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72 blessed places of Taoism:

Dfei shan, Gaizhushan, Xiankeshan, Dongxianyuan, Xixianyuan, Nantian Mountain, Yuliu Mountain, Qingyu Mountain, Yumu Cave, Danxia Cave, Junshan, Da Ruoyan, Jiaoyuan, Ling Ruins, Wozhou, Tianmuling, Ruoyexi, Jinting Mountain, Qingyuan Mountain, Anshan, Maling Mountain, Gooseyang Mountain, Dongzhen Ruins, Qingyu Altar, Guangtian Temple, Dongling Source, Donggong Mountain, Tao Mountain, Sanhuangjing, Lanke Mountain, Lexi Mountain, Longhu Mountain, Lingshan Mountain, Quanyuan, Jinjing Mountain, Gezao Mountain, Shifeng Mountain, Xiaoyao Mountain, Dongbaiyuan, Bochi Mountain, Lushan Mountain, Maogongtan, Jilong Mountain, Tongbai Mountain, Pingdu Mountain, Lululuo Mountain, Huxi Mountain, Zhanglong Mountain, Baofu Mountain, Damian Mountain, Yuanchen Mountain, Horseshoe Mountain , Deshan, Gaoxi Lanshui Mountain, Lanshui Mountain, Yu*feng, Tianzhu Mountain, Shanggu Mountain, Zhanggong Cave, Sima Hui Mountain, Changzai Mountain, Zhongtiao Mountain, Jiaohu Yucheng Cave, Mianzhu Mountain, Lushui Mountain, Ganshan Mountain, Moxun Mountain, Jincheng Mountain, Yunshan Mountain, Beipi Mountain, Lu Mountain, Donghai Mountain.

Top Ten Caves of Taoism

The first Wangwu Cave, the second Weiyu Cave, the third Xicheng Cave, the fourth Xixuan Cave, the fifth Qingcheng Cave, the sixth Chicheng Cave, the seventh Luofu Cave, the eighth Juqu Cave, the ninth Linwu Cave, and the tenth Cang Cave.

Thirty-six small caves of Taoism

Huotong Cave, Dongyue Tai Cave, Nanyue Heng Cave, Xiyue Hua Cave, Beiyue Chang Cave, Zhongyue Song Cave, Emei Cave, Lu Cave, Siming Cave, Huiji Cave, Taibai Cave, West Cave, Xiaoqi Cave, Fire Hooli Cave, Guigu Cave, Wuyi Cave, Yuqi Cave, Hua Gai Cave, Gaizhu Cave , Du Qiao Cave, Baishi Cave, Tuo Cave, Jiu Ni Cave, Dongyang Cave, Mufu Cave, Dayu Cave, Jinting Cave, Magu Cave, Xiandu Cave, Qingtian Cave, Zhongshan Cave, Liangchang Cave, Zi Cave, Tianmu Cave, Taoyuan Cave, Jinhua Cave

Introduction to Ancient Cultivation

The name of cultivation has existed since ancient times, commonly known as Taoism. It includes the whole cultivation process of transforming the essence, refining the spirit, refining the gods, refining the gods, returning the falseness of the Tao, and verifying the true immortals. What is true? It is really the profession of the real person, and it is really the true immortal. It is not a self-feng claim, but it is actually sealed by the upper world of space. Real people are the highest level of Taoists. Those who practice should be ambitious, far-sighted, diligent all their lives, practice hard, and advance both morals and merit, so as to reach the superior realm of real people and true immortals, so it is called cultivation.

Today's Qigong is only in the primary category of the cultivation process. The word Qigong has long been found in the "Explanation of Qigong" recorded in the "Record of Religion" written by Xu Xun in the Jin Dynasty. Because of its narrow meaning, it has not been widely used. There is also a chapter of Qigong Supplement in the Yuanhe Chapter published in the Qing Dynasty. In the past one or two hundred years, the word Qigong has been used the most in the martial arts world. After liberation, after Mr. Liu Guizhen's "Practics of Qigong Therapy" was written in the 1950s, the word Qigong has gradually been accepted by people. However, its concept is still not perfect. Although various doctrines have elaborated on it, they still feel that their meaning is narrow and cannot tolerate the huge system of cultivation.

Qi is a philosophical concept in the eyes of our ancestors. Qi is the foundation of the biochemical of all things in the universe, time and space, and is a basic substance. The Inner Sutra of the Yellow Emperor? "Qi begins to biochemically, qi disperses and becomes tangible, qi cloths and accumulates, and qi eventually changes." The transformation, growth, reproduction and extinction of all things are all qi throughout, and qi is the foundation and foundation of all things. The birth of a person is the gathering of anger. If it is gathered, it will be life, and if it disperses, it will be death. The theory of gasification in traditional Chinese medicine divides the concept of qi in more detail, such as first weather, then weather, camp qi, Weiqi, Zongqi, meridian qi, viscera qi, vitality, mixed vitality, true qi, etc. For true practitioners, this basic substance used in practice is actually a sublimation material innately. In order to distinguish the difference between general qi and cultivation, the ancients distinguished each other by "qi" and "qi" to distinguish the qualitative difference between the two. In the true qi, there is not only the innate spirit, but also the essence of the acquired water valley and the spirit of heaven and earth. Simply replace it with qi, which is difficult to summarize.

The quality of Qi is very different at different stages of practice, but it is difficult to observe with the naked eye. At the level of "qi", its density is low and the quality is not high; at the level of "qi", its density, concentration and quality are greatly improved, showing the nature of light, which may also be observed with the naked eye. At a higher level, the more obvious the nature of light is, in a five-color state; the higher one returns to the 81st sun, and returns to the three clear world of nothingness and nature.

The immortals do not have the Hinayam, the earth immortals do not have the middle multiplication, and the immortals do not have the Mahayana. It's the number of three times, in fact. It is not difficult to use the Tao to seek the Tao, and it is also easy to seek immortals with the Tao. The law is not in line with the Tao, and it is dazzling with many hearings and strong knowledge. It is not inevitable to be ill and death, but also falsely called corpses, confuses the world, and praises each other, so that they do not hear the road. With the small method of the side door, it is easy to see merit, but there are many vulgar people and teach each other. When they die, they do not realize it, so it becomes a custom and destroys the road. Although those who have faith and bitter ambition have been doing it for a long time, they have not seen the hall and order and entered the spring. Whoo!

There is no question, and there is no answer. As for Zhenyuan's judgment, Taiji has dispersed. Taoism one, two in one, two in three. One is the body, the second is the use, and the third is the creation. Physical use is not from yin and yang, and the creation is due to sex. The top, middle and bottom are the three talents, and heaven, earth and people get together. Tao creates two qi, qi sheng three talents, and three talents give birth to five elements. Five elements give birth to everything. Among all things, the most noble and human beings are also. However, people are poor in the principles of all things, do their own nature, exhaust their nature, so that life, whole life and life are in line with the Tao, should be strong with heaven and earth, and live together for a long time.

Repair method

There are those who practice moving, those who practice quietly, and those who practice both movement and static.

For those who move and practice, there are two ways:

First, it is a man-made skill routine, which moves according to the style. The eight sections of Jin in ancient times are also popular nowadays. Many enthusiasts study the west ginseng. Today, they learn this routine, and tomorrow they will practice their skills. It is ridiculous to show off with many eruly learned people. The routine is like a trap and created. If you don't jump out, time will be spent. It seems that this kind of practice is like studying. This primary school is transferred to that primary school. If you don't wake up suddenly, it may be difficult to go to school.

The second is the practitioner of divine movement (also known as spiritual movement). This method is extremely quiet and vivid, the consciousness of the gods is silent, the original nature is mobilized, and the body is automatic. Its movement is commanded by the yuan god, and it does not take the subjective will as an idea. It conforms to nature. At first glance, it looks messy, but it is actually has rules. Its efficacy is superior to the arrangement method. Taoism is natural. This method is quite in line with the purpose of nature, but this method should first cluster the five elements and combine the four elephants to reconcile the yin and yang in the body, so as to avoid that the divine yin qi is too heavy and easy to be controlled by magic and go astray. If you can really know its law, this is a supreme method. The purpose and effect of those who move and cultivate the truth are actually the purpose of refining and refining essence, dispelling diseases, dredge meridians and collaterals, and repairing the leakage. It also belongs to the starting method of the alchemy method.

This is the best way to flatten the foundation of the land. In life, he is deeply troubled by seven emotions and six desires, the erosion of eight evil diseases, damage to the viscera, and obstruction of meridians. After 16 years old, the state of half yin and half yang is broken, which consumes his sex and life. The yuan god, vitality and essence are taken away by everything in heaven and earth, which is normal. However, those who practice the truth grasp the yin and yang, practice both form and god, and practice life. "There is a wonderful way to rejuvenate your life, but you only need to get through the disease." It will be faster to complete this step, and it will be slow to complete this step quietly.

To get rid of the disease and ventilating the meridians, it is extremely difficult to have routine skills, the primary and orderly, and the common saying goes: "There is a fake, and nothing is true everywhere." Therefore, moving cultivation is still the best choice for those who practice with magic. The divine movement conforms to the law of nature, its reason is profound, its movement is real, its adjustment is accurate, its order is clear, and its effect is rapid. Moreover, there is stillness in its movement. The innate yuan god and the acquired god of knowledge are synchronized and refined. At the beginning, they have held the key of double cultivation of life. All the same paths can realize by themselves. Those who have self-mobilization experience can experience and experience that the rest of the teachings should have gained something. If they get the golden elixir of my eight veins, they will be able to follow the boat and climb the ladder of mind and insight as early as possible.

Those who are quiet and practicing will sit quietly and rest assured at the beginning, and refine their own medicine. If they get the true formula, their success is also hopeful. But it takes a long time to enter the Taoist incense with meditation. It is easy to get sex, and it is difficult to find life and fire, especially for those who are slightly older and suffer from Chen disease.

This method is more perfect and more in line with the law of the previous single practice. The method of movement and static cultivation has mastered the general purpose of divine form and dual cultivation of life. Moving from still, and then moving to static, that is, it is the true interest of renovation and cultivation. External movement and internal movement, internal movement and external movement are only relative, this is the law of nature. For example, the quiet before the spiritual movement, the shape is quiet and moving, and then the shape is quiet, especially when you know God and do not keep it. After the smart movement, sitting up and thinking, it is quiet outside and moving inside. Dynamic and static cultivation is better than those who practice with pure movement or those who practice static. Its effect is obvious and its time-consuming is short. When a wise man cultivates the truth, he should choose the method of movement and quiet double practice. Without an acquired strong physique, how can a person have an innate spirit? Without the body of King Kong, how to cultivate the baby of immortals? This is easy to understand.

The method of cultivating truth has two lives, there are those who only cultivate life, and those who only practice nature, which varies according to the number of secrets. The upper method is the method of double cultivation of Taoist life, the method of middle multiplication is the method of cultivation, and the method of cultivation of life is the art of lower multiplication.

Only those who practice their lives, do not get the true secret, do not understand the road, sit tenaciously, keep the dry pot every day, fake cooking and refining, do not distinguish the water source turbidity, do not know the degree of drug collection, long-term into the air hole, persistent and do not retreat, the god is wrapped, formed into a "dead elixir". It is possible to get rid of the disease and prolong the year, and it can be refined to a ghost fairy at most. For those who get a secret and practice a method, most of them belong to this kind of situation.

Those who have expertise but do not practice life can't get the secret, even if cultivation is a shallow level of sex. Sometimes, practitioners sit still, study the scriptures, penetrate the world, cleanse people's hearts, see the heavenly heart again, silently prove the Taoist heart, and then nourish their nature. Its cultivation is only to cultivate the original nature. It mistakenly thinks that the flash of sexual light is a clear mind, but it does not know how to collect light and cultivate the god, does not know how to refine the yuan god, and does not know how to enter life with sex and practice life.

The study of cultivation is actually the study of dual cultivation of life and divine form. If you seek the true purpose of cultivation and return to righteousness, you must take the smooth road of life and double cultivation. The two practice methods mentioned above can be said to be a semi- incomplete method, which is not enough to take.

The method of double cultivation of life is the cultivation method of self-refinement and omission. Specifically, refining oneself is to have a clear mind and see nature. What is sex? God is sex, and life is life. The root of the heart is sex, the root of sex is God, and God is in the heart. In fact, the three are one. Its trigram is Li Gua, its orientation belongs to the south, its five elements belong to fire, and the true liquid in fire is water. Cultivation is the first step in cultivating the truth. The skill of repairing life is not missing. There is no leakage of layers, first practice without leakage, and then reach the realm of leakage of eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body. Life is the kidney, the essence, refine the shape and refine the essence, refine the essence, and replenish the innate element in the future. Its hexagram is the hurdle, its orientation is north, its five elements belong to water, the true element in the water is fire, and the elixir depends on this.

The so-called no leakage is to break the *** root, but the *** root can't be finished with a single break. It does not control the female color, and those who have inherited * essence from the beginning need to be legalized. Moreover, *** heart, *** root and ** body must be cut off and cannot be repaired. I don't have sex with my wife, but I'm just broken. My heart and root are still unbroken, especially my heart is hard to break.

has never been true, but this color word is hard to break. Danjing's so-called broken *** root is a fairy, and if you don't miss it, you are a fairy. The word "color" is the most difficult to go. The more you refuse, the deeper you fall into the truth. This idea will not be broken in one breath. According to the saying, "Those who eat color, sex is also". If they are colorless, the road will be sparse, and race cannot reproduce. One word of color, sincerity is good, nothing is not good, it is not easy to quit, and it is not difficult to practice. The door of my life, the death of my family, life and death, death and death are finally this door. The cover is made of love, from love, from love, from **, from the coffin, this is connected. From the essence to give birth to a child and become an immortal in retrograde, ordinary people give birth to a child with a woman in the spirit, and the essence returns to the yellow spring. The monks cut off this essence, do not make friends with the woman, do not leak out the Yang pass, but turn this essence into the original essence, retrograde into the body, dragon and tiger join and bear the holy fetus. Those who give birth to children are born after their own death. Those who become immortals in retrograde do not need others to live for me, but live for me, immortal, and coexist with the road. This is the meaning of Zhuangzi's "those who live do not live, and those who kill do not die".

The Southern School practiced truth, advocated first doing the best of humanity, and then done the immortal way. Middle-aged people entered the Tao, calmed their sexual desire, turned human feelings into Taoism, and repaired the omissions after receiving the method, and it was not difficult to enter the Tao. In his later years, his vitality declined in the old society. In order to seek quick effect, he used the planting method. Nowadays, it is difficult for people to have this condition. It is still better to repair the method of receiving orders. Although it takes a little more time, it is also safe. It's better to ask for advice than to avoid criticism, and the secret of double cultivation. Although it is simple and not complicated, it is also difficult to write on paper.

It is better for teenagers to enter the Tao, focusing on cultivation and cultivating life. There are few things in the world, and most of them are caused by a moment's temperament, or occasionally because of failure and ambition, and they have not overcome the world's affairs. If they cultivate their lives and break the essence, they may return to the pain in the future. If you keep practicing without leaking, it is difficult to cultivate the true marrow. If the marrow is not clear, it is difficult to ascend to the palace of the golden immortals. Nowadays, most people mistakenly recognize Zhou Tiantong by means of intention and meridian, which is a great fallacy. Those who are not determined to enter the Tao, it is difficult to learn this method. If they do not learn this method, it is difficult to enter the good state of life and practice, but they are not careful.

Sexual death, life. The dead are mortal, mortal, mortal, mortal, Taoist. The living is Yuanjinghuo and Yuanqi, and the kidneys do not leak Yuanjinghuo, and there are many alchemy medicinal materials in their own. The so-called dragon subdues the tiger, the dragon refers to nature, which is knowledge and desire; the tiger refers to life, which is the kidney water and turbid essence. The heart is determined that the dragon will return to the sea, and the love will forget the tiger and the mountain.

To study the theory of Taoism, in a word, we must grasp the theory of yin and yang. The theory of yin and yang runs through the theory of the Danjing. No matter whether it is yin or yang, there is yang in yin, and there is yin in yang. Those who use it do not see it, and those who see it do not use it. Such as dragon and tiger, black rabbit, lead mercury... and so on, there are countless things, all of which are yin in the sun and yang in yin. Generally speaking, they are all basic substances for the cultivation of true life and double cultivation. Researchers and practitioners are not difficult to make eye-catching as long as they build high-end research.

The secret of cultivation: "The road is not based on nature, and the effort is not square. Looking for the true species at the three forks, refining the sky in the gossip furnace. There is no way to cross the sea, and the medicine can be used with you. Tibetans and Germans in prison are unpredictable, and they should be dedicated to their kindness. The four elephants are reconciled and returned to the original surface, and the five elements are clustered with long golden lotus. It is good to have an increase or a decrease, and it is good to know the bad. Get rid of all the dirt and become the end of your parents' life. Cultivation of immortals and Buddhas are all from this, and the remaining two virtual suspensions are biased.

The study of Taoist internal skills and spells is closely related to internal alchemy, "internal alchemy into elixir, external use into method". External users mainly use the primordial spirit, and the use of true magic is the primary level of magic. Advanced internal skills magic is the method of refining the yuan god and changing the god. But the god must lie in the life base, and the life base is not solid, and the god must be yin and yang, which is unbearable. Therefore, practicing spells must focus on the method of double cultivation of life, but focus on refining. However, in the method of refining, because the five internal organs are refined to respond to the five elements, the life skill is also included in it. This is the primary and secondary of the authentic skills, and it is also inclusive.

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