Agains the Sky

Chapter 234 The Fifth Battle of Immortals and Demons 3

On the second day, Zhang Fan woke up leisurely. In his dream, he dreamed of many people, the kind Huayan patriarch, the very hot-blooded eldest brother Park Yun, and the thoughts left by his mother and father in Yuanying Cave, as well as Yun Yue. Without thinking too much, Zhang Fan stood up, put on the general's armor that had not been worn in the storage space for a long time, took a deep breath, and walked out of the door. He came downstairs and handed over the house number of the room to the innkeeper.

Walking out of the inn, Zhang Fan suddenly saw a familiar figure, who was Xiao Yang, the array master beside the demon master. When Xiao Yang saw Zhang Fan, a smile flowed from the corners of his eyes and said, "What's the matter? I haven't seen this girl for a long time and forgot who I am?" Only then did Zhang Fan find that Xiao Yang was wearing women's clothes today, which was beautiful.

Zhang Fan shook his head and said, "How can I forget you?"

"It's still smart. Nuo, this token is a token of the Demon Lord. With this token, you can order all the people in the demon world to do things for you, including me, the blood flame and the political soul. Hee hee, now you can become one person and more than ten thousand people. Zhang Fan was also knocked unconscious by the pie falling from the sky and didn't understand the devil's intention for a moment.

Little Yang saw Zhang Fan frowning and whispered, "He knows that you need strength to do something. Don't worry, he can still help with this. He believes that you won't do bad things with this token. After saying that, Xiao Yang turned into a breeze and disappeared in front of Zhang Fan's eyes.

Zhang Fan held the token tightly in his hand, and the figure like a brother came to his mind, which warmed his heart. Half a day later, he recovered and rushed to the place he had agreed with the Third Army. In the black palace, a glance looked at Zhang Fan's departure and took back after a long time.

"Did he accept it?" Xiao Yang appeared behind him, and the demon asked.

"Ye." Xiao Yang nodded and said.

"Well, turn on the map. It's time to show all the actions of the past hundreds of years to the world." The devil's eyes are full of expectations and warm war. Wait, Feather, I'm going to beat you seriously. According to the agreement, after you are seriously injured, that person will definitely take action and turn the fairyland upside down!"


When he came to the place agreed with Zhang Fan and the Third Army, he saw the secret codes that only the Third Army could understand engraved on the trees. On the residential houses, Zhang Fan's eyes showed surprise, and then walked to a cave where they were hiding. Although there is no light in the previous journey, Zhang Fan can see things clearly in the dark with his profound cultivation.

After a while, a few sparse fire lights appeared, and Zhang Fan knew that the place where they hid was not far away. My lord." When the Third Army saw Zhang Fan's arrival, they were happy, and even some soldiers quietly shed tears. Zhang Fan was a little surprised and said, "Why do you live in this humble cave?"

"The group of people in the village are very vigilant. Even if we release our magic, they still won't let it. I have no choice but to come here and wait for the return of adults. The leader of the new Third Army said. After hearing this, Zhang Fan didn't have much. He just asked how many people were left in the Third Army. Zhang Fan, who got the answer, was even more shocked, leaving only 500 people here. Think about the powerful Third Army in those years, with an extremely powerful 2,000 people, less than 500 people until now. If it is full, it will be lost.

Zhang Fan really doesn't want these people to be cannon fodder in the war. He took a deep breath and said, "You all go home. You can't fight this war anymore." My lord, why? The soldiers asked curiously.

"This is the last battle between the demon world and the fairy world. A pawn like us is just the life of cannon fodder. Don't make any more indifferent sacrifices." Zhang Fan sighed.

"Your Excellency, I don't know what cannon fodder is. All I know is that the fairyland people have invaded our land. Even if we all die in battle, we can't let the fairyland people live a good day!" A strong soldier said. These words knocked out the hearts of many soldiers, all of whom looked excited and wanted to rub their hands and do it.

Zhang Fan knew what they were thinking, but he couldn't help saying, "If you really don't want to participate in this war, you can stand up. We won't say anything. Even I don't want to participate in this war." Everyone was silent and no soldier stood up.

Zhang Fan looked at the living lives in front of him and said loudly, "Since you insist on doing so, I won't say anything more. I can't guarantee that any of you will survive in the end, but what I can guarantee is that you can die standing and die gloriously!"

"Thank you!" The soldiers said in unison. In this golden horse's breath, Zhang Fan seems to have returned to the time when he had just trained this third army.

"Let's go." Zhang Fan led the remaining 500 people of the Third Army and rushed to the place of the decisive battle with the fairyland.

A day later, Zhang Fan led the third army to the battlefield, and the intention of killing permeated the whole plain. Opposite the plain is the fairyland army. A stream of powerful momentum that can't be lower than the transformation period has blown away the dark weather over the demon world. Auspicious clouds floated on the army of the fairyland, and bursts of fairy sounds stirred up. If the sky above the immortal soldiers is heaven, then the above the demon soldiers is simply a group of demons dancing. The magic cloud is dense, and there are several pairs of bloody eyes shuttle back and forth in the center of the magic cloud, which is extremely terrible.

And the demon army has already assembled one after another, waiting for the final battle with the fairyland. Originally, Zhang Fan wanted to be familiar with the terrain, but when he saw that time was running out, he went to his mind. He didn't expect that not far from this battlefield, there are the Moyun Mountains, one of the fierce places in the demon world that are winding and ups like dragons! The mountain where even Buddhas and demons are afraid!

After Zhang Fan returned the Third Army to the Shuxian Army, he could directly go to the core command post of the army to discuss matters due to his identity in the later period of the general boundary. This is the supreme glory of power. Those army commanders watched Zhang Fan enter the command post, and all kinds of complex emotions surged into their hearts. They were all human beings and could not get rid of their seven emotions and six desires.

After entering the house, Zhang Fan saw a group of people surrounded the middle of the sand table, carefully studying the map and the defense of the fairyland army. According to the detective, the peripheral layout of the fairyland army has been basically clear, but the core layout is unknown. Although the demon world has buried dark seeds in the fairyland army, it has never been able to mix with the high-level of the fairyland army. If the Demon Lord hadn't killed all the fairyland detectives in the Troll Peak a few days ago, otherwise today's battle plan would have been leaked.

General Blood Flame presided over the whole situation. After studying for a day, the blood flame raised his head and said to everyone: "In this situation, conspiracy and conspiracy are completely useless. Now it's just fighting, it's strength. Strength can crush everything. Therefore, everyone here must fight with all their strength after the war, so that they can survive and let the demon world win this war!"

Zhang Fan listened to the analysis of the blood flame and looked at the whole landform of the sand table and the demon continent. Zhang Fan suddenly thought of something. Looking carefully at the continent of the demon world, Zhang Fan sighed in his heart that this immortal really played a good move. If the fairyland wins this war, it can occupy the demon world and become the lord of the three worlds. If you lose, it will only hurt your vitality. Similarly, the demon world is powerless to fight again. Through the civil war, the demon world has lost part of its vitality. After this war, it is unable to attack the fairyland again. Regardless of the outcome of this war, the two worlds will not be able to engage in another large-scale war in hundreds of years.

By the time, the armies of both sides also began to move forward slowly, and the senior generals in the army also came to the front of the battle and began to greet each other. However, each other's eyes are full of murder, which makes people feel very interesting. Zhang Fan glanced at the remaining six golden armor commanders on the opposite side and understood that he killed not only a few in Shu Xian's hands, but also several gold armor commanders in other armies. When Zhang Fan's eyes glanced at a woman wearing a veil, Zhang Fan immediately thundered. He saw the familiar figure, the girl who haunted her, Yunyue!

Although Yunyue's clothes have changed a lot, Zhang Fan still recognized it at a glance. He looked at her in such a daze that everything disappeared in his eyes for a moment, leaving her alone. Yun Yue seemed to feel that someone had been staring at her. A pair of beautiful eyes couldn't help glancing over. A man in the opposite camp looked at him in a daze, with an infinite gentle look in his eyes.

Yun Yue wanted to stare at him, but her chest was stuffy, as if she would make herself uncomfortable, and she wanted to hate it but couldn't do it. I feel that this person is very familiar, but I can't remember his name and where I have seen him. Like the hairpin on the head, it is a very important part.

Zhang Fan saw Yunyue's eyes and looked at him. Zhang Fan only felt endless cold and looked at himself as if he were looking at strangers, which made Zhang Fan feel a pain. She doesn't remember me." Zhang Fan muttered. Thinking of the period with Yunyue, Zhang Fan was even more sad. He couldn't help meditating on the secret in his heart, hoping to relieve this pain.

Zhang Fan raised his head again and saw a man wearing silver armor and half a silver mask beside Yunyue. A murderous spirit emerged from Zhang Fan's eyes and slowly spread around. The rest of the generals looked at Zhang Fan one after another and said secretly, "This boy has a great hatred with the fairyland. He will definitely kill the enemy desperately on the battlefield. In this way, he will be appreciated by the Demon Lord, then..." As a result, those who were a little greedy and afraid of death were aroused by Zhang Fan's murderous spirit and forgot to die. All this was unexpected by Zhang Fan. Now there is only one voice in Zhang Fan's heart to kill this masked man who brought shame to himself!

The silver masked man felt a murderous intent locking him and looked at the demon army opposite with some doubt. As a result, he saw Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan, who was fine with his sword. The silver masked man was immediately surprised. He, a master of the Yuanying period, split a sword of the rebirth cultivation man and survived, which surprised the silver mask man.

"Who is he?" Yunyue's cold voice came. This time, the man in the silver mask was even more surprised. Yunyue never said a word to herself along the way, and this time she took the initiative to talk to herself. This made the man in the silver mask very happy. However, looking at Zhang Fan's look, he was very alert.

"Yunyue finally spoke to me. However, the first sentence actually asked who he was. It seems that I will invite him to fight and kill him in a while to eliminate future trouble. The silver masked man thought to himself. He is one of my enemies. The man in the silver mask replied in a low voice. Moreover, it was still close to Yunyue's ear, and his movements seemed extremely ambiguous. After saying that, he looked at Zhang Fan and provoked him.

This makes Zhang Fan's killing more intense. I can't wait to go up and cut him with thousands of knives! Yunyue didn't come when she saw Zhang Fan like this. Suddenly, her heart ached, mixed with a sense of joy. She didn't understand her current state. However, seeing that the man in the silver mask was so close to him, E frowned and said, "Yinliang, you are too close to me."

Hearing this, Yin Liang withdrew his neck and only remembered a wisp of fragrance he smelled from his body close to Yunyue's ear. Yunyue, I must get you!" Silver shouted crazily in his conscience.

At this time, Zhang Fan slowly pressed the huge murder into his heart and turned it into a huge motivation! Kill Yinliang's motivation!

At this time, General Blood Flame came out from the rear of the army and looked at Zhang Fan. His eyes were extremely sharp and seemed to be able to stab Zhang Fan's heart, and all the secrets could not be hidden. This shocked Zhang Fan. Seeing the blood flame march to the front of the battle, Zhang Fan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. His eyes were so terrible.

On the opposite side, he walked out of the captain of the twelve golden armor commanders, the first killing god under the Feather Emperor Xianzun of the fairy world, heaven.

"Long time no see, God." The bloody flame smiled without a smile.

"Are you safe and sound?" The sky replied. A strong smell of gunpowder permeated. And the momentum of the two people also spread out. The momentum of the two peerless strong men collided, and even the invisible and colorless thing like air was compressed by the two people one after another, and the color of heaven and earth changed.

"You and I can't take action, and our people can take action. How about sending five people from all sides? Win three games!" Heaven is arrogant.

"Come as soon as you come, but this is just a warm-up before the war. When the Total War begins, I will wait for you in the Little Xuanjie!"

"Absolutely wait for you to the end!" Tian held his fists and then returned to the barracks. In a short time, a young general came to the demon army to call for battle.

Xueyan looked around and said to his men around him, "Wenyang, be sure to take down this man!"


Cvin. It took three hours to type this chapter, which was very angry. It will be updated today. Da Shao strives to recover. If a miracle happens, there will be a second update in the evening.