ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 385

It was chaotic, and the whole Mang Mang Mountain was completely chaotic. Even if he had been prepared to fight a scuffle with the Shu army in Mang Mang Mountain, but Li Mingyang did not expect that the final battle would be so chaotic.

After burning the dead forest peak, Li Mingyang thought of the possible situation. The appearance of Guangling elixir was one of the things that gave Li Mingyang the opportunity. As a commander, after learning the existence of Guangling elixir, such an idea also flashed in his mind, that is, if he had Guangling elixir. , how will it be used? The final result is that he will definitely set an ambush behind the enemy and form a trap.

As a result, Li Mingyang was extremely hateful to learn that his guess was very accurate.

In fact, the Shu army, which had been arranged behind the Jinzhu army, could not receive Yuan Wuwang's order in time. After all, although they were ambushing, they also cut off contact with the large army. Yuan Wuwang's order to them began with the defense line of Kulinfeng. Once the Jinzhu army began to attack, It was the time when the ambush Shu troops launched a counterattack.

In a fire in Kulinfeng, only Liu Qing and others knew what had happened, and even Yuan Wuwang did not know what had happened, not to mention those Shu monks who had been lurking.

However, although the Shu army was defeated in the battle of Kulinfeng, at this time, the other ambushed Shu army had already suffied a full of murderous intent and began to launch a fierce attack on the Jinzhu army with boundless anger.

Almost at the same time, the wheel leading the whole army received the most timely war reports from various armies. The contact information between the real ghost commanders was very special, and the wheel naturally learned in a short time that a large number of Shu troops appeared behind them. When I got the news, even the wheel couldn't help panicking. This battle is not small, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a decisive battle.

So many details of this battle can only be decided after thinking about it for a long time. Although it can't be said to be seamless, at least the route of the Jinzhu army should be said to be waterless. Even if there are occasional mistakes, it is definitely impossible to let so many Shu troops around behind the Jinzhu army.

However, no matter how puzzled the wheel was, the situation he faced was that in Mangshan, the front that was being attacked by various armies could not be taken for a while, but behind them, many Shu troops appeared, attacking the monks of the Jinzhu Army with the Shu army in the defensive front. This situation makes the wheel quite a headache.

The war in the Xuanyuan world made the wheel thoroughly realize that the cooperation of the battle array still occupies a very important position in the Xuanyuan world war. These Tianyuan monks and Fengtai monks certainly have a natural blood and belligerent nature, and because of the rich cultivation resources in the two mysterious worlds, it also determines their personal war. The fact that Li is stronger than Xuanyuan monks. But the problem is that without the cooperation of the battle array, the large-scale collision with the Central Plains monks will eventually be a big disadvantage.

So before that, the wheel attacked all the way without stopping at all, not because he wanted to make a reputation, but to catch the Shu army off guard. At least the Shu army could not completely gather hundreds of thousands of troops together, so that it was possible to form an advantage in the local battlefield. , so as to achieve the victory of big fish eating small fish.

However, Yuan Wuwang in the Shu army camp was really a genius of war. Under his planning, the Shu army actually set up such a situation in Mang Mountain under the condition of losing and retreating. Even though the wheel has already become refined, there was no warning before. He was almost led by the Shu army and came to this point step by step.

On the battlefield, the most taboo thing is to be surrounded by people and horses from two sides, even three or four sides. Although the battle of the monks, because there is no need to transport heavy vehicles, the attack of the rear army cannot be said to be a disaster, but if it is attacked back and forward, whether in morale or in the formation, it will be In the absolute disadvantage. Especially the monastic coalition composed of monks from Tianyuan and Fengtai, it is difficult for them to have an advantage in the local battlefield.

And the Shu army has never been able to use it before, because once a big war rises to the level of tens of thousands of confrontation, even with the cooperation of the battle array, tens of thousands of monks in a team can't gather into a formation in an instant and exert all their combat strength in the battlefield. The reason for this is because of space limitations. No army of monks can open a particularly large distance in an instant at the beginning of the war.

But like now, the monks of the Shu army are divided into smaller parts, and the connections between small teams and small teams are continuous, which can soon form a good combat power and quickly form an oppressive blow to the Jinzhu army.

When the wheel got the latest war report, the Jinzhu army was already at a disadvantage on the front battlefield. Although the casualties are not so serious, it is impossible to continue, and even the retreat is difficult to achieve effectively. If it hadn't been for the careful design of the previous layout and the execution of the real ghost commanders brought by himself, when this ambush of the Shu army appeared, the general army of monks would have completely collapsed.

Even if you have an army of more than 500,000 monks, even if 500,000 people gather together, it is impossible for the people at the front and the end of the team to contact with divine knowledge, not to mention scattered on such a chaotic battlefield. The offensive strategy designed by Li Mingyang did not expect Yuan Wuwang to have the same idea.

When the Shu army ambushed four, relying on the exquisite cooperation between the team and the team, and more importantly, the advantage of the battle array, it occupied an absolute advantage in the early stage of the counterattack, and the monks in the Jinzhu army were enthusiastic about fighting spirit, but they saw the monks they met were the Jinzhu army who could only flee like themselves, and they were in all directions. I don't know how many Shu army monks are ambushed. Under such circumstances, it is really difficult for the Jinzhu army to form a too effective counterattack.

From the beginning of the war to now, the counterattack time of the Shu army finally came. The Jinzhu army was attacked by the Shu army monks who appeared like ghosts from all directions, really without knowing the southeast and northwest.

In fact, so far, the reason why the Jinzhu Army is only retreated, not completely defeated, in addition to the natural unyielding spirit of the monks and Fengtai monks, the most important thing is the connection between the wheel and the real ghost commanders. The wheel is almost fighting for the loss of the original power, and has established the most direct contact with the real ghost commanders of all armies.

This is also the reason why the wheel insisted on leading all kinds of troops as the coach. The connection between real ghosts and real ghosts can be as fast as possible, especially between the wheel and other real ghosts.

Although the situation on the battlefield is very complicated now, Yuan Wuwang's offensive battle can only establish an advantage in the early stage. When the wheel continues to learn about the situation encountered by various armies from the real ghost commanders, there are more and more war reports. After becoming more and more detailed, the wheel gradually understands the changes on the battlefield, and he can see clearly Chu, the other real ghost commanders are not in trouble, and the armies of all walks of life will not be scattered because they don't know the situation of other armies.

On the battlefield, the most terrible thing is not the defeat of a monk army, but that they don't know where to go after their defeat.

"Where is Mingyang now?" Although it can control the movements of all kinds of real ghost troops, the wheel knows nothing about the whereabouts of Li Mingyang and the sharp knife team.

Xie Bi'an smiled bitterly and said, "As soon as the famous brother arrived on the battlefield, he seemed to be a madman. This time, he took a group of small crazy people in the virtual spiritual realm to fight. It can be said that there were enough elite soldiers and generals. Naturally, he would fight wherever he wanted to fight. The final news was that he seemed to take people to attack a dry forest. The place of the peak.

In fact, whether it is the wheel or Xie Bi'an, there is not much concern about the safety of Li Mingyang's life. Even if he is alone, there will not be too much danger on such a battlefield. But thinking of the increasingly unclear situation in front of him, Xie Bi'an still asked, "Why don't I catch up and see him and let him bring someone back first?"

After thinking about it, he finally shook his head and said, "No, this battle has been completely disrupted. Yuan Wuwang just wants to win with the cooperation of the Shu army. Since he has left so many ambush behind us, it proves that their defensive strength on the front battlefield is already very weak. I have informed Yingbai that they will start to move closer to me, and then we will push them straight over.

Before the wheel, hundreds of thousands of troops did not want to move forward together, but they did not want to compete directly with hundreds of thousands of troops of the Shu army. But now the situation is different. I have to say that Yuan Wuwang's arrangement is indeed exquisite, but he can't imagine that there is a way between himself and his real ghosts that can be connected almost for a moment. With such a terrible means of connection, no matter how chaotic the war is, as long as it is not completely destroyed by the Shu army, the wheel can turn all the big All the troops were mobilized and then attacked directly.

In this way, Yuan Wuwang, a seemingly exquisite ambush battle, only got a little advantage at the beginning, and then became the biggest disadvantage, because he now completely divides the Shu army into two halves.

"The soldiers rushed directly to the Shuwang Mansion. I'd like to see how many people can be in their nest if they throw out so many ambush soldiers." The wheel said confidently.

Xie Bi'an suddenly asked, "Where's the famous brother Yang? At least he has to know what he is doing."

The wheel thought for a moment, and finally pointed to the front and said, "He will only rush in one direction."