Agains the Sky

Dandao Cultivation Realm: The Difference between God and Immortals

Dan Dao

The external elixir that achieves long life by burning [golden elixir] and taking food has gradually declined. At present, the real world mainly takes the internal elixir science of [Jindan Avenue], that is, Dan Dao as the mainstream, and pays attention to the cultivation of [God] [Qi].

Laozi's Tao Te Ching Sutra Zeng Yun [Tao gives birth to one, two lives two, two gives births three, three gives births all things] Dandao is three to two, two back to one, one in one in one. Its noun is [refining gasification of the god] [refining the god to return to the virtual] (later added [refining the virtual way] [empty smashing]), that is, the return process of the spirit god. And because of the lack of human spirit, it also creates a [practicing essence] to supplement the essence, so that people can make up for their losses from the acquired to innate, so as to start practicing.

The realm of cultivation

The practitioners seen in the novel are more like practitioners of sword immortals. However, in the realm of cultivation, internal elixir has been mentioned many times in terms of content. In fact, the practitioners in the novel are made from the combination of Taoist practice of internal elixir and sword fairy art.

One said: Xiuzhen divides the valley, light, spiritual silence, Yuanying, out of the body, mixed yuan, silence, crossing the disaster, and soaring, these nine stages. Each stage is divided into the early, middle and late

The name setting of each stage of cultivation: pneumatic, refining, Dancheng, fetal breath, Yuanying, separation of gods, out of the body, transformation, fusion, return to the virtual, Yuanshen, demon disaster (also known as the heavenly disaster), and the earth immortals. The first eleven stages are divided into three stages: in the early, middle and late stages. After the cultivation of Zifu Yuanying, the practitioners are really cross After the threshold of the practitioner, you can practice the magic weapon to protect yourself. The demon disaster period is the only way for practitioners to enter the realm of earthly immortals. The time of outbreak is uncertain. After entering the Yuanshen period, there is a possibility of outbreak at any time. After crossing the disaster, they will enter the realm of earth immortals and can enter the "sun-shooting star" practice that is called the small heavenly world. The earlier the magic disaster breaks out, the smaller the power will be and the easier it is to pass. However, after entering the realm of earth immortals, the longer it will be when the earth immortals cultivate immortals, the longer it will be, and the more hardships will be.

Three sayings: The cultivation realms of practitioners are divided into eleven categories, including: rotation, light, fusion, heartbeat, spiritual silence, Yuanying, out of the body, distraction, integration, disaster, and Mahayana. Each has its own difference.

If the practitioners enter the six-layer Yuanying period and cultivate their own "Zifu Yuanying" with the condensation of refined energy, they can achieve the so-called immortality of the soul. If it is built into ten layers of disaster, it can be immortal. But the most dangerous thing is the disaster period. There is a saying that the so-called "Yuanying" is easy to cultivate, and "crossing disaster" is easy to destroy. As long as a true person has time to have fairy stones and correct cultivation methods, he can always practice until the Yuanying period, while the period of disaster is not the case. If a person does not practice properly, the gods will be destroyed and completely disappear.

[Difference between gods and immortals]


Generally refers to people who have cultivated the Tao, have great magic power, are unpredictable and immortal. That is, "Immortals, so protect the truth of their lives and seek outsiders." "Immortals" are also known as "immortals" and "real people", collectively referred to as "immortals". In fact, there is a difference between gods and immortals. Gods are the innate gods of nature. They are also called innate saints before the division of heaven and earth. They are the true saints that exist innate. According to Baopu Yu, they belong to the divine category and "non-learnable". For example, the gods of Sanqing, the Jade Emperor, the Antarctic Immortals and other gods in heaven can not be cultivated by mortals in the world through monism. Immortals are people who practice Taoism in the secular world, also known as immortality. Anyone who finally achieves immortality through long-term cultivation is immortals. The word "god" in ancient Chinese books is quite rich in connotation, which not only contains "supernatural power". People are difficult to predict and control. For example, "Yi" said: "Yin and Yang are called gods" and Japan: "Only God, if you can't be fast, you can't come." There are also gods such as essence, such as "Zi said: 'The spirit is the prosperity of gods, and the soul is the prosperity of ghosts.'" There is also "the spirit of a saint is called a god, and the spirit of wisdom is called a ghost." There is also a god who is immortal and immortal. For example, the Family Language says: "Those who do not eat are immortal and gods." It can be seen that "god" contains not only the innate spirit, but also the god of essence and the desire for immortality. Taoism is called immortals when they are old but not dead. At the end of the Han Dynasty, Liu Xi's book "Explanation of Names" explained: Immortals, move; move into the mountains, so the people who make the characters make mountains. Ge Hong said: If you are a fairy, you can nourish your body with drugs and prolong your life with several skills, so that you will not be guilty and external troubles will not enter. Although you will not die for a long time, your old body will not change. If you have a way, you don't think it's difficult. Zhong and Lu believe that the so-called distinction between immortals and people lies in the difference between yin and yang. Pure yang without yin is immortal; yin and yang are mixed, and people are also. Embrace yin and yang and be a human being.

(II) The image and characteristics of immortals

The legend about immortals has been widely spread in Middle-earth as early as the pre-Qin era. Zhuangzi. In the free journey, it is said: "In the mountain of connivous shooting, there are gods, and their skin is like ice and snow. They are like virgins. They do not eat grains, suck the wind and drink dew, take advantage of the clouds, control the flying dragons, and swim beyond the four sea." In the area of Yanqi Beach, it is said that there are Penglai, Abbot and Liuzhou Sanshen Mountain. There are immortals and immortal medicine on the mountain. The beasts are all white, and the palaces where they live are made of gold and silver. The Legend of Immortals also makes many vivid descriptions of immortals: or shrug into the clouds. Fly without wings; or drive a dragon on the clouds to build a heavenly step; or turn into a bird and beast and float in the blue clouds; or sneak into rivers and seas and soar in famous mountains; or breathe and open the valley Ruzhi; or enter the world without people don't know it, or hide it. Immortals can go to heaven and earth, and can hide in the river. They are powerful and omnipotent.

(III) The taste of immortals

The immortal system in the earliest classic Taipingjing of Taoism is the sixth class: "One is a god, two is a real person, three is an immortal, four is a Taoist, five is a saint, and six are sages, all of which help the rule of heaven. The god is the master of heaven, the real man is the master of the land, the immortals are the master of wind and rain, the Taoist bishop turns into good and evil, the saint governs the people, the sage assist the saints, and the record of all the people is also the lack of helping **. Ge Hong's "Puzi" in the Jin Dynasty divided the immortals into three classes: "The sergeant held the promotion of deficiency, which is called the fairy; the middle earth swims in the famous mountain, which is called the earth immortal; the corporal dies first and then degeneration, which is called the corpse of the immortal." Tianyinyu also divides immortals into five categories; in people, they are called immortals, in heaven, in heaven, they are called earth immortals, and in water, they are called narcissus. Taizhenke is divided into nine grades: "Shangxian, Gaoxian, Daxian, Shenxian, Xuanxian, Zhenxian, Lingta, Zhixian.

(IV) The blessed land under the jurisdiction of immortals

According to the Seven Signs of Clouds, Taoism says that there are 36 days (four days in the holy land, four Brahma, and 28 days in the three worlds), and thirty-six days are always ruled by the Three Treasures. Its desire world is "colored desire" and "the handover of yin and yang, and the people's fetus". Above the desire world is the color world, colorless world, and "people have a long lifespan", but life and death have not been interrupted. The four Brahma are also known as the people's heaven and the holy disciple heaven. "People's life and death are beyond the reach of the three disasters." Sanqingjing is home to nine saints, nine truths and nine immortals.

Taoist scriptures: There are ten continents and three islands in the eight giant seas, all of which are sparsely populated. They are places where immortals swim, and there are immortal grasses. Shizhou is Zuzhou, Yingzhou, Xuanzhou, Yanzhou, Changzhou, Yuanzhou, Liuzhou, Shengzhou, Fenglingzhou and Juguzhou. The three islands are Kunlun, abbot and Pengqiu. Among the famous mountains on the earth, there are ten caves, thirty-six small caves and seventy-two blessed places ruled by immortals and real people. Among them, the ten caves and thirty-six small caves are the place where heaven sends immortals to rule. Seventy-two blessed land, between famous mountains and rivers, God ordered the real person to rule it, and there are many places to get the way.

(V) Immortals are real and immortals can learn

Taoism believes that immortals are real. A large number of immortal legends, immortal stories, immortal legends, etc. in Taoism demonstrate the existence of immortals with vivid examples. Ge Hong's two articles "On Immortals" and "On the Customs" refute various views that doubt the existence of immortals and demonstrate that immortals are real. Some people think that there is life and death, which is human common sense. "Those who have not heard of anything in the spring of ten thousand years have been seen for a long time." Hu Puzi said: "The husband's survival is always, and the sincerity is general. Its similarities and differences, whether or not, change all products, strange and useless, things are wrong, this matter has not been multiplied, and it can not be one." It is believed that the world is endless and the electric cranes will last forever, so not all people and things may follow the law of life and death. Some people are born from everyone's temperament, "There is a certain amount of anger" and concludes that all people have "emperal talent, no each other" and have life and death. Bao Puzi pointed out that people have differences and things change, so there are special people who can become immortals. Most secular people do not "know", do not "do the way", do not believe in immortals, and are infatuated with fame and fortune. Naturally, they can't become immortals and can't see immortals.

The article "Convention" continues to demonstrate that immortals are real. Some people say, "The turtle can smit, and the crane can fly to the sky, making people smit for a moment. There is an instant flight, but it is still impossible. Can its longevity be learned?" Baopuzi pointed out that although people can't "fly" and "fly to the sky", people are the most spiritual among all things, and they have their own advantages. "Real people only learn their way to prolong their years, eat gas to eliminate the valley, and do not learn from their earthworms and fly to the sky", which does not hinder the cultivation of immortals.

Taoism says that everyone has Taoism, "My life is not in heaven", and everyone can become an immortal. First of all, the Tao gives birth to everything, and the Tao resides in things, and the Tao is eternal. "The Tao is invisible, because it is born to be clear" (see Taishang Laojun's Inner View of the Sutra), "Life is also a different body of the Tao" (see Lao Tzu, so "students" who observe the Tao can be as eternal as Tao. "Deep roots and solid pedicles" can be "long-term vision". Embracing Pu Zi's inner chapter. Zhili said: "Madam is angry, angry in people, from heaven and earth to all things, all of them live in good spirits." Therefore, as long as you obey the spirit, keep one, and return to simplicity to the root, you can live forever and become immortals.

Secondly, the theory of the relationship between gods is used to prove that Taoism can become immortals. Through the change of things and the role of medicine, we can infer that immortals can be achieved, immortals are real, and immortals can be learned. To this end, Taoism has formed a complete set of fairy theory and immortal cultivation techniques.

The concept of immortality is the only positive result of all practices before the introduction of Buddha into China. From the ancient emperor of heaven to the yellow turtles and turtles still worshipped in some places are classified as immortals. In the words, the immortals got rid of the shackles of everything in the world by reincarnation and wandered between time and space. They are immortal and omnipotent to live together with heaven and earth. Some of them are pioneering immortals and cultivated flying immortals - although many immortals still retain many of their own thoughts and characteristics. From these concepts, we can know that the immortals in Chinese mythology are closer to other gods in foreign myths, but there are also some differences, which we will talk about later.

The so-called immortality. As the highest level of Taoism in Chinese mythology, immortals have always had the highest status. Even in works dominated by Buddhist concepts such as Journey to the West, we can see these immortals and Buddhas sitting together. Today, there are still many worship of immortals in many southern coastal cities and famous mountains - although many people's concept of immortals has been confused.

From the source and attribute classification of immortals, immortals are divided into five categories, that is, the famous heaven, earth, gods, people and ghosts (in order, they are divided according to the realm).