reverse dome

Chapter 10 Trial Valley

It turned out that Xiaohong found that his body would not absorb the aura endlessly and become stronger, and it also had a limit. The first discovery was six months ago, but after a period of time, it began to absorb mana again. After several observations, Xiaohong found that this was related to his soul realm. The higher the soul realm, the more power he absorbed.

When the absorption reaches saturation, the soul realm increases to absorb mana, or use another method, that is, to let the body absorb strength. That was the first time after the body absorbed mana and saturated it, Xiaohong tried to refine its strength, because some of the combat skills recorded in Xingyiquan depended on strength.

Battle skills are like Taoism for fierce beasts, and fierce beasts need strength to perform combat skills.

However, the refined strength was actually absorbed by the body, and the degree of strengthening of the body after absorbing the same amount of strength is much stronger than the magic power. The fierce beast relies on strength to refine the body, and the effect of strength is stronger than the magic power. Xiaohong is relieved when he thinks about it. However, the strength is too domineering, just like martial fire, which has an immediate effect, but after absorbing too much, the body is too stiff. As the saying goes, it is easy to fold, and the mana is like a literary fire, thin water flowing for a long time, so from then on Xiaohong is generally a mixture of two kinds of power to refine the body.

"I'm going to ask my brother for the spirit elixir again." Xiaohong put away Yuan Lingshi and shook his head helplessly.

Each large sect will have a place dedicated to captivity beasts, as well as Xuantian Sect, which is also one of the foundations of the sect. However, in captivity, they will kill and take the inner elixir as a reward given to the excellent disciples in the sect. The essence elixir used in captivity beasts. The refining of essence elixir is very simple and requires two materials, one is the essence fruit, and the other is the blood of the fierce beast.

Jingqi grass is relatively common in Tianyuan Continent. It is short, with thick stalks and slender needle-shaped leaves. It is famous for its tenacious vitality. As long as there is soil in Tianyuan Continent, there is Jingqi grass, and the small red fruit of Jingqi grass is the essence fruit. However, the plain essence fruit can be refined with the blood of the fierce beast.

The essence elixir is generally eaten by some people's sperm and blood damage, because it contains a lot of essence and is a good food for the fierce beasts, so it is best to feed the fierce beasts with this thing. Last time, Lingxuzi got the body of the eight-winged purple python and refined a lot of refined a lot of refined qi elixir, so Xiaohong often asked him for the essence elixir.

"Do you want the essence pill again?" Lingxuzi looked at Xiaohong, who asked him for the spirit elixir, in surprise, "This thing is used to raise fierce beasts. What do you want this thing for? I need to keep some to feed the young eight-winged purple python.

It turned out that Lingxuzi got an egg of the eight-winged purple python after subduing the eight-winged purple python last time, and finally hatched over the years. The eight-winged purple python is an ancient beast. Lingxuzi now takes good care of it, which will be a great help to him in the future.

"Take this bottle. I still have to keep it to raise that little guy. If you need it so much, go to the trial valley. If you kill the fierce beast, you are afraid that there will be no blood to refine the essence elixir for you." Lingxuzi gave Xiaohong a bottle of essence elixir with pain. Over the years, Xiaohong has searched for the essence elixir from him.

"The level of those fierce beasts is too low, and there is too little blood. Don't think I don't know how much blood the eight-winged purple python in the inner elixir period has. Don't be so stingy." Xiaohong looked at the small bottle and looked at Ling Xuzi pitifully.

"Don't pull it down. I haven't settled with you if you ate my inner Dan." Lingxuzi was indignant when he heard him mention the eight-winged purple python.

"No, no, I want to go, bye." Xiaohong ran away as soon as he saw Lingxuzi's indignation. He knew that eating the inner elixir of the eight-winged purple python made Lingxuzi entangled for a long time. After all, Lingxuzi prepared for the eight-winged purple python for several years but made Xiaohong cheaper.

On the way, Xiaohong shook the bottle of essence and frowned deeply. That's not enough. Human beings dare not refine qi casually. Xiaohong can only be absorbed by the body by refining the essence in the elixir. Looking at the bottle of essence elixir Xiaohong muttered in a low voice, "It seems that I'm going to go to the trial valley, otherwise this essence elixir can't meet the requirements of the body at all."

The Trial Valley is the place where Xuantianzong raises fierce beasts. If the disciples of the Jindan period want to advance to Yuanying period, they will come here to hunt fierce beasts, get their first inner elixir, and exercise themselves at the same time, so it is called Trial Valley.

However, the fierce beasts in the valley are still the most fierce beasts that have not made the inner elixir. After all, the fierce beasts are not so simple.

There is a trial valley at all nine main peaks, and Xiaohong came to the entrance of the trial valley of Tianqing's main peak. There are prohibitions around the Trial Valley. One is to prevent fierce beasts from escaping, and the other is to prevent weak disciples from breaking in and being injured.

Several people guarded the entrance of the Trial Valley. One of them saw Xiaohong coming and smiled and said, "Isn't this Qingyu? Why did you come to the Trial Valley and need Neidan to advance?"

After the teaching conference, Tianqing Zhufeng knew almost all of Xiaohong, and among several people, Xiaohong actually saw a familiar acquaintance.

"I've met the psychic brothers and several brothers." Xiaohong came forward and arched his hand.

I was also slightly surprised to see Xiaohong come to test Gu Lingtongzi, "Qingyu, why did you come to test the valley? You haven't even come to the valley period yet. Why did you come to the valley to test the valley?" The fourth generation of disciples took turns to be on duty, and today it happened to be the turn of the psychic.

"I need the blood of the fierce beast to refine the essence elixir. Brother Lingxu told me that it's better to test the valley."

"So that's it. You hold this jade piece and crush it when it's dangerous. It protects you with a light curtain, and then stands in place waiting for us to save you. The defense of the light curtain is very strong, and the fierce beasts of the Neidan period can hardly be broken. Be careful." Lingtong took out a jade piece and handed it to Xiaohong.

"Thank you, brother, I'm in." Xiaohong took the jade piece from the entrance and walked into the trial valley.

As soon as he entered the mountain, Xiaohong was like returning to his own home. The mountain will always be the hunter's second home, and Lao Ye often said to him.

Between a boundless jungle, Xiaohong carefully shuttled through it. With Xiaohong's extraordinary hunter experience, he avoided several beasts without danger. He found that the beasts here were no worse than the black wind forest, far more than normal beasts.

The fierce beast that has not been terred is called a beast, a beast.

Xiaohong understood when he thought about it carefully that it was the reason for the aura. The black wind forest was close to Xuantianzong and was full of aura. The black wind forest near the Xuantian Mountains also has a strong aura, so there are ancient exotic beasts such as the eight-winged purple python. The strong aura not only creates these beasts, but also all kinds of precious medicinal herbs, but Xiaohong knows some of them. It is inevitable to get injured when hunting all year round, so Xiaohong also knows some herbs and knows a little about medical methods.

has been in the trial valley for a whole day. Xiaohong has not gone deep. The fierce beast has a strong concept of territory. If he casually breaks into the territory of the fierce beast, it will be troublesome. Xiaohong has always been familiar with the surrounding terrain with his extraordinary hunter experience and arranged some traps. His trip is to prepare to hunt enough prey and get enough blood.

Hunting beasts is like eating for Xiaohong. He is the youngest and best hunter in the hunter village, and now his body is so strong.

In the morning, the sun passes through the clouds, and the sparse fog renders the valley dreamlike under the reflection of the sunlight. The trial valley is rare, and the dead leaves on the ground are piled up, and there is a sound when walking on it. I don't know how many ancient trees have been growing. Xiaohong was quietly squatting on a thick branch on one of the big trees and pricked up his ears to listen carefully.

"Here it comes." Xiaohong said secretly in his heart.

A slight rustling sound sounded in Xiaohong's ears, which was the sound of a beast walking and touching the bush, and it seemed to be coming here. The sound was getting louder and louder, and Xiaohong, hidden in the dense leaves, held his breath and looked down quietly.

The sound became louder and louder, and a beast finally appeared in Xiaohong's sight. It was a leopard. Xiaohong recognized it at a glance as an alien in the leopard, the black wind leopard.

The black wind leopard is extremely difficult to deal with, because of the speed of the black wind leopard!

The leopard is originally famous for its speed. In terms of speed among the beasts, there is really no beast that can compare with the leopard. However, this black wind leopard is a race that is good at speed among the leopards. You can imagine that the black wind leopard is so fast that it is difficult to kill it.

The black leopard walked under the tree and smelled a few times after seeing the bonfire, which was left by Xiaohong last night. The black wind leopard sniffed, and then raised its head and quickly glanced around.

Xiaohong on the tree saw a faint cyan pattern on the back of the black leopard, and his pupil shrank. The appearance of the markings showed that the black leopard was at least a true person comparable to the valley period. Looking at the markings, it quickly became extremely clear. If it was extremely clear, it would be an internal elixir. The most surprising thing is that there are sharp thorns on the four claws, and the black leopard that is about to produce Neidan, Xiaohong came to a conclusion.

Why is the first goal so difficult? Xiaohong is very depressed on the tree.

Xiaohong on the tree took out a glove from the storage ring and put it on himself. This is a magic weapon given to him by many brothers. There is a spike in the joint of the glove. Looking at the cold spike in the sun, Xiaohong nodded. This damage should not be small. Xiaohong, wearing gloves, stared coldly at the black wind leopard, and then took out a stone and threw it to a place at will.

The sound of the stone falling to the ground attracted the attention of the black wind panther, and he quickly looked up at the sound source.

Now, a cold light flashed in Xiaohong's eyes and punched the panther's waist from the sky.

The most vulnerable part of beasts such as wolves, leopards and dogs is their waists. Especially the wolf, the copper head, iron bone and bean curd waist are talking about.


Xiaohong's sneak attack was successful, and the black wind leopard was electrocuted, and Xiaohong hit its head and eyes with another cannon punch.

The cannon fist is a fire in the five-shaped fist, and it is also the most powerful fist. One punch hit the black wind leopard fiercely against the tree. The big tree shook, and it can be seen that Xiaohong's fist strength is so great. He swallowed the inner elixir of the eight-winged purple python. After the refinement of animal power, coupled with the refinement of mana and strength, his physical strength is infinitely close to the fierce beast of the Neidan period.

A blue light flashed, and Xiaohong had a set of full-body armor on his body. It was the Blue Star Armor. With the Blue Star Armor, he was basically not afraid of the attack of any fierce beasts below the Neidan period.

The black wind leopard got up and shook its head. One of its eyes was full of blood, and Xiaohong's punch basically ruined its eyes. It grinned, roared, and a front hoof dug the earth and rushed forward. Xiaohong also bent down, and almost at the same time, one beast rushed to each other. Since learning Xingyiquan, Xiaohong's favorite thing is tight combat, which is very different from the way of fighting for practitioners.

Xiaohong greeted him, using both fists and feet, elbows, knee kicks, whip legs...

One person and a leopard are entangled, rolling up the dust, and some bonfire Mars.


"Drink ~"

In the end, Xiaohong was slightly better. With the blue star armor, he was not afraid of the bite of the black wind leopard at all. He punched the head of the black wind leopard fiercely, which made the latter dizzy and swollen, and finally fell to the ground with a low cry.

Looking at the body of the black leopard on the ground, Xiaohong felt refreshed that he could kill a black leopard alone. He was definitely the best hunter in the hunter village. Thinking of Xiaohong, the hunter's village, he couldn't help but feel sad. He remembered Ye Hao, whose whereabouts are still unknown.

"When the physical strength catches with the ordinary Neidan fierce beast, go down the mountain to find Haohao." Xiaohong made a decision secretly in his heart.