ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 828 Awakened Memories

Li Mingyang felt as if he had had another extremely long dream. In fact, Li Mingyang's current consciousness is still incomplete. He can't clearly remember what he has experienced. All he can see now is these chaotic pictures that keep appearing in the sea of knowledge, and then try again and again. Put these pictures together and want to really understand what's going on.

The sporadic memories of the past have finally been completed in this chaos. More complete pictures have finally appeared in Li Mingyang's sea of knowledge, and these pictures are not just as simple as pictures. These pieces of complete pictures are part of the complete memories.

Suddenly, Li Mingyang, who had been sleeping for a long time, finally opened his eyes. If this scene was seen by Qin Zhan, he would be surprised. Unfortunately, although Qin Zhan was always beside Li Mingyang like a rock, he did not see this change of Li Mingyang. Soon, Li Mingyang opened his eyes and closed them again, but when he closed his eyes again, many scattered pictures in the sea disappeared again, but they were not completely gone. The pictures left behind were those that really formed a complete memory.

Even Li Mingyang himself felt very shocked by the completeness of these memories. In these memories, Li Mingyang finally knew many things that he had been struggling to pursue but could not get an answer at all.

In all the awakened memories, the most important part is about the impression of a very strange place, which is definitely not a place like Tianfu, let alone Xuanyuanjie. In that magical world, these endless voids in Tianfu have become the earth, and people can seem to stand on the land. Just like standing in the void. The shock caused by this scene to Li Mingyang was huge, and he never thought that the void could also be manned.

There are many memories of this part, and they are very detailed. Li Mingyang not only saw the endless void becoming the earth, but also saw more about the structure of that world, where there seemed to be no trees, rivers, or even a sea of stars. Above the void, the part of the sky should be completely colorful, with magical purple and red, dazzling white light, and at the same time, the gray light is constantly fluctuating. It was a very strange place. All the light was even twisting and fluctuating. Obviously, it was a beautiful picture, but it gave people a creepy feeling.

All the memories after

are about memories in this strange world. Li Mingyang saw that there was no city in this strange world, but there would be a small aperture far away from each other, and some shadows could be faintly seen shaking in the aperture.

In addition to these, what impressed Li Mingyang most was the city, the city in the sky, and the city of heaven and man. Yes, Li Mingyang finally saw Tianren City. In this strange world, Tianren City has become the most dazzling existence. Li Mingyang doesn't know how many Tianren City he has seen. There are many people living in each Tianren City, and it seems that it should be overcrowded.

This situation made Li Mingyang confused. Judging from what he learned from the words of the city spirit, he knew that the city was formed with the beginning of heaven and earth. There must be very few heavenly cities in the world, but why is he in this strange world? I saw so many heavenly cities.

Suddenly, before Li Mingyang's question was solved, a situation about one of the heavenly cities jumped out of these memories. This Tianren City is quite huge, almost as if it occupies half of the sky. In this huge Tianren City, Li Mingyang suddenly saw two very familiar shadows. These should be two children. Their faces are very young, but their bodies are very huge. Li Mingyang finally remembered This should be the appearance that the people of the Tianren are still underage, but although they are still minors, they have awakened the power of blood, so they have such an uncoordinated growth rate.

There are many memories about these two children, which are the memories of the two of them growing up in this huge heavenly city. This part of the memory is so long that it seems to have been almost decades, but this part of the memory is quite boring. There is no impact on Li Mingyang at all, or even worse than The recovery of the earliest memory brought a lot of shock.

But Li Mingyang seems to be possessed. He can't extricate himself in this part of his memory. Even the more he looks at it, the heavier his mood seems to be, but he is a little reluctant to give up. This situation lasted for a long time, until Li Mingyang seemed to have really lived with this part of memory for decades. This part of the memory is always about two people, that is, the two little guys who look very immature but are getting bigger and taller day by day.

Finally, when this part of memory was completely gone, Li Mingyang was stunned to find that no wonder he looked at these two people so nostalgicly. He didn't know what their real names were, but he knew what they were after leaving the city.

One is Li Mingyang and the other is Ramwen.

Li Mingyang suddenly remembered what Gong Yangwen said when he met the first Tianren City. Gong Yangwen once told himself that he seemed to have lived in such a city for a long time when he was a child. Now Li Mingyang knows what he said, and Gong Yangwen did not live alone, but with Live together in that heavenly city.

Li Mingyang knew very well that he had disappeared for a hundred years. Unexpectedly, he really found part of the lost memory this time. Although it was still not enough, it was no longer as blank as in the past.

However, when this part of the memory disappeared, there was only the last part of the memory left. The picture was that he was wearing an extremely gorgeous silver robe and standing on a high ice throne with an equally gorgeous crown, but he did not sit on the good throne, but stood on it. Constantly roaring, the picture in his memory was just a picture, and there was no sound transmitted. Li Mingyang didn't know why he roared at that time, but suddenly saw another heavenly warrior rushing to the throne and pushed himself down fiercely.

Just as he was about to continue to fight against them, a powerful Tianren warrior suddenly rushed up from behind him. The Tianren clan was much taller and looked much stronger than him. When he rushed up, he seemed to want to help himself, and he seemed to trust him very much, but in himself When he was about to turn around and fight with him, the Tianren warrior stabbed himself fiercely at the most critical moment.

A knife, a very accurate knife, accurately pierced his chest, and then he fell down. In his memory, he turned his head doubtfully and looked at the Tianren warrior who sneaked on him, and then Li Mingyang finally saw the Tianren war at this time. The front of the taxi.

The person who took action is Gong Yangwen.

All the memories stayed at this moment, and all the pictures in the sea could only be made up here. Li Mingyang finally clearly saw Gong Yangwen's resolute face looking at himself in pain. The black blade in his hand seemed to be shining black and seemed to be shining his unwillingness.

The appearance of the public sheep text was broken, and all the memories finally disappeared. Li Mingyang never thought that he had been pursuing his memory for many years. When most of it finally appeared, he finally saw such a situation. However, Li Mingyang is also very clear that there must be something wrong with the matter. The other half of the memory still does not appear, and the most important part must still be unknown.

What happened in the mysterious world, the wonderful world with the void as the earth, and what is happening now? Li Mingyang knows that only when everything is gathered can he really get the answer.

It is impossible for Gong Yangwen to want to kill himself, and Li Mingyang still believes in this point. It's just that Li Mingyang is more curious about what happened at that time, which would make Gong Yangwen stab himself with that knife.

Finally, he found his memory, but Li Mingyang found that it was better not to remember these.


In the dark, Qin Zhan suddenly opened his eyes. He just heard a sigh very clearly, but he knew better that this sigh would never be made by himself, and it could never be the sound made by others. Qin Zhan and Li Mingyang were almost hidden in a place that only he knew. He did not bear it. The heart wheel will not be able to find itself. Now suddenly heard a sigh, Qin Zhan's initial reaction can even be said to be creepy.

When he reacted that it was Li Mingyang who made such a sound, his mood was extremely complicated in an instant. He wanted to know what it was all about. As a result, when he carefully explored Li Mingyang's breath, he found that there was no response at all. Finally, he could only sigh helplessly. At this time, Qin Zhan was also very clear about how bad Li Mingyang's condition was, and it was basically impossible to see what his situation was.

After that sigh, Li Mingyang had no sound. Now there is no fluctuation of memory pictures in his sea of knowledge, and it is replaced by chaotic humanities. This is a text that no outsiders can understand, but Li Mingyang is very happy to see it. But in fact, so far, Li Mingyang doesn't know what he is going through. Everything seems to be the most basic instinctive reaction.

"Well, when is the end?" Qin Zhan's sigh gradually disappeared into the darkness, and there was no more sound in this mysterious place.


When the Evergreen Emperor arrived in Anqing County, it was obvious that the atmosphere here was already very solemn. His feelings were not obvious, but Ye Ying clearly sensed the changes here. When he and Li Mingyang first came here, although Anqing County was also surging, at least the chaos here was not obvious, or even there was no disturbance at all, but now it is completely different here.

Although the gang monks in Anqing County were still twisted into a rope, the force of this rope did not seem to go together. Simply put, the hearts of these people have dispersed, which is nothing they can do. Li Mingyang has just integrated the gang monks of Anqing County into one before. Although Liang Chen was chosen to stay here when he left, after all, Liang Chen is just a little qualified, and his strength is too poor. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to maintain stability.

This time, Ye Ying did not hide himself in the dark as in the past. The master and servant walked into Anqing County one after another, and then directly found Liang Chen, the boss of all the gang monks in Anqing County.

In fact, Liang Chen is now busy with the stability of Anqing County, which is also a wonder. As a gang monk, he has to rack his brains for the stability of a continent, and the tortuous process is naturally intriguing.

Suddenly, Liang Chen's door was opened, and the two suddenly walked in front of him.

"Are you?" Liang Chen looked at the two people in front of him with a frightened face and did not act rashly. After hanging out with him for many years, he naturally had the ability to observe words and colors. The two people in front of him are definitely not easy people to get along with. It must be a plan to get close to himself so easily at this time.

"Li Shao asked us to come here." The night shadow said directly.

"Li Shao?" Liang Chen was stunned, and then said in surprise and hesitantly, "Are you really Mr. Li?"

As soon as Liang Chen finished speaking, Ye Ying slowly put on his mask and took out the dagger that he rarely took out when he was not killing. Although Ye Ying is now seriously injured, the moment he took out the dagger, Liang Chen couldn't help shivering, subconsciously retreating and almost screaming, but Soon he found the difference.

"Are you the mysterious strong man around Li Shao?" Liang Chen asked hesitantly.

"It's following him, but he's not a mysterious strong man, just an assassin." Ye Ying said in a low profile that this was definitely not modest. After the war with Xie Ze, the failure of the war actually hit Xie Ze very seriously.

Of course, in Liang Chen's view, the other party is absolutely modest. If he can kill Emperor Ouyang with a knife, he really doesn't know what else to say if he is not strong.

"Wen together the people here." The night shadow said directly again.

"Oh, okay." Liang Chen nodded quickly. In fact, Liang Chen was not as afraid of Li Mingyang as this assassin. After nodding first, he remembered and asked, "What are you going to do to gather people?"

"There's going to be a war." The night shadow said calmly.