ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 608 Exorcising the Wolf and the Tiger

Li Mingyang, like two days ago, once again stood in the auction table and worked as an auctioneer. Li Mingyang's mood has become much calmer now. He is still a little worried about the resources he needs.

He was acting in the past two days, so in fact, he knows how many spiritual stones have been sold. Counting the spiritual stones that have been obtained and those that have been sold, the spiritual stones that have been collected now have 6 billion top-quality spiritual stones. Compared with 10 billion, it is now more than half, which is certainly a thing worth celebrating, but it is really difficult to get the last 4 billion top-grade spiritual stone.

It can be said that the spiritual stone reserves of the rich families in Xuanyuan are about to be emptied. When a large amount of ordinary resources brought back by Li Mingyang are sold to those rich families and nobles, those families have already given a high "friendship price" when buying, which is quite important. Otherwise, those things are rooted It was impossible to make the current spiritual stone reach 6 billion. But it is also because of this that these families are basically unable to afford too valuable things.

In fact, the rich monks in Xuanyuan world do not need these high-level magic weapons very much. High-level magic weapons are powerful. First of all, if you want to use the magic weapons of the sixth level or even above, you must need the cultivation of the Holy Spirit realm. No matter how bad it is, it must be the fivefold of the mysterious realm, and stabilize the realm in the mysterious realm. Five-fold can exert the power of these sixth-order magic weapons for many years, whether it is weapons or spiritual armor.

Of course, there is no shortage of people who can use these magic weapons in any rich family or even ordinary aristocrats, but there are too few people who really have such needs. Since the main monk began to embark on the road of the Xuanjie expedition, he now pays more attention to the overall strength of the whole force than the top combat power of a monk. Of course, it's good to have it, but if you don't, you can naturally use sea tactics to win.

After all, there are not too many battles between every top forces in the Xuanyuan world. Liangzi, like the previous life-and-death feud between Li Mingyang and the Qiao family, generally does not exist, so there is rarely such a high-level contract. This is why Yunlan challenged Li Mingyang and his men in Xuanyuan world. At that time, why did it attract people's attention? It's not only a matter of face, but also Xuanyuan monks who have not seen such a level of war for too long.

So in fact, in the final analysis, there is not much market for high-level magic weapons in Xuanyuan. The reason why the best cold jade can have sky-high prices is that the spiritual armor created by the best cold jade is the best spiritual armor. In addition, the more high-level magic weapons, the more requirements there are, so naturally it is not very popular. .

This time, Sun Shangxiang invited several bigwigs in Zhaoyun and Roulan, naturally so that they could take away these top treasures. After all, the situation in Zhaoyunjie and Roulanjie is not as thorough as Xuanyuanjie. The royal family in Zhaoyunjie and Zolanjie is really a royal family. In those places where the imperial power can still maintain the supreme status, the more powerful the guy is, the more he hopes to improve his strength.

To put it simply, there are more people who want to rebel in Zhaoyun and Zoran, because rebellion there is relatively simpler. As long as there is an absolutely strong force, it can absolutely turn the world upside down. So even in order to maintain the stability of the throne, these people absolutely need such a high-level magic weapon.

After all, among the major worlds where the strong people in the Holy Spirit realm are still rare, there is no one who is a powerful person in the Holy Spirit realm and a refiner. It is already very difficult to cultivate the Holy Spirit realm. How can there be so much time to study refineries? Therefore, all the sixth-order magic weapons are either accidentally learned from unknown places or made by some refining masters suddenly.

Li Mingyang glanced at Luo Canaan, Min Jin and the two princes in the Zhaoyun world. In his eyes, these people are not human beings at all, just piles of spiritual stones, but he doesn't know how many spiritual stones they can get from their hands.

Just as Li Mingyang was preparing to announce the start of the auction, Sun Shangxiang suddenly appeared and said with a smile in front of everyone: "You are very happy at the auction these two days, but I didn't expect to attract extremely distinguished guests again. Now I want to invite a few more guests to enter. I don't think you will mind.

His Royal Highness personally presided over the host, and naturally no one objected, not to mention that this charming beauty was originally a goblin who could not say a word to her face. Lokanan and the others all realized something in a trance when they heard this, but finally calmed down. Since the other party has said so, it is naturally impossible to change his mind because of their reaction.

However, just as Rokanan was preparing to think about something, his eyes only glanced at a few people who entered the venue, but suddenly stood up, staring at those people's eyes as if they were about to spewing fire. Min Jin looked over curiously, and then looked also angry.

The two brothers Zhan Zhenwen and Zhan Zhenwu were also curious. As a result, after seeing the second batch of distinguished guests, they also burst into a shocking warlike spirit as if they saw the lion of their prey.

There was no waste in the monks in the auction house. The reaction of Zhan Zhenwen and Zhan Zhenwu made everyone feel like facing a big enemy. In a flash, the fighting spirit that broke out in the auction house made all the bored monks outside boil.

"Hey, let's do it. Hey, something's going to happen!"

"Good job, it's really the ghost king. It's time to have done it."

"I've been suffocated for two days, and everyone inside is suffocated."


Master Longdu...

The monks who entered the entrance seemed to have realized the reaction of Rokanan and others, but they didn't expect the reaction of the monks around Xuanyuanjie. For a moment, they were really too scared to take another step. Sun Shangxiang appeared in the middle like a ghost and hurriedly said, "Everyone relax. Don't be nervous. It's just a small accident."

After the chaos just now, the bosses in the auction house also saw that the people who entered the market seemed to have a lot of friction with Luo Canaan. After seeing the tense appearance of the two sides, they all suddenly realized and sat back with a smile.

Then start preparing to watch the fun...

Longdu monk!

It can be seen that Rokanan was trying his best to restrain himself not to take action now, but when he looked at Sun Shangxiang, it was difficult for him to maintain the most perfect demeanor. He asked in a low voice, "Your Highness, I need an explanation. The Zolan royal family needs an explanation."

"I also need the guidance of the eldest princess." Zhan Zhenwen also said angrily.

It's too hurtful to talk like this. It can't be simple to put on the hat of the royal family. Li Mingyang was worried and wanted to come forward, but Sun Shangxiang said very skillfully: "I also know a little about the anger of these people, but this matter happened suddenly. These leaders are not my friends. They are all me. My father's friends, yesterday, my father's occasional old friends talked about the interesting things that happened here these days. Several big leaders were very interested, so they came to have a look.

Sun Shangxiang's answer is almost impeccable. Although Lo Canaan is full of anger now, he doesn't know what else to say. It took him to be depressed for a long time to say, "You Xuanyuan has been doing so domineering recently, are you really not afraid of provoking us?"

As soon as this statement came out, the atmosphere on the scene was once again extremely tense. Everyone looked at Sun Shangxiang. Now, no matter whether they are close to the royal family or not, it is just an attitude. If the eldest princess says to keep people, these guys will definitely have to stay here.

Sun Shangxiang just smiled faintly and said, "We welcome any guest in the auction hall. We don't take the initiative to invite them. If there are distinguished guests, we can't shut people out." After saying that, Sun Shangxiang didn't say anything more and turned around and left.

Seeing this scene, not to mention Luo Canaan, even those Xuanyuan monks were stunned for a long time. After half a year, those Xuanyuan monks secretly sighed in their hearts that there were no tiger fathers and dogs. In the situation just now, the more they said, the more mistakes they would be, and the most important thing was to leave many flaws. Just one thing to say, Xuanyuanjie has not broken the rules. As for how unhappy you are, it's all your business. Although I didn't say it clearly, it's obvious that it's all guests. It's definitely not good to fight here.

Lokanan thought he had already done it well to control his emotions, but now his angry body trembled slightly. He had to blame himself. He underestimated Sun Shangxiang before. There was no flawless princess here. This was simply a snake and scorpion beauty.

Just seeing a few people who have already sat down, Lokanan can only sit down with anger now.

"Who were the people later?" Li Mingyang couldn't help asking.

Sun Shangxiang smiled proudly and said playfully, "Their enemy."

Looking at Sun Shangxiang, who smiled like a flower, Li Mingyang couldn't help but be slightly distracted. He never thought that Sun Shangxiang would make such a move. At this time, he called the enemies of those people over, making it clear that he wanted to raise the price to a higher level. This method of driving wolves and chasing tigers actually came from Sun Shangxiang. Li Mingyang found that he began to look down on this beauty.

"What, is it that suddenly I am a snake and scorpion in beautiful skin?" Sun Shangxiang smiled charmingly.

Li Mingyang couldn't help laughing and said, "It's just that I admire you very much."

It's inconvenient to say more at this time. After Li Mingyang and Sun Shangxiang left for a while, they stood on the auction table again. Looking at the tense atmosphere that finally appeared after two days of disappearing, Li Mingyang found that his heart finally disappeared. There were so many big mallet waiting to be slaughtered, not fierce. I'm sorry for Sun Shangxiang's loss of reputation.