ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 774 Vacancies

"Is this the Qian'an Temple?" Qinghuang followed Li Mingyang's side slowly and asked.

"Yes, how about it? It's very domineering." Li Mingyang smiled. Although he had no feelings for the Qian'an Temple, he did not delay him from making such a joke. Unexpectedly, Qinghuang just shook his head disdainfully and muttered, "That's all."

"I'm crazy for you." Li Mingyang also glanced at him, but didn't say much after that.

Now the atmosphere in the Qian'an Temple has completely dropped to the freezing point, and everyone is busy, but an obvious feeling is that the troops in the whole Qian'an Temple seem to have weakened significantly. It seems that they have been sent to work. Recently, Qian'an Mansion is really not peaceful.

And a considerable part of the current chaos in Qian'an Prefecture was done by Li Mingyang. The crisis in Taoyuan County is basically due to Li Mingyang, and now, in addition to the situation near Taoyuan County, the vicinity of Qian'an Prefecture is a headache for the temple.

The news of another Tianren warrior has spread to the Qian'an Temple, and what is more frightening is that the Tianren warrior is not far away in Taoyuan County, but near Qian'an Prefecture. In recent days, three counties have been fiercely attacked by Tianren warriors, and And this Tianren warrior is more horrible than the one caught before. This kind of news made more of the monks in the Qian'an Temple be sent out. This result is also what Li Mingyang wants to see most.

And it is also thanks to the existence of the wilderness to complete all this smoothly. With the wilderness, he can even find flying beasts that are not controlled in the endless void. In this way, Li Mingyang can even create an illusion that he is on his way. Now the Qian'an Temple is unable to find out that he is There is half a clue from the heavenly warriors.

"Qian'an Mansion, it's not peaceful." When I saw Yuan Zhe, this was the first sentence the old man said.

"Yes, I also received a lot of news on my way back. It is said that there is news about the Tianren clan nearby?" Li Mingyang asked the great priest Yuan Zhe seriously.

Yuan Zhe nodded and said, "It seems that there is really a Tianren warrior running around. I really don't know what's going on. Tianren warriors will appear one after another." For Li Mingyang, Yuan Zhe has now completely regarded him as the most loyal subordinate, and he speaks with many emotions. However, no matter how the old man counts, it is impossible to think that the young man in front of him is the culprit who has almost disturbed the whole environment of Qian'anfu now.

"Let's go to the main hall." After a greeting, Yuan Zhe finally left his continent with Li Mingyang. In fact, Li Mingyang should have appeared in the main hall now, but he still came to report to Yuan Zhe first, naturally to make a show, but it is obvious that such a posture is very effective.

After arriving at the main hall, the atmosphere here was no longer relaxed when he was with Yuan Zhe. Li Mingyang finally saw the temple of Qian'an Mansion in the bishop. This can be said to be the real king in Qian'an Mansion, but his appearance is not much different from that in front of Li Mingyang. A very dignified middle-aged man, although he is hundreds of years old, can't see any trace of the years on his face, but only the calmness and strength from his bones as a superior.

Bishop of the Temple of Qian'an Prefecture, Gu Yueming, the five-fold strongman of the Holy Spirit, although this person's appearance did not exceed Li Mingyang's expectations, he did not expect that this person's strength was stronger than that of the outside world. Of course, as a bishop, it is not good if there is no mystery.

Although Li Mingyang had just confronted a five-fold strong man in the Holy Spirit not long ago, compared with Gu Yueming, Xue Laoqi really gives people a feeling of heaven and earth. The strange monks are not weak, but the cultivation of strange monks is so extreme that it is difficult for many people to feel their strength. Of. For example, Ma Liang, if Li Mingyang hadn't seen him lose his temper, it would have been impossible to think that Ma Liang would be so arrogant.

Gu Yueming's face is now very ugly. What happened near Qian'an Mansion can be said to have made him anxious. The bishop, who once thought that Qian'an Mansion was completely iron, has also begun to deal with endless troubles.

"Are you Li Mingyang?" Although Gu Yueming did not deliberately exude any too domineering feeling, his every move will still give people a lot of pressure.

Li Mingyang saw Gu Yueming for the first time, and even when he became the god in black, he had never seen the old man. Now that he was suddenly questioned, Li Mingyang couldn't help feeling a little panicked. Now he is not only worried about this mysterious bishop, but also about another existence in the main hall - the statue. The most important thing to judge whether the monks are infidels is to rely on the statue, and the statue is actually a wisp of incarnation of the gods. The statues in the county temple have a strong ability, not to mention the statues in the main hall of the Qian'an Temple.

"Famous, the bishop is talking to you." Seeing that Li Mingyang was distracted, Yuan Zhe frowned and sent a message to remind him.

Li Mingyang suddenly woke up when he heard Yuan Zhe's words. He didn't expect that he would be distracted at that moment. Looking at the huge statue with lingering lingering heart, Li Mingyang replied honestly, "Bishop, I'm Li Mingyang."

"Did you see Xie Hai's death with your own eyes?" Gu Yueming said in high spirits.

Li Mingyang said, "Your Excellency, I didn't see the death of Lord Xie Hai with my own eyes. In fact, I don't know whether Lord Xie Hai was really dead. When I arrived, I only saw the body of Liu Shenshi. In fact, I didn't even see Liu Shenshi's death with my own eyes."

When saying such words at this time, some people have begun to sweat for Li Mingyang. People who can reach such a height don't even know what to say. Such a result will naturally be unpleasant, especially in front of the bishop. And now the more important point is that Li Mingyang has not even been decorated and covered up. He is very single even without knowing the three words. It seems that he really doesn't know, but who knows whether he did this at the behest of Yuan Zhe.

Yuan Zhe did not say anything about Li Mingyang's reaction, and even there was no emotional fluctuation on his face. Bishop Gu Yueming looked at Li Mingyang's question-questioning appearance. Although there were not many emotional changes, he was still a little angry after all. Finally, he snorted and asked, "Then why did you appear in that place? Why don't you go there early or later, but only after the battle is over?"

"I can't explain this either." Hearing this question, Li Mingyang suddenly hesitated.

Seeing him like this, everyone stared at Li Mingyang. To be honest, the reason why the bishop is so angry now is not only because the two gods in purple died inexplicably in Taoyuan County, but also because he has a deep affection for Xie Hai's master and apprentice. The most important thing is that the Xie family is now giving Pressure from the temple. Although even a huge thing like the Xie family dare not really challenge the temple, if it is only aimed at the bishop alone, it will make the bishop feel uny. It is absolutely impossible for such a super family to say that there is no existence that can be compared with the bishop.

Now Xie Hai's inexplicable news of disappearance is basically certain that he is dead. Without a very reasonable explanation for such a thing, the bishop will naturally not be easy to do. As the person who may be the most informed about this matter, Li Mingyang not only doesn't know what he is doing now, but even he is stammering some details, which will naturally make people very angry.

Although Yuan Zhe was unwilling to help the bishop, it was really not very good to see Li Mingyang doing this now. He immediately said, "Mingyang, you can say anything directly. Don't hide it here."

Li Mingyang nodded after hearing this and finally said as if he had made up his mind, "Actually, the reason why I got there was completely the instructions given to me by the Lord Xie Hai."

"Xie Hai asked you to go?" Yuan Zhe asked.

"Yes, I met the Lord Xie Hai when I was in the Taoyuan County Temple. At that time, the Lord Xie Hai was a little unhappy with me, but I didn't dare to say anything, so I had to retreat. However, Lord Xie Hai said that I should rush there to find him after finishing what I did. He was going to do something on that continent. This was an order from the Lord. I didn't dare to refuse. At that time, I could only agree. But when I finished my work and went to find him, I saw this situation.

Li Mingyang is naturally talking nonsense, but the problem now is that Xie Hai can't even find the body. Even if they want to search for souls, they can't find any clues. When Li Mingyang said this, people could naturally think of Xie Hai's identity to suppress Li Mingyang. Li Mingyang had no choice but to listen to his arrangement. If there is anything that can't be said in the temple, he will go to that remote place. Naturally, people can also guess the reason.

In fact, everyone in the temple knew that Li Mingyang was also from a large family and was extremely rich. Because of Han Song, they all knew that there were many spiritual stones on Li Mingyang, so Xie Hai wanted to extort him, but because he could not get it for a long time, he had a grudge. Then when Li Mingyang made good results on the 18th floor of the underground of the Black Tower, the bishops also put more pressure on Xie Hai. Thinking about it, it should be Xie Hai preparing to call Li Mingyang out and kill him directly. Although everyone will know what's going on, as long as there is no evidence, they don't know. The ghost didn't realize it.

After listening to Li Mingyang's words, Yuan Zhe suddenly snorted coldly. He just snorted coldly and didn't say much after that, but his attitude was actually understood by everyone. Li Mingyang is Li Mingyang's most loyal subordinate in the Qian'an Temple, but Xie Hai wants to kill Li Mingyang. This is just Li Mingyang's life. Before he was killed, Xie Hai had been killed. Otherwise, Yuan Zhe's hard-won foundation would disappear.

Bishop Gu Yueming can't help but look a little embarrassed now, and it is really humiliating to fight between the upper classes to this extent. Li Mingyang's purpose was only to divert attention, not to have a bad relationship with anyone. Immediately, he took the initiative to say, "When I found Liu Shenshi's body, because there was no danger, I saved his body intact. I checked his primordial spirit once. Although the damage was very serious, the memory part should not be there. Is there any damage?

"Real?" Hearing Li Mingyang's words, the bishop finally calmed down a little: "Take it out and let me have a look."

Li Mingyang took the opportunity to take out Liu Bonan's body, and then he didn't need to do anything. Li Mingyang only saw that the bishop waved his hand, and then the body placed in front of him had flown out. Seeing this situation, Li Mingyang's heart suddenly twitched. Such a method was quite ferocious. , which made him suddenly remember Song Qinghu, who had cultivated a comfortable state. It's just obvious that this bishop is stronger.

After capturing Liu Bonan's body, the bishop first observed it carefully and finally said, "It seems that the person who killed him is not too strong, but his combat power is extremely strong. He lost in combat skills."

Listening to the bishop's judgment, Li Mingyang nodded secretly. If he only talked about his cultivation, Qin Zhan was slightly inferior to Liu Bernan. Although he was both in the Holy Spirit, Qin Zhan steadily suppressed him in terms of combat effectiveness, and as a result, he lost completely.

Then Li Mingyang saw a more amazing scene. Gu Yueming suddenly threw out several arrays, and then he began to search for the soul. However, surprisingly, he could present everything obtained by the search for the soul in the form of a mirror array. Seeing this scene, Li Mingyang finally had a new understanding of Gu Yueming's strength. This bishop seems to be a really difficult opponent. If you want to save Gongyangwen, this will be a difficult but must-surmount peak. For a moment, Li Mingyang immediately began to figure out how to deal with this many bishop.

It's just that the people in the main hall are shocked when they look at everything from the scene. The strength of the Tianren warriors is beyond their imagination. He can completely break free from the mill of the Xie family. Not to mention that, he can control the real ghost. When hundreds of thousands of real ghosts surrounded Xie Hai, no one said how stupid Xie Hai was at that time. In fact, they could all think that they might be stunned when they faced such a situation. As for Liu Bernan's death, it is even more surprising that a pagan with the strength of the Holy Spirit has completely suppressed Liu Bernan's purple envoy in combat skills, which is also very surprising.

There will be no taboo in Liu Bernan's memory, at least for Li Mingyang, and finally he began to read it with great interest. Only when they looked at it for a long time and found that there was nothing else to see, they knew that they should ask the big shots to speak.

However, Gu Yueming never said anything. Yuan Zhe looked at it for a while and finally said, "In my opinion, we must trace the death of the two purple gods to the end, but since their vacancy has come out, should it be filled immediately?"