ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 285 The Ghost King Out of the Mountain

"What are you doing here?" Li Mingyang looked at Liu Ji puzzledly. After seeing that Liu Ji's breath was already a little chaotic, he waved his hand and said, "Let's go to the advanced city."

"To the city?" Liu Ji looked at the lower golden pass full of monks standing on the wall and asked weakly, "Can I enter the human city?"

"Don't worry, no one dares to touch you." Li Mingyang said something careless, turned around and began to lead the way.

Liu Ji was still stunned, but she had been pulled into the city by Li Mingyang on a war horse. Although the strange eyes of many monks around her made her very uncomfortable, thinking of Li Mingyang's domineering words just now, she gradually gained a lot of confidence, and even returned to her appearance as a ghost general in Tianyin Kingdom, confident and charming. It's just that the occasional look at Li Mingyang becomes a little confused.

"No one dares to touch you." Thinking of Li Mingyang's words just now and looking at the performance of many monks around him, Liu Ji smiled gently: "What a domineering boy."

Thinking about the hardships on the way, Liu Ji couldn't help sighing. If she hadn't finally met Li Mingyang and Gong Yangwen, she would have been doomed to die in the hands of the group of monks this time. For the rest of her life after the disaster, Liu Ji suddenly felt extremely tired and lay on the war horse and took a nap as usual.

Her party was amazing. Although the monks around her clearly knew that she was a real ghost, they couldn't help drooling and their eyes were dull.

"Good boy, the boss is the boss. Picking up girls is better than us."

"Yes, I've heard of some heavy tastes. Women play enough to play with men, and men play enough to play with children, but play with female ghosts... Oh, the boss is really cruel."

"Uh-huh, it's unfathomable."

"Who do you think is unfathomable?"

"Naturally, it's the boss! Ah, yes, do you think the place of female ghosts is not deep..."

"Go to work hard and think clearly about what to say or not." Seeing that what everyone said became more and more down, Lin Hui quickly shouted angrily to stop their unprovoked discussion.

Just at that moment, Lin Hui suddenly saw the charming female ghost sweeping here, and suddenly shocked Lin Hui into a cold sweat. He thought of a real ghost who dared to rush into the country of Tianyuan alone. This is not enough to make a point with courage.

"Big boss, how many secrets do you have?" Lin Hui muttered.


"Say, what's going on." Walking into his own big account, Li Mingyang asked.

As soon as she entered the big account, the charm on Liu Ji's face disappeared in an instant, and she frowned and said, "My master is going to have an accident."

"Your mean the king of Mount Tai?" Li Mingyang didn't react for a moment, and then immediately asked, "What's wrong with King Taishan? Isn't he hiding well in the cold pool? Isn't it a problem to persist for another three or five hundred years?"

"The master means that if you are not disturbed, there will be no problem for hundreds of years, but if you are targeted, it may not be." Liu Ji explained.

"What do you mean?" Li Mingyang was shocked, and his face was instantly dissatisfied with the haze.

Li Mingyang actually doesn't have much good impression of King Taishan. After all, his relationship with the wheel is the best, and it is because these Yan Luo people not help when they have problems in hell, but also make the wheel so busy and often injured. However, when he met the king of Mount Tai before, he had finally expressed regret and promised to return to hell with him and hand over the earth spirit monument as long as he could leave the heavenly realm. The king of Mount Tai had already said so, and Li Mingyang promised to come to the imperial city of Tianyuan to find the boundary monument.

Unexpectedly, he finally made some progress on his side, but the king of Mount Tai was unstable.

Liu Ji said with a gloomy face, "The ghost king who betrayed my master seems to have improved his strength and has gradually been able to find my master's hiding place. If he finds the cold pool, my master will definitely not be able to escape."

"Oh? By the way, what is the strength of the ghost king? Li Mingyang suddenly became less nervous when he heard that the king of Mount Tai might be in danger, rather than that he was already in danger. After all, he still didn't care so much about the king of Mount Tai.

Liu Ji only thought that Li Mingyang wanted to analyze the situation of the enemy and us, and said seriously: "The one who betrayed my master is the East Ghost King in the original four ghost kings. He had reached the strength of Xuanling Realm before he betrayed, so he wanted to sneak up on my master. Up to now, it is estimated that he has absorbed some of my master's original power. Coupled with so many years of practice, it should probably have reached the peak of Xuanling Realm.

Li Mingyang was originally just asking, but now he suddenly learned that the former Donggui King's strength has now reached the peak of the mysterious realm. After all, he is still shocked.

"So fierce? How else can you fight?" Li Mingyang said subconsciously.

"What?" Liu Ji looked at him as if she didn't know Li Mingyang. Although she had only met Li Mingyang a few times, she never thought that Li Mingyang would ask such a thing.

Liu Ji only saw Li Mingyang's domineering and decisive side, but she didn't know that Li Mingyang had a terrible heart when he was calm. He was not scared silly just now, but asked seriously.

How to fight the strong man at the peak of Xuanling Realm? Li Mingyang also wants to know the answer. He is not afraid of dangerous fights when facing a strong enemy, because he can see the hope of victory. Once he is defeated, as long as he can give up, he will never show off. In his opinion, King Taishan may only be plotted by his former brother, and now he is going to be killed by the other party, so he wants to find a way to kill the other party.

Seeing that Liu Ji was always stunned, Li Mingyang said seriously, "If it really doesn't work, let King Tai move first."

"What?" Liu Ji was stunned again, and then said angrily, "How can this be? My master is the master of the world. He has been hidden for hundreds of years by a young man. Do you want him to continue to escape?"

"Why can't he escape? He is the master of the world, but he was only the master of the world. Now he is just an old man in distress. If he can escape, he can escape again. If he wants revenge, he will wait until his strength is restored. He has to work hard to know that his strength is insufficient. Is there something wrong with his brain?" Li Mingyang said naturally.

" shut up and don't be presumptuous." Listening to Li Mingyang's words, Liu Ji stood up with a purple face. She could see that she was very patient, so she couldn't help doing anything to Li Mingyang and said tremblingly, "How can you say that about my master? Even if you don't look at the identity of his world owner, based on his past identity, you can't say that about him. You are Yin. Yangshi, do you treat the ten halls of Yanluo like this?

"Well, if I didn't need to cooperate with him to bring back the earth monument, I don't think I want to kill him?" Up to now, Li Mingyang no longer hides and says rudely, "I am the Yin and Yang of the King of Wheel, not King Taishan. If it hadn't been for his infatuation to leave hell with the spirit monument, he would have fallen to where he is now?

"You! You..." Liu Ji's angry body trembled away more and more, and finally she could only sit down.

Looking at Liu Ji's anger, Li Mingyang's tone was also softened a little and said lightly, "I know that the King of Mount Tai is kind to you. It's right for you to respect him and protect him, but the wheel also has the kindness to me. The enemy of the wheel is my enemy. You and I have our own positions. It's nothing to argue about who is right and who is wrong. Talk about things."

Walking to the edge of the big tent with his hands behind his back, Li Mingyang continued to say, "If you want to move me back as a rescuer this time, I can only say that there is nothing I can do. Even if I can persuade the wilderness to help me fight against the source, it is impossible to defeat a strong man at the peak of the mysterious realm. If you are really worried about your master, let him find a way to escape here. We will send troops to attack the imperial city in about a month. The battle of the imperial city will be very difficult, but it will definitely win. Once we win, we will find a way to establish a phalan from the boundary marker and leave.

"The most important thing is to be able to leave alive. As for revenge... When you return to hell, if the king of Mount Tai and the wheel can relieve their past grudges and the war with the chaotic clan can be suspended, then let the wheel help him avenge." After a pause, Li Mingyang said extremely sincerely, "Now is not the time to be angry. Nothing is more important than living. Think about it and go back to tell your master."

After saying that, Li Mingyang walked out of the big account. That's all that can be said to do. Li Mingyang certainly hopes to leave together with the King of Mount Tai, but if it really doesn't work, there is still a green wilderness that can ask for help. The green wilderness is a group of underworld beasts. He also clearly remembers the space imprint in the south of the Xuanyuan world. Even if the transmission array cannot be arranged, the wilderness can be forcibly crossed by virtue of space marks. Kong returned to Xuanyuan.

This is what Li Mingyang originally thought about. It is because of this that he has never been lull when he finds Queen Taishan. Anyway, as long as he can find the boundary marker, he will have the opportunity to contact the wheel, and it will naturally be easy to leave. And once the wheel comes here, with the current King Taishan, it is naturally impossible to be the opponent of the wheel. Li Mingyang has written all the scripts, and he doesn't care much about this variable now.

Anyway, the way out has been pointed out to them. If King Tai doesn't want to completely devour his anti-bone little brother, he will come here honestly to meet him.

Liu Ji left quickly. From beginning to end, she didn't say a word to Li Mingyang. However, when she saw her leave, Li Mingyang couldn't help waved to Gong Yang Wen and motioned him to follow up. Li Mingyang only has a problem with King Taishan, not against Liu Ji. Although Liu Ji is just a real ghost, what she has done deserves her respect. If there is a real opportunity to return to hell, I believe that there is a lot of room for development with her ability.

When Liu Ji brought everything Li Mingyang said back to Tianyin, the king of Mount Tai was silent for a long time and did not speak for a long time, but in the end, the king of Mount Tai still gritted his teeth, put away the spirit monument and left the cold pool with Liu Ji.

King Tai did send Liu Ji to Tianyuan Kingdom with the idea of inviting Li Mingyang back to the war, but considering the statements brought back by Liu Ji, the King of Tai also had to admit that instead of fighting with the rebellious East Ghost King here, it is better to find a way to go back to hell first. It is indeed better to have a moment of impulse from a long-term plan.

When Gong Yangwen escorted the King of Mount Tai back to the Jin Pass again, it did not cause any sensation. No one knew that he had been one of the kings in hell, and no one knew that he was the founder of the Tianyin Kingdom outside Julinguan. On the contrary, when the king of Mount Tai came, some Jinzhu army monks were talking about whether the real ghosts in Tianyin Kingdom were dead. Why did the boss bring back only one old ghost this time?

At this moment, Li Mingyang suddenly had a feeling of pity for the king of Mount Tai. The king of hell was actually looked down upon by a group of little monks, and the so-called hero Chi Mu was nothing more than that. Out of sympathy, Li Mingyang only took the king of Mount Tai around the camp seven times and stopped...

The chaotic army has still not started. At this time, it has only been half a month since the Jin Pass was broken. The three armies are constantly planning to attack the imperial city. They all know that this will be an extremely dangerous war. For the vast majority of monks in the chaotic army, many people have never entered the sky in their lives. The imperial city of the country, but everyone knows the grandeur and strength of the imperial city.

Everyone hopes to walk into the imperial city alive, but it is impossible for immortals, so to put it bluntly, now everyone is discussing which people are rushing to the easiest place to die, which people are rushing to the place where it is easier to die, and which people are not easy to die.

Li Mingyang hated this kind of thing and stopped attending after listening to it once.

Half a month later, the three armies pulled out from the three passes, and the battle to attack the imperial city of Tianyuan Kingdom finally began.


Just as the chaotic army in Tianyuan took the last step, the real ghosts far away in Tianyin also began a very rare unified action. All the forces of the four ghost kings who have fought all year round are fighting, from the ghost king to the ordinary real ghost soldiers, and now they are all looking for the same real ghost in the Tianyin Kingdom.

The four ghost kings, who have not met collectively for almost a hundred years, finally got together again, but one of the four ghost kings is particularly eye-catching. The other three ghost kings are with him, both in terms of momentum and size.

In fact, if you look carefully, you will find that three of the ghost kings bowed to the fiercest ghost king.

The East Ghost King finally came out of the mountain again. The East Ghost King has a human-faced beast body, which is not similar to the other three ghost kings, but his violent breath completely suppressed the other three ghost kings with him. Behind him, there was a thick black fog, which seemed to be part of his body. It was natural, and the black fog followed wherever he went.

"Have you found that old guy?" The Eastern Ghost King asked with a high voice of extreme coldness.

The other three ghost kings looked at each other and shook their heads and said, "Not yet."

"Then continue to look for him. As long as you help me devour him and improve my strength, I will take you out. At that time, you will also have a chance to become the lord of the world." The East Ghost King did not have any mood swings and still said coldly.

The other three ghost kings were hot in their eyes and immediately took orders.

The Eastern Ghost King looked at the south from afar and said lightly, "Old man, you won't really hide in the kingdom of mankind in order to avoid me, will you?"