ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 601 Unexpected

"Have you heard that the special auction of the Ghost King was held a day later."

"Do you still need to say that? I knew it three days ago."

"Bullshit, my owner said that Lord Ghost King just came back last night. Did you know three days ago?"

"If you really understand, don't talk less. Lord Ghost King only prepared everything a day ago, and he had finished looting in the building martial arts world three days ago."

"Really? Where did you get the news?

"In the palace."

"Royal Palace?"

"Hey, I don't know. This robbery of the building martial arts was done by Emperor Changqing and the Ghost King."

"Do you know all this? You're not bragging, are you?"

"Well, I don't get any internal information on weekdays. This time, I can't be wrong. On the day Lord Ghost King came back, my cousin's third grandson's second aunt's uncle happened to be in the palace. The Evergreen Emperor and others had no idea to hide this matter, so I knew it."


Longdu in Xuanyuanjie is the most mysterious existence in the eyes of all monks outside Longdu. This is a majestic city. There are 18 gates in the inner and outer city of Longdu. The wall used to complete the challenge of the outer city alone is three feet high. Almost all of the areas around Longdu are plains, and there is no possibility of being attacked at all.

For the monks and people under the command of many princes, dragons are indestructible and the most brilliant. They are the representative of the strength of the whole Xuanyuan world. However, only the monks who really live in the dragon capital know that the dragons in the eyes of outsiders are the real dragon capital, but the dragons are not only from that aspect, only from the aspect of force. To see, Longdu is naturally supreme, but the monks in Longdu are ruthless only when they go abroad. Once they return to Longdu, these people will all change.

Long is a very strange city. It is full of all kinds of rumors every day. The parents of the rich monks will also be talked about by the Longdu monks. The daughter-in-law of the old Sun family ran away with people. The old Liu family suddenly gave birth to octuplets, which is better than pigs. The old man Cheng, who beat the iron in Dongcheng, prostituted last night. The prostitute died. Oh, this old man has been aggrieved all his life, and he is happy to be a romantic.

In the eyes of outsiders, the mysterious dragon capital is actually more like this every day. Although the vast majority of dragon monks have experienced the mysterious world, and even a considerable number of them are fierce characters who have just retreated from the battlefield, once these people leave the battlefield, they will no longer take the dragons on the battlefield. Come from here.

First of all, there are too many strong people in the Dragon City. It seems to be a little inaccurate to say that the Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragons are already a little inaccurate. These guys who call for wind and rain in various mysterious worlds are just ordinary monks when they return to Longdu. Whether it is a rich monk or a scattered monk, after retreating from the battlefield, they will first want to relax first. Every day, many people will retreat from the battlefield. Naturally, there will be a large number of monks in the dragon city who want to relax every day.

This is an incomparable city, and this is also a real city. People here seem to be much stronger than those outside. The huge pressure of survival makes them used to be a killing machine on the battlefield. It's good to be a *boy brother outside the battlefield.

Li Mingyang is enjoying such a life now, but he can't go out to get away like most Longdu monks. Now his appearance has been completely known by Longdu monks. Whether he has really met Li Mingyang or not, anyway, this face has become A sign. Fortunately, the most indispensable thing in the Jinzhu army is the people who like to play. These people have finally come back from the building martial arts world, and now they naturally need to relax.

"Famous, can we really make up a billion best spiritual stones for the things we grab this time?" When Qin Zhan was drinking wine, he asked with a little worry.

Li Mingyang put down the wine pot in his hand and said after thinking about it, "The outside world has reached its limit, and the rest will naturally be left to Emperor Changqing."

Looking at Li Mingyang, it seems that he is not going to pay attention to these things anymore, and Qin Zhan can't ask any more questions. In fact, the harvest of this trip to the Louwu world made Qin Zhan stunned every time he thought of it. Qin Zhan has not seen a large number of resources, especially after being with Li Mingyang and others, he is used to Li Mingyang's big hands every time, but even if he has seen so many big scenes before, he put this two days ago After sorting out all the resources returned from a robbery, Qin Zhan was still scared after all.

Although he personally participated in the whole process of this robbery, and even in the most difficult battle, he also fought against Chen Zuhui, but the final result was still amazing.

Light spiritual stones, including all the lower-grade spiritual stones, middle-grade spiritual stones, and superior spiritual stones. These pure spiritual stones already have resources equivalent to 2 billion top-grade spiritual stones, 2 billion top-grade spiritual stones. When those spiritual stones were piled up in the palace, Qin Zhan felt as if his eyes could not be opened.

At that moment, Qin Zhan finally understood what Li Mingyang always said. Although the world is full of good things like this or that, the so-called natural treasures and the best magic weapons will make many monks salivate, but what really touches the monks the most is the spiritual stone. Whether it is a sixth-order flying sword or three- or five pieces of sixth-order spiritual armor, or rare materials such as the best cold jade, if they are suddenly released for others to see, their hearts will beat faster, but if spiritual stones are piled up, even if the number of these spiritual stones may not be as good as half of those things, they can definitely be seen by everyone. The people who arrived were stunned.

After seeing the appearance of Lingshi Mountain worth 2 billion mountain spirit stones, Qin Zhan finally believed what Li Mingyang said. In contrast, if the large number of best treasures next to Lingshi Mountain are really auctioned, they will definitely be more valuable than these spiritual stones, but when Lingshi Mountain appeared, everyone followed Qin Zhan looked at Lingshi in a daze, including Li Mingyang.

"I'm afraid that the royal family doesn't have the ability to get so many resources." Qin Zhan shook his head and secretly thought that even if he was worried, he was not going to say it in such a festive time. With so many spiritual stones back this time, even if there is a gap, it will definitely not be big. At that time, we can naturally find a way to fill the gap.

Qin Zhan's worries are not superfluous. In the current palace, the Changqing Emperor is indeed having a headache for Lingshi. Many things are one thing when they are said, and another thing when they are really done.

Before that, the Evergreen Emperor and Li Mingyang had a clear division of labor. Li Mingyang was responsible for taking people to the resources that could be grabbed in the building martial arts. The Evergreen Emperor used his prestige to rob a number of rich families in the Xuanyuan world. Of course, the way Changqing Emperor robs should be gentler and civilized. At that time, when listening to Xuanguang's plan, although Changqing Emperor initially thought that Xuanguang's idea was too shameless like them, he also agreed with such an approach. Anyway, I'm going to leave, and it's not bad to peel off these people's skin.

However, the Evergreen Emperor overestimated the thickness of his skin.

When Li Mingyang did not come back, the most important thing Emperor Evergreen did was to continue to build momentum for Li Mingyang. He wanted the monks of Longdu to know that Li Mingyang had gone to another main world to rob. At the same time, he should also let the owners of various rich families know that he and Li Mingyang were about to leave Xuanyuan. It's just that there is something wrong with the toll, that's why Li Mingyang robbed the main world.

By now, the plan for building momentum is naturally very thorough and quite successful. Before the Evergreen Emperor even left, the owners of those rich families have come to visit them in person. Everyone starts from their parents, and then talks about practice. After saying a lot of nonsense These owners will leave immediately, but they will leave a treasure bag when they leave. The treasure bag is full of spiritual stones, and every owner of a rich family has left 10 million high-quality spiritual stones.

I have to say that if you give others 10 million top-grade spiritual stones for no reason, even the owners of rich families will naturally not feel good, but they are also expressing their attitude in this way. Is there a problem with the cost of travel, right? We will give you 10 million top-grade spiritual stones to dig away the rich family of the heavenly people. Twelve rich families have a total of 120 million top-quality spiritual stones, so this kind of transmission cost is enough. Even if you, the Evergreen Emperor and the Ghost King want to take away the 10,000 monks in his sharp knife team, it is enough.

These rich family owners are very knowledgeable, and it is already a big deal to give 10 million high-quality spiritual stones for free. That's why the Evergreen Emperor accidentally fell into a state of hesitation. He is already so knowledgeable. Isn't it too much to kick his nose and face again?

While thinking about these things, Chen Xuan slowly walked into the hall. Seeing Chen Xuan, Changqing Emperor immediately asked, "Queen, what did they say?"

Chen Xuan first hesitated when she saw the eager face of the Evergreen Emperor, and then shook her head and said, "After discussion, several elders in the clan said that after all, our royal family did not do this alone. Since the ghost king also wants to leave, he should let the ghost king find more ideas. They said that he could not be regarded as the one who did it alone. Now there will be such a situation in the Louwu world, which also has a lot to do with the emperor's deterrence to the strong in the Louwu world. Therefore, the robbery should be shared by the royal family and the ghost king.

"That means those people are not going to make money?" The Evergreen Emperor said without angrily.

Chen Xuan hesitated for a long time and finally sighed, "They think so. This time, even Lao Qi is a little opposed to extracting too many resources from the royal family. Lord Ghost King has left, but Qin Zhan is still there. Doesn't his real ghost master leave? If the royal family is not prepared enough resources, in case they will be robbed by them. What about the throne of the royal family?