ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 610 The Road to Heaven

"The number one wanted criminal?" Li Mingyang is very disgusted with this name, but now it is more unexpected.

Xuanguang still looks like a businessman. If he only made an exception once, he would definitely make an exception only once. He didn't explain anything more about Li Mingyang's doubts, but just told him, "In a word, be careful about everything."

Qinghuang slowly came up at this time and said after a moment of hesitation: "Actually, I wanted to say this to you for a long time, but I don't bother to say it when I think of your strange temper. Because in the war of Tianfu, you Tianren did some disgraceful things, so in fact, Tianren is not a very popular ethnic group in Tianfu. Of course, it may be a little too much to say that he is a wanted criminal, but there are indeed many people who want to kill the heavenly human race.

"Is there really a lot?" Li Mingyang asked helplessly.

"There should be a lot, but I don't know if it's too specific. After all, although I experienced the war back then, the battle was not over when I was fought out of heaven. God knows what the heaven is like now." After saying that, Qinghuang walked away.

Xuanguang looked at Li Mingyang's depressed face and suddenly said angrily, "I tell you this is to make you more careful, not to make you depressed. Even if the world is against me, as a heavenly race, we must be proud of the heavenly race.

Looking at Xuanguang's arrogant face, Li Mingyang suddenly felt very strange. Since Xuanguang appeared, he has given people the feeling that he is an insidious guy. Although he is not all playing conspiracy and even uses a yang plot, such a guy still gives people a very feminine feeling. But at this moment, his amania directly infected Li Mingyang.

Even he didn't like his ram text all the time, and he raised his head high because of his words. Gong Yangwen likes that sentence very much. As a heavenly race, he should have the pride of the heavenly race.

"When you leave Tianfu, it is difficult to say many things about Tianfu, so you can only explore them by yourself. Li Mingyang, I believe that with your strength, sooner or later you will figure out your background, and you will naturally know the secrets of the human race. I hope that on that day, we can fight side by side instead of turn against each other. Xuanguang said firmly.

Li Mingyang has never seen Xuanguang show such sincere eyes. At this moment, he seems to suddenly see too much helplessness and fatigue from this sincere eyes. This look made Li Mingyang never forget it.

"This is an endless journey. I hope you can find the answer you want." After saying the last sentence, Xuanguang finally opened the transmission array to Heaven.

When Li Mingyang saw a huge aperture with a radius of nearly 100 miles appeared in front of him, he only felt that he was just a floating insect between heaven and earth. Compared with this heaven and earth, he was too small.

When I was shocked, a huge suction began to attract myself to slowly lean towards the aperture. Xuanguang's voice sounded very ethereally: "Don't worry, and finally reveal a little information to you. When you go to the heavenly mansion, go to the infernal realm as much as possible, where is the real safety."

Li Mingyang's brain is now a little empty, and he can't even accurately judge whether the voice is mysterious, green or someone else. However, in the chaos, Li Mingyang saw a figure that he had never thought of appearing here.

Sun Shangxiang!

When he saw Sun Shangxiang, Li Mingyang suddenly woke up a lot in an instant, and his uncontrollable body also regained some vitality.

"What are you doing here?" Li Mingyang just thought of this in his heart, but his voice did not know how to spread out. It seemed that when he floated in this huge beam of light, any thought in his heart would become a sound float out.

"Haw, is this where you came from?" The angry voice of the Evergreen Emperor in the distance also came, as if it was really the voice shouted by himself.

Gong Yangwen, not far away, also seemed to adapt to the strange feeling in the pillar of light and slowly stood up in mid-air. When he saw Sun Shangxiang, he once again showed an iconic honest smile: "It's really a heroine."

Qinghuang said lazily, "Yo, yo, just righteously said that you are going to fight. Don't pretend. What's the pity about having a big beauty following you to Tianfu? Just say that you want to marry a second wife, and no one says that you are not allowed to take your family."

The atmosphere finally became solemn. With the appearance of Sun Shangxiang and completely disappeared, the Evergreen Emperor was obviously furious, and even stared at Li Mingyang as if he was about to breathe fire, as if Qinghuang was telling the truth, that is, Li Mingyang abducted his daughter.

Li Mingyang shouted grievancely: "This really has nothing to do with me. I don't know what's going on with the conscience of heaven and earth."

While defending, the ethereal sound of Xuanguang sounded in the aperture, but this time the voice was not mysterious at all and looked very tacky: "Li Mingyang, your master asked me to tell you a word. Sun Shangxiang has already tied you up for you. Now you should have seen a living man. You don't have to thank him for saying this little thing. Who made you so capricious? As a master, you have to worry about helping you.

"Lord Wheel*!" This is the most cruel sentence Li Mingyang said to the wheel. Now he is really sad and angry. The most important thing is that the Evergreen Emperor and the seriously injured Night Shadow in the distance have drawn a knife to rush to revenge. Sun Shangxiang seems to be completely like a kidnapped little daughter-in-law in order not to be punished by his father. The blue veins on his forehead jumped wildly.

"Brother the Great, don't be impulsive. Let's have something to say." Li Mingyang felt that he was going crazy. He was solemn and warm-blooded. This was not an expedition. He always felt as if he was going to hide from his enemies.

Who would have thought that such a problem would be encountered in the first step on the way to Tianfu. Seeing that the Changqing Emperor was about to slowly "wimming" over, Li Mingyang raised his voice again and shouted, "Xuanguang, you bitch, isn't this a teleportation array? Why don't you spread it yet?"

In the chaos, Li Mingyang and others heard Xuanguang's shallow laughter. After this laughter, all the voices in the beam of light disappeared, and there was no struggle, no grievances, and no excuse. Li Mingyang, Gongyangwen, Qinghuang, Sun Chengqian, Ye Ying, Sun Shangxiang, who can be called the top people in the Xuanyuan world, finally left the Xuanyuan world completely. No matter what kind of accident happened when they left, at least their departure is what everyone wants to see.

At this moment, all the owners of rich families in the Xuanyuan world, whether in retreat or reprimanding their descendants, subconsciously looked in the direction of the Longhua battlefield and said no word for a long time.

When the monks of the rich family saw the reaction of their ancestors, they all fell silent thoughtfully. Those who had unparalleled power and ability in the Xuanyuan world couldn't suppress their excitement at this moment and breathed a long breath.

"Let's go, finally let's go." These bosses said the same sentence at the same time.

For hundreds of years, the terrible pressure that always came from the depths of the palace finally disappeared at this moment. This time, these rich family owners really felt as if they had a family owner. From now on, Xuanyuan will also enter a new era, and a new pattern will emerge.

Qin Zhan stood in the distant Tianren County, looking in the direction of Longdu. A starlight flashed faintly in the sky. A smile flashed at the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were full of envy: "Good boy, you must come back alive and tell me the story of Tianfu."

The monks of the Tianyuan world and Fengtai world all live as always. These are two mysterious worlds that can give people happiness. After the tide-like real ghosts disappear, they have left them countless wealth, a large amount of land and a large number of spiritual stone veins. There is almost no struggle here, because the resources here have instead been It's almost inseparable.

Suddenly one day, Lin Hui pinched his chin and began to think, "Maybe we should also go to other mysterious worlds to grab some people."

Xuanjie monks want to fight in Xuanjie, but ancient anecdotes are about to be staged in the territory of the Ghost King. After receiving Lin Hui's instructions, Qin Zhan only hesitated for a moment and wrote two words with a big stroke - agree.

A new era in Xuanyuan has completely begun.

The wheel looked at the lonely Xuanguang and suddenly found that he seemed to be aware of something.

"Can this transmission array really last for three years?" The wheel looked at the pillar of light that had begun to dissipate and asked.

The wheel smiled and said, "You are also an array master. Can't you see it? How can there be such a strange transmission array in the world? It's true that the array can be infinitely activated. How can it last for three years?"

"What's the reason why you don't go to Tianfu?" The wheel asked again.

"I'm seriously injured now, and three years is definitely not enough to cultivate."

"Is it really very dangerous to become famous in heaven?"

"This depends on how he chooses."

"How to choose?" The wheel narrowed its eyes.

"If he chooses to be a walking corpse, he can live well. Extraordinary access to the Holy City is just the most basic thing."

"What if you want to live like a human?"

"Then it's very simple to find a way not to become a walking corpse." Xuanguang said again, "But this is very difficult. Fortunately, he still has some time in Tianfu."

"There is the most problem."


"Is there a real ghost in Tianfu?"

"Yes, a lot. There are also a few ten halls like you. Xuanguang looked at the wheel and said seriously, "Prepare well over the years. Sooner or later, we will still help him."

"We?" The wheel seemed to catch the point and smiled.

Xuanguang did not dodge at all and nod his head heavily: "Yes, it's us."