after listening to this voice, his original eyes became confused!

He doesn't know whether to live or die! However, when the lonely soul was just within reach, it felt the breath from which Leize!

Although the lonely soul felt a trace of breath, he did feel a stalemate at the same time!

It's not clear whether it's life or death. The lonely soul can only shake its head!

Do you know that this life and death is like the most fundamental antagonism in the world? You must understand that everything is clear when life and death are moved!

Although the lonely soul does not know where the voice comes from, it can feel that there is no malice in the sound, and the lonely soul at this time still has a vague feeling. He can feel the existence of the person, but he still can't feel it at all!

It seemed to feel the confusion of the lonely soul, and at the same time, suddenly a flame rose at the end of the finger of the lonely soul!

It's bright and uncertain, and the gray overlaps!

Do you understand?

The lonely soul still shakes its head and smiles bitterly!

At this moment, the lonely soul is like falling into endless darkness, but there is no breath around!

The alternation of light and darkness, like life and death, between light and darkness, the end of the world! One flower and one grass, the same is true!

Life for the light, death for the dark, light and death twinkle, life and death are replaced.

The lonely soul seems to understand something, but it still doesn't seem to understand!

Ming for a living? So why don't you make a living secretly?

The lonely soul asked doubtfully, and it seemed that he knew what he was thinking, but said plainly, "Life and death are false, everything is phantom, everything is like a dream, just like a big pass!"

"Even if life is dead, even if death is life, life and death reincarnation, the world of heaven, everything is like a dream, and this illusion of persistence is this world. Only you know why you are in this world, and only you know, why is not that world? Maybe you will understand!"

The speaker's voice seemed to be getting higher and higher. Later, the lonely soul suddenly went up and climbed up layer by layer!

"Look at the fire at your fingertips, there is life!"

"At the end of that day, purple electricity is in the sky! It's raw over there!"

"You can feel the wind again, and there will be born over there!"


I don't know where the sound came from, but the words are sonorous, but it is like hitting the heart of the lonely soul, giving the lonely soul a feeling of blood, and at the same time, there seems to be a sudden understanding in the heart!

"Why does this fire make a living?"

"Why does Purple Power make a living?"

"Why is this flavor raw?"


After that, the lonely soul also asked eagerly, and with each question, the lonely soul's heart was like a huge stone pressed, which made him feel heavy, and at the same time, the lonely soul also had a sense of fullness!

"People say that making a fire and making a fire must be life; I once heard that lightning can also be alive, so I said that that point is life; I heard that wind and water rise, and I think this wind is also life!"


"You don't know why? Are you not sure? Don't you understand?"

The lonely voice asked!

"I don't know what I have, the world is like life is death, death is life, everything is illusory, and what does it matter? What matters is what you think. You can say that you are dead or alive, or dead electricity. This is up to you, but you really have to understand that there is no limit to life and death, and this so-called Yujiang, the world, is also an idea and illusion! ......”

And this so-called Yujiang, the world, is also an idea and illusion!

The lonely soul is gradually becoming more clear!

The lonely soul heard this again showed a trace of confusion in his heart, showing emptiness. After a long time, he looked around blankly, but got nothing. At this moment, the lonely soul looked up at the sky!

Life and death are boundless, life and death!

"This is the fire, this electricity, this wind! .........So what is death?"

The lonely soul looks up to the sky!

Life and death are boundless, life is death, death is life, and I have heard that death is life to the extreme, and life is death to the extreme!

But the lonely soul who heard this was like a muffled thunder, which almost made him lose his mind!

If you die to the extreme, you will die!

So what are you? He died, but came back to life again. Is this also extremely dead?

Life and death are boundless, life and death are boundless, life and death are boundless...

You have heard of a pool of stagnant water, do you know why there is a water-like saying?

The lonely soul is at a loss!

Life and death are boundless, and that sentence of death is life!

This series of words shocked the lonely soul too much, and he really didn't care much about the rest!

I'll give you a creation!

But suddenly, the thunder in the sky galloped over the head of the lonely soul. At the same time, it rained cats and dogs. Although the lonely soul did not feel cold, it did not understand what kind of creation would be to give itself a creation?

Look there!

The lonely soul seems to be pulled to a place by a pair of invisible strength!

It was a pit, and with the downpour, the pit was full of rain, and the clear water made the lonely soul look indescribable!

This is for the source of living water! Sweet dew is fresh from the sky, and live water is stored on the ground!

At the same time, the wind and rain suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, when the sun was high, the blazing sun spread on the earth, and the lonely soul did not know how long it had passed. However, it had never rained since then. At the same time, the water became turbid and gradually became sticky. Later, it smelled fishy and bad!

A pool of stagnant water!

You can understand life and death, and you can understand the illusory truth!

The lonely soul was shocked, but it was as if it understood!

Sweet dew falls from the sky, for the source of living water, this is life!

The depression dried up and came without a source, but the water became a pool of stagnant water, a pool of stagnant water, and this side is life and death!

And if there is nectar from the sky and the source is handed over, then this depression will become alive again!

Life and death, life and death!

Life and death are like this. If there is circulation, there will be life. If there is no circulation, there will be death! A thought of life and death!

In the same way, this shower comes to death, because he will dissipate after the rain! But it has made this life of depression!

A drink and a peck is like a connection, and everything in the world is the same. Although life and death are difficult to break, life and death depend on each other, and life and death are boundless!

The lonely soul who heard this was moved. It seemed that he had caught something at this moment, and these things were like this life and death, this illusion, this world!

At this time, the lonely soul is like walking on an endless road, as if the wind and rain come suddenly, and as if the wind and sand come suddenly, and like a scorching sun hanging in the sky, relying only on the earth, and as if watching the clear water turn into a pool of dead water!

Life and death are boundless!

If you die to the extreme, you will live!

So what's going on in the world?

Wind, fire, thunder, lightning and rain can make a living, or die!

So why is my sound not dead?

The lonely soul quietly looked at the sky. The past was like the wind, and the scenes seemed to pass through my heart. I don't know how many times! Life and death are boundless!

If there is nothing, there is nothing!

So Yujiang is a seed, a seed of the world, so why don't I regard it as me, I am him, he is me, so I am a world, and a world will be me!

At this moment, the lonely soul is like wandering in an endless world, and his heart is empty. He vaguely grasped a pulse, a trace of life and death.

At the same time, the lonely soul also brought me to the realm of life and death, and this is connected to this Yujiang! Among them, life and death are not only a kind of life and death, but also a kind of universe, and mixed with this preliminary universe, perhaps Yujiang will no longer be Yujiang, but will become a small square world, and if it can be initially completed well, it will be much more objective and easier in the future!

It can be said that at this moment, the Lonely Soul has already had a preliminary understanding. With a little guidance, the Lone Soul can initially integrate this Yujiang, but the Lone Soul seems to understand something. While melting Yujiang, it should introduce a little concept of the universe into it. In this way, maybe this Yujiang can become the world!

With all this perception, the mood of the lonely soul has also been greatly improved, but its cultivation has also been improved. At this moment, the lonely soul has steadily stepped into the third step of the imperial sky. One step away, the lonely soul can step into the realm of life and death, and the realm of life and death is the realm of life, and this realm is necessary The necessary condition is to understand life and death. Only when you understand life and death can you be qualified to enter the realm of life and death. Otherwise, no matter how popular your cultivation is, it is still only the realm of the sky, and if it is difficult to understand it, I am afraid that there will be no progress in your cultivation!

But the lonely soul did it. At this moment, he did it, but he initially mastered life and death! And at the same time, there are some gains!

The only difference between practitioners above the realm of life and death is the perception of everything between heaven and earth, the perception of the power of creation between heaven and earth, and even above the realm of life and death, the strength is very different, mainly the perception of this creation!

And this realm of life and death, although it is about the perception of life and death in creation, the breadth of life and death, has its own feelings!

And the power of creation on the realm of life and death is fate!

The reason why it is called fate is that most people's cultivation originally rely on their own talent, but most of them are opportunities. Even this talent is also a kind of fate!

And this fate of life and death is the most fundamental root!

The practitioners in the realm of life and death are more different, but they feel their own magical power. In the realm of life and death, some people have initially realized some small magical power, and in nirvana and even in the realm of creation, some can even create some great magical power!

However, the realm of life and death is the most critical step. With different understandings, the fate will also be different, and this fate is strange and diverse, and among these fates, life and death are particularly powerful!

And throughout the ages, if the realm of life and death has mastered the opportunity of life and death, it is either a great divine person or a person who shocked ancient and modern times!

Most of the legendary leaders are better than those, but at this moment, the lonely soul has some sense, but it is also rare!

That sound disappeared!

The lonely soul still stared at the sky, quietly looking at the sky, silently observing and feeling!

The mind is completely immersed in the depths of your heart, sensing this world, and according to your perception of creation, it spreads around, and tightly covers this territory with what you feel for a week!

A day passed, and the lonely soul sat still!

The next day, the lonely soul still sat there motionless!


And this sitting of the lonely soul is ten days! In these ten days, the lonely soul does not quietly sense the existence of this Yujiang, but uses what he has realized to feel the power of Yujiang!

One day later, the lonely soul still sat there, motionless, and did not know his performance at this moment!

At the same time, a deep sigh came from a mysterious place in the eastern underworld, and this sigh spread with spirit. I'm afraid that only the great god can feel the meaning of this sound!

However, this spiritual fluctuation is like crossing the top five, spreading from the distant ancient times. There are signs of collapse in the space where the inexplicable and mysterious voice passes!

The sound shakes through the ages, shakes the past, and shakes time and space!

I finally made the promise you, and you can close your eyes!

It's like a curse, but it reveals an unspeakable sadness!

At this time, the lonely soul is sitting quietly in the Yujiang, slowly integrating Yujiang, and at the same time slowly feeling the Yu represented by the Yujiang!

And this purest Yu made the lonely soul feel unprecedented shock, and this shock brought him peace. He just calmly comforted this Yujiang!

At the same time, the area around the time and space where the lonely soul sits is getting brighter and brighter, and the fluctuating flame in the center of the lonely soul's eyebrows is uncertain, constantly jumping, and there is like something to jump out!

At the same time, the originally dull skin of the lonely soul emits an unspeakable luster, full of divine light, flowing love, blazing!

At this moment, his physique is undergoing amazing changes.

At the same time, the heart of the lonely soul is also undergoing earthly changes. At the same time, the little man where the lonely soul sinks to Dantian at this time seems to stretch out his arm and seems to change his look!


The update is over. Let's take a break. I've been so tired recently, hehe! But it seems that I'm used to this every day!

Sorry for being late