ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 234 Count

"Is there an enemy?" As soon as the news came out, everyone reacted with different reactions.

Li Yuan was ready to get up and rushed out regardless. Li Mingyang and others can't hide their joy. After all, they came here to fight. Now it's really boring to fight three or five little people every day. Only the war can make it easier to rise.

The leading officer asked cautiously, "What is the exact number of the enemy?"

"About 2,000, there should be virtual monks in the team." The outpost replied quickly.

"Two thousand people?" The leading officers seemed to be more nervous. Although there were often battles near the Qingshi Mine, most of the time they were small-scale battles. Naturally, it would be no good to suddenly see so many people sent by the other side.

"Are they going to take back the bluestone mine?" The leading officer began to speculate again.

"What are you afraid of? No matter what they come here for, don't go back since you come. I'm still worried that I can't find them to revenge." Li Yuan looked confident, as if the 2,000 Shu troops were all native chickens and dogs.

The leading officer is very clear about Li Yuan's strength. The name of "paper-general" can be said to resound throughout Xiliang County. Because of Li Yuan's so-called tactical arrangements, I don't know how many monks in Xiliang County have suffered, but he has a brother who favored him to the extreme, and everyone can only dare to be angry and dare not say anything. Previously, it was nothing more than survival, but now there is a large army not far away, and the paper-general can't even come up with a formed tactic. It's completely suicide to let them fight with Li Yuan.

Thinking of this, the leading officer couldn't help persuading: "Your Excellency, we are good men not to suffer immediate losses. The number of the other party is obviously superior, and it is not suitable to fight with them. It's not too late to withdraw first and return to the mine station to meet the thousand monks there before fighting.

They have only left the mine for three days. They have been walking and stopping before. Now if they return at full speed, they can rush back in about half a day.

But Li Yuan was full of anger and asked coldly, "What's wrong? Can't you trust my command? Is it called an advantage if there are only 1,000 more people than us? Don't you understand the battle of war? As long as the tactics are right, what's the advantage of 1,000 more people?

Listening to Li Yuan's "talking", Guo Yunshan wanted to gag him. War is not a true battle between monks, but the other party's strength is twice that of their own side. If such a disadvantage can be ignored, what else can be regarded as a disadvantage?

"Didn't you just talk about Li Mingyang? That boy can win more with less in every battle. Why can't I be so much better than him? Isn't that right, Xiao Li?" Li Yuan didn't forget to ask Li Mingyang.

Li Mingyang gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, I agree with you."

"What's wrong? Don't be afraid of Xiao Li. Don't be nervous. Follow me. Victory belongs to us. Hearing Li Mingyang's voice was wrong and thinking that he was afraid, Li Yuan comforted him seriously and rushed over directly despite the dissuasion of the leading officer.

Li Mingyang and others all put away their jokes and set up the formation of the battle array. The most basic six-point array they use, the six-point array commonly known as the snowflake array. This array is heavy attack and weak defense. The tacit understanding requirements for the array are not too high, but the personal strength of the monks is extremely high. This is a repair that can be maximized. Only those with outstanding combat strength can exert their maximum power. That's why they choose the six-pointed array to cooperate.

Due to the sudden acceleration of the Xiliang army, the Shu army, which was cautiously approaching, was obviously a little caught off guard. When Li Yuan led people to rush into their sight, the cooperation of the 2,000 Shu army had not even been completed.

As soon as they saw the formation of these Shu troops, Li Mingyang and others felt that these Shu troops were somewhat different from the Shu troops they met in the south. They were obviously not elite enough. Although the cooperation of the battle array was still decent and the overall strength was not weak, for Li Mingyang and others who had experienced several wars and even fierce battles, The threats these Shu troops gave them were too few.

When he saw the Shu army, Li Yuan was already red-eyed, but at this time, he could not say any tactical arrangements, and would only stand still and shout, "Come on, rush up and kill me."

This is a general who likes war most, but he is also the general who is most afraid of charging. The two armies are opposed. He can only shout to me, hide behind the personal guard, and even forget to shout to Li Mingyang, "Xiao Li, come and protect me."

At this time, it is naturally impossible for Li Mingyang to listen to his nonsense again. Taking advantage of the unstable situation of the Shu army and Xiliang County has also charged forward, Li Mingyang took out a heavy knife and whispered, "Stay close to me."

This time, they have made a plan to restrain their strength. Although Li Mingyang does not have to suppress his cultivation, his combat state is really amazing, so it can never be used here. Naturally, the means of transforming the sword also needs to be abandoned. He can only choose a third-order heavy knife as a weapon.

Whether it is the Xiliang army that cooperates with them or the Shu army that rushes towards them, it is too weak for Li Mingyang. This level of battle is completely unmatched with that in the south, but at least this is also good news.

The six-pointed battle array is like a wheel of machetes quietly but bloodyly inserted into the Shu army camp. Their attack method is always spinning. They hardly see whether there is an enemy on the opposite side, but release their attack at the most suitable time. Not to mention the power of the six-pointed array, the strength of their six people alone cannot be dangerous in a battle of this scale.

Of course, if they let six people face 2,000 people directly, it is not impossible to win, but they will also be greatly traumatized, but with the cooperation of the 1,000 Xiliang Army, which is not good, they can naturally exert their greatest power. In fact, soon after the war, they did not suppress their cultivation. After all, in such a chaotic battle, no one can always pay attention to them.

It's sad. In addition to the time when they cooperated with the hell army, this was the best time they had an allied army. Before that, the enemy was not only powerful and large, and there were only hundreds of poor monks on their side, and they were even isolated and helpless. So at this time, Li Mingyang and each of them killed particularly vigorously. With the cooperation of Xiliang Army, Li Mingyang's role on the battlefield gradually shocked everyone.

Li Yuan was still hiding behind the leading officers, but after seeing Li Mingyang's performance on the battlefield, he couldn't help but gradually stand up. At this time, in fact, all the Xiliang monks beside him opened their eyes wide to see everything played on the battlefield.

Before, in their opinion, it was actually impossible to win this battle. Compared with the Shu army, there is actually no gap in personal strength and overall training. The Xiliang army is not inferior to the Shu army, but it is absolutely not as excellent as the Shu army. This battle is in "paper Under the command of General Li Yuan, they really didn't see any hope of winning.

But now, they are surprised to find that the development of things is completely different from what they expected. The defeat of the Shu army seems to be a little incredible. After careful observation, it is not difficult to find that the unusual defeat of the Shu army is only because there is a group of horrible killing stars in the battle group. The lethality of the six-pointed battle array formed by Li Mingyang is amazing. As long as the Shu army entangled by them will definitely be killed by one blow. From afar, they are really like a rotating machete, cutting the Shu army's battle array like cutting tofu and harvesting the lives of the Shu army.

"Your Excellency, where did you find these strong men?" After looking at it for a long time, it was found that the Shu army had begun to be defeated and fled, and the leading officer asked puzzledly.

Li Yuan also forgot to boast this time, but muttered, "Fortunate, I happened to meet them, and then they came over."

Not only Li Yuan and others were surprised, but also the Xiliang monks who are now charging with Li Mingyang and others are also extremely shocked. Similar to Li Mingyang and others, these Xiliang army is actually the first time to fight against such a strong general. Although most of the generals in Xiliang County are used to charging with their subordinates, there are very few strong men like Li Mingyang to form a battle formation to lead the team.

There are also many strong people in the virtual spiritual realm in the Shu army, but when they meet them, it is like a child meeting a fierce beast. They saw with their own eyes that the strong people in the virtual spiritual realm of the Shu army were easily killed by them. In the past few days, these Xiliang monks also noticed Li Mingyang and several others, but in the eyes of these Xiliang monks, they are just a group of earthen buns from Nanman. Even if their cultivation is not bad, they are still a group of earthen buns with good cultivation.

However, they are really knowledgeable in this battle. A group of guys who are regarded by them as earthen buns used the battle array to maximize their strength. Six people killed at least hundreds of monks. Such a record has been quite horrible. You know, the monks on the battlefield are not individuals, and every low-level monk is In the battle.

Seeing that Li Mingyang still killed the fleeing Shu army, a group of Xiliang monks were all in high spirits and immediately rushed up and beat the water dog. The irredistible situation between the Xiliang army and the Shu army is not new. Naturally, it is very cool to have the opportunity to kill old opponents.

With Li Mingyang's existence, the Shu army's desire to escape also became an extravagant hope. The final result was that 2,000 Shu troops were completely annihilated.

In the face of such a record, Li Yuan was also a little incoherent. In fact, this battle was completely initiated by his painstaking efforts**. He was also shocked when he first saw the 2,000 Shu army, otherwise he would not hide in the end. However, in such a battle, the final result was that the opponent was completely annihilated, and the Xiliang army lost only more than 300 people. Winning more with less is not a tragic victory, which is already an absolute victory.

Thinking of this, Li Yuan danced excitedly, put his arms around Li Mingyang's neck and laughed, "Xiao Li, Xiao Li, you are really my lucky generals. You have performed well in this battle. Let's talk about it. If you have any requirements, I will definitely satisfy you."

"I want a baron." Li Mingyang giggled and said bluntly.

Li Yuan's smile stiffened, and then realized that he had made a big talk again. After that, he could only whisper, he could only persuade him, "Xiao Li, you can't be so unsuitable. What's good about the baron? In the future, if you follow me, I will promote you to be my bodyguard. You are all my bodyguard. How domineering the bodyguard is, follow I have everything around me, nothing missing. Why do I have to be a baron? I don't have much territory and bother.

"Haha." Li Mingyang smiled, scratched his head and said seriously, "I just want to be a baron."

"You..." Li Yuan's tone stagnated and wanted to reprimand a few words, but thinking of their performance on the battlefield just now, Li Yuan still did not attack. Talent is hard to find. He doesn't want to get a few powerful thims just because of the benefits, but after all, he is just a viscount and unable to be crowned as a baron, which is the biggest problem.

But just when Li Yuan was at a loss, there was a rumbling sound of troops marching behind them. Li Mingyang and others first caught this point, and immediately he said puzzledly, "Is the border here so peaceful?"

Li Yuan and the others also looked back nervously.

In a short time, a team of 3,000 monks came out of the dense forest. After seeing that the other party was also wearing Xiliang County clothes, everyone was relieved.

"I'm scared to death. Why are my people so mysterious?" Li Yuan wiped his sweat and casually ordered, "Go, ask who is leading the team and why he came here silently. I don't know if it's very special here. Isn't it scary?"

The leading officer waited patiently for Li Yuan to finish speaking, and then whispered cautiously, "Your Excellency, the opposite is the flag of the count, and this is the count's army."

"My brother's army?" Li Yuan looked at the opposite side doubtfully. After seeing the flag in the team, he patted his thigh and said, "So it's really my brother's army." With that, I walked over.

Li Mingyang and others are completely speechless. They are really curious about how this idiot can live so big. At the same time, Li Mingyang does have a strong interest in Li Yuan's eldest brother. He must not be an ordinary soldier who can keep such an idiot brother...

Li Yuangang took a few steps and immediately turned around and said, "Xiao Li, come and take your second uncle, third uncle and seventh uncle with me to see my eldest brother."

Guo Yunshan and the others twitched and walked up with Li Mingyang. Suddenly, they hated Li Mingyang's identity as a relative who talked nonsense.

Li Yuan was interested to take people into the count's army. Obviously, all the Xiliang army recognized the famous "paper-general". Li Mingyang and the others were naturally happier to finally talk to the count.

But when Li Mingyang saw Count Li Hong, he was suddenly shocked.