ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 838 Killing one is a

"Lord Wheel, are you back?" When the wheel just appeared, Lin Hui immediately greeted him, and Qin Zhan also followed him out.

"Protect me and don't let anyone disturb you." The wheel left this sentence and immediately entered Li Mingyang's secret room. Obviously, he was not willing to waste any more time now. Qin Zhan and others are also very clear about this, and they really don't have the heart to pay attention to the details of the wheel, and they immediately gave up.

"Are you back?" As soon as the wheel entered the secret room, the bone spirit also flashed out immediately.

"Well, I'm going to start right away. Do you want to continue in his body or come out first?" The wheel asked.

Gu Ling thought for a moment, and finally shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'd better come out. God knows what you are going to do."

The disrespect for the bone spirit, and the wheel is not angry. After nodding, it starts immediately. Before starting, Guling couldn't help asking, "Can it really work?"

"Whh if it can be done or not, this is the last resort." After the wheel finished speaking slightly demeanor, he immediately took action. There was no movement in the secret room. The people outside the secret room just felt that the boundless chill spread out of the secret room. Soon after, the people who did not reach the realm of the mysterious spirit world had retreated far away.

"Can it work?" By now, Qin Zhan couldn't help asking, but unfortunately, no one can answer him anything now. There is no expression on the face of a beast in the wilderness, and he obviously has no intention to answer this question that he doesn't even know the answer.

As for Ma Liang, Ma Liang, who has been far away from here, will certainly not respond.


Ma Liang, who is far away from here, is naturally not swimming in the mountains and rivers. At this moment, Ma Liang is not even in the territory of Qian'an Prefecture, but in a very remote continent outside Qian'an Prefecture. However, although this continent is remote, it is not remote, and it can even be said that this continent is quite rich. There are more than 100,000 people on this continent, but more than 70% of these 100,000 people have the surname Xie, among which the original surname is Xie, and there are also many foreigners who have been given the surname Xie.

This is Pang Yuan Continent, and this is the nest of the Xie family.

Pang Yuan Continent is not famous in Qian'an Mansion, and even people who know Pang Yuan Continent do not know it, and even this continent is not in Qian'an Mansion at all. But people with a certain strength and identity in Qian'an Prefecture know the horror of this continent. There are hundreds of thousands of Xie families here, and there are also a large number of strong Xie families here. There has even been a god here. Such a magical continent has been out of the extent of wanting to win a secular reputation. It is definitely a legendary place.

Even if the people living on the Pangyuan mainland are not surnamed Xie, they have long been the most loyal vassals of the Xie family. With the strength of the Xie family, even if it is far from the center of Qian'an Prefecture, life here is equally rich. Although not many hundreds of thousands of people really left Pangyuan Continent, the people living on Pangyuan Continent all have an innate sense of superiority. This sense of superiority has cultivated a very superior temperament, but also cultivated a defiant character.

It's just that Ma Liang doesn't care whether the people living here are arrogant or how kind they are. When Ma Liang came to this continent, he had no intention of letting the people here live a good life. What morality and kindness to Ma Liang don't exist at all. Ma Liang, who has been selfish for hundreds of years, never thinks he is a great person, and even knows how bad he is, so he does not hesitate to do anything unconsical to avenge his friends.

Of course, at least Ma Liang thought so when he came here.

Although Pang Yuan mainland is rich, the people living here still have class differentiation, and in fact, the differentiation here is more serious. Among the more than 100,000 people, 30% of the foreign surnamed Xie are basically slaves here. In fact, even among the 70% of the Xie clan, there is no shortage After all, the more a super family is, the more important it is, and such a big family needs to be able to cultivate more excellent people in such an environment.

Weak meat and strong food is the rule of the world, so it is not taboo to talk about enslavement in the Xie family. Capable people can naturally stand out. No matter how unlucky they are, capable people can not become the lowest existence. And if you don't have the ability at all, you deserve to struggle to be enslaved at the bottom.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this concept, and even Li Mingyang doesn't think there is anything wrong with it.

Pangyuan mainland has been continuing in such an environment, so this continent is not like those counties in Qian'an Prefecture. In contrast, it is more primitive tribes. The people living here are the most typical slavery. The people of the Xie family do not even build mansions, but take mountains. In the way of survival, capable people can naturally have a mountain of cultivation with excellent cultivation environment. People without ability can only become slaves of capable people. If you want to get ahead, you can make yourself stronger. This is such a simple law of survival.

Ma Liang also had a headache for a while after discovering the situation here. Although this way of survival makes Ma Liang less likely to be exposed here, after all, because of this way of survival on the mountain, the contact between these Xie family members is not so frequent and timely, even if some of them ask questions. I don't think he will be found immediately, and even if Ma Liang wants to do it here, he won't take too long. Maybe he hasn't left Pang Yuan mainland before the other party finds out.

It's just that although this situation makes Ma Liang's situation relatively safer, it also makes his action less smooth. Ma Liang's original plan was the simplest way - to poison him. If he wanted to take action against the Xie family on Pang Yuan mainland, he could not rely on brute. If he wanted to deal with hundreds of thousands of people alone - even if there were less than 10 out of these 100,000 monks - it was impossible to win. The myth of 10,000 is only the warriors of the heavenly and human race. Dare to do this, and even the heavenly race failed in the end.

You can't do it wildly, but you can only take wisdom, but Ma Liang is not a monk who has an advantage in battle. Although he has cultivated to the realm of the Holy Spirit, his current combat power is not so strong, so the best way is to poison him, but it is simple to poison and kill people, and it is not so easy to want a wide range of poison killing. If these Xie family members It is naturally the best to live in the form of a city. Ma Liang has more than 100 ways to gather in the city to poison people, but now they are too scattered. Ma Liang's plan to poison the Xie family on a large scale seems a little difficult to achieve.

It's okay, but it's just difficult to achieve.

"I think Ma Liang is also a toxicologist in the Holy Spirit. This is a height that even Poisonous has never been reached. I really want to poison you. Can you still be good?" Ma Liang, who had been thinking hard for a long time and finally came up with a solution, couldn't help talking to himself.

Ma Liang's final choice is to use maggots. Since he can't poison on a large scale, he can only use maggots. Poisonous insects are actually sometimes better poisons, especially high-level poison worms. If there is enough patience and privacy, the effect of using poison worms to test poison is actually better.

The final choice is the spirit plague, a very strange name. It can't be said whether it is more reiki or more dead, but as long as you think about who this thing came from, you will naturally know whether it is good or bad.

Spiritual plague is not the top among the maggots studied by Ma Liang, but it can also be ranked among the first-class maggots. With Ma Liang's current strength and strength, there are no more than 3,000 pests on his body. Although 3,000 insects will make people's scalp numb at first glance, people who really play with insects know that if the means of cultivating a pest is very mature or even very good at it, they can only keep a few of this kind of insects. For a thousand, there are only three possibilities. Either the poisoner's own strength is not enough to cultivate more, but he can't control so much. In order to avoid counterattack, he naturally dares not raise more. The second is that there is not enough financial resources. In addition to strong strength and skilled means, raising maggots, especially high-level maggots, is financial resources.

But obviously, the first two are not the problems that Ma Liang may encounter now. The only problem is that this kind of insect is really difficult to reproduce, and the insect that is difficult to reproduce is generally very powerful. Coincidentally, the spiritual plague is such a powerful insect that is difficult to reproduce.

The spiritual plague does not look big and extremely ugly. A spiritual plague is only the size of a roughly recognized thumb. The whole body of the spiritual plague is red, but it is not as bright red as blood, but strange red. To put it bluntly, it is like tender meat after being peeled off. At first glance, the spiritual plague seems to be Peeled meat worms, such an appearance will make people uncomfortable for a long time just by looking at them.

So in fact, even if Ma Liang saw a large number of spiritual plagues appear together, he couldn't help shivering. It was really disgusting. However, although the scene is disgusting, Ma Liang still released these spiritual plague insects without hesitation. He is not sad about how much he has spent and financial resources to cultivate these 3,000 spiritual plagues. Now he has only one idea, which is to poison most of the Xie family here. It's not that Ma Liang has any good thoughts now, but he knows very well that even if he sacrifices ghost pests, he can't kill all the Xie family here.

"Can you kill one?" Ma Liang muttered.