Agains the Sky

Chapter 112 Ice Ape

After Zhang Fan, Wang Yi and Xiao Yang left, they were blocked by a boundary in the ice and snow plain, and other city owners also gathered here and looked at the boundary with sad faces.

"Lord Wang Yi, what can we do? We don't have anyone who is good at cracking the boundary." The short and fat old man shook his fat face and walked to Wang Yi tremblingly, with a sad face.

"Do you think I'm good at it?" Wang Yi asked back and looked at the boundary in front of him and was silent.

This boundary is light red, and the dotted runes are looming on this layer of boundary.

"It seems that the secrets of entering the next level are all in this boundary." Wang Yi looked at the boundary in front of him and had no irritation. He raised his right hand, and a black magic flame slowly burned in his palm. Then Wang Yi suddenly hit forward. The magic flame in his hand suddenly turned into a black magic knife and stabbed into the boundary.

I saw the strange depression of the boundary without any damage. Wang Yi felt that the blow seemed to hit the cotton without hurting the boundary at all.

Looking at the boundary slowly squirming back, Wang Yi frowned and said nothing. Everyone around him showed an anxious look. After a while, Wang Yi looked at the boundary in front of him and said in an unquestionable tone, "Brother Nie Qing, you and I hit it with all our strength at one point."

The handsome man nodded, then raised the fan in his hand, and a terrible momentum suddenly rose. Ink appeared from the fan and slowly formed a small mountain in the air. There were springs and flowing water on the mountain, which was very realistic. After the success of the mountain cohesion, the handsome man gasped slightly, and it seemed that this blow was not easy to condense.

Wang Yi, who was beside him, raised his right hand and formed a black magic flame. If you look carefully, you will definitely find something different. Above the magic flame, the space is slightly distorted by burning. There is no doubt about its power.

Wang Yi shouted "Rel free" and saw the mountains heavily on the boundary. The red boundary has changed into a large terrain, concave a large part, but there is still no sign of breaking. At this time, Wang Yi sacrificed the magic flame in his hand and fell lightly on the sunken part of the boundary.

In an instant, the magic flame began to burn crazily, covering a large area of depression. After a while, I only heard a "wave" and the boundary broke up.

Without Zhang Fan and others to react, they suddenly saw a snow-white-haired monster attacking Zhang Fan and others. Because it was too sudden, the whole person was stunned. As a result, a person who was slightly closer to the boundary was unlucky and was punched in the head by the monster, and blood splashed everywhere. In this white ice and snow land, it was particularly dazzling.

"Be careful!" Wang Yi hurriedly released a black magic flame, but the white monster stretched out his big hand and grabbed it directly, grabbed the magic flame, and then pinched it hard and disappeared. The white monster grinned and laughed, which made people's hair stand on end.

"How could this happen?" Wang Yi looked at the crushed magic flame and looked at the white monster with some surprise. He knows best the power of the magic flame. First, he burns the divine consciousness, and then burns the body. And this white monster easily destroyed the black magic flame, and its strength was very horrible.

As soon as Zhang Fan saw the white monster appear, a sense of danger suddenly appeared. He quickly retreated and distanced himself from the white monster. And other low-strength people have also retreated one after another. And Xiao Yang also retreated to protect Zhang Fan.

Only a few infant masters were left to confront the white monster. Wang Yi looked around and said lightly, "Who can tell me what kind of warcraft this is?"

"I remember that this is an ice ape in a cold place!" The short and fat old man was shocked.

Ice ape, a warcraft that can only grow in a strangely cold place, has white fur and has a strong defense against attack. If he attacks it with the magic formula and magic weapon of ice attributes, it is like scratching to him. And he is still powerful and fierce.

"We attacked him together." Wang Yi paused and began to condense the magic flame and attack the ice ape. The ice ape seemed to be very wise. Watching these human beings attack themselves, they began to pick the weakest.

Seeing the ice ape shake, he dodged Wang Yi's magic flame and came to the short and fat old man, with a big furry punch and hit the short and fat old man head-on.

"I'm so angry. Do you think I'm the weakest?" Feeling the strength of that punch, even if he was a short and fat old man in the early stage of Yuanying, he had to avoid the edge for a while.

"Let you suffer!" The short and fat old man grabbed it out of thin air and took out a small bronze mirror, which was the mirror that subdued the dragon.

"Let you eat shit!" The short and fat old man dodged the blow and finally found a chance to fight back. The magic formula was introduced, and the bronze mirror shone brightly, and then a two-headed dog was released.

The two-headed dog's eyes were red and blue. Looking at the ice ape, they immediately rushed out, opened two blood basins, and bit the ice ape.

The ice ape was stunned when it saw the two-headed dogs. As a result, the two-headed dogs suddenly bit one of the arms of the ice ape. From the mouth of the two-headed dog, a red light and a blue light were swimming towards the ice ape.

The ice ape reacted and screamed in pain. Then the other palm pulled down the two-headed dog that bit him. It didn't care about the red light that swam away. His hands tore his hands, and the two-headed dog howled, and his body was divided into two.

When the short and fat old man saw this, he was so scared that he ran to Zhang Fan while crying, "I contributed the most. Even the magic pet is dead. You have to do it well." After saying that, the short and fat old man came to a relatively safe place as if nothing had happened.

After the ice ape tore the two-headed dog, he rushed to the short and fat old man.

"Damn it, it's not over. Why do you always come to me?" The short and fat old man scolded, but he didn't stop for a moment and came to Wang Yi. Looking at the ice ape coming, the short and fat old man smiled ferociously.

The smile fell into Zhang Fan's eyes, and Zhang Fan felt a little horrible, as if something was going to happen. Sure enough, the next moment, the short and fat old man shouted "explosion"! It can be clearly seen that the red and blue lights swimming on the ice ape suddenly became larger, and then exploded with a "bang".

"I won't make you feel good if you kill my dog!" The short and fat old man laughed.

Suddenly, there was an angry howl at the blown ice ape.

The ice ape's whole body was covered with a little color, and his fur was white and red, and he looked very injured. The ice ape's original white eyes were extremely red, and he had the purpose of not giving up with these people.

"Quickly, take action now and attack this ice ape with all your strength." Seeing that the ice ape was seriously injured at this moment, Wang Yi immediately ordered an attack.

The handsome man named Nie Qing still fanned a small fan, and layers of ink appeared from the fan and gathered into a square tripod, pressing down on the ice ape.

The dark and blue light kept flashing out in the small tripod, covering the ice ape and moving at all.

The ice ape felt that it was inconvenient to move, and his eyes flashed. Looking at the small tripod in the sky, he suddenly opened the beginning and exhaled a chill, directly frozing the ink tripod into ice.

Nie Qing was shocked. He didn't expect the coldness of the ice ape to be so severe, but it was too late to regret. He had to hurriedly wave his fan to dissolve the cold air from the ink, but the situation was still not optimistic.

A yellow-haired woman in a palace in the city master's mansion turned her hands, and a jade hairpin appeared in her hand. This jade hairpin is three inches long, and silk runes are displayed on the jade hairpin. This jade hairpin is strange and extraordinary.

The yellow-haired woman suddenly shot the jade hairpin at the ice ape. On the way, the jade hairpin suddenly flashed red and turned into a red lightning, shooting directly at the heart of the ice ape. The ice ape suddenly howled and looked down to see a big hole in his chest. Blood flowed and he couldn't stop.

Suddenly, bursts of cold air from the ice ape's body and rushed to the yellow-haired woman. The ice ape flashed and came to the yellow-haired woman. He stretched out his hands and hugged the yellow-haired woman to death. Then, a cold ice bead was spit out by the ice ape. The ice pearl flashed white and blew itself up with a "bang" .

The short and fat old man in the distance patted his chest in horror and said, "Fortunately, someone took the blame for me. If it were not such explosive power, I couldn't resist ten." This yellow-haired woman is unlucky to have arrived home.

Just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they suddenly rushed out of the snow-white bugs from the broken edge of the boundary. Their bodies were crystal white, and their heads were slightly black, looking extremely cute without any harm.

In just a few breaths, the little bug climbed to the side of the crowd and climbed onto the crowd without everyone's defense.

Cold, this was Zhang Fan's first feeling. Then Zhang Fan reacted and trembled all over, and all the insects that climbed up his body were smashed. Everyone also woke up and removed the bugs on their bodies, but two people found that it was too late to remove the bugs on their bodies. As a result, they were crawled all over their bodies by small insects and frozen into ice sculptures without waiting to do anything.

Everyone rose up and suspended in the air. They looked extremely ugly. Looking at the dense insects on the ground, they couldn't help but feel a little cold.

"I remember." The short and fat old man shouted. This kind of worm is called ice dragonfly. It lives in a cold place and belongs to monsters. An ice dragonfly is not terrible, but wrapped in this group of ice dragons, even those who cultivate demons in the general period will definitely die.

After hearing this, everyone's faces changed. Looking at the dense ice on the ground, they couldn't help but be a little frightened.

"Okay, these ice dragons won't fly in the air. Let's just fly over." The short and fat old man sighed. If it hadn't been for the "Royal Beast's Guide" that specializes in collecting warcraft in his hand, he would have taken in the ice monkey and the ice ape.

Everyone ignored the ice shacks on the ground and flew to the end of the ice and snow.

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Summer vacation is coming, long live the holiday! Da Shao is saving the manuscript.