reverse dome

Chapter 13 devour the spirit

The spirit-eating worm is an extremely vicious worm. It is famous for devouring the power of the human body. The person who is affected by this worm will always be pained by the spirit-eating worm until Yuanying is swallowed. And the blood-eating phagocy to Ling Feng is a mutation in the devouring gitive, which not only devours the power in the human body, but also devours the flesh and blood if the baby is swallowed, which is extremely terrible.

The refining of spirit-eating is very difficult. One of them requires a lot of fresh blood, which means killing countless people. And the blood-eating sect climbed up from the demon sect and didn't know how many people were killed. It happened that there were conditions to refine the spirit-eating mages. Ling Feng did not know that this spirit-eating mages were used for the first time.

Ling Feng came back quietly as if he left quietly, and no one found anything wrong. Maybe there is a way to kill Xiaohong. This time, there is a lack of haze on his face and a bright smile, which makes people feel that Ling Feng, who used to be elegant, is back.

At this time, Xiaohong and others were still discussing the plan, but Ling Feng came forward and shouted, "Daoyu, last time I was wrong. I didn't listen to your dissuasion and hurt everyone. I admit my mistake to you."

Ling Feng's voice attracted countless eyes. These days, you can see that the two are estranged. Now Ling Feng has taken the initiative to admit his mistake. What should Xiaohong do? Xiaohong had the experience of a hundred generations of reincarnation. He looked at Ling Feng with a deep meaning and said with a smile, "It's okay for everyone to fight against the Demon Sect together."

Xiaohong's words made everyone nod. Everyone has times to make mistakes, but knowing mistakes can greatly improve.

Ling Feng took out two glasses of wine and said, "After drinking this glass of wine, you and I will abandon the past."

Xiaohong has seen that there is something wrong with this glass of wine, but at this time he has to drink it, because he has a hundred generations of reincarnation. He understands that a person who suddenly hates you and wants you to die will not change easily. Unless something big happened, Xiaohong didn't think that what happened to Ling Feng could change his mind. This morning, he still wanted to die early in his eyes. How could he change so quickly?

But Xiaohong saw it, but others couldn't see it. They all thought that Ling Feng was here to admit his mistake. At this time, if Xiaohong doesn't give him face to drink this glass of wine, everyone must have objection to him, which Xiaohong doesn't want to see. Now to cut the demon sect, they must unite. Xiaohong's soul defense is not afraid, but he is not afraid of Ling Feng's tricks.

In self-confidence in his defense, Xiaohong took the glass with a smile and drank it fiercely, but wrapped the wine he drank with his strength. Seeing that the two abandoned their past, everyone clapped their hands and continued the discussion. During this period, Xiaohong noticed that Ling Feng's eyes were wrong and became more determined that there was something wrong with the wine. However, the spirit-eating maggots are colorless and tasteless. Xiaohong didn't know that in a corner of his body, there was a small insect shaped like an earthworm lying dormant.

When Xiaohong drank wine, he suddenly felt something about eating blood on his body. He opened his eyes and sneered, "Daoyu, Daoyu, it's to blame you for such a teammate, haha."

"Everyone come and gather. I have something important to discuss." The voice of blood-eating spread. When the blood-eating decision to fight with Zhengdao the day after tomorrow, Chen Feng asked strangely, "Master, it hasn't been sent over yet. Are you going to fight with them?"

"No, he was hit by me."


Yiyi was stunned, and thegu was most famous for its strangeness and difficulty, and its power was not small. Anyone who knows about blood-eating in the Demon Sect knows that he has frightening worms and devour spirits.

"Why did Xiaohong hit him!" I can't help stamping my feet. Although the spirit-eating giggling is terrible, he can only invade the human body from his mouth, or the wound. Yiyi can't figure out why Xiaohong is in the giggling. Now quietly left to find Xiaohong.

In the night, Xiaohong looked at Yiyi quietly and said, "Since you are dedicated to my good, why are you still in the Demon Sect?"

Yiyi was silent. In her heart, the Demon Sect was his home, although the Demon Sect was not good to her. But without the adoption of the Demon Sect, she would have starved to death on the street. However, over the years, she was tired and was ready to serve the Demon Sect for the last time, and then quit to go to the cave to wait for her beloved forever, but they met again.

"You don't understand." Yiyi sighed in a low voice.

Xiaohong suddenly grabbed his shoulder and roared, "I don't understand why the demon sect killed my village people, killed my sect people, and even brainwashed my brother. You know I hate, why do you stay in the Demon Sect? Go! Let's go!"

Xiaohong could still treat Yiyi before the eight people died, but now he can't. The life in the cave has made him have no resentment against her, even if Mohai's death is there. But now, the death of those eight people is a pain in Xiaohong's heart, because he can't protect the people around him, and he feels guilty. And all this is the demon sect, but it is the saint of the demon sect.

With Xiaohong's character, those who touch his reverse scales will die. If they don't die, they will be disabled. He hates everyone in the Demon Sect, but it is hard to say about Yiyi.

Yiyi's tears flowed down, and Xiaohong's hand slowly fell down. He turned around and said behind her back, "You go. What's wrong with me dying?"

After saying that, he left and looked at Xiaohong's back at a loss for a moment and stood still. She didn't know how much courage it took for Xiaohong to turn around, and how painful his heart was at that moment.

Choose a quiet place, Xiaohong's consciousness swept all over his body and finally found that there was a strange bug in the corner of Dantian. It looks like an earthworm, but it has scales. The two ends are ferocious mouths, and you can see the white teeth one by one. If it hadn't been for Yiyi's reminder, Xiaohong really didn't care that he actually had this thing in his body. Seeing this, Xiaohong couldn't help scolding Ling Feng angrily, "You bastard, it seems that I need to teach you a real lesson."

As soon as his mind moved, the holy evil beads in Dantian flew to the ferocious insects. The holy evil beads have been in the Dantian of Xiaohong, constantly refining the sword baby. Xiaohong found that although such a refined sword baby could not improve his cultivation, the sword baby would be more powerful and terrible.

The holy evil pearl flashed red, and the Yuanying soul-eating array instantly released and surrounded the gill. Yuanying soul-eating array and even evil things. In a sense, it is the nemesis of all evil things. The blood ghost king appeared in the Yuanying soul-eating array, rushed to the spirit-eating gui, stretched out his blood hand, and pinched it in his hand. Relying on the memory of his previous life and the reincarnation of a hundred generations, Xiaohong knew that such evil things could not be completely killed without spending a lot of time, otherwise the spirit-eating would not be so frightening.

"First suppress you and eat blood. I'm looking forward to your understanding reaction." Xiaohong sneered.