Agains the Sky

Chapter 95 The Battle of Evil 1

"Hey, what about you? What are you doing standing there? Come here quickly. You're new here, right? Then hurry up and complete the task. Don't eat around here. We don't support you. A man in a green robe held a booklet in his hand and looked arrogantly humane to the crowd.

The second day after arriving at the Buddhist and Taoist Alliance, Zhang Fan's scattered camp was given many tasks. In fact, Sanxiu knows that he is not accepted by other practitioners with sects, but the battle between good and evil is imminent. If he is left alone, he will die miserably. So I could only come to the Buddhist and Taoist League in anger.

The man in green robe pointed to the crowd, and the person who was pointed away dejectedly to complete the task. These scattered practitioners all know that good tasks are not available to them, and most of them are nine-death tasks. Zhang Fan, come to Area 3." Zhang Fan, who was in the crowd, came to District 3 as soon as he heard that he had been named.

This area 3 is just a simple tent, and in front of the tent, there is a young practitioners who is repairing. Zhang Fan looked around and saw several practitioners around, all of whom lowered their heads and looked helpless. Although Zhang Fan guessed something, it still needs to be verified.

"Brother, can you ask what kind of tasks these 3 areas are responsible for taking over?" The person who was asked by Zhang Fan smiled helplessly and said, "Cannon fodder mission." Zhang Fan couldn't help sinking when he heard it.

"Who is Zhang Fan?" The young practitioners shouted at the top of his voice, and then looked around. Zhang Fan shook his head helplessly and walked forward. I'm Zhang Fan."

"Okay, this is a task for you. There are task requirements on it. Take a good look at it yourself." The young practitioners threw the jade slip in his hand to Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan thanked him and returned to his room to watch it carefully.

"At noon tomorrow, you can go to the camp of demon practitioners, kill ten people, and attract the demon practitioners stationed in the Yuanying period to take action. You can come back." As soon as Zhang Fan finished reading the task, his face immediately changed and knew that it was a nine-death task. How can we avoid this task? Zhang Fan kept thinking.

Suddenly, a token in the storage bag attracted Zhang Fan's attention. By the way, I saved a Yuanying practitioners named Tianchanzi. He said that he was the elder of the Buddhist and Taoist Alliance, and maybe he could ask him for help. Zhang Fan's eyes flashed, so he went out of the scope of Sanxiu here and walked to the senior level of the Buddha and Taoist League in the rear.

Without much trouble, Zhang Fan saw Tianchanzi. The reason is the elder token in Zhang Fan's hand. Tian Chanzi was very happy to see Zhang Fan and enthusiastically left Zhang Fan by his side.

While Zhang Fan and Tian Chanzi were chatting happily, a voice suddenly disturbed the two.

Zhang Fan stared at it, and suddenly a burst of anger poured into his mind and couldn't wait to go forward to kill him. This is Xiao Bian, one of Zhang Fan's enemies. But as soon as Zhang Fan calmed down, he covered up the murder that came out quietly. Even Tian Zenzi, who was close to him, didn't notice it.

"Crazy, I came to see you." A young-looking infancy practitioners came. This man is dressed in a white robe, wearing a Xuanyun crown, holding a folding fan in his left hand, and a jade jade pendant hanging around his waist. So romantic. This is Xiao Bian.

"This little brother is the lifesaver of the crazy man." Xiao Bian fought with Tian Chanzi and turned his eyes to Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan only felt a strong look straight up, and he seemed to be like nothing, and was seen through by him.

"This person is very strong!" Zhang Fan only has such an idea in his heart. Zhang Fan saluted Xiao Bian and said respectfully, "Yes. It's the younger generation." Xiao Bian nodded and began to talk to Tianchanzi like no one else. Zhang Fan listened attentively and turned out that he would go to war with the demon practitioners after noon tomorrow!

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Noon the next day.

In the grassland separated by the Buddhist and Taoist Alliance and the Demon Cultivation Alliance, there is a lot of voices. The endless camp was set up in the back of the two alliances, and a group of practitioners were coming out of the rear camp. Although Zhang Fan was taken care of by Tian Chanzi, he was also one of the participants. This situation is acceptable to Zhang Fan.

Under the escort of a group of practitioners, the senior runes of the Buddhist and Taoist Alliance went to the front of the Buddhist and Taoist League and began to serve arrays, arrays, and various powerful and lethal runes. Then, the next batch of senior rune arrayers came up and began some defensive formations under their subordinates until the end.

Then, under the regulation of the senior level of the Buddhist Alliance, the practitioners began to walk to the grassland one after another, preparing to make the last stop with the practitioners. And the Demon Cultivation Alliance is also not idle, and like the Buddhist and Taoist Alliance, let a group of senior rune array masters and their subordinates form one by one.

Zhang Fan is one of the three raid troops of the Buddhist and Taoist Alliance. That is, when the battle reached the white-hot stage, it was perverted from both sides and surprised. Although there are only more than 100 practitioners, their strength cannot be underestimated. A pure Jindan period practitioners.

In this war, practitioners in the Yuanying period are not allowed to take action against practitioners with low levels. That is to say, the practitioners in the Yuanying period fight in heaven, while the practitioners with lower cultivation work hard below.

Zhang Fan looked around and saw that the senior officials of the Buddhist and Taoist League were discussing countermeasures together on the high platform behind.

There is a high platform rising from the sky in the back, stacked in layers, up to 100 feet! On the stage, there are more than 30 infant practitioners discussing again, and all of them are led by an old man. And the old man, suddenly became the first person in the right way, and was the same as the "Southern Demon Ancestor" in the early stage of the world! However, they can't be so casual at this stage. A casual move can tear the space apart. Therefore, whether it is the "South Demon Ancestor" or this Zhengfeng Shangren, it is just an incarnation. You can't even take action.

"All of you, today is the day of our final battle with demons. I don't know if we are ready." Don't worry, Elder Zhengfeng is ready. A man with purple buns laughed. The rest of the Yuanying practitioners nodded one after another and were ready to finish.

On this side of the Buddhist Alliance, two chariots were pushed from the rear. This chariot is made of white jade, and the body also has a large number of arrays to support the body. Above the car, there is a big drum erected. The drum was red, as if it were watered with blood. Next to the drums on both sides, there are two strong men standing. These two big men look serious and solemn. The drum hammer in his hand is blood red, giving people a sense of strangeness.

"Blood boss, you are really willing to pay for it. Even this kind of anti-sky magic weapon has been taken out. Tian Chanzi looked at the two drums that first appeared and said to a Yuanying practitioners next to him. When the true man known as the blood boss heard the words, he couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "You can't take it. Our Blood Soul Sect is so close to here that if the demon practitioners break through it, the first unfortunate sect will be our Blood Soul Sect. By the way, the Chongxian Zhenren of Tianang Sect is also there. I heard that this time, the split of the 'South Demon Ancestor' took action and smashed the sect of Tianang Sect, and finally relied on some of the disciples left by the ancestor of Kaishan to get out of danger. I heard that his grandson was killed, which happened next to the sect of Tianang Sect. In anger, he took action to destroy Tianangzong.

Tianchanzi also nodded and looked at Chongxian Zhenren, which contained sympathy.

Suddenly, the crowd in front of the Buddhist and Taoist League suddenly quarreled, and a path flashed out after a moment. Eight big men were struggling to carry a huge mirror and walk forward. On the mirror, it is wrapped in a piece of green cloth. I don't know what's wrong with this mirror.

"This Yin and Yang Sect is also a big deal, and unexpectedly took out the yin and yang mirror, the treasure of Zhenzong. According to rumors, as soon as this 'yin and yang mirror' came out, it was simply devastating. It's comparable to the practitioners of the general world. Tian Chanzi looked at the huge mirror and couldn't help sighing.

In the middle half of the Buddhist and Taoist League, there is an open space, and there are eight practitioners at the peak of the Golden Dan period sitting cross-legged in the open space, sitting at different corners, saying words in their mouths, and then, looking down from a high sky, they see a huge formation began to operate. Crystals were quickly scrapped. However, the array suddenly shines brightly, condensed into powerful runes, and quickly flew into the sky. After a while, a fireball about ten feet in size slowly fell down, but no one dared to underestimate its power.

But Zhang Fan is very familiar with the breath of the fireball. Because this is the fireball formed by the real fire of the sun! The eight practitioners quickly turned around and looked at the fireball in the field, with their hands imprinted, and then a gorgeous purple light filled the sky, and then slowly wrapped the fireball, and the temperature around it would drop a lot, and it was no longer as hot as before.

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Sorry, I had class yesterday, so there was no update. I don't have much experience in writing big scenes, so please tolerate some unsatisfactory scenes. Thank you. And Da Shao wants to save some manuscripts, but at least he knows that it's not so easy...