Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 33 Enging

Liu Siniang's matter did not stop Su Zhi from moving forward. She continued to move in the direction of the river and soon walked to the other end of the ground and saw the river.

This river is the river they came from the riverside village. It just turned a corner and flowed to the east. The width of the river is a little wider than that on the edge of the village. Perhaps it is because no one often goes to the river. The grass on both sides of the river is a little high, the reeds are much more lush, Flying back and going, it's a large group of people.

The other side of the river is a road, and the other side of the road is a field. Now it is green, which is much better than the land here.

There are pedestrians on the road, and there are several people in the field, but it is not the busy season now, and it is not very busy.

Su Zhi saw it and turned back.

Shen Zi'an came back quite early. He came back before nine o'clock (from nine to eleven o'clock). Those prey were sold out, he bought a lot of things, and filled the bamboo basket. I didn't come back until my hand was full of things.

Su Zhi looked at what he bought. He also bought some rice and white flour, a small can of oil, a bag of salt, green onion and garlic, a piece of fat pork, and a piece of pork belly. In addition, I also bought cloth, which is light blue with white flowers. At first glance, it was bought for Su Zhi.

"Daughter-in-law, this is the fabric I bought for you. You are skillful. Make your own clothes. You must look good in this dress."

Shen Zi'anjue's Su Zhi is gentle, and it is most suitable to wear such a blue.

Su Zhi looked at him and said, "I don't have much money at home. I have to save money. My clothes are not broken, but you want to buy some clothes."

Shen Zi'an smiled and said, "I can wear whatever I want as a man. If it's broken, I have a daughter-in-law to mend it for me, and I'm happy to wear it."

Su Zhi thought that Shen Zi'an actually had a handsome face and was a little cold when he didn't speak, but once he smiled, he looked very gentle, especially when talking to her, he could always say something that made her heart sweet and warm. Just after he said such a word, she didn't say anything and lowered her head to play with the things she bought.

Su Zhi also asked Shen Zi'an to buy back the needle and thread. He only bought one needle, but he bought a lot of threads. There are general threads and embroidered threads.

Su Zhi not only needs to sew clothes, but also wants to embroider and make money, which is also a way to make money. Although she has a spiritual spring in her hand, it's almost winter now. In this era, there is no such thing as growing vegetables in winter. The greenhouse is unrealistic. She can only wait for the time being. If she can't, she will wait until next spring to make the spiritual spring show its prestige. So this winter, she has to make money by hand.

I didn't buy many embroidered threads. I only bought a wisp of several colors, and there was a piece of cloth that Shen Zi'an asked for from the cloth seller. This is what Su Zhi wanted. She had to embroider a few patterns first, so that when she finished the embroidery and took it to the shopkeeper of the embroidery, they would Ju Suzhi still knows it.

As for Luozi, Su Zhi can also play. Before learning embroidery, she learned to play Luozi. There are many ways to play Luozi in later generations. She has learned a lot. It is estimated that she will play the same one day in a year, and she will not play repeatedly in a year. Many of them have been passed down from later generations. She doesn't believe that there will be in this era. Even if there is a coincidence, it won't be all. It is the most likely to make money from this at present, and it is faster than embroidery.

Su Zhi asked Shen Zi'an. At this time, the Luozi is hollow and can be loaded. Like the Chinese knot, it is called Jiezi, and sometimes it is collectively called Luozi.

Su Zhi's hand was very dexterous, and she made a knot in a moment. Shen Zi'an liked it very much.

This knot uses a big red thread, which looks bright.

"Daughter-in-law, your knot is so beautiful. I've never seen it before."

Shen Zi'an said that he had seen the women at home tie knots, and he had never seen anything like this, which was more beautiful than that of the second sister-in-law with the most skillful hands.

"This is called a heart-to-heart knot. Do you think it looks like two hearts? If it's for your heart, it's the most appropriate."

Shen Zi'an's eyes lit up and said, "Daughter-in-law, give me this knot. Don't sell it."

Su Zhi blushed and thought that this man was straightforward, but looking at the way he liked it very much, he still nodded. Shen Zi'an was very happy. He took the knot and looked left and right, and finally put it in his arms.

Su Zhi was very happy to see that Shen Zi'an liked it so much. If she wanted to sell it, she would not be able to sell it.

After tossing around for so long, it was already noon, and both of them were hungry. Shen Zi'an bought rice noodles and said that he would cook rice for Su Zhi and then stew the meat.

"Daughter-in-law, I'll go to Brother Stone's house to get a cabbage, and I said I would buy corn flour and jade noodle dregs from him. Look at the pot. I'll go and go back."

Su Zhi watched Shen Zi'an leave. After thinking about it, she went to pull out a wild onion, which she pulled out from the river. Originally, it was hidden in the barren grass, so she found it and watered the spring water, but now she is alive. I believe that as long as you put them in, it will taste good.

Shen Zi'an came back soon, with a cabbage and half a bag of corn flour and half a bag of corn dregs. Su Zhi watched him put the things away, went to clean up the cabbage, and cut it in half with a knife. She felt that the cabbage was really bad.

Shen Zi'an said, "The land in Hedong Village is not suitable for growing vegetables and crops. It is far from the way to the city, so people don't like to live here. In the end, so many families live here. There used to be eight, but now we have nine.

"Is there a family with a daughter-in-law named Liu Siniang? Her mother-in-law is a very fierce woman. Does her family live far away?

Su Zhi thought of Liu Siniang and asked Shen Zi'an. She thought that Liu Siniang lived in the east of the river, because her mother-in-law really didn't look like a person who would cross the river to trouble her daughter-in-law, and she didn't look like a diligent person.

"I went out to see the land at home today and saw Liu Siniang. She twisted her foot. I helped her. She and I used to be from the same village and played together when I was a child. I think her mother-in-law is very fierce. Is she doing well? I heard that her father-in-law went out. Didn't he know that his daughter-in-law suffered so hard at home?

Su Zhi asked Shen Zi'an.

"You said that the Zhao family, the old lady, everyone else called her Mrs. Zhao, is relatively fierce. There is only one son, one daughter and a daughter-in-law in her family. Her son's name is Zhao Daliang and her daughter's name is Zhao Xiaohua. Zhao Daliang is ordinary and runs outside all year round. Even if he knew that his wife was bullied by his mother, he would not speak. When you saw the woman, you would know what was going on. Daughter-in-law, when you interact with Liu Siniang in the future, don't let that old lady see it. Her mouth is very dirty. Don't be angry with you.

Su Zhi listened to Shen Zi'an's words and nodded, thinking that she really wanted to stay away from the old woman. She felt that meeting Shen Zi'an was her happiness. If she met Liu Siniang's situation, she must have asked to leave.

As the two of them spoke, they smelled the fragrance of rice and meat, and felt that life was really beautiful.

*** Check the information. The Chinese knot is an evolution of the conson. In order to make it clear, the conson knot is separated. Don't pat the doll. There is another chapter before 6 p.m.