Agains the Sky

Chapter 4 Teaching Tips

Chapter 4 Teaching Tips (Part 1)

Time flies and never stops. In the blink of an eye, five years have passed. Our protagonist Zhang Fan is 13 years old. This age is a good time to fix it. All sects have gone down the mountain to recruit disciples from the secular world. Of course, it is necessary to test whether there is a qualification for repair and then make a decision.

Zhang Fan lived very well in Hua Yanzong and has been used to the surrounding environment, such as the quarrel between Brother Park Yun and Uncle Pu Shi, and the strange sounds that often come from Pu Zhi's room... However, one thing that makes Zhang Fan a little unhappy is that when his uncles and suzerains call him, they like to call him Xiao Zhang Fan. At this time, Zhang Fan will mutter in his heart: I'm not young!

It is no wonder that there are no years of cultivation. When practitioners practice, they will be closed for ten years, and even thousands of years! Naturally, they think it's not too much to call Xiao Zhang Fan.

On this day, Zhang Fan got up early in the morning. Thick black hair and sword eyebrows have already retreated a little childish face, strong figure, all of which reflect their health. At the same time, it also gives people a sense of new sharpness. What is owed is just a kind of training.

Zhang Fan put on his clothes and began to do morning exercises. Zhang Fan stood firm and began to punch. This boxing is called "Haotu Wushuangquan", which is the original boxing method created by Park Yun. Ordinary people's cultivation can increase their strength and prolong their life. The practitioner will expand the meridians, condense flesh and blood, and increase the speed of cultivation.

It can be seen that Park Yun's understanding is extremely high, similar to evil.

After the morning exercise, Zhang Fan began his day's homework - lifting water. Zhang Fan held a high bucket in his hand, raised it laboriously, and then picked up and poured water back and forth. This is the refining method given by Park Yun to Zhang Fan. Park Yun believes that only with a good body can we learn more profound things. The same is true for practitioners. If the body strength of the true person is like a weapon, all methods can be broken. Every blow is the power of the magic weapon.

But the current world of cultivation is dominated by magic formulas, magic weapons and charms. It doesn't pay attention to refining the body. Sometimes with painstaking effort**, you can refine the body with aura, thinking that you can get twice the result with half the effort. Unexpectedly, this is a big mistake!

Zhang Fan finished everything and came to the hall. Sitting on the right-hand futon, meditating on his morning class.

At the same time, in a small room in the back mountain, Park Yun and Pu Shi are still arguing, and Park Hyun is still smiling as usual. Park Ji holds a strange creature in his hand and seems to be communicating with the creature. At this time, the suzerain Pu Xing interrupted the quarrel between Pu Shi and Pu Yun. Today, I invited you here not to quarrel, but to discuss whether to let Xiao Zhang Fan start practicing?

"I think Xiao Zhang Fan's consent should be obtained." Park Hyun smiled.

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you. If he agrees, you will be responsible for leading him into the door!"

After saying that, the suzerain Park walked out of the room and disappeared in an instant. The air did not fluctuate at all, as if there was no him just now.

Park Zhi saw this and said, "The suzerain's cultivation is getting higher and higher. Just now, the suzerain has taken that step."

"Yes, we should not be lazy. The mission of enshring Hua Yanzong is also on our shoulders." Park Hyun sighed. Then he went to the hall.

In the hall, Zhang Fan was looking at the big word "Buddha" on the wall and was stunned. Every time Zhang Fan comes to the hall and looks at the big word "Buddha" on the wall, he will have different thoughts and feelings in his heart. It's really wonderful," Zhang Fan thought to himself.

This is that Zhang Fan felt that someone behind him was patting him gently on the shoulder. Looking back, he saw Park Hyun.

"Uncle Park Hyun", Zhang Fan stood up quickly. Park Hyun motioned Zhang Fan to sit down, pulled another futon and sat down.

Park Xian was sitting on Zhang Fan and asked with a smile, "Little Zhang Fan, is it good to live here?"

Zhang Fan muttered in his heart: I'm not young." Very good," Zhang Fan replied.

"So, would you like to join Hua Yanzong?"

"Yes, this is my home." Zhang Fan answered seriously.

The smile on Park Hyun's face became brighter. So would you like to become a true practice like Park Yun?"

When Zhang Fan heard this, the strange appearance of Brother Park Yun jumped hundreds of feet high and could fly in the air. I would."

"Creation can't be achieved in a day or two. On the way to cultivation, there are a lot of hardships. Can you eat it?"

"I can stand it!"

"Okay, Xiao Zhang Fan, from today on, you are a member of Hua Yanzong, and the mission of resuming Hua Yanzong falls on your shoulders." After saying that, Park Hyun began to get to the point.

"Xiao Zhang Fan, can you understand the true meaning of Xiu?"

Zhang Fan tilted his head and thought for a moment. I remember that Brother Park Yun said that the essence of cultivation is to remove the pseudo-self and become the true self.

"Remove the false self and cultivate the true self." Park Hyun nodded.

"So, what do you think of Buddha, demons and Taoism?"

Zhang Fan tilted his head and thought for a while, and said for a long time, "I think Buddha, demon and Tao are all the same."

"Oh, how can you see it?"

Zhang Fan pondered for a while and said slowly, "Buddha, demon and Tao are all created by people. Although their thoughts and skills are different, they are all serving the people."

Park Hyun was secretly shocked that he could say such words at a young age.

"So, what do you think of the demon?"

It's just that some practitioners have embarked on another path of cultivation, which does not mean that the essence and character of the practitioner are evil. Don't some people who practice decent magic formulas of famous families also do something unreasonable?

On the way back to Hua Yanzong, Zhang Fan also saw a lot and understood a lot.

Park Hyun can't take a good job of Zhang Fan again. This little devil is not simple.

"Let me introduce some history of Hua Yanzong." Puxian said. Zhang Fan sat next to Park Hyun and listened carefully.

"After the birth of the three worlds, people appeared. People are spread all over the three worlds, and the environment of the three worlds is different, so that the physique of these people is also different, and the environment in the human world is the best, with the largest number of people. The environment of the demon world is harsh, and the people who can survive are all warriors and tough people. The environment of the fairyland is the same as that of the demon world, but the aura of the fairyland is stronger than that of the other two worlds, so the people in the fairyland are the strongest. They gradually understood the structure of the body and wanted to get rid of the reincarnation of life, old age, illness and death, so they used their wisdom and created the method of immortality - cultivation. They gradually became proud and arrogant, thinking that they had become gods and got rid of the scope of people. They called themselves immortals, Buddhas and demons, that is, the current three worlds, also known as fairyland, human world and demon world. Fairyland is a general term. This world also contains many Buddhas, and the fairy world can also be called the Buddha world.

And tens of thousands of years ago, tens of thousands of families competed, and the Xiuzhen sect emerged one after another, the most prosperous, but time is an important factor to measure the strength of the sect, and some Xiuzhen sects did not stand the test of time and disappeared one after another. But our Hua Yanzong stood up.

Speaking of this, Park Hyun looked proud.

"And our Huayan Sect is the oldest, oldest and the most strange among other Buddhist sects. Well, let's talk about the rest later."

Zhang Fan was intoxicated, but he didn't hear the following. He looked unhappy, because Zhang Fan hadn't heard enough!