Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 81 Persuasion

Because Shen Yu also came to the kitchen to help, and the manpower in her kitchen was more sufficient. Just now, Su Zhi only let the three girls of Chunlan Chunxiang Chunyue do the light work of peeling Huāsheng. Now that they have finished peeling, let the three of them go to the inner room to coax Ye Er to play.

Su Zhi saw that the preparations in the kitchen were almost ready. Some of the time-consuming things had been cooked, so she went out. As a hostess, she had to greet the villagers who came to the greenhouse.

The rule of the greenhouse here is that not only relatives and friends can come, but also people who are not familiar with or don't know can come. The picture is a lively celebration. As long as he comes with a smile and a gift, the host family has to take care of the food and wine.

Because the people who come have to give gifts, although the people who come to the greenhouse are not limited to which people are, the people who come are generally only relatives and friends. Only Su Zhi's family has made an exception this time, and there are really a lot of people coming.

Su Zhi didn't think that the man had come one after another since she went out. Everyone greeted her with a smile. Many Su Zhi had never seen her, but she also replied with a smile. She quickly called Wang's Li to help, and Feng's sister-in-law also volunteered to help.

"Ayu, Shugen's sister-in-law, come and have a look. There are so many people. I don't know if these things are enough?"

Sister-in-law Li stood in front of the kitchen door and looked out, shouting at the two people behind her. Her tone was full of envy. Can she not be envious? Although there are more people eating, how many houses can a family build in a lifetime? The picture of the greenhouse is that one person is more prosperous, and the more people come, the more people will feel that they are popular. These days will also be prosperous in the future. Are you afraid of eating like this?

Shugen's sister-in-law came over and looked out and said, "Su Zhi's sister's family is living like this."

Shen Yu looked at those people outside and felt that her younger brother really supported a family now. She was also happy, thinking about when she could live a good life in her family? Just as she thought so, she saw that her parents were also coming. Her eyes lit up, but her heart shrank. He hid back.

Shen Youfu and Shen Zhang also came. Not only they came, but also the Shen family came.

"Dad, mother, eldest brother, second brother, third brother, little brother, little sister."

As soon as Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi rested, they saw the whole family of the Shen family coming together. Shen Zi'an shouted one by one. Su Zhi also shouted behind. At this time, she just pretended to be virtuous in the back. Now that Shen Zi'an is the head of the family, she is completely relieved of him.


Shen Youfu answered in his nose, and his face was a little softer than usual, but it looked quite serious. He looked at these houses and felt a little uncomfortable. He couldn't feel comfortable, so the son was separated by him. Or is it because my daughter-in-law is a broom star that she almost went out of the house? It took less than two months to build such a good house and such a big garden. What does this mean? This shows that he is wrong. The daughter-in-law here is not a broom star at all. Maybe she is really blessed like the villagers. This is a hit in the face!

Shen Youfu wants to lose face in his life. Although he has a bad temper, it's all for the sake of face. Now that this son makes him lose face, of course, he won't look good. But I think this son is rich and has something to do with the holy beast. He still wants to come over. This is not only for himself, but also for Shen Ziju. This youngest son can win him more glory in the future, so that the youngest son can get more help. This rich and famous son can't be broken now, and he has to point at him!

Shen Zhangshi praised Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi with a smile. In short, the hard days have passed and the good days have come. From now on, everyone has lived a good life together. There is no mention of how Shen Zi'an and they were separated, but they still feel very distressed for Shen Zi'an suffered before The kind expression of Shen Zi'an's hand made Su Zhi admire him very much.

Shen Zhu came forward and smiled at Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi and said, "Congratulations on the completion of the new house of the fourth brother and fourth sister-in-law. In the future, life will become more and more prosperous. Don't forget me, sister!"

Shen Ziju also came forward. When Shen Zi'an built the house, he also came twice, but he didn't do anything. He just looked at it. Now this is the third time. Looking at the house that has been completed and renovated, he was also surprised. He didn't expect that the house was so outstanding. He thought of the old house he lived in, and he felt a little uncomfortable, but on his mind, as long as he was admitted as a scholar, he would be admitted to become a scholar. If he became a senior official in the future, would the house he live in would be hundreds of times better than this? He was relieved to think about it.

"Congratulations to the fourth brother and the fourth sister-in-law."

Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi saluted one by one. Shen Zhu and Shen Ziju, the twin brothers and sisters, are the kind of people who have no fault in their eyes. As long as they don't look for trouble, the husband and wife will naturally regard them as their younger brothers and sisters. Although they are not as kind as they are to the

At this time, Sun was patronizing to look at these houses. She didn't care about talking at all, and she couldn't talk much. Before she came today, she was warned by her mother-in-law not to listen to tricky words. Now she can only look at the new house and be jealous. She can't figure out to get some

Shen Ziping thought the same thing, but Sanlang was more promising than his parents. What he thought was that these things should be his, all because Su Zhi's broom star robbed him of his wealth. What he thought was that he could get all these back!

Su Zhi looked at the people in the third room. She only looked at them and didn't want to see them. She only went to tease Chuncao Chunyun, who had just been carried, and told them that there was candy to eat.

People in the greenhouse here have a habit of turning around the newly built house of the host's house after giving gifts. On the one hand, it seems to let people bring the joy of heating to every room, and on the other hand, it also means that the host family shows others how good their home is. Of course, the Shen family is no exception.

"Dad, mom, I'll take you to the inner room.

Shen Zi'an said that when the people in front of him went to see the house just now, they had already seen Yang Qingshan and Ye'er. This family came, which was already public. The Shen family must see them when they went to the inner room. Just before the banquet was opened, they talked about the matter and saved a while.

At this time, the Li family of Wang had already told his father-in-law about the arrival of Shen Yu's family of three. Both of them liked this eldest sister. They thought that if they could take this opportunity to let their father forgive her, it would be a good thing. Even if she didn't forgive, she could walk around with her fourth brother They can also have a place to contact her. So thinking like this, I'm ready to help convince Shen Youfu.


Su Zhi asked Li to call Shen Yu, and she accompanied them to advance to the house.

Sun Shi was already red-eyed as soon as she looked at the hall. As soon as she entered the inner room, her eyes were even more red. She wanted to see the kang, but she saw her father-in-law not moving. She thought about what was wrong with the old man. She stood there and didn't let others see the freshness. Personally, of course she recognized those nieces and nephews. Isn't the sitting man Yang Qingshan?!

"Yo! Isn't this my brother-in-law? Why are you here?"

When Sun Shi made a sound, everyone reacted. At that time, Shen Youfu turned his face and looked at Shen Zi'an and asked, "Why is he here?" Is that dead girl also here? How did you put them in?! Didn't I say I was going to break up with them?!"

Shen Zi'an said, "Dad, sit down first, let's talk slowly."

"Dad, mother."

Shen Yu came in at this time. Her eyes were red and she looked at her parents.

Shen Zhangshi cried as soon as she saw her. This is her daughter. In those years, she was also angry because of her obsession, but after so many years, she saw that she could not enter the house. Seeing that she was not doing well, she was also uncomfortable. Let her sons take more care of her when they saw her, but what can she care Is it like this? She is only in her twenties, and she looks like she is in her thirties!

Shen Zi'an also ignored Shen Youfu's anger. He invited him to sit down in a chair and said, "Dad, you have refused to forgive your sister for so many years, just because you think that she is disobedient and thinks that she has ruined the Shen family's family. But if you don't let her in, can you prove that the Shen family's style is good? Sister, she is also the daughter of the Shen family. She is from the bones to the blood of the Shen family. It's okay if others don't mention it. If they mention it, others will still confuse her with our Shen family.

For the sake of her daughters' reputation, Wang also stood up and talked about the old woman a few days ago. Li echoed, and she didn't want her daughter to be involved.

Shen Zi'an said again, "If my sister really made a big mistake, we will admit it, but she is obviously not wrong. Instead of kicking her out of the Shen family to draw a clear line to prove that the Shen family has such an unworthy descendant. Why don't you accept them? The whole family declares to the public that she is not wrong and unravel the rumors of those years? It's better to have a daughter who marries a benefactor than a daughter who marries a thief because of humiliation!"

"What you said is light!" Although Shen Youfu felt that what Shen Zi'an said was reasonable, after so many years, he thought that it was not so easy for people to change their views on Shen Yu, and he still didn't want to accept this daughter.

Su Zhi said, "Rights and wrong come from people's mouths. After so many years, many people have forgotten this matter. Besides, not everyone says that the eldest sister is not good, only the rumors that the young man loves to talk about right and wrong. Just now, my elder sister and I were busy in the kitchen. Several sisters-in-law got along well with her, and they all hugged her. Besides, Dad, a few days ago, so many people said that I was a broom star, and now they all get along well with me? This rumor stops at the wise man. We can't let a few other people's saliva be drowned!"

Shen Ziju looked at Su Zhi, and a light flashed in his eyes.