Agains the Sky

Chapter 45 Magic Week

After hearing this, Yun Yue not only became interested in this legend, but also shook Zhang Fan's hand and said coquettishly, "Brother Zhang Fan, will you take me there, okay?" After saying that, he winked at Zhang Fan again, and his delicate appearance made Zhang Fan's brain blank for a short time.

"Okay, miss, can't I take you there?" Zhang Fan shook his head helplessly. In fact, Zhang Fan is very willing to take Yunyue in his heart, and he can also witness whether this legend of "Love Full Moon" is true or false.

"But we don't know where this is!" Zhang Fan sighed helplessly. Gee, I have my own way." Yun Yue smiled mischievly and picked up a leaf casually. She pinched the secret with her hands. She saw a white light flash, and the leaves disappeared in Yun Yue's hand. Then, she appeared in Yun Yue's hand again, which surprised Zhang Fan.

"Okay, we are now at the border of Yunzhou." After listening to this, Zhang Fan shouted that he had fought with Shi Ming and escaped so far. Zhang Fan couldn't help thinking for a while. Yun Yue saw Zhang Fan in a daze, so she stretched out her jade hand and shook it in front of Zhang Fan's eyes. She smiled and said, "What's the matter, Brother Zhang Fan, are dazed again."

Zhang Fan came to his senses and smiled and said no words. Then he remembered something and ran to the bodies of the crowd and began to clean up the booty. Hey!" Zhang Fan sighed with a sad face. What's wrong?" Yunyue ran over and asked.

Zhang Fan raised the broken storage bags one by one and sighed, "One by one is too disgrateful. I'm too ruthless to do it. None of them is complete."

Yun Yue patted Zhang Fan on the shoulder and looked around. When she saw Lin Lao's body, she signaled that Zhang Fan had a complete body. Zhang Fan's eyes lit up. He ran to Mr. Lin's body again, smashed Mr. Lin's empty space, and then reached in to explore.


Zhang Fan was speechless for a while.

There is nothing, just take out a quaint box. Zhang Fan opened the box with hope. A black light flashed, and a piece of paper quietly suspended in the void, constantly emitting black light.

Zhang Fan's divine consciousness immediately felt that he had entered another world. An old man in a black cloak sat on a rock with his hands flat, and two black balls of light kept floating on his hands, emitting black light.

When Zhang Fan was happy, his consciousness began to detect the old man in black. Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded. Congratulations on finding this unique, invincible and incomparable formula created by me. This is a set of extremely powerful formulas. Of course, I won't create a weak formula if I'm strong, haha.

Zhang Fan's forehead was full of black lines, and crows flew over his head one by one.

"Let's get back to normal." The old man in black actually stood up, then glanced at Zhang Fan's consciousness, nodded with satisfaction, and said happily, "Such a powerful consciousness, okay, this set of unique formulas has been passed to you. You must remember that my consciousness is about to dissipate, and you must remember it. Remember, remember... Where did I say?" The old man in black blinked and looked at Zhang Fan.

"I @#$%&*..." Zhang Fan was helpless and said, "You must remember."

"Oh, yes, that's what I'm talking about. Well, do you know the name of this formula? The old man in black asked with a smile.

Zhang Fan's divine body punched the old man and said calmly, "The younger generation doesn't know."

"Guess!" The old man in black blinked his eyes.

"I @#$%&*..." Zhang Fan was completely speechless.

"Remember, this is my original supreme formula, which is a set of killing skills! The name is 'Nine heavens and ten earths, the world is invincible and dominates the world, incomparably handsome, gorgeous and supreme killing skill'!"

"..." Zhang Fan has been knocked down by thunder. Do you think that when you encounter the enemy in the future, you will first report such a long name to scare others away? Dizzy.

Suddenly, the ball suspended by the old man in black suddenly hit Zhang Fan's body. Ah!" Zhang Fan felt heartbreaking pain. Junior, this set of 'incomparably handsome, romantic, gorgeous and supreme killing skills' should be carried forward in your hands! Don't humiliate my magnificent, handsome and romantic ancestor who is loved by everyone, blooms when flowers bloom, romantic and invincible in the three worlds!"

"I @#$%&*..." Zhang Fan had a headache and scolded in his heart, you are a dead old man, and you even want to plot to kill me!

Although scolding is scolding, I'm afraid that the old man in black has some way, otherwise it won't be so powerful. However, after Zhang Fan explored with his divine knowledge, he was indeed predicted. This is a set of formulas to smattering!

To be precise, the real strength of this set of formulas can only give full play to Zhang Fan's real strength in his infancy. When the old man in black robe taught Zhang Fan this set of formula, he held two black balls in his hand, one of which could only be learned before the Yuanying period, which was Zhang Fan's contact. The other is that you can only learn it after the Yuanying period, and then you can really see the demeanor of this set of killing techniques!

Zhang Fan shook his head helplessly and decided to learn this set of formulas. Strangely fast, Zhang Fan learned it in a while. So that's it!" Zhang Fan smiled mysteriously.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the 'Full Moon'!" Zhang Fan took Yunyue's hand and ran to the west. Yunyue did not struggle and let Zhang Fan lead him. In a while, Zhang Fan and Yunyue disappeared into this world.

At this time, a person appeared in the place of Zhang Fan and Yunyue. The man was dressed in silver and wore a silver mask, which only covered the upper half of his face and showed thin winged lips.

"Yunyue, is this the seed of forgetfulness you choose? Humph, I will definitely get you and break your 'too forgetful'! But this person, when you leave, I will kill him! I haven't touched your hand for so long!"

At this time, he shuttled back to Yunyue with Zhang Fan, and a trace of surprise flashed in his beautiful eyes.

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In a mysterious void, an old man in black opened his eyes, and the flashing light penetrated the void in front of him! Ha ha, little guy, treat this 'incomparably handsome, gorgeous and supreme killing skill'!" Then he closed his eyes again.

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After two days and two nights, Yunyue and Zhang Fan finally came out of the forest. Not far ahead, there was a hotel near noon, so there were many diners. There was only one table left. Zhang Fan took a look and walked to the only table left. Suddenly, a figure passed by and sat silently at the table, grabbing the table.

Zhang Fan was stunned and then silent. Yunyue looked at the man and shouted coquettishly, "Hey, why did you grab our position? We came first!"

The man was dressed in a Xuanqing Taoist robe and carrying a sword. He was a little Taoist priest who had just left the mountain. This little Taoist priest is quite beautiful. He slowly said, "How can I take your place? I didn't see you sitting here either." Then he looked around and said, "If you can't find a table to sit on, I'm so generous that you can sit together."

Yun Yue just wanted to say something, but Zhang Fan took the lead and sat next to him and motioned Yun Yue not to talk and sit here. Yunyue stared at the little Taoist priest angrily and sat next to Zhang Fan. In this case, I'm sorry to bother you." Zhang Fan said calmly.

The little Taoist priest looked at the two with a smile and said, "Ha ha, what a pair of golden boys and jade girls. With such a beautiful woman, I'm really envious of others." He spoke and winked at Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan quickly cleared it and said, "Brother, you misunderstood. I met Yunyue a few days ago, and I have nothing to do with it."

The little Taoist priest smiled and whispered, "Then seize the opportunity, or it will be too late!"

It was surprisingly quiet. Yunyue didn't say anything when she heard this sentence. Zhang Fan looked aside and felt a little happy in his heart, and said secretly: There is a play!

Seeing that the atmosphere was wrong, Zhang Fan said, "I don't know the name of Zhang Fan. We are going to see the 'Full Moon of Love'. Do you want to go, brother?

As soon as the little Taoist priest heard this, he smiled and said, "Li Fuxuan, who is in Qing Weizong, met you when he went down the mountain and Yunyou. It's really fate. Yes, I'm also going to see the full moon. Let's get together."

Seeing that Li Fuxuan's eyes were clear and there was no other idea in it, Zhang Fan nodded and agreed.

After dinner, Li Fuxuan said to Zhang Fanyunyue, "The 'Love Full Moon' well is a little far away from us. Let's hurry up and it will appear tonight." After saying that, he pinched a light body formula and left with Zhang Fanyunyue.

The sky was approaching evening, and Li Bxuan, Zhang Fan and Yunyue arrived by the "Full Moon" well. This is an ordinary well, and there is nothing in common. Next to the well, there is a stone tablet with five big words "Love Full Moon" on it.

Zhang Fan glanced around, most of whom were a couple, looking at the "Full Moon" well infatuatedly, hoping to see his beloved in it. There are also a few monks.

At this moment, a black light flashed from the woods and went straight to a real old man. The old man was shocked and shouted, "Under the universe, the people in the devil dare to do evil!" Speaking, the blue light flashed with his hands and patted the black light.

"Well, it's your group of pretentious old men who don't do business and specialize in doing bad things hurt my beloved. I'm going to kill you!"

The black light heard an angry voice, and then poked out a huge black palm and crushed the old man's body. People around me panic!

"I'm going to kill you today!" Zhou Tian slapped other practitioners, but his eyes swept over the couple on the ground, and a soft look appeared in his eyes. This was caught by Zhang Fan. He quickly pressed Li Busuan, who was about to rush up, and said, "If you rush up now, it will be a pity."

Li Butuan was full of doubts, but he did not rush up.

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Sorry, these chapters are a little bland, but little ** is coming soon. I admit that I have learned from a little bit of Legend of the Seven Worlds... Please click, vote, and collect! There is still an update at 8 p.m.!