Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 11 Private Money

Su Zhi appeared in the spring, and the first thing that came into sight were the white lotus flowers. Those lotus flowers were particularly fresh and touching. Although they were not as elegant and beautiful as peonies, they were so noble and refined. Usually, Su Zhi liked to appreciate them. Today, she couldn't help but be happy at first sight, so she Above, I kissed the delicate petals and thought that the lotus flower raised from the spring water was good, delicate and fragrant. No wonder the vegetables grew so good.

After kissing the lotus flower, Su Zhi squatted down and looked at the spring and said, "Spring water, spring water, I really underestimated you in the past. You are really a spiritual spring. In the future, my good life will depend on you, but don't worry, I won't waste it at will, and I won'

Su Zhi was happy here, and Shen Zi'an was in a good mood over there, with a smile on the corners of his mouth.

"Yo, the fourth brother is in a good mood. What, did the fourth brother-in-law make delicious food for you? I can see that you have cigarettes there. I don't know what delicious food has been made. Even if you don't give it to us, you should send some to your parents.

Sun Shi was serving vegetables. When she saw Shen Zi'an, she said softly. She hates Shen Zi'an now. If her man hadn't pretended to be ill, and the weather was cold day by day, they would really want to collect firewood and water for Shen Zhu every day and send a bath bucket. If so, the firewood and It's all about falling on your own room. After all, if you have time to collect firewood and water for Shen Zhu, just to take a shower, why can't you pick up firewood, water, cook and do laundry for the house?

But even so, they also put in 20 cents in their three rooms, which Shen Zhang wanted, saying that since they dared to agree to Shen Zhu, they could take out the money to buy buckets and let them take out the money.

Sun Shi cried and made trouble, saying that there was no money. Wang Shi said that he would go to their room to look for it. Shen Zhu's face was not good-looking. Shen Ziju was also watching. Sun didn't want to offend so many people, especially Shen Ziju, who was likely to be an old man in the future. In the end, I had to bargain and paid 20 cents. Wang also satirized that they had hidden private money. She could only say that it was given to her by her mother's family, but who would believe it? Her mother's family was as stingy as her, and she was also stingy with her daughter. She took things from her mother-in-law's house to her mother's house

Twenty yuan, a catty of fat pork is only 17 yuan, and you can buy twenty eggs!

The more Sun thought about it, the more distressed she was. She had saved a lot of private money over the years, but she also had a lot of 20 cents. Her own money was distressed. When she took it out, her heart was dripping with blood!

The Sun family resented Shen Zhang, resented the old man Shen, resented Shen Zhu, resented Shen Ziju, and also resented Wang, but the most resentful people were Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi. If Su Zhi hadn't had nothing to take a shower, how could she mention this? If Shen Zi'an hadn't pushed this matter to her, how could this 20 cents have gone out?!

Sun doesn't want to be wrong at all. She only thinks about other people's faults. Usually, when she sees Shen Zi'an, she will stab a few words, and now she is even more energetic.

Wang Shi listened and didn't say anything, but he was thinking about what was on his mind.

Now Su Zhi's money for seeing a doctor and taking medicine is not a playboy's money, but in the past, he spent a lot and almost emptied most of it. And if Shen Zi'an doesn't have enough money in the future, even if the Shen family ignores them, in the end, they will pay out for the sake of fame. The Shen family can not think about the family's reputation for those juniors who have not yet been married, but they can't help but think about Shen Ziju. He will test for fame I still pay more attention to it.

Wang's family is not annoying to Shen Zi'an, otherwise she would not have thought of telling her aunt's cousin to him at the beginning. Shen Zi'an pushed her sister and she was a little unhappy, but Shen Zi'an was for the marriage contract, and she had no choice. But now she is thousands of dissatisfied with his daughter-in-law. If she lives together all the time, sooner or later it will harm the Shen family. They can't get rid of their room. She has to think about it for the children.

Wang has this idea, so when the Sun family is looking for trouble for Shen Zi'an, she is always silent. What she thinks is that the Sun family can get Shen Zi'an and his wife out of this family, so that they don't have to worry about filling them all day long. Now listening to Sun's saying that Shen Zi'an and his family ate well, she thought even more so.

Li was coming to bring vegetables. When she heard this scene, she looked at Shen Zi'an with some worry. She knew that Shen Zi'an had married such a daughter-in-law, which disgusted her family. Now he could leave the money he made, and the young couple went to eat the small stove, which made some people in the Shen family envious In fact, she is also envious. Who doesn't want to leave the hard-earned money in their own hands? Who doesn't want to give something good to those close to them? It's just that she doesn't vent her anger on Shen Zi'an like others. Shen Zi'an is a good person, and she is also worried about this brother-in-law.

"Third sister-in-law, what are you talking about? There will be dinner at home. Where can the fourth brother-in-law cook again? I think it's boiling water. Fourth brother, the fourth brother-in-law looks better.

Li is looking for a step for Shen Zi'an.

When Shen Zi'an heard Li mention Su Zhi, his unhappy mood improved a little and said, "She is much better. She is no longer itchy, and the spots on her body have not spread again."

"That's good. Fourth brother, take the meal back quickly. Don't starve her. It's easy for people to panic when they are hungry, which is not good for the condition."

Shen Zi'an nodded, took the meal and left. When he passed the Sun family, he said, "Third sister-in-law, if you are so filial, you can be filial to your parents in person. I remember that you went to the Lijia embroidery shop at the last market. I heard that you made a lot of money

Sun's face turned white, he took a quick look at Wang, and said in a shrill voice, "What are you talking about?! You must have misread it. I didn't go there. You are wronging me!"

"If you are wronged, you will know as long as you go there and ask. Yes, you can only ask Mrs. Li, who collects embroidery there. Your embroidery is only in her hands."

After Shen Zi'an finished speaking, he ignored the Sun family and left sick. Originally, he didn't want to pay attention to women's private money. He used to do this kind of thing. It can be said that no one in the family doesn't do it. This matter is harassible. However, Sun is very idle. If he has time to make trouble with him, of course he will find something for her to do.

"Sun, I told you to hide your private money. Sure enough, you are really good at it. Let your parents see what to do about it!"

Wang and Sun have always been at peace. Now that they have caught the handle of the Sun family, how can they let it go, so they hummed and walked out with the last bowl of rice. They want to go out now. I guess Sun can save this meal.

"Sister-in-law, don't listen to the fourth brother's nonsense! He's talking nonsense. Don't tell your parents! Sister-in-law, you don't want to go. I'll give you half of the money!"

When Sun saw that Wang ignored her, he could only bear the pain and take out the benefits.

Wang Shi stopped, but this was also heard, and it was also heard by Shen Zhang and Shen Zhu.

"It turned out that the third sister-in-law was so rich and generous that she was willing to give half to her sister-in-law. Last time she just wanted to make a bath bucket for me to pay the debt, and finally she cried for 20 cents. It seems that my sister and I don't have a good relationship with you. It's no better than your sister-in-law.

Shen Zhu squeezed her rosy lips and looked at Sun's. Her voice was still delicate, but she was dissatisfied, which made Sun's face blush and white. It also made Wang look a little bad. It's false to say that she is not interested in Sun's private money, but she just hesitated. Now that she is heard, it's really awkward. Now, she pushed the boat along the water and repeated what Shen Zi'an said again. It's good to think that even if Sun's money falls to the public school, it can make her parents loosen up and force them less.

Shen Zhangshi stared at Sun and asked Wang to search for Sun's house and let Sun get it himself. Then he would definitely hide the money. It's better to let people search directly.

The Sun clan cried and shouted anxiously, and the whole family who was about to eat came over, but this was Shen Zhang's order, and it was Sun's fault. Everyone was silent. Shen Ziping and one of his three sons and one of his daughters were trying to stop them, but Shen Youfu stared, and they all withered.

In the end, Sun's private money was found to have about three taels of silver. Looking at the glittering broken silver away from him, Sun suddenly fainted.