Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 72 Integration and Re-episode

After the wall of Su Zhi's house and courtyard were built, it was the end of November. The weather was already very cold. Fortunately, although the weather here was winter, it did not come so early, and the weather was beautiful. It hasn't rained or snow these days. It was always sunny and winded from time to time. This is just built The house is very good, which can make the house dry quickly, and Su Zhi doesn't want to live in a cold house. In order to live in a new house before the coldest time, Su Zhi not only burns the kang every day, but also makes Shen Zi'an get charcoal and dry the bedroom.

Su Zhi's behavior is very useful. The house is done quickly, but some people say that Su Zhi is prodigal. However, after hearing Su Zhi's reason, they feel that Su Zhi's words are reasonable. Now more people think that Su Zhi knows a lot.

The courtyard wall of the house was completed. Shen Zi'an paid off his salary, and then said that he would invite the villagers to drink greenhouse wine for a few days, and the house was quiet.

Su Zhi and Shen Zi'an walked hand in hand in their own home. Neither of them said anything and looked at everything in front of them with a smile.

Su Zhi's house was built in the shape of a quadrangle courtyard. There is a corridor in front of the house, so that even if it rains and snows, she won't get her feet in other rooms. There are several places to plant flowers and trees in the yard, and the rest are covered with stone bricks. All the pillars were painted, and the doors were also painted.

There is already furniture in the room, which doesn't look empty, because the style of the furniture is very good. It doesn't look like a villager's house at all, like a household's house. If you hang a few more calligraphy and paintings on the wall, it will be more like it.

"It's an episode again tomorrow. Let's go to the market to buy some pots and pans. We need to buy more tea sets. At that time, we won't invite anyone to drink water. Buy some more cloth and I will make some curtains. The door curtain should be made, the curtains should also be made, and the ** cover on the kang. There should also be cushions on the chairs, or it will be cold in winter. There are too many things to do. I'm afraid I have to hire a few sisters-in-law to do it, or I have to wait for a month to buy warm wine. You can buy meat and wine for the guests next time. If not, let's buy a pig directly in the village. It's more cost-effective... Zi'an, what do you think I do?"

Su Zhi thought carefully about what she wanted to buy. There was still a lot of things to do, but she was still very happy. Thinking about how to do it well and save money, she didn't hear Shen Zi'an's voice for a long time. She looked up and saw Shen Zi'an looking at her with a smile. Only then did I find that I seemed to have said too much, and I was a little embarrassed.

"Daughter-in-law, go on, I like to hear from you."

When Shen Zi'an saw that his daughter-in-law didn't say anything, he quickly said, "I think you said that our home is very beautiful. Daughter-in-law, you can continue to talk about it. You can do whatever you want."

Su Zhi's heart suddenly became sour. It's good to think about such a day.

"Zi'an. Let's have a good time and be together forever.

Su Zhi stretched out her hand and hugged Shen Zi'an. In the past, she knew that Shen Zi'an was very good, and she was also moved by him. She thought that if her husband was like this, how could she ask for it? I want to spend the rest of my life with him. However, it can't be denied that she has a good impression of this person, but she is still unfamiliar with this time and space. It was not until this moment that she felt that she had really integrated with this time and space, because the person in front of her was willing to adapt here and stay here forever to accompany him, even if it was just a small peasant woman.

"Well, live a good life."

Shen Zi'an was at a loss for his daughter-in-law's active hug, but he soon calmed down. He put his hand around the woman, thinking that this was the family he had been longing for, the person he would love for all his life.

The two of them strolled around their yard intimately together, saying that it was a yard, and that it was more appropriate to say that it was a garden. After all, it was a large area of land with a radius of more than 60 acres.

Su Zhi asked people to build a road that could take an ox cart from between the house and the gate with bluestone bricks. It cost another sum of money, which made people look like tongues. Su Zhi was not distressed at all. She also thought that after digging the depression in the yard into a pond next year, she would plan the garden well and then Slowly cover some other pavilions and so on. This is her home. She has a spiritual spring in her hand. At that time, even the most common wild flowers, weeds and trees can be raised. One day, she will plan this place into a beautiful garden like Suzhou and Hangzhou Garden!

But now the garden is still like a field, with weeds everywhere, which is cheaper for the cow. Now it is freely and slowly swaying and eating grass, so that there is a kind of pastoral scenery here.

The next day, Shen Zi'an rushed to the market with Su Zhi for the ox cart. He bought a lot of things and came back, which made the people in the same village envy.

"Sister Zhao, you have a lot of money!"

Dazhu's daughter-in-law bought cloth and saw Su Zhi coming out of it. The couple held a big bag of cloth, and even the shopkeeper who sold the cloth came out to send it. It was so sad.

"Look at this bowl, it's fine porcelain. It costs two cents a piece, right? Why did you buy so many crocks? It's not for pickles, is it? It's a little late to pickle vegetables now! There are so many cloths. I think you bought a lot of cloth last time. Why did you buy so much again? How many clothes do I have to make? Two people can't cover the quilt! Tut, this is really rich!"

Su Zhi said with a smile, "In a few days, I will treat you to wine at home, but there is no bowl. I thought it would be inconvenient to borrow it, so I bought some back. This cloth can't be broken, so buy more. My sister-in-law said that we have money, but in fact, we have almost spent our money. The house is built with a wall to buy land to make furniture, and the money on hand flows out like water. We are also anxious, but the house has been built, and the family can't look shabby. The big head's money has been spent, and it's funny to care about this small money, so even if we empty the money bag, we have to take this last step. This is called a good beginning and a good end, sister-in-law, don't you think so?

When Su Zhi said these words, she just wanted to tell Dazhu's daughter-in-law that they had all the money in their hands. She thought that Dazhu's daughter-in-law had a big mouth. What she knew could not be known in a long time. At that time, she would save others from thinking that they had sold the thousand-

"What the girl said is that doing things should be so generous!"

Dazhu's daughter-in-law said with a smile that although Su Zhi had bought so many things, she couldn't wait for Su Zhi to have no money in her pocket now. At least she still has some money in her family, at least she is not a prodigal woman!

"Sister, wait for me. I'll go back to the village after I buy the cloth. You give me a ride."

Dazhu's daughter-in-law takes the opportunity to ride, so that she can save a penny in the ride!

Before Su Zhi opened her mouth, Shen Zi'an said, "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry for you. This car can't sit down. We have agreed with Shugen's sister-in-law, Li's sister-in-law and Jinhua's aunt to go to the mouth of the town and wait to take them

"What if there is one more person? Squeeze it and squeeze it down!"

Dazhu's daughter-in-law doesn't give up. She doesn't take a free car for free, and she can also listen to the words of Aunt Jinhua. She has always wanted to have a relationship with Aunt Jinhua, but it's a pity that she ignores her. Isn't an opportunity!

Su Zhi thought that this man was so thick-skinned that he refused her and still wanted to stick it over. She smiled and said, "I really can't sit down. Sister-in-law, did you come with your eldest brother, right? You two have to go back together. It's difficult to squeeze one more person in this car, not to mention two. We can't let you two separate, let alone walk alone in the car. You'd better find another car to take it. All right, sister-in-law, it's getting late. Let's go first.

After saying that, Su Zhi climbed into the car and motioned Shen Zi'an to drive away.

It's useless for Dazhu's daughter-in-law to wave her hand no matter how much she waved. She could only watch Su Zhi leave comfortably in the ox cart. She scolded, thinking that she was rich? She is also a prodigal woman! Living in a big house is still a mud leg! After scolding, she twisted the waist of the bucket and entered the cloth village. Looking at the rows of fresh cloths, she began to envy Su Zhi again, thinking about how many beautiful cloths there were in her cloth bags!

Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi arrived at the entrance of the town and picked up Li's sister-in-law, Shugen's sister-in-law and Jinhua's aunt. All three of them heard that Su Zhi and his wife were coming to the market, so they said earlier that they came together, but they separated.

"Yo, girl, you bought a lot of cloth. Should I make quilts or clothes?"

Sister-in-law Li looked at the cloth exposed in Su Zhi's paper bags, so she asked and said enthusiastically, "If you do too much and can't do it, just tell your sister-in-law that my sister-in-law will help you do it. Although my stitch is not very good, I can also see it!"

Shougen's sister-in-law also echoed and said, "Call me, too. If there are too many people, do it quickly."

Aunt Jinhua smiled and said, "Then I'll go too. Let's talk then. The kang at home hasn't been set up yet. I just want to go to my niece's place to warm up first."

Su Zhi was thinking about asking someone to help her. As soon as she heard that someone took the initiative to come to her door, she quickly welcomed her and said, "The three sister-in-law aunts are willing to come to help. I can't help. There are a lot of things I want to say. At that time, I will make the three But I'm in charge of the food and make you my specialty food. I'm in charge of it so that you won't be tired. I have to gain weight! At that time, don't forget to take the tiger's little lock and the chain. I'll play with them in my yard. If I have enough to play, I will eat. I can't be hungry.

"If that's good, we'll wait for the girl's meal."

Sister-in-law Li said with a smile that she had eaten Su Zhi's cooking once, and she still thought about the taste!

Shugen's sister-in-law said, "It happens that I learned to cook from my sister, so that my family doesn't feel that the food I cooked is terrible. The baby at home said that you made it deliciously and chose my craft!"

"No!" Aunt Jinhua smiled and said, "I want to run to her every day. If I hadn't stopped her, I would have lost all my face!"

Several people laughed together and laughed all the way.

Su Zhi listened to them talking about their parents with a smile. She looked at the scenery on the roadside and thought that such a day would be very good. At this time, she saw a figure in front of her and thought that it was Liu Siniang? ( To be continued) RQ