Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 5 Spring Appears

Su Zhi took the medicine she had prescribed. The itching on her body did not often attack, but the spots still did not go down. No matter how optimistic she was, she began to feel distressed.

"Does God let me live again just to make me suffer once?"

Su Zhi muttered to herself, looking at the spots on the back of her hand, which were the scabs that healed after they were broken, but she knew that there would be another layer of spots after the scabs fell soon. She had seen it. As a woman, no matter how patient she looked at these spots, her heart was as annoyed as Come on, sometimes I wish I couldn't be reborn. Only Shen Zi'an's constant comfort around her can make her feel better.

Thinking of Shen Zi'an, Su Zhi thought how kind he should be to tolerate being cheated into marrying his own daughter-in-law who has not gone to the Zhao family to return the goods. She is sick, and she is not a sick beauty like Xi Shi. She touched the uneven skin on her face and knew that her face must be ugly, but Shen There was no dislike at all, and he didn't even avoid his eyes, which also made Su Zhi feel that he was a good man.

"If he can get better, it's also good for a rural couple to do this with him. He will be very happy to be in pain." Su Zhi thought, and her heart was full of expectations, but when will the disease be healed?

Su Zhi was a little itchy again. She gently touched it to stop itching and didn't dare to scratch it hard. The more she thought about it, the more depressed she felt, and she couldn't help muttering and complaining.

"Damn God! Since you have given me such a good man, why do you make me suffer so much? Even if others are reborn, they don't give them a space power, at least give them a healthy body. Why is it like this when they come to me?

Su Zhi has never been a person who complains about heaven. Even if her life is bumpy since she was a child, she has always been optimistic. She works harder with her own ability to live a better life, but this time she is really a little unfair to God. She thought how lucky the heroines in those novels were. Even if she was ordinary, as long as she had the welfare of rebirth, she wanted to be rich and good-looking from now on. She didn't care too much about money, but thought that if she could find such a spring water to drink a bath like those heroines, she would have no diseases. How good?

Su Zhi thought so and couldn't help saying it gently. As a result, she found that a magical scene suddenly appeared in front of her.

I saw a white lotus flower on the soil in the thatched hut, white as snow, emitting a faint fragrance. These lotus flowers grow in a pool of water. The water is extremely clear, with a ripple of green color, almost as green as the lotus leaves, which makes people can't help but want to take a sip.

"What's going on?!"

Su Zhi opened her eyes wide when she saw this scene and even forgot itching. After blinking several times, she found that the white lotus flowers were still there. She suddenly realized that her complaint might have been heard by God!

"It turns out that there are really benefits! God didn't treat me lightly!"

Su Zhi's heart was full of ecstasy. She couldn't help jumping out of bed and putting her hand into the spring. She felt the cool feeling. Then she believed that she was not dazzled or dreaming. Truly, she also had the benefits from heaven like those novel heroines, which was this spring water.

Su Zhi hurriedly put her hand into the spring and soaked it for a while. She took it out and was a little disappointed, and the spots on her hand still existed. She hurriedly picked it up and drank it several times, and felt it was delicious. Then he quietly felt the body's reaction and was disappointed again. Not only was the spot, but also the itching did not stop.

Why is it like this? Others have all the diseases after drinking a few sip of water or taking a shower, and have been reborn into a beauty. Why is it useless to come here?

Su Zhi sat on the ground in disappointment, regardless of whether it was dirty or cold. After the great joy, the great disappointment made her, who had experienced too many ups and downs, a little lost.

"Do I have to wait for a while to get the fruit? It's like taking medicine?"

Su Zhi still didn't believe that God gave her an ordinary spring water. She found a reason to relax herself, and then clenched her fist tightly and thought that it was nothing. If there was no effect, she would definitely live. As long as she lived, there was hope. What's more, it's not all harvestless. Isn't there a pool of spring water? At least you don't have to worry about drinking water in the future.

Su Zhi comforted herself optimistically, and as a result, she opened her eyes and found that the pool of spring water suddenly disappeared in front of her eyes...

"No way..."

Su Zhi touched the ground with both hands and touched the soil of both hands. There was only a solid land in front of her. She wanted to cry without tears. You were too stingy to go to heaven. I just wanted to live without spring water, but I didn't say I asked you to take it back. I didn't dislike it at all Question mark

"Even if I complain, I don't have to play tricks like this!"

With the ups and downs, Su Zhi clenched her fist angrily and hit the ground fiercely. As a result, the spring came out again in the blink of an eye. The spring water hit the water, and the water was everywhere.

Su Zhi's mouth twitched, thinking about what was going on, and then there was a flash of inspiration in her mind. She thought that the heroines in the novel could find that the space was generally accidentally discovered like herself. Some people's space is on objects, such as necklaces, bracelets, rings and jade pendants, some people have fetal marks or red moles on their bodies, and some people don't have either. There are also several ways to enter the space. Some people want to touch it, some people want to say a password, and some people just need to think about it.

Su Zhi has no space. She only has such a pool of spring water, but it is the same.

Thinking that she seemed to have said something just now that there was no space, of course, she also thought about it. She tried to make the pool of spring disappear, said a few words, what disappeared, no, said, the spring still there. I thought about it in my heart and the same result. Su Zhi wondered if she needed to touch something, but she didn't touch anything just now. After thinking about it carefully, she tried to clench her fists and thought that the spring water would disappear, but she succeeded this time!

Su Zhi clenched her fist and thought about appearing again, and as a result, the pool of spring water appeared again!

Su Zhi suppressed the joy in her heart, but held the spring and didn't think about anything. The spring was still green there. She let go of her fist and thought that the spring would disappear, and the spring did not disappear.

Now Su Zhi understood that if she wanted to make the pool of spring water appear or disappear, she had to hold her left fist, and she had to think about the command in her heart!

"Why do you have to hold your left hand? You can't even hold your right hand."

Su Zhi opened her left hand and looked carefully, and then found that there was a small cyan mark on her palm, only one centimeter in size, which looked like a small crescent moon. Because she has spots on her hands, Su Zhi can't look at her hands carefully at all, so she hasn't found it.

Looking at this little green crescent, Su Zhi suddenly understood why there was this pool of spring water.

Su Zhi had been holding a crescent-shaped jade pendant in her hand before she died in her previous life. It was left by her grandfather. It was said that it was passed down from her family. The jade pendant was as green as this spring, and the spring water was also in the shape of a curved moon. She thought that she was able to be reborn and

"Grandpa, thank you. I will have a good life."

Su Zhi stroked the blue crescent moon with tears in her eyes, thinking that even if the spring could not cure her illness, she would be very happy.

At this time, the door rang, and Shen Zi'an came in.

*** Ask for tickets, just tap your little finger, and that's it.