ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 388 Suspicion

As more and more monks rushed out of Mangmang Mountain, a defense line carefully arranged by the Shu army was disintegrated in this way. There was no expected fierce collision, and there was no unbearable tragic fight. The monks of the Jinzhu Army really seemed to be a divine soldier falling from the sky. Yuan Wuwang was using a large amount of light elixir and set up The heavy troops ambushed, but the final result was that the Jinzhu army seemed to understand all the arrangements of Yuan Wuwang. Almost at the beginning of the Shu army's ambush plan, the Jinzhu army found a way to crack it.

Yuan Wuwang knew that it was impossible to win the battle with the Jinzhu army. Originally, the Shu army was already at an absolute numerical disadvantage, and the king of Shu no longer had the courage when he fought the world. He could not let him go. Under such circumstances, even Yuan Wuwang Unable to help the king of Shu turn over, and in the case of unable to fully control the platoon of the Shu army, Yuan Wuwang's ability could not even exert half of it.

Yuan Wuwang is at least very lucky now. Although the king of Shu can't let go, at least the king of Shu can still see the current situation clearly. He can promise to leave the Central Plains and choose a mysterious world to live, which is the best result. Yuan Wuwang has never had the idea of giving up. Whether it was the decision to withdraw from the capital or all the strategic withdrawal decisions made later, it was for a better counterattack. Unfortunately, the king of Shu has never adopted it, and now he can only choose the last strategic retreat, but if he wants to rush out this time, even Yuan Wuwang himself doesn't know how long to wait.

Yuan Wuwang walked out of the Shu Palace in a relaxed and heavy mood. This time, the plan to gather the army and withdraw must be planned and implemented by himself. After all, strategic retreat is always a very dangerous thing when the war is at a disadvantage. Once you don't grasp the heat well, there will be great problems. If you retreat slowly, you will be entangled by the enemy and lose the opportunity to retreat. If you withdraw quickly, it is easy to cause panic and make your army of monks mistakenly think that it is a complete defeat rather than a strategic retreat. Either of these two situations is unbearable.

Since the war with the Jinzhu army, although Yuan Wuwang has been unwilling to find other people's problems, he has to admit that in this war, many generals of the Shu army and even the commanders of every army are particularly stupid. Perhaps they are all like the King of Shu. Over the years, they have been cultivated by the surrounding Xiliang Army and Changyun Army, and they don't know how to fight a hard battle. Therefore, Yuan Wuwang can only do such a major task by walking around himself.

Another point is that Yuan Wuwang still doesn't know what Liu Qing means. In their plan, Liu Qing needs to lure the enemy deep and then kill the Jinzhu army in the designed encirclement. But now, not to mention their plan to lure the enemy in depth, they have long been seen through by Li Mingyang and others at the beginning. Even now that Li Mingyang and others are willing to throw themselves into the net, the Shu army has been unable to eliminate them.

After this period of delay, although Li Mingyang's sharp knife team is still very elusive, it is doomed that they must still be separated from the large army. However, after the other monks of the Jinzhu army have been united, they have also begun to slowly speed up and rush to the Shu Palace. If you want to set up an ambush to surround Li Mingyang and their strong virtual spiritual monks, it is basically impossible to win.

Although Liu Qing has really been stupid, the result of this battle has been like this. Yuan Wuwang does not want to see his students do stupid things again. Of course, he also hopes to take away more Shu soldiers, so the meaningless struggle with the Jinzhu army is not necessary at all. It will happen. For Shu County and to make up for the big mistakes made by his students, Yuan Wuwang can only retake this strange and familiar journey this time.

In the palace, a man with three huge scars on his face stood in front of the king of Shu. This man was supposed to be a very handsome man, but his face became ferocious because of the three terrible scars on his face. This person's name is Wang Chen, and he is the most loyal general of the king of Shu. The Wang Chen family has been the family of the king of Shu for four generations, and his loyalty to the king of Shu is far greater than Yuan Wuwang.

The reason why Wang Chen was reused was not only because of his loyalty to the king of Shu, but also because of his strong strength. Wang Chen has already reached the four-fold realm of Xuanling Realm. In fact, such a horrible fighting power has no longer need to be loyal to the King of Shu, but for him, loyalty is already his nature. Now he can't talk about loyalty or not, but is just used to working for the King of Shu.

Only this time, when Wang Chen stood beside the king of Shu, he did not turn around and leave as usual after receiving the order of the king of Shu, but hesitated and did not know what to do.

"What, what's the difficulty?" For Wang Chen, the king of Shu has not simply issued an order from the perspective of the master. Although Wang Chen does not doubt his loyalty, and Wang Chen's brain has some problems. It seems that all his talents are on cultivation, even so, the king of Shu does not dare to really treat Wang Chen as a simple hand. From the day when Wang Chen advanced to Xuanling Realm, the king of Shu has changed his attitude towards him.

Although Wang Chen looked fierce because of the scar on his face, his eyes seemed a little dull at this time, and his voice said naively, "Why kill Lord Yuan?"

The king of Shu was stunned and turned his head to look at Wang Chen. If this sentence was asked by others, the king of Shu must have had the idea of killing people now, but thinking that the person in front of him was Wang Chen, the king of Shu could only say patiently, "Because Lord Yuan wants to betray me."

"Lord Yuan can't betray you." Wang Chen replied directly with little consideration.

King Shu's eyebrows were imperceptible, but he still patiently explained, "Wang Chen, you don't understand these things, and you can't see why, but do you think I will order to do things randomly? Killing him will only be beneficial and harmless to Shu County."

Wang Chen immediately became silent, and his dull eyes finally became a little more gloomy, as if he was seriously thinking about something. After a little silence, he suddenly shook his head nervously and said, "Impossible. How can Lord Yuan be harmful to Shu County? As long as Lord Yuan is alive, Shu County will not have prestige. King of Shu, you should believe in Yuan Your Excellency, believe his plan.

Hearing Wang Chen's words, the king of Shu finally frowned unconsciously. For too many years, Wang Chen has been following the king of Shu like a shadow. Because of his strong strength and strange skills, his existence is not detected by many people, and even many times the king of Shu himself is not sure whether Wang Chen is following him.

It is also because of this that the King of Shu has not communicated with Wang Chen for a long time. In fact, he has always regarded Wang Chen as a simple and capable general. But now when he heard Wang Chen's words, the king of Shu suddenly realized that although Wang Chen did not look smart, it did not mean that he was stupid. As a four-fold strong man in the mysterious realm, even if his brain is less intelligent than ordinary people, but with the improvement of strength and the continuous strengthening of his mind, his brain should always be much better.

Now it seems that Wang Chen can obviously understand the situation in Shu County. However, Wang Chen's reaction suddenly made a shadow in the heart of the king of Shu.

In fact, wanting to kill Yuan Wuwang is not a temporary idea for the king of Shu. Since this war, the king of Shu has realized a problem. Although everyone in the current Shu county respects this king of Shu very much, it is only because of the gap in status. However, the king of Shu found that all the monks were convinced and even afraid of Yuan Wuwang from the bottom of their hearts. Seeing such a situation was the most unacceptable situation for the king of Shu.

Over the years, the king of Shu doesn't like to appear from time to time. One is that he doesn't want to worry about big things and small things. The other reason is that the king of Shu believes that Yuan Wuwang can definitely handle these things well, so he needs to maintain enough mystery. Nowadays, it seems that there is absolutely a sense of mystery, and all Shu County monks will have a special sense of awe when they see themselves.

But just like this, the king of Shu can't be satisfied at all. What he wants is absolute control of Shu County, but now it seems that the monks of Shu County are in awe of themselves, but they absolutely listen to Yuan Wuwang's words. After Yuan Wuwang conveys many orders, the execution will even be even higher. As a king, seeing that his men have such prestige, even if this is his most trusted subordinate, he has a taboo in his heart.

The king of Shu did not worry about Wang Chen because Wang Chen only had a strong fighting power. In Shu County, few people knew him. He had almost no influence, so the king of Shu only worried about whether Wang Chen would continue to be loyal to himself, without worrying that Wang Chen would take away his position.

So when Yuan Wuwang proposed to withdraw troops one after another to fight defensively and let all the monks and troops gather together, the king of Shu finally began to completely doubt Yuan Wuwang. It was because of this suspicion that the king of Shu had less and less trust in Yuan Wuwang, so Yuan Wuwang proposed that he The more he didn't believe it, and finally reached this point today, he needed to let Wang Chen go out and kill Yuan Wuwang.

Just thinking that Wang Chen himself can also figure out the meaning of Yuan Wuwang to Shu County. The King of Shu was worried that Wang Chen would also be chilled by this matter. After thinking about it for a long time, the King of Shu could only bravely say to Wang Chen: "You don't know that Lord Yuan has betrayed me. He must have gone out this time to gather a large army to seize the throne, so you must Help me kill him."

"Really?" Wang Chen looked at the king of Shu with burning eyes.

King Shu's eyes did not dodge and said decisively, "Yes."

Wang Chen nod his head and said, "Okay, then I'll kill him."