Agains the Sky

Chapter 10 Wan Jianzong

The rising sun indicates the arrival of a new day and indicates a turning point for something.

In the morning, when the breeze blew and the birds sang together, a tall and beautiful man was playing in the woods. After a few steps, I saw a man lying next to the stream. He was dressed in shaggy clothes, 15 or 16 years old, and his face was pale and looked like a serious illness.

The big man came forward and patted the teared teenager, but the teenager did not move. The big man hurriedly reached out and felt the teenager's breath and felt that the teenager's breathing was extremely slow, so he was saving people. Now he picked up the teenager and went straight down the mountain.


"Oh, where is this? How can I lie here?" When the teenager woke up and saw himself lying in a simple room, he couldn't help wondering. This teenager is Zhang Fan.

"You woke up," the big man quickly got up and brought medicine to Zhang Fan to drink. Then he said, "I went up the mountain to play this morning. I passed by the stream and saw you. Seeing that you are unconscious, I will save you back.

Zhang Fan was very grateful. He chatted with the big man for a while and became familiar with this place.

This is Wanjian Sect, a sect of hidden practice. It has not entered the world for many years, and naturally few people know it. While chatting, he only heard a "squeak", and the door was pushed open. A middle-aged man came in, whose appearance remained about 40 years old, but his eyes were cold and seemed to be able to freeze life.

When the big man saw this man, he quickly got up and said, "Master, you are here." Then he introduced Zhang Fan to the middle-aged man. Zhang Fan also got up and saluted the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man said, "You don't have to be polite. You are a poor swordsman. It's also fate for you to come to Wan Jianzong. You might as well stay for a few more days." After saying that, he brushed his sleeves and left.

The big man turned his head and said to Zhang Fan, "Little brother, don't be angry. Master, he is just like this. It's hot and cold to others. Zhang Fan shook his head with a smile, indicating that he was fine. Seeing that Zhang Fan had nothing to do and did not disturb Zhang Fan's rest, the big man exited the door.

Zhang Fan looked inside and felt that it was okay, so he lay down and closed his eyes. I couldn't help thinking, "What is this to test me?" How can I go back? If you don't know the way here, you might as well stay here for a few days and settle down!

made up his mind, and Zhang Fan went to sleep a little at ease.

It was already noon, and Zhang Fan woke up hungry. After not eating for a few days, Zhang Fan was naturally starving. If you don't reach the general period, you need to eat. In the general period, it will automatically absorb the aura of heaven and earth and turn it into useful substances.

Zhang Fan turned over, jumped into the air, and landed steadily. He couldn't help but be secretly happy. The injury had healed. Although Zhang Fan didn't know how he was injured, he knew that it must have happened after he crushed the beads, which seriously injured him. His stomach cooed and protested, not wanting Zhang Fan to think more. Zhang Fan shook his head helplessly and walked straight to the door.

The door was pushed open by Zhang Fan, but the scenery that appeared fascinated Zhang Fan. A thick green bamboo forest stands in front of us, green, showing infinite vitality. Strange flowers and grass grow next to the bamboo forest, and the fragrance is fragrant, and Zhang Fan is a little intoxicated. It would be great if I could practice in such a place!" Zhang Fan sighed slightly and strolled into the bamboo forest.

There is a different world in this bamboo forest. The intensity of Reiki is no worse than that of the blessed cave! Zhang Fan was slightly shocked. Just as he wanted to study it carefully, his stomach shouted in dismay, and Zhang Fan quickly walked out of the bamboo forest.

Out of the bamboo forest, an open field appeared in front of him. On this ground stood a man, dressed in white and holding a sharp sword. The sun shone on the sword, flashing cold light, tinging Zhang Fan's eyes.

Zhang Fan turned his head slightly and closed his eyes, but the cold light flashed in the eyes of the man in white, and he pinched the sword formula with his left hand. Unexpectedly, he raised his sword and split it at Zhang Fan. Three swords came out in an instant, pressing Zhang Fan's point.

Zhang Fan felt the danger and quickly knotted the "big seal of the treasure bottle". In an instant, the "bottle seal" collided with the sword and dissipated in the air.

The man in white changed his face and pinched the sword formula with both hands. The sword beside him unexpectedly floated into the air. It was strangely divided into five, forming a sword array and hanged Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan's hands moved, and the "spiritual vest" appeared, covering Zhang Fan's body surface. Just as soon as the sword array enveloped Zhang Fan and strangled inside, a flying sword quickly stabbed the sword array.

"Ding Ding" a few metal crisp sounds, and the sword array was actually broken. A figure came into Zhang Fan's eyes, and he was a big man. Zhang Fan quickly ran to the big man and didn't want to stay with the dangerous man. The big man said unhappily, "Well, don't I tell you not to take action against this little brother?"

The man in white didn't seem to hear it and went straight to Zhang Fan. The big man just wanted to say something, but he heard the man in white say, "Interesting." Then he took a meaningful look at Zhang Fan and walked away.

The big man said apologetically, "I'm sorry, little brother. The man's name just now is Tian Qi. He is very qualified and appreciated by the master, so he often attacks others indiscriminately. Don't take it to heart."

"It's okay, I don't mind."

In this way, Zhang Fan lived in Wanjian Sect for five days and knew many secrets of Wanjian Sect.


This is the sixth day of Zhang Fan's stay in Wanjianzong. But a very strange thing happened, and Tian Qi died. Tian Qi was found dead in the bamboo forest where other disciples of Wanjianzong practiced.

When Zhang Fan arrived when he heard the news, he saw that the big man and the big master was crazy there. Tian Qi died very specially. There was a sword mark on his neck, and his eyes were widened, as if he had seen something incredible and did not close his eyes.

Zhang Fan turned slightly and stopped looking at him. But this move was seen by swordsmanship. A cold light flashed in the sword's eyes, and then disappeared again. The swordsman ordered his disciple to clean up Tian Qi's body, and then called the whole clan to the council chamber.

When he arrived at the council chamber, Zhang Fan looked around for a week. The layout was extremely simple, with only a few tables and chairs. The swordchi sat in the upper seat, and Zhang Fan, big man and others sat in the side seat.

The sword idiot's face was a little gloomy, and his cold eyes swept around the crowd. Zhang Fan was stared a little impatiently, and his eyes fell on it. Seeing this, the cold light in his eyes flashed quickly.

After a long time, the sword looked at the crowd and said gloomly, "What do you think of this matter?"

The big man was silent for a while and said, "Brother Tian Qi died suddenly. Judging from the scene, Brother Tian Qi seemed to have seen something that should not be seen and was sealed by the person concerned with a sword. And this person has a high level of cultivation, which is higher than Tian Qi's younger brother.

The sword idiot asked again, "If you meet this person, how sure are you to kill this person?"

The big man looked at the swordsman and said slightly, "I'm not sure." After saying that, the big man lowered his head, but in the eyes of the big man, it flashed from time to time. It seems that the big man has some clues.

The swordsman waved his hand and let Zhang Fan and others go out. Sitting alone in a chair, he was lost in thought.

================================= I am the lonely dividing line===========================

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