ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 78 I can go

Ayi's offensive was very fierce. Li Mingyang was stunned, and even gradually forgot to continue to pretend to be stupid. Li Mingyang has always thought that he had seen all kinds of monks and should have a certain vision, but after seeing the way of fighting in Jiayi, he understood what violence was called.

Compared with it, perhaps Xiao Zhuer's battle that violently hit Zhao Yan at the beginning was more quality, but from the perspective of the battle scene alone, Jiayi's fighting style is still more terrible. Jiayi is not so much fighting as Jiayi tilting his spiritual power.

His battle is not fancy at all. Even since the beginning of the war, he has never used any spells. He is completely fighting against Wu Jin with his own pair of meat fists. However, this pair of fists made Li Mingyang stunned for a burst of time, and it was this pair of fists that made Wu Jinjie retreat.

Ayi seems to be clumsy, but his speed is not slow at all. Wu Jin tried his best to get rid of Jiayi's close attack, but he never failed. It can be seen that Wu Jin's foundation is very solid, but he is not good at this kind of close combat, and can only use some less powerful spells. Zhou Xuan. But the less powerful his spell is, the more fierce Jiayi's fist will be. Wu Jin is gradually dying with an irreversible trend.

Jiayi shocked Li Mingyang even more about the strength of his body. Jiayi was completely defenseless during the battle. Whether it was Wu Jin's fierce offensive or his gentleness, Jiayi ignored it and let them attack him. However, even if Wu Jin seized the best opportunity to control the flying sword to hit Jia Yi's body, he only left a scratch-like wound on Jia Yi's body.

Jiayi's amazing physical defense ability really stunned Li Mingyang. Just looking at Jiayi's body, Li Mingyang has begun to have a headache. According to this trend, maybe when Jia kills Wu Jin, he will only consume more spiritual power, but he should not have too serious injuries. If so, the idea of picking up a cheap one will fail.

Li Mingyang's combat experience is not lacking. Now he has seen that the most terrible thing about Jiayi is his stalking and completely ignores the close attack of the opponent's attack. Even Li Mingyang is quite a headache.

"Your sister, why are the five spirits in the fantasy world so weak? You should beat him." Seeing that Jia Yi became more and more brave, Wu Jin only had the power to retreat, and Li Mingyang began to worry.

I don't know whether Li Mingyang's idea was heard by Wu Jin, or whether Wu Jin also realized that he could not be dragged into the crisis of chronic death by Jiayi. At a moment when Jiayi's offensive was suspended, Wu Jin seized this fleeting opportunity and finally distanced up with Jiayi.

As soon as he had this empty, Wu Jin's hands seemed to twitch. Almost in the blink of an eye, Wu Jin seemed to have completed two spells at once. Although the two attacks still did not seriously injure Jiayi, they finally succeeded in slowing down Jiayi's offensive.

Seizing this opportunity, Wu Jin patted the treasure bag and saw a cyan bead appearing in his hand.

"Go to hell, go to hell, you crazy!" Wu Jinwei roared. After a set of complicated tricks, the cyan beads in his hand flew away like long eyes.

Seeing a big cyan bead flying, Jiayi still doesn't pay attention to it. This combat madman has only one goal in the battle, that is, to tear up the opponent. As for the enemy's attack, as long as he can't avoid it once, he will not want to deal with it at all.

But once, Jiayi suffered a great loss because of his recklessness. The cyan beads did not touch Jiayi at all, and they had already exploded in advance. Suddenly, Li Mingyang saw that there seemed to be a huge fireball in front of Jiayi. A dazzling firelight flashed, and the thorny Li Mingyang's eyes hurt. However, strangely, the cyan bead burst without a sound, as if the huge cyan fireball appeared out of thin air.

However, although there is no sound, the destructive power caused when the cyan beads explode is still quite amazing. Li Mingyang is dozens of feet away from the place where it exploded, but when the violent airflow hits, it still makes Li Mingyang almost suffocate.

The impact of the air wave alone has been so fierce that Li Mingyang can't imagine how terrible and destructive the center of the explosion will be. Wu Jin had already escaped far away when he threw the cyan beads, but after all, let's see what the result was. Wu Jin did not escape too far. Under the impact of the air wave, Wu Jin looked at the center of the explosion with a sneer.

But soon, the sneer on Wu Jin's face disappeared.

At the moment when the air wave disappeared and the fireball died, a strong figure suddenly rushed out of it. Although his figure looks a little staggering, his speed is still quite amazing.

"How can this be that the lightning bomb won't kill you?" Wu Jin was shocked and even forgot to continue to run away.

"Die!" Jiayi, who rushed out from the center of the explosion, has completely lost his mind. Half of his face was blown up with flesh and blood, and even one eye has disappeared. His body seemed to be burnt. Although there was no wound, it was dark and extremely embarrassed.

The angry Jiayi rushed over like a trapped beast and punched Wu Jin in the face fiercely. Seeing this punch on Wu Jin's face, Li Mingyang looked at it from afar and couldn't help frowning.

It must be painful all the time. Li Mingyang thought to himself.

With just one punch, Wu Jin was unable to fight again. Jiayi's punch was so heavy that it almost directly hit Wu Jin's head.

However, after that punch, Jiayi finally seemed to be overwhelmed and stood still in a stunned way, and didn't even have the strength to chase Wu Jin again. Of course, Wu Jin doesn't need to pursue anymore. After being punched to the ground, Wu Jin only struggled for a moment and completely lost consciousness whether he fainted or died completely.

Seeing this situation, Li Mingyang was overjoyed.

It seems that Wu Jin still has two subordinates, at least he can injure Jiayi before he dies. This situation is exactly what Li Mingyang wants to see most.

Unfortunately, it is always impossible for things to develop so smoothly. Li Mingyang was still watching the situation of Jiayi and thinking about how to take action, suddenly another figure flew from afar.

"No, one by one you have discussed?" Seeing another one, Li Mingyang immediately began to pretend to be stupid again and sat on the ground and continued to look at the scenery.

"Hahaha, as expected, you two fools are bound to lose both sides." As soon as this man appeared, he put on a complacent look of calculating and planning.

Jia dragged his tired body and looked at the person in front of him and said coldly, "Jia Hao, get away now. I can consider not killing you."

"Let me get out of here?" Jia Hao looked at Jia Yi with an exaggerated expression, but immediately scolded ferociously, "Are you dreaming? How long have I been waiting for you to die? Do you know that you are seriously injured and finally know that you are going to avoid others?"

Jia Hao's judgment is very accurate. During the war between Jia Yi and Wu Jin, he has been waiting for afar. His idea is to wait to see the result of the battle between the two. If Jia Yi wins, he will naturally run away immediately, but now both sides are injured. Naturally, it is impossible for Jia Hao to let go of a good opportunity to pick up cheap ones.

Ayi looked at Jia Hao coldly, and the anger in his eyes almost sprayed out, but the bursts of burning pain from his body made Jiayi unable to move. The fire and thunder bomb is a third-order magic weapon. Although it is the weakest third-level consumable magic weapon, it can't bear it. If it hadn't been for his profound strength, others would have become a pile of ashes by now.

However, Jia Hao was not in a hurry to clean up Jiayi, but suddenly looked at Li Mingyang, who had been pretending to be stupid.

"Hmm?" Seeing Jia Hao looking at him, Li Mingyang was immediately shocked: "Did he see anything?"

"Kid, come here." Jia Hao waved his hand and looked at Li Mingyang and said.

"Why?" Li Mingyang asked in a stunned way.

"If you ask you to come over, you can come here. There is so much nonsense." Jia Hao scolded.

"I don't." Li Mingyang said with a bachelor face, "I didn't delay you by sitting here. There is a faint guy over there, and there is another seriously injured person here. If you don't deal with them, why are you bothering me?"

Jia Hao didn't expect Li Mingyang to suddenly say this. He was a little stunned for a while. After a while, he said viciously, "If you can't find death, let you come here."

Li Mingyang has seen that Jia Hao is an extremely careful person, afraid of a little variable, so before he took action against Jia, he actually wanted to solve himself first.

Thinking of this, Li Mingyang is too lazy to continue to disguise. Jia Yi's injury is absolutely serious. Even if he still has disguise now, he can't have much strength. Wu Jin has fainted and can't make any more threats. After thinking about it, Jia Hao is still a little powerful. However, he only has five cultivations in the fantasy realm, and such a guy is really not enough in Li Mingyang's eyes.

Li Mingyang slowly stood up, and there was no more idiotic expression on his face. Instead, he looked at Jia Hao jokingly and said, "Are you really going to let me pass?"

Seeing Li Mingyang's smile, Jia Hao inexplicably panicked. However, thinking of the situation around him and looking at Li Mingyang's strength, Jia Hao said hatefully, "What nonsense? Come here quickly."

"Okay." Li Mingyang's face smiled more: "Then I can go there."