ni tian gui xiu

Chapter 939 The Extinction

Hearing the last words of Gong Yangwen, Yingcheng and others also completely fell into madness. Soon those heavenly warriors returned to their respective positions, and the thirteen huge heavenly cities that had been motionless for many years in the battlefield of heaven also turned into fortress after another and began to rush. To the heavenly battlefield.

Gong Yangwen thought for a moment and said, "What we have to do this time is the most thorough thing to do. We not only have to fight in the battlefield of heaven, but we have to reach our hands directly into the whole heavenly mansion. To let those sinners who want to kill the heavenly warriors all day know what the anger of our heavenly people is like, they must die in infinite fear.

This time, Gong Yangwen's order was issued, and other Tianren warriors became more excited. Naturally, they know about the Tianfu monks chasing and killing the heavenly people, but their vision is always on the battlefield of heaven, and naturally there is no way to find ordinary monks in Tianfu. However, since the king ordered this time, Yingcheng naturally respects this brightness to the extreme. In fact, they have thought about such an idea before, but without a king, the actions of the Tianren people are indeed not completely controlled by some powerful Tianren.

The return of Gong Yangwen broke this deadlock, and the Tianren offensive was truly released.

In the heavenly battlefield, the atmosphere here has become completely different from the past. The true gods are keenly aware of the strangeness, but no one is willing to explore the situation of the heavenly city. They all vaguely feel that this crisis seems to have come, and the resistance to the destruction of the world has finally reached a peak. .

After Gongyangwen sent out a large number of Tianren soldiers, the whole Tianren imperial city still maintained a very strong state, which shows the strength of the Tianren people. However, their king, Gong Yangwen's face is now without sadness or joy. He is not excited about launching a war of extermination, let alone any worries, just like the order issued by Gong Yangwen, as simple as ordering the clan to hunt some kittens and dogs.

Just after a long silence, Gong Yangwen finally looked somewhere in the city. In this huge space of Tianren City, there were two things that seemed to be Optimus Prime between heaven and earth. Looking at these two as if they were like Optimus Prime, Gong Yangwen muttered, "It's finally starting. This time, Xi I hope it can succeed."


Tianfu, Xingyuan City. As early as a day ago, the monks living in Xingyuan City would not think of what would happen a day later. Ninety-nine of these monks hidden in the Infernal Land are actually people who can no longer survive normally in Tianfu. Even if they can hide their names and have a little foothold in Tianfu, these people are not Will be willing to come here. The reason why the infernal realm seems so special in the whole heavenly mansion is that the people here are basically monks, but the monks here are also basically heinous people.

However, these heinous guys did not believe that such a thing would happen in their previous life experiences. If they were really afraid of karma, they would not have done so many evil things at the beginning, nor would they think that there would be a way out as long as they hid in the infernal realm.

But after what happened on this day, the monks in this city have subconsciously thought of one thing, that is, they seem to have really been punished by heaven, and God finally sent messengers to clean up these sinners. If this is not the case, why would such a large Xingyuan City be slaughtered by half in one day? Among them, the Xingyuan Army, which is absolutely famous in the Infernal Land, has completely become history in this day. Such a change is a catastrophe, and no one knows why this catastrophe came about.

When Wu Shengli hurried back to Xingyuan City with Ye Weizhen, they still didn't know what was going on here. They just looked at the dilapidated walls of Xingyuan City and the tragic images of the bloody river in the city. Wu Shengli and Ye Weizhen's faces still became very solemn. Although they came here to destroy the Xingyuan Army, they saw that the whole Xingyuan City was so cruelly slaughtered, and after the Xingyuan Army was directly removed from the Infernal Land, Wu Shengli and Ye Weizhen thought most about what kind of divine punishment they suffered at this time.

Up to now, even the thieves among them have begun to subconsciously think of divine punishment. After all, what is happening in front of them is no longer reasonable. The Xingyuan army, not to mention the number of cannon fodder monks under them, just said that the number of strong men in the Xingyuan army is already a headache. Ye Weizhen and others wanted to take action against the Xingyuan army before, but in fact, they first sent Wu Shengli to explore the situation, and then prepared to march here steadily, one that could let Ye Wei Zhen were so afraid that they could almost be quietly destroyed. Naturally, Wu Shengli and others could not relax.

After thinking for a while, Wu Shengli couldn't help saying, "Isn't this really done by Elder Li?"

"Are you talking about Li Mingyang?" Ye Weizhen frowned and looked at Wu Shengli, but he just wanted to deny it, but he couldn't say anything. Naturally, he hurried to Xingyuan City because Wu Shengli found him, and the reason why Wu Shengli came to him was that he met Li Mingyang and the guy who could almost be said to have helped them destroy the strongman of the Imperialling General Hall. However, when Ye Weizhen heard Wu Shengli's information about what Li Mingyang said Ye Weizhen's attitude is that Li Mingyang must be lying. Maybe Li Mingyang deliberately told these unrealistic lies to attract himself. Ye Weizhen just wondered why Li Mingyang did this to come here. However, when he suddenly heard Wu Shengli's emotion, Ye Weizhen couldn't believe it.

"It's impossible. No matter how strong he is, he must have a limit. The three military lords of the Xingyuan Army are all four strong men in the Holy Spirit. I dare not say that they will win, let alone three, or were they slaughtered overnight? Ye Weizhen said with a questioning face, "In my opinion, it is very likely that the army of the temple has come, or the super strong man in the temple has finally taken action."

Listening to Ye Weizhen's words, the idea that Wu Shengli had just emerged also immediately weakened. In fact, Ye Weizhen's answer is exactly what he wants to hear now. When people face unexplained things, naturally what they want most is to hear an acceptable statement, not to listen to. To an explanation that is almost impossible to exist.

But Wu Shengli and Ye Weizhen are now extremely clear that perhaps the situation they are least willing to face is the ultimate cause of all this. After Wu Shengli finally saw Li Mingyang and the people around him, their hearts suddenly twitched.

"It's terrible." This is the first idea that emerged from Wu Shengli and Ye Weizhen.

These guys in front of them are already strong and unacceptable. Su Qiang and Su Sihai naturally don't make them feel like this, but the other existence really makes them feel incomparable fear. Sun Han at the level of God of War, the wheel of true God's strength, and the Evergreen Emperor, although he is not a strong man in the realm of God, but is also one of the top strong in the Holy Spirit realm. Now just standing there, they already have enough terrible momentum.

Coupled with a heavenly warrior, such a combination makes people scared when they see it.

"Senior Li, you..."

"We are the extincts." Li Mingyang did not say any more forging nonsense, but directly "handed out" to Wu Shengli and Ye Weizhen.

And in the next period of time, Ye Weizhen and Wu Shengli were stunned to hear a history that they had never understood, and the big event that was happening and they were likely to participate in.

The heavenly people once again launched the battle of extermination, and now these exterminations have appeared in front of them. Ye Weizhen stared at Li Mingyang and looked at this guy who had fought side by side with him in the past. He never thought that this powerful and incomprehensible existence would be a Tianren warrior and still a Tianren warrior who was going to launch a battle to destroy the world.

Listening to Li Mingyang's story, Ye Weizhen finally understood their situation. In front of these extincts, he now has only one choice, which is to submit to them and join the ranks of extincts, and follow them to start the battle of extermination.

Now, Wu Shengli feels a little dizzy when thinking about what Li Mingyang said before. When he heard Li Mingyang say that he wanted to conquer the whole infernal realm, Wu Shengli felt that Li Mingyang was joking. Only now did Wu Shengli finally understand that maybe Li Mingyang did not tell the truth at that time. The so-called conquest of the infernal realm was really a lie, and the real situation was that they wanted to conquer the whole world. It is not the infernal realm, nor the territory of any god, but the whole heavenly mansion. Wu Shengli finally understood that what Li Mingyang said about the need to be on an equal footing with the gods. They are launching a battle to destroy the world, or they have completely stood opposite the gods.

Thinking of the battle of annihilation 3,000 years ago, no one in heaven today has actually experienced that era. After all, the era is too far away. Even some so-called peerless strong men in those years are estimated to have disappeared in the torrent of time. But Wu Shengli and others never thought that 3,000 years later, they would have the opportunity to participate in another battle of annihilation. However, unlike what they imagined, this time they were going to stand in the ranks of exterminated people.

In fact, there are naturally various rumors about the battle of extermination in heaven. Wu Shengli and others have even grown up listening to these legends since childhood. If it hadn't been for too many rumors about the battle of extermination, what would they have been in heaven? How can there be such a deep hatred for the human race? The battle of extermination seems to be a magnificent epic battle in the eyes of many people, but one thing that must be realized is that the so-called epic is actually the catastrophe of all living things. The powerful Tianren warriors proved the strength of their strongest bloodline in the battle of extermination, but while people admire the strength of Tianren, they will naturally subconsciously choose to stand in the camp against them.

Wu Shengli and Ye Weizhen are naturally such people, but the reality always makes all kinds of jokes with people, such as very ironic things now.

"How about it, what do you think?" Li Mingyang looked at Ye Weizhen and Wu Shengli, who were in a daze, and finally asked impatiently.

Wu Shengli woke up from endless meditation, but he could not make any decision at this time. In the past, although he was the most good at making suggestions in the Qiye Army and contributed a lot of tricks to the Qiye Army, in the face of this situation, Wu Shengli will only make Stupid, and then looked at his seven military masters in a daze. Obviously, this time, it could only be seen by Ye Weizhen's choice.

Ye Weizhen hesitated for a long time and finally said with a wry smile, "What if the Qiye army chooses not to follow you."

Hearing Ye Weizhen's words, Wu Shengli's heart seemed to be about to reach his throat. He even subconsciously wanted to pass on to Ye Weizhen. In his opinion, even if he really didn't want to agree, he should not say it now, at least he had to think it was better.

But Wu Shengli didn't know that Ye Weizhen didn't know how to do this, but looking at these extremely powerful guys in front of him, Ye Weizhen didn't have the courage to lie. Of course, he has not really decided to fight against these extincts, but just asked tentatively first.

Li Mingyang did not show hostility, but said with a peaceful smile, "It's nothing. It won't be a big problem if you don't like to follow us."

"Oh, it's not a big problem." Ye Weizhen nodded and then asked, "What may that small problem be?"

"It's just destroyed by us." Li Mingyang said as usual, but the threat of these words has made Ye Weizhen and Wu Shengli's faces very ugly. But in the face of such a situation, they have nothing to deal with except their ugly faces.

After hesitating for a long time, Ye Weizhen finally bravely asked tentatively, "Can I go back and discuss with my brothers?"