Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 24 Daughter-in-law, I'll sleep with you in my arms

Shen Zifu Shen Zigui looked at the empty pot and saw that Shen Zi'an and his couple only ate one bowl. Both of them were a little embarrassed. Shen Zifu lowered his head, and Shen Zigui's face also turned red. They just said that they were not hungry, but now they eat so much and feel that they haven't eaten enough.

Su Zhi is very happy to see that the porridge she made is so popular. Although this is the credit of the vegetables grown in the spring, there is also her craftsmanship in it. Who doesn't like the food she cooked? And it also proves that the vegetables grown in the spring are really loved by everyone. In the future, she will make money, and she I don't care how much others eat.

"Brother, second brother, the pot at home is not very big, so I've only cooked so much. I'll cook another pot for you. Wait a minute, just a minute. Zi'an, talk with the two brothers for a while.

Su Zhi stood up to cook porridge again. She was also a little embarrassed. The pot at home was bought by Shen Zi'an himself. It was used to bathe and boil water for her. It was not very big, and she did not control the amount of food for several big men, so that there would be a situation that people had not eaten enough of this kind It's a dereliction of duty.

Shen Zifu quickly said, "No, no, the fourth sister-in-law, you don't have to go. We are already full, and we will have dinner when we go home later. You don't have much food, so you have to save some food.

"Yes, the fourth sister-in-law, don't be polite. We just smelled the porridge really fragrant, so we were shy to drink it. Originally, we wanted to eat only one bowl, but no matter how delicious it was, we added another bowl with a shy face. I'm really sorry. You don't have much food."

Su Zhijue's two people are quite practical. He thinks that they can have more contacts in the future. In ancient times, it was always good to have someone to help them. It's okay to pull their legs like Shen Zhang and Sun, but it's reassuring to have a relationship like these two people.

"Big brother and second brother, you're welcome. It's just a few bowls of porridge. I can still eat my cooking. When I settle down, I'll invite the two brothers to have a good meal. If the two sisters-in-law and nephews and nieces don't mind, please come together and have fun together."

Shen Zifu and Shen Ziguijue's Su Zhi is really good at talking. His voice is like a jade plate, which gently gives people a feeling of spring breeze brushing his face. Looking at Su Zhi's still covered face, his heart flashed regret. If he wants this sister-in-in-law's illness can be cured, then

After eating the porridge, it was not early, and the eldest brother of the Shen family said goodbye and went back.

Close the door of the upper house, Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi hold hands and look at everything in the yard. Although there are only three broken grass houses and three trees, it looks really desolate, but this is their home. No one will be qualified to let them leave in the future, and there is no need to hide from others. Both of them are very

"Su Zhi, daughter-in-law, let's live a good life in the future. I will build a good house here for you to live in. If you don't like it here, we can also live somewhere else."

"I like it here. There is a mountain in front of me. We can go up the mountain together. You hunt, I pick fruits and wild vegetables, and there is a bamboo forest next to it. It is a good place to enjoy the cool. There is the ground behind, and it is very convenient to go down. The place here is also big. At that time, we will have money, expand the yard and build a few more houses. At that time, I will talk about what kind of house to build, okay?"

Su Zhi has thought about it. She wants to build a quadrangle courtyard. When she has more money, she will circle the open space in front of her, make it into a garden, dig a pond to grow lotus flowers to raise fish, and take a walk next to her when she has nothing to do. How leisurely it should

"Ep, it's up to your daughter-in-law."

Shen Zi'an looked at Su Zhi's shining eyes and felt that her energetic appearance made him like her gentle appearance. He always felt that there was something in his heart, and it was warm and comfortable. He just wanted to stand beside his daughter-in-law like this and look at her and smile.

Before it got dark, Shen Zi'an wanted to cut some thatch. Now some of the thatch has dried up. If you cut it back and dry it overnight, it will be dry tomorrow. You can put it directly on the roof tomorrow, which can save some time. Su Zhi also wants to go with Shen Zi'an.

"My illness is better now. It's good for my health to move more." Su Zhi said, afraid that Shen Zi'an would not agree, and said, "I'm not going to cut the grass. I'll watch it, okay?"

Shen Zi'an saw that Su Zhi really wanted to go, so he agreed.

Su Zhi untied the chicken's feet and put it in the basket. She wants Shen Zi'an to make a nest for it tomorrow. Forget it this year and raise some chickens next year. Now the eggs are also precious.

The two of them locked the door and then went out.

Shen Zi'an knew where the thatched grass was. He took Su Zhi to the bamboo forest, which was not far from their house, but they walked in the direction of the mountain, so they walked for about five or six minutes and stopped on the edge of the bamboo forest, where there was a large piece of grass. Shen Zi'an asked Su Zhi to rest,

Su Zhi looked around and felt that this was really a good place. The air was fresh and quiet. She had always lived in the city, and later went to the suburbs to live in order to nourish her health, but there was no such scenery there. Only here was the quiet home she had always dreamed of.

Shen Zi'an mow the grass quickly. Su Zhi helped to bundle the thatch into bundles on the side. Before dark, the two cut a lot of thatch. Shen Zi'an tied the thatch bundle with a rope and carried several bundles at once, making Su Zhi blink, thinking that he was quite strong and let him carry less. Shen Zi'an smiled and said that the grass was light, and then asked Su Zhi to follow him.

When the two arrived at home, Shen Zi'an didn't let Su Zhi go and asked her to wait at home. He went to recite it several times and finally carried it all back. At this time, the sky also became dark.

Both of them only ate a bowl of porridge and worked hard again. Of course, they were hungry again. Su Zhi began to cook porridge again without cooking more. Su Zhi wanted to give Shen Zi'an three bowls, and one bowl was enough for her. Finally, Shen Zi'an drank more than two bowls and gave Su Zhi half a bowl. Both of them were full.

After dinner, Shen Zi'an went to wash the dishes, and it was completely dark. Because it was cold, Su Zhi didn't take a shower every day, so there was nothing else to do. Su Zhi didn't let Shen Zi'an light the oil lamp. The two lay ** early. The house was a little leaky, and even if it was Roll yourself in the quilt.

"Daughter-in-law, are you cold? I'll hold you."

Shen Zi'an whispered in the dark that his daughter-in-law used to wake up in his arms in the morning. He was used to it and knew that she might be cold. Now that both of them have opened their hearts, and their daughter-in-law will always be his own daughter-in-law. Can he sleep with her in his arms?

Su Zhi blushed in the dark and was quiet for a while. When Shen Zi'an thought she would not come, she slowly moved over.

Shen Zi'an lifted the quilt, rolled Su Zhi into his own quilt, put her feet in the middle of his feet, hugged her, and then covered both quilts on his body, which suddenly warmed up.

Their faces were very close, and their breath fell on each other's faces. Finally, Su Zhi moved her face down, but her breath fell on Shen Zi'an's neck again.

Shen Zi'an's face also turned red, holding Su Zhi tightly in her arms, but it would not make her uncomfortable. Su Zhi listened to Shen Zi'an's heartbeat, with a smile on the corners of her mouth, and both of them fell asleep sweetly.

***Marry first, then fall in love. If you want meat, hand over the ticket~~~