reverse dome

Chapter 6 Sea of the East

The appearance of anti-sky spiritual treasures in the sea of the far east has eased the relationship to the white-hot Zhengdao and the Demon Sect. Several people in the confrontation quickly separated and returned to the camp of all parties. The army of the Demon Sect also withdrew from the Xuantian Sect and was coiled under the Xuantian Mountains. Xiaohong also released everyone from the tearless city, and one person was nowhere to be found.

For the ninety-day Xuanzhen, only Xiaohong can repair him, but now Xiaohong is in a bad mood, and everyone pays attention to the sea of the East. There is no need for this big array in a short time, and Xuantian is not worried. Now both sides have begun to raise manpower and go to the Sea of the East to grab the sudden appearance of the anti-sky spiritual treasure.

In the current situation, if anyone gets this rebellious treasure, the victorious balance will be tilted in the eyes. Because Xiaohong got the ultimate magic weapon of the far north abyss, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and the originally arrogant soul Ling also had to pay attention to the spiritual treasure of the far east sea. In the past, she thought that she had the strength of the nine immortals and was proud of the heroes, so she didn't care about the magic weapon of the abyss of the far north, and that time she just let her eat blood.

Xiaohong's performance made her know that she was wrong and how ridiculous it was. This time, he absolutely let the destruction of the sky go to the sea of the far east, and she is bound to get this spiritual treasure.

"Destroy the sky, if you can't get this spiritual treasure on this trip, you won't come back to see me." On the sarcophagus, Hun Ling said coldly, "Where's the blood devouring? Why don't you see him? You let him go with you.


He lowered his head and slowly retreated out. Because the blue fog was shrouded, no one knew that the soul under the blue fog showed a faint sneer.

"Sister, I'm sorry for you. Originally, I didn't want to take advantage of you, and he is the only one in this world who can make Xiaohong not do anything. His sister has been cultivated and will definitely resurrect you in time and space. Hun Ling's voice echoed in the cave, but no one knew it.

Xuantianzong, on the top of a high mountain, on the edge of the cliff, Xiaohong has been sitting there for a day and a night. He grabbed the two stools in his hand and sat silently without saying a word. Meng Xuan had been quietly accompanying him.

"Why are you so stupid?" Xiaohong suddenly said lightly, and a faint, transparent blue light floated out of Xiaohong's chest. Looking at the light ball floating in front of his chest, Xiaohong's eyes were full of apologies. That group of light is Yiyi's soul. Although Yiyi died, the illusion put away her soul, because Ri Xiaohong can practice the law of time and space to great perfection and resurrect Yiyi.

The phantom is seriously injured. Now he is either hearty nor powerless. Everything depends on Xiaohong himself.

Carefully holding Yiyi's soul, Xiaohong asked the phantom in his heart: "Is it true that only by practicing the perfection of the law of space can Yiyi be resurrected?"

"That's not true. There is a magic weapon in the world called 'reincarnation'. If you can find it and have a soul, you can also bring her back to life. But this is not a small difficulty, because the magic weapon is in the divine world.

"Is there no other way?" Xiaohong still won't give up.

"Yes, Tianzun can resurrect the dead, not to mention the soul. But do you know how many heavenly beings there are in the whole universe? Including him, there are five in total. The Xiaoyao who looked for you before is the Xiaoyao Tianzun of the divine world. Now I'm afraid he is the only one left in the divine world. The last sentence was a whisper of the phantom, and Xiaohong's heart was full of Yiyi, but he didn't know how amazing the meaning of this sentence was.

"Then do you have any way to find Xiaoyao?" Xiaohong was happy and hurriedly said.

"There is a way, but you also got the divine world, and now I don't have the ability to travel through the three worlds." The phantom shrugged his shoulders and said, recently that I like to be transformed into Xiaohong. "I said that such a big thing has happened in the Sea of the East, you won't go to see it."

"What am I going to join in the fun? I have just become an infinite body, and I still practiced steadily. Fly to the divine world as soon as possible and resurrect Yiyi. As soon as her mind moved, Yiyi's soul was integrated into the inner world by Xiaohong, where she could be warmed and would not dissipate, but became stronger and stronger.

"That won't work. You have to go. If you don't go, who will unseal him?" The phantom shook his head.

"Sealing? What seal?"

"You go to the East Sea first, and I'll tell you when I get there."

"You just like to sell off." Xiaohong curled his lips.

Put away the two stools and looked at Meng Xuan, who had been with her all day and night. Xiaohong gently hugged her in his arms, "Meng'er, don't leave me in the future, okay?"

Seeing that Xiaohong finally spoke, Mengxuan's heart was also relaxed. She was most afraid that Xiaohong would continue to sink. Xiaohong had told her about Yiyi before, and the war a day ago was not known to the outside world because it was included in the tearless city. But she gradually learned something from Yao Yan. When she heard the words, she leaned gently on Xiaohong's chest and said, "Well, I will never leave you."

"Yiyi..." Xiaohong began to tell Mengxuan about him and Yiyi, "... So although she died, her soul was put away, and I will definitely resurrect her one day."

"Let's go." Xiaohong pulled up Mengxuan and regained his previous smile. He is such a person. He is only willing to share his happiness rather than pain with people around him. The two flew to Xuantian.

"Let's go to the East Sea."

"What, you want to go to the East Sea. No way." Hearing that Xiaohong was going to the East Sea, Xuantian immediately denied it. Now the sea of the far east is very chaotic. If Xiaohong does something wrong, the right path can be said to be over.

"No, no." Tianqing shook his head and said decisively, "You give me a good practice. You may be comparable to the ancestor of the mountain, and the future of the right path depends on you."

"Master, can't he run if he can't beat it, and I feel that something is calling me there. I have to go." Xiaohong pointed to his eyes and said, "I feel that the spiritual treasure has a slight connection with the final magic weapon of the abyss of the far north, so I'm going to go there. As for escaping, please take a look."

After Xiaohong finished speaking, he waved in front of everyone, and the space in front of him suddenly collapsed. Space tearing is a unique skill in understanding the law of space, and he has shown his ability to rule of time before, and it is backflow of time, although Tianqing and others don't know how Xiaohong did it. Xiaohong showed them this to tell them his ability to save their lives.

"Master, I still have a city without tears. Are these enough to save my life?"

Tianqing still shook his head, which made Xiaohong very helpless. Tianqing said earnestly, "Xiaohong, the abyss of the extreme north is a master of the disaster, and even the fairyland has fallen, and the sea of the far east is almost the same as the abyss of the far north. I don't allow you to go."

Xiaohong felt helpless and said, "Master, I won't go. Who can go?" It doesn't work at all until the Dacheng period, because you can't get the spiritual treasure. And the masters of the disaster period are indispensable fighting power. As a result, I am the only one who is qualified for this position now.

When Xiaohong said this, Tianqing thought about it for a moment. Xiaohong was right. Ling Feng and others have not yet reached the grand period. Maybe it is Xiaohong's stimulation, and they are still closed. And if this anti-sky spiritual treasure is not more than the Dacheng period, I'm afraid it will go for nothing. And the disaster period is an indispensable master, and the disaster period can't escape. As Xiaohong said, he is the best candidate. Although Xiaohong has entered the great success period, his combat strength is comparable to the disaster period. With the final magic weapon of the far north and the understanding of the law, he is definitely the best choice.

"It's okay to go. I'll go with you." Tianqing is still worried.

"Master." Xiaohong was speechless, "Jiantang needs your leader. How can you not be here?"

"Well, second brother, you care too much about Xiaohong. He is now a master who is comparable to the disaster period, and he can even form his own faction on the Tianyuan mainland. Xuantian looked at Tianqing and said dissatisfiedly, "You and I care about him, but the young eagle will not grow under the wings of the eagle, and Xiaohong is not a young eagle. He is now an eagle flying in the sky."

"But, I..."

"Although he has only practiced for more than a hundred years, he has caught up with some people's lifelong practice, and he has surpassed the cultivation record of Kaishan Ancestors." Xuantian said more and more, "So I support you. Go ahead."

"Yes, suzerain."

Looking at Xiaohong's gradually leaving figure, Tianqing wanted to speak and stopped several times. These Xuantians were all in his eyes and sighed slightly: "Second brother, the so-called concern is chaotic. Didn't you notice Xiaohong's eyes just now?"

Xuantian raised his head and looked at the direction of Xiaohong's departure and said slowly, "I saw confidence in his eyes. He has seen the spiritual treasure as something in his pocket. Everyone knows that he has never done anything uncertain about. He must be confident.

"That can't promise him. Let him go alone."

Xuantian smiled mysteriously, "The magic weapon on that boy is enough to withstand thousands of people."

In the air, Xiaohong flew rapidly to the East Sea, playing with a ring in his hand, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. "The suzerain is too..."

That ring was secretly stuffed to him by Xuantian, which was full of various magic weapons and strange things. Anyway, there are a lot of them. That ring is not small. It is another artifact of Xuantian and the only artifact-level storage ring known on Tianyuan Continent. The artifact-level storage ring has a large capacity that the whole Xuantian Mountains can be put in. Now the ring is full of all kinds of magic weapons, that is, there are no less than ten rare space shuttle charms, and there are more one-time magic weapons that are more precious than space shuttle charms. This is why Xuantian rest assured that Xiaohong is alone. With these things and Xiaohong's strength, he can't be caught even if he is destroyed.

In a cave, suddenly there was a strong smell of blood. I don't know where it came from, but suddenly it filled the whole space. All the people in black of the Demon Sect immediately straightened their bodies, and the leader of the man in black waiting for something at the mouth of the cave was slightly pale. If you look carefully, you can faintly see that the corners of his eyes are twitching slightly. Not only him, but even all the people in black who are waiting, as if they are afraid of something.

The sound of footsteps gradually sounded, as if coming from the endless darkness in this abyss and slowly coming out.

One step, a blood mark.

All the people in black suddenly separated like a tide and gave way to each other. Kneel down on one knee.

"Welcome the deputy patriarch, congratulations on the deputy patriarch's master to a higher level!"

The loud voice filled the whole cave, and there was a trace of fear and panic in their voices.


The heavy footsteps, one foot gradually appeared in front of people from the darkness, and a person gradually appeared from the darkness. It was a man with a pale face and strange blood-red eyes. The strong bloody smell seemed to emanate from the depths of his body. Everyone felt that it was not a person standing there, but a bloody monster.

He is the blood-eating, the deputy patriarch of the Demon Sect.

"Deputy, deputy suzerain, please." The leader turned to the blood-eating channel, his voice trembled, and he did not dare to approach the blood-eating.

Blood devoured silently and walked slowly in one direction. Everyone seemed to breathe a sigh of relief to know that blood-eating disappeared from everyone's sight. Since the last attack on Xuantianzong, their deputy suzerain has changed his temperament. I don't know how many people in the sect have been killed by him. Later, it was rumored that blood-eating was even more demon-enchanted, and he, who had already eaten blood, was even more terrible. Now I'm afraid that few people in the Demon Sect are not afraid of him.

In the dwelling place where the sky was destroyed, blood-eating stepped on the blood mark and walked in, "What's the matter with me?"

Feeing the smell of blood on his body, he frowned slightly and said, "The spirit treasure against the sky was born. Your excellency asked you to go with me."

"Is he going?" Blood-eating is an inexplicable question.



Blood-eating nodded, a wisp of fierceness burst out of his eyes, and his red tongue gently licked his lips.

Since the birth of the anti-sky spiritual treasure, the sea of the far east has attracted many practitioners. Although it is the beginning of the war between Zhengdao and the Demon Sect, Xuantian does not stop those who want to try to try their luck, and the representatives of Xuantian Sect, or the three major sects, are Xiaohong, but this number is much smaller than the number of people in the Far North. The righteous people now dare not leave the protection of Xuantianzong casually. No one knows whether the Demon Sect will take this opportunity to ambush and kill them on the road.

Although there are fewer people than the abyss of the far north, but relatively speaking, the practitioners are crazy to the sea of the far east and set foot on this mysterious sea.

The ocean, for the practitioners of Tianyuan Continent, is the most mysterious field, even catching up with the Death Canyon.

Xiaohong stood on the beach on the shore. Looking into the distance, he only saw a vast expanse of white. The sea and the sky are integrated, and it is unclear whether it is water or sky. As the saying goes: fog locks the mountains and fog, and the sky is connected with water and water. The sea in the distance, under the delicate sunshine, spreads like fish scales on the surface. The sea is always so mysterious and profound, attracting countless people.

"I'm afraid such a beautiful scenery will be washed away by blood and fire soon." Xiaohong sighed and asked the illusion, "How to go next?"

"Take out that jade egg, and it will guide you."

Xiaohong took out the jade egg according to what the phantom said, and was surprised to find that the jade egg, which had no movement at all, flashed faint fluorescence. As soon as the jade egg came out of the storage ring, a light suddenly lit up, rose to the sky, and then slowly fell down. The light continues to shorten while falling, and finally there is only one foot long, pointing in one direction. Needless to say, Xiaohong soared into the air and flew in the direction pointed by the light.

At that time, the sky suddenly lit up in the east and felt the breath of Lingbao. Everyone only knew that Lingbao was on the sea in the far east, and no one knew the specific location. Xiaohong took the guidance of his own jade egg and arrived at his destination much faster than other practitioners.

Xiaohong kept moving in the direction indicated by the light. On the road, he met some fierce beasts in the sea and continued to move forward with just a glance. The sea in the far east is extremely vast, and the Nether Sea Whale is only the king of the Tianyuan Continent. In this mysterious sea, there are not only powerful sea beasts such as Nether Sea Whales. On the way, Xiaohong met a sea beast that broke the virtual realm and tried to attack Xiaohong.

Xiaohong didn't bother to pay attention to him. A shadow dance escaped from the realm of the sea beast. When the latter saw such a magical power, he knew that his opponent was not easy to mess with, but he did not catch up, otherwise a fierce beast would die tragically in Xiaohong's hands. Xiaohong encountered a lot of this situation and got out of the battle in a similar way. If it really didn't work, he would kill these fierce beasts. In this way, I have been flying all day and night.

At the speed of Xiaohong, it will fly for a day and a night, which is already deep into the sea of the East Sea.

"Why not? So far away?" For practitioners, one night is just a flicker, but one night also illustrates this distance. When Xiaohong complained, he suddenly found that the light had a dim trend. He was happy and knew that it was coming. Suddenly, it accelerated and flew for another hour. The light was so dim that it was almost invisible.

When he arrived, Xiaohong raised his eyes and saw a group of islands in his sight. Xiaohong estimated that it was the destination and flew there faster. Looking down at the sky near the island, the blue sea is like a huge sapphire, and the emerald islands dot it. And the light of the jade egg was completely dim, leaving only crystal streamer swimming in the jade egg.

"This guy, if you don't seal him up, you won't make a mess." The phantom suddenly sneered, and as soon as he finished speaking, there was a bang. A huge light curtain rose to the sky and instantly covered the whole sky. At the same time, there is a strong breath at the center of the island below, and the whole piece is the celestial star in an instant. The breath naturally rushed to the Tianyuan Continent, and the destruction of Lingbao, who were looking for in confusion on the sea, looked in one direction, the source of the light curtain.

"There, let's go!" With a wave of his hand, he flew away with the people of the Demon Sect thinking about the source of the curtain. Not only them, but also many people who were confused at sea found their direction and flew to the source of the light curtain.

The sudden change made Xiaohong also stunned, and a smile appeared on his face, "I didn't expect to meet old acquaintances in such a place."

Put away the jade eggs, and Xiaohong fell to one of the islands. Stepping on the earth, Xiaohong looked at the person in front of him with a smile and arched his hand and said, "Brother Tu, everything is all right!"