Agains the Sky

Chapter 175 Chaos

The night in the demon world is extremely dark. Although several stars in the sky jumped out from time to time and spread his brilliance, they were immediately shrouded in endless darkness. Only the magicians can look far away and see the stars in the sky and the faintly visible moon.

However, tonight, the sky in the demon world suddenly became extremely bright. A huge full moon crossed the sky and rose high above the demon world, illuminating the whole sky and emitting layers of halos. And those stars, faintly hidden, only occasionally flashed.

On these strange days, countless demons went out to look at the century-old full moon in the sky. The symbol of this full moon, the people of the demon world can no longer say what it means. It doesn't matter whether to hang mourning on the full moon or other feelings on the full moon. The important thing is that as soon as the full moon comes out, something big will happen in the demon world. This is not a good sign. The previous full moon appeared, followed by the disappearance of the old demon, the succession of the new demon, and then a bloody killing. This full moon that frightles people in the demon world!

When the moon rises higher and higher and rises to a certain height with the speed visible to the naked eye, it emits a strong light and shrouds the land of the demon world. Then, the dazzling light shone the night of the demon world like day. With a loud noise, the full moon burst violently!

The energy generated by the big explosion was directly vented from a million feet high in the sky. Although the aura of heaven and earth is blocking it, the huge pressure directly crushed the land of the whole demon world by three feet! The whole land of the demon world is actually three feet shorter! The power of the explosion, even the demon practitioners at the peak of the transformation period, may not be able to resist it, and directly dissipate from the source and eliminate the world!

Just after the full moon exploded, the light slowly dimmed. Zhang Fan opened his eyes, but was shocked. At this moment, the sky in the demon world is no longer extremely dark and gloomy. Instead, two huge stars keep wandering between heaven and earth, one of which is the most eye-catching. Just between these two stars. But its brilliance is getting darker and darker, and it seems to be worn out in the next moment. And the two colorful stars constantly oppress the black superstar in the middle. Just as the black superstar was about to be wiped out, two kinds of light suddenly erupted on the surface of the black superstar, one of which seemed to be the darkest color in the world. The other is a huge halo interwoven with three-color light, mixed with the darkest color, and then with that

Two stars are competing for brilliance. The next moment, the three stars kept bursting out light, forming a huge space crack, and then the three stars fell into the space crack at the same time, leaving no trace. Only the dark purple starry sky and the condensing clouds in the sky seem to be raining to wash people's tense nerves.

In a while, there began to ruminate thunder outside the room, and the pouring rain poured down, disturbing Zhang Fan's mind. Thinking of the big action of the Tianmo Sect he guessed, he vaguely felt that the Tianmo Sect would definitely talk about this time. Then...

Zhang Fan can't calm down, and his mind is intertated. Although this place is remote, it is not a good place to live for a long time. What's more, this Tianmo Sect has a suspected act of rebellion. If it is bumped into by the army controlled by the Tianmo Sect, I'm afraid there will be a deadly battle. Now I can only go to the city where Brother Wang Yi is and get together with him, so as to protect my third army. Lying in **, Zhang Fan kept thinking about the future of the Third Army.

The Demon Sect did rebel, and the momentum and scale far exceeded Zhang Fan's expectations! Almost sweeping the whole demon world, about one-third of the people in the demon world were brainwashed. Although not all the brainwashed people participated in the war, most of the demon practitioners directly followed the leaders of the Tianmo sect, and some second- and third-rate sects also closely followed the pace of the Tianmo sect, and behind the Tianmo sect, there was an invisible big hand. Constantly disturbing the order and short peace of this demon world! Of course, Zhang Fan doesn't know. At this moment, he is still in a remote mountain village, planning for the future.

Surrender and Heavenly Demon Sect? This is definitely impossible. The Heavenly Demon Sect hates Zhang Fan to the bone at this moment, and it is impossible to let Zhang Fan enter the mountain gate of the Heavenly Demon Sect alive. Because of Zhang Fan, their plan had to be carried out early. Then there is only one way to fight against the Demon Sect. Zhang Fan believes that no matter how powerful the demon sect is, it is impossible to touch most of the army in the demon world. But later, Zhang Fan realized that his idea was wrong.

At dawn the next day, Zhang Fan urged the Third Army to cook food, and then ran to the city guarded by Wang Yi. If nothing happens along the way, Zhang Fan is expected to arrive in 17 or 18 days. But if there is any accident on the way, Zhang Fan is not sure how long it will take to arrive. In short, all this can only be done step by step.

After marching with the Third Army for half a day, it stopped in a medium-sized town. Zhang Fan's Third Army was so powerful that the soldiers guarding the gate had to cheer up and wait.

Zhang Fan signaled the Third Army not to be impulsive and had a conversation with the city gate. The little official was happy to find the owner of the town.

After a while, a short and fat man in a red government, with a high crown and a staggering step, walked out of the city gate, walked to Zhang Fan, hugged his fist and bowed, and said to Zhang Fan, "The villain has no eyes. I don't know that Lord Zhang Fan is coming. Please wait a moment. I will arrange it." After saying that, he turned around and ran back to the city.

After a while, the gate opened, and Zhang Fan, the Third Army and others finally entered such a decent town, but as soon as they entered, Zhang Fan knew that it was a trap.

The gate behind was closed, and countless soldiers jumped onto the wall and shot aimlessly on the people in the Third Army. However, the people in the Third Army were prepared for a long time and did not add new casualties.

Zhang Fan suddenly saw the short and fat man standing on the highest platform, commanding the army to attack. Zhang Fan suddenly saw his anger and threw a "self-broken" to Liu Jia, so he held Ling Zun's sword and rushed to the place of the short and fat man.

Seeing the black light under Zhang Fan's feet, he wanted to fly in the air. But suddenly I felt like I was imprisoned in the sky and couldn't fly at all.

Seeing this, the short and fat man laughed and said, "This area has been imprisoned by me. In this way, you can't escape!"

But Zhang Fan did not give up, because the third army in the rear counterattacked in an orderly manner, giving the enemy more or less pain. It is not at a downfall at this moment. But Zhang Fan knew that if the time was delayed a little longer, the Third Army would be dangerous. So at this moment, Zhang Fan was full of strength. If there was divine help under his feet, the wind under his feet was even faster than flying. He ran to the bottom of the wall in three or two steps and climbed up quickly.

"Quickly, release the arrow, don't let him climb up!" The short and fat man couldn't help but panic when he saw Zhang Fan rushing so fast.

A shower of arrows poured down. The arrows with magic power flew in the air with the sound of whining wind. But this can't bring substantial harm to Zhang Fan. Zhang Fan, who was climbing, did not stop, but rushed to the rain of arrows. The red light flashed in his eyes, and the blood demon gas kept condensing on the surface of his body, and then turned into a huge blood hand, holding the arrows flying in mid-air tightly, and then violently throwing them at the soldiers standing on the wall and shooting bows and arrows.

Probably those archery soldiers never dreamed of dying in their own arrows. Suddenly, the Third Army felt that the pressure was greatly reduced. At this moment, Liu Jia stabilized the situation, and then slowly turned to attack, and the situation gradually became clear.

"Don't shoot arrows anymore!" The short and fat man stamped his feet in the rear. At this moment, he had seen that the arrow was not used for Zhang Fan. Then he clapped his hands, and six tall and very powerful armored soldiers came forward.

"Dead men, now you can kill the climber. If you succeed, I will restore your freedom immediately!"

When the six soldiers heard the words, their eyes lit up, turned into ghost-like figures, and jumped to Zhang Fan.

When Zhang Fan was about to see the top of the wall, his eyes suddenly darkened. A soldier in this armor suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and he still held a cold shining dagger in his hand, and the good aura fluctuated on the dagger.

The next moment, the soldier slammed Zhang Fan's chest with the dagger in his hand. Although Zhang Fan had a hunch and had flashed sideways, his clothes did not escape the disaster. He was swept by the dagger and cut a road.

Just after Zhang Fan wanted to turn around and slap the soldier who attacked him, he found that a cold wind was coming behind him. A soldier with a dagger in his hand appeared behind Zhang Fan and suddenly inserted the dagger in his hand into Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan was unavoidable at this moment, and the blood and evil spirit of his whole body emanated without reservation. That momentum suddenly crashed the people behind him who wanted to sneak up on Zhang Fan!

Zhang Fan looked coldly at the person who wanted to sneak up on him. As soon as he wanted to take action, he suddenly found that a huge power fluctuation came from his sky, so that he could not avoid it and could only take it!

In desperation, Zhang Fan gave up the person in front of him, and a huge force suddenly hit him. Even Zhang Fan felt that the power was too huge and pressed Zhang Fan directly from the wall and fell to the ground.

Zhang Fan looked at the four people in his sky and realized that this was a joint attack. The power of the four people is completely connected, thus bursting out the power beyond the cultivation of the four people.