Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 75 Liu Siniang and Li Shi (Ask for Pink)

A lot of people squeezed in front of the fence door of the Zhao family. They all leaned their heads and looked inside. The buzzing sound was like a hornet's nest, and there was a noise and scolding in the yard.

"Everyone, please get out of the way. Su Zhimei is coming. Let her in!"

Sister-in-law Li said while squeezing in, pulling Su Zhi and squeezing in.

When those people saw that Su Zhi was coming, they all got out of the way. They also heard that this matter had something to do with Su Zhi, so of course they had to let Su Zhi in. Su Zhi squeezed in and looked at others and couldn't wait to see the expression of a piece of silver on her body. She thought that the people in the countryside loved to watch the bustle too much. How could a lot of people be blocked at the gate of the courtyard as soon as something happened? This is in the east of the river, not in the village! However, looking at so many people, she realized that she must make things clear and find her innocence for Liu Siniang!

People's saliva can drown people, and women's chastity is more important than life in ancient times. Liu Siniang can't be splashed with dirty water like this. If she doesn't make it clear, Liu Siniang will be ruined!

Although Liu Siniang's house lives in the east of the river, it is a good house. Although it is also an adobe house, the roof is tiled, and the yard is quite large. There are five rooms in the main house. On both sides of the yard are thatched huts on one side, and on the other side is a relatively simple

Generally speaking, from the appearance, the Zhao family is not a particularly poor family. I heard that it is all thanks to Zhao Dazhu, the son of Mrs. Li, who has been running around outside over the years to save money to build the house, which is no worse than the people in the village.

Su Zhi looked at the yard. Thinking of such a big family, it is estimated that Liu Siniang is cleaning up alone. She cleaned the place very well. It can be seen that she is a diligent person, but she still can't get the respect and love of her mother-in-law, sister-in-law or even her father-in-law. How hard has she been?

Su Zhi's eyes saw this, but her feet did not stop and walked towards the main hall. Her eyes saw a dazzling red on the ground, and she frowned. She thought that although they were all in the room now, they had been hit outside just now. It was certain that Liu Siniang was beaten unilaterally, and she was injured and bleeding.

"Nephew. You're coming, come in!"

Aunt Jinhua was standing by the door of the hall. When she heard the footsteps, she turned her head and saw Su Zhi. There was a relaxed expression on her face. She raised her hand to let Su Zhi come over quickly.

"Zi'an. Nephew, you are here. If you don't come, you will be killed! Can you tell me if you lent the fifty-two cents to Si Niang?

Su Zhi walked into the room and saw Liu Siniang at a glance. Seeing that her clothes were in a mess, she thought she had been pulled and beaten. Under a ray of hair, her yellow face looked a little white and blue, with tears hanging on it, her eyes were red and swollen, and a piece of cloth was covered on her forehead. You can see the blood oozing from it. She frowned and thought about how this hit her head. If her hand was a little heavier, she would be killed!

"Si Niang, are you all right? How did they beat you like this?!"

Su Zhi walked to Liu Siniang. She was being supported by her sister-in-law at the root of the tree. Su Zhi felt that her whole body was trembling. There is no brilliance in the raised eyes. After seeing her, her lips trembled. She raised her hand to cover her mouth and sobbed and cried again. The sound was so sad. Su Zhi's heart also twitched. She thought how uncomfortable it would be to cry like this.

"Four Niang, don't cry. I'm here to testify for you. You can sit right, and it's not you who should cry!" Su Zhi turned her head and looked at several people beside her. Her expression was rigid, not as gentle as usual, and her eyes were also very sharp, which made several people she looked at bow their heads uncomsably.

Su Zhi saw that there were not many people in this room. In addition to her and Shen Zi'an, there were also three people, namely, Mrs. Li, Dazhu's daughter-in-law, and a young girl. This was probably Liu Siniang's sister-in-law Zhao Xiaohua. I heard that this is also an ignorant person. Su Zhi felt that his face was born from the heart. It really doesn't look like a fuel-efficient lamp.

"What are you looking at?! The broom star!"

Zhao Xiaohua is tall and not ugly, but she only has three points of color. Her cheekbones are a little high. She raises her eyebrows and the corners of her eyes. At first glance, she is a powerful master! She looked at Su Zhi and looked at herself. Her eyes were very cold, and she was convinced. Originally, when she saw Su Zhi's house built a big house and such a big garden these days, she was jealous. In particular, Shen Zi'an was still the object she used to like. Now she has become the woman's wife. She is jealous and hateful. Woman, maybe the hostess who lives in the big garden now is her! In such anger, she scolded.

Shen Zi'an frowned and said, "My daughter-in-law is not a broom star."

Zhao Xiaohua was even more jealous when she saw Shen Zi'an protecting Su Zhi. She had paid attention to Shen Zi'an as soon as Shen Zi'an came in just now, thinking that he seemed to be more beautiful than before.

Zhao Xiaohua used to think that Shen Zi'an was good-looking, and he was also a very capable young man in the village. She really likes him, but she tried to talk to Shen Zi'an several times, but he ignored her. Before she could continue, Shen Zi'an got married! Knowing that Su Zhi was such a sick and ugly broom star, she also maliciously thought that Shen Zi'an deserved it. If she was with herself, she would be fine, but she didn't expect it to be like this now. Shen Zi'an was rich and protected her daughter-in-law like this. She felt uncomfortable again.

"Shen Sange, she is a broom star! That's what everyone in the village said! If it weren't for the broom star, could your family have separated you? How many shabby houses will I give you? Don't protect her!"

Sister-in-law Li quickly said, "Little flower girl, how do you talk? What does it mean that everyone in the village says that Su Zhi's sister is a broom star? That's a misunderstanding. Everyone has been cheated by the old Taoist priest! If she were a broom star, how could she be so good at home now? Even the tiger can't hurt her, and even the holy beast gives her ginseng to change money. No one can compare with this blessing!"

Aunt Jinhua also said, "It's all from the same village, Xiaohua. You have to keep your virtue. The girl's reputation is important. Don't let people say that you have the habit of slandering people. It's time for you to talk about others."

Zhao Xiaohua blushed and stamped her feet and said, "Everyone in the village said, what do you mean by falsely slandering me?! If you don't believe it, ask the people outside!"

The door of their house is open now. The people outside have already come in and heard all the words inside. I think that this Zhao girl is really brainless! Now that Shen Zi'an's family is rich and supported by holy beasts, the daughter-in-law of Zi'an has taught the villagers how to do the kang. It is impossible for a big guy to say that she is a broom star!

Su Zhi said, "Now I'm not talking about it. I'm here to prove it for Siniang. I heard that you falsely slandered her money for being given by others. Yes, that's what I gave. She lost it. I was afraid that she would be told when she came back, so I lent her the money and asked her to have time to help me work for a few days to offset the money. Both the sister-in-law and the sister-in-law Li can testify about this matter. We came back together at that time.

Aunt Jinhua said, "Sister-in-law Li, listen, I said it's like this, but you don't believe it. This is wronged your daughter-in-law."

Mrs. Li stared at Dazhu's daughter-in-law and said, "Dazhu's daughter-in-law! Didn't you say that the silver money of Daliang's daughter-in-law was given by a man?!"

Dazhu's daughter-in-law shrank. She talked to Mrs. Li today. When she heard that Liu Siniang came back in Shen Zi'an's ox cart, she was very angry and wanted to say that there was no place to sit down. Why did Liu Siniang sit on it? She couldn't find Su Zhi and Shen Zi'an's trouble immediately, but she could find Liu Siniang's trouble immediately. She thought that she happened to see Liu Siniang lose money today. How did Liu Siniang buy the meat back? As soon as she inquired with Mrs. Li and knew that she had got all the money back, she immediately thought about what to do.

Dazhu's daughter-in-law told Mrs. Li that Liu Siniang's money had been lost, and that she also said that she was standing with a man after losing her money.

Mrs. Li immediately called Liu Siniang to scold her. As soon as Liu Siniang said no, she was beaten by Mrs. Li with a cane. Her head was also broken and her whole body hurt. As soon as she hid, Dazhu's daughter-in-law went over to pull her and tore her hair and clothes.

In fact, Dazhu's daughter-in-law just wanted to ask Mrs. Li to beat Liu Siniang, but she didn't expect that someone happened to pass by the door of the courtyard. The door of the house was not closed, and unconsciously attracted a large group of people to watch the bustle. The words of Mrs. Li scolding Liu Siniang for setting up a wild man outside were clearly heard. Then the Jinhua Aunt also happened to come to watch the fun. They all turned to Liu Siniang and went to call Su Zhi. Dazhu's daughter-in-law didn't expect this to happen to this point. She felt that she had lifted the stone today as if she was going to hit her foot!

"Dazhu's daughter-in-law, this false name for a woman is a great crime! You'd better tell the truth!"

At this time, the golden flower aunt took out the posture of the lady, and the people watching the bustle outside also followed. Some people said that Liu Siniang had a wild man outside. Who is that person? If you can't say it, you will slander Liu Siniang!

Dazhu's daughter-in-law looked at her with that kind of contemptuous look at her, and she was not happy. She thought that if she blamed herself for today's incident, she would be ashamed.

"I just saw someone walking with her, and the man was still holding her! You tell me who it is, just say it! That man is Li Shi!"

As soon as Dazhu's daughter-in-law spoke, it caused another noise. Everyone was surprised. Even Su Zhi and Shen Zi'an were stunned. How could this matter have anything to do with Li Shi?! ( To be continued) RQ