reverse dome

Jiu Zhuan Tianxin Dan is a famous work of Yao Yan, and also establishes the elixir known as the saint of medicine. It is claimed that as long as there is still a breath, the elixir that can bring people back to life. Of course, if it is injured like Mohai, 100 nine-turned heart elixir is useless, which is also the reason why Mohai did not take the nine-turned heart elixir.

The serious injury of Mohai's injury, the yuanshen, and is very serious. Yuanshen is the foundation of human beings, and Yuanshen's injury can't be cured by the rumored Daluo Jinxian.

"This..." Looking at the two nine-turned Tianxin Dan Xiaohong in Mengxuan's hand, he didn't know what to say. He took a deep breath and said, "This is the holy medicine that the patriarch of medicine saved your life. Keep it for yourself."

Meng Xuan shook her head, stretched out her hand, and stared at Xiaohong and said, "You have a long way back, and there are many crises. You have seen it all the way. If you don't accept it, I will..." Meng Xuan originally wanted to say some cruel words, but with her kind nature, she couldn't say anything cruel words.

Under Meng Xuan's close eye, Xiaohong softened and took over the two holy pills in Meng Xuan's smile. In fact, Mengxuan's status in Xiaohong's heart was like Ye Hao. He had already regarded her as his confidant, otherwise he would not have told Mengxuan about his cultivation of the inner elixir. Naturally, Xiaohong was not polite to her. Otherwise, it will definitely not be accepted by Xiaohong's nature.

After collecting two holy drugs, Xiaohong turned his hand over, and three fairy grasses appeared in his hand and handed them to Meng Xuan, which was the trophy to kill Han Feng.

"Take these three fairy grasses. With the refining level of the drug patriarch, it will definitely produce the best effect. During this period, you also have to attack the underworld period. With your kindness, you are not willing to kill the beast and take its inner elixir, so use three fairy grasses instead of the beast power of the inner elixir to strengthen the Dantian. You know that I have Neidan, and I don't need these things to refine my body.

Meng Xuan knew Xiaohong's nature and did not refuse Xiaohong's kindness.

"Okay, go back. I'll wait for your good news." Xiaohong was a decisive person. At present, he waved to Mengxuan and unfolded his body to Xuantianzong in Mengxuan's reluctant eyes. However, Mengxuan did not find that at the moment Xiaohong turned his head, there was a trace of inexplicable loss and reluctance in her eyes.

After Mengxuan had been standing in place for a long time, she gently squeezed the three fairy grasses given to him by Xiaohong and said to herself, "Next time, next time I will not only be the doctor standing behind you, but I can also fight side by side with you."

After leaving the Yaozong, Xiaohong did not immediately rush to Xuantianzong, but went in the direction of the Buddha sect. He promised to send his only relic back to the Buddha sect. However, before going to Buddhism, he first found a secret place to refine his body. His inner elixir has reached the late period of Neidan, and his body is only in the middle of Neidan. This journey is far away. Without Tianqing's magic weapon, everything depends on himself.

In a secret cave, Xiaohong sat cross-legged, with a faint red flame around his body, and the numbing bone friction sounded on his scalp, like a firecracker, crackling. The quenching of the body is very simple, that is, it attracts the strength in the inner elixir to constantly refine the body, just like iron, making steel. However, the strength required is very huge. Without Neidan as the source, it continuously provides strength and can't achieve the effect of quenching at all.

So even if practitioners know the method of refining strength and quenching the flesh, they dare not quench the flesh or Dantian, just because the strength required is too horrible.

Xiaohong gently exhaled a turbid breath and simply looked in the direction of the Buddha. Xuantianzong is located on the northwest edge of Tianyuan. Yaozong is on the east side of Tianyuan Continent, while Buddhazong is on the north side of Tianyuan Continent. The three sects just formed a triangle, which is located in the north of the Tianyuan mainland, and in the south is the area of fierce beasts, and the middle is divided by the death canyon across the east and west.


Suddenly, Xiaohong's pupils shrank and opened the hole without hesitation to escape at full speed.

"FUCK!" Xiaohong cursed loudly. Because he heard a series of breaking sounds just now, he didn't have to look back at Xiaohong to know that it was Yiyi and others.

Sure enough, behind Xiaohong, Yiyi and others are coming with swords. In the air, Yiyi was extremely shocked. She knew that Xiaohong was just Jin Danqi. If they secretly approached Xiaohong, they would never find it. However, she doesn't know that Xiaohong has become the first inner elixir in the history of the world of cultivation. How powerful her body is, and the scope of hearing is much larger than spiritual knowledge.

Yiyi and others have higher cultivation than Xiaohong. If the hidden breath is close to Xiaohong, the latter's spiritual knowledge can never find them, but they can hide their breath, but they can't completely hide their voice. Even if the wind blows and the grass moves, Xiaohong can hear it real, not to mention the sound of so many of them breaking through the air.

"Hmm! The old monk passed the two big prints to you, and it's the same if he catches you. Yiyi's cold voice came into Xiaohong's mind.

Xiaohong ignored Yiyi and was extremely anxious. There were tens of millions of ways in his mind, but there was no way to get rid of Yiyi and others. In the face of absolute strength, any method is useless. The lowest cultivation of the other party is also the Yuanying period. Xiao Hongyuan is not the opponent, and the distance is getting closer and closer.

"You don't give up, hum!" Xiaohong not only did not escape, but stopped. The blue light flashed, and the blue star appeared and covered his whole body, staring at Yiyi coldly.

According to the fan-shaped momentum of Yi and others falling from the sky, they surrounded Xiaohong. Yiyi said in a hateful voice, "Return Xu, Liu Er's life is coming!"

"Haha, you are looking for death!" Xiaohong looked up to the sky and smiled, waved his hand, and a magic charm flew to them. As soon as the charm came out, it suddenly burst into golden light, like a small golden sun rising.

As soon as they saw the golden charm, Yiyi and others changed their faces and retreated quickly. At the same time, they carried up their power and used the best defense methods. However, after the divine charm shot out the fiery golden light, it burned up, turned into flying ash, and dispersed with the wind. As expected, the fierce sword spirit did not appear. She was stunned by this change, and then looked at Xiaohong's position, and she couldn't even find a shadow.

was fooled, Yiyi's anger appeared in her heart, and her spiritual knowledge came out crazily. Xiaohong's rapid run in the dense forest within the range of her spiritual knowledge.

"Ye Xiaofan!" Yiyi spit out three words coldly. Turning into a shocking rainbow, he quickly killed Xiaohong, and the undisguised murderous atmosphere made the temperature of the air drop a lot.

"What should I do? What should I do? Xiaohong, who ran aimlessly in the jungle, was so anxious that this place was some distance away from Yaozong and had no time for him to run to Yaozong for help. Suddenly, Xiaohong remembered a place in his mind, Hurricane Canyon.

When leaving Yaozong, Xiaohong and Meng Xuan asked for a map of the Tianyuan mainland. If you talk about your understanding of Tianyuan Continent, Yao Yan said the second, and I'm afraid no one dares to say the first. As Yao Yan's favorite disciple, Meng Xuan, the map she carries with her is definitely the best in Tianyuan mainland. Xiaohong was lucky to get one, and the hurricane canyon was only learned from the map.

Hurricane Canyon, as the name implies, is a canyon with a violent hurricane. It is recorded on the map that there are violent hurricanes in the hurricane canyon all year round, and the power is extremely terrible. There is only one result of the approach of the Jindan period, death! Some powerful hurricanes can even kill the practitioners of the underworld, which is really terrible.

However, this hurricane canyon has a special note on the map, that is, those who are involved in the hurricane either die or are sent elsewhere by the hurricane. Or appear on the edge of the canyon, or appear thousands of miles away, and even be sent to the forbidden land of Tianyuan Continent, Death Canyon.

These hurricanes give Xiaohong the feeling of a low-security mobile array.

Xiaohong was not the only one in the later period, and it was very dangerous to go to the Hurricane Canyon, but at this time, he was the closest to there, and Yiyi and others were chasing him. He had no choice. As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place.

Fight! Xiaohong roared in his heart, aiming straight at the hurricane canyon!