Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 83 Fragrant, drooling!

These people waiting to eat smelled the fragrance coming from the kitchen and felt that their saliva kept rising. Even the most stable and serious people in the village were the same, including the two cousins of Lizheng and Shen Zi'an sitting at the same table with Shen Youfu, as well as several old or famous people.

"Daughter-in-law, which one is this cooking? The craftsmanship is really good."

Shen Zi'an's lobby uncle asked, he is old, and now he doesn't eat anything delicious. He is usually not interested in smelling meat, but today, when he smells the fragrance, he feels that his saliva is coming up. He swallowed with some embarrassment, thinking which skill is so good. When he saw Feng's Ask her.

Zhao Feng said with a smile, "Uncle Shen, this is Zi'an's daughter-in-law cooking. She is the master's wife today. Of course, she is going to cook. Her craftsmanship is good. I have never seen it as delicious as her cooking. After a while, everyone will be blessed. I'll give you a promise to eat the food she cooked. Even if you go to the big restaurant in the city to eat the most expensive food, you will not feel so delicious!"

Everyone heard it and praised it.

The lobby uncle said to Shen Youfu, "Third brother, your daughter-in-law is married. You are not only blessed, but also have good craftsmanship. I also wronged her before. In the future, I will treat them better!"

The second cousin also echoed. He was Shen Shugen's father, so Shen Shugen and Shen Zi'an were still cousins.

Shen Youfu's face was a little embarrassed. He knew that almost everyone was watching his jokes now. At the beginning, because others said that Su Zhi was a broom star, he divided Shen Zi'an. As a result, the two have only been separated for two months. Not only did they not live as hard as they thought, but everything went smoothly. Su Zhi's illness has recovered. He was also given ginseng by the holy beast, and now he has built a big house and bought so much land. Like a small landlord, this kind of person is not a broom star. It's almost the same as a lucky star. Now many people are saying that the Shen family has been cheated by that old man this time, or now they also have money.

Of course, Shen Youfu heard these words, and he was also annoyed. Now listening to others say that he treated Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi badly, he felt very uncomfortable. But I can't say anything, I can only listen.

Shen Zhangshi did not escape this disaster. When she listened to these words, she couldn't help but talk. Who let her be the empress?

"Zi'an, this child is suffering. He is an affectionate person. He has paid so much for this daughter-in-law. Now the fourth daughter-in-law can get better under the blessing of God, and finally he has not made Zi'an suffer too much. When I talked to his father about this, I thank God in my heart!"

This is really dripping. On the surface, she looks like a kind mother, but when she showed the pitiful parents's heart of her and Shen Youfu, she also hinted that Shen Zi'an was a person who could leave her parents for the sake of his daughter-in-law. Su Zhi's illness was attributed to the fact that they asked God for credit. It makes people feel how much they care about their son and daughter-in-law.

"Mother. Where did the fourth brother suffer? He is enjoying himself now. Looking at the big house in the big yard, he says that he is not a landlord, but he still let your parents live in that shabby house.

Sun listened to Shen Zhang's words and opened her mouth. She endured for a long time, but after watching such a good house, she listened to others' praise of Su Zhi and broke out.

Sun's stomach is now slightly shaped. However, she wears a lot of clothes in winter, which is not very obvious. However, she has to hold her waist with her hands and straighten her stomach high, as if others don't know that she has a body. It's really impossible to sit there and say such a thing.

"Third sister-in-law, we want to pay for our parents to build a house, but our parents have five sons, and everyone needs to share a share. The third sister-in-law said how much you and the third brother are going to pay. Don't worry, we must pay as much as you. One penny won't be

Su Zhi brought the dishes at this time. When setting the table here, the first dish must be served by the hostess at home. Of course, the dish served by Su Zhi should be put on the table of the elders. Naturally, she also heard the words of Sun sitting at the table next to her. It was very annoying for this woman to think about them at that time, so she immediately pushed her back.

Shen Zi'an said in a low voice, "Remember to remove the house you live in."

Su Zhi smiled more brilliantly, thinking about Shen Zi'an much more than her.

Sun was choked. Not to mention that she and her parents-in-law have not separated yet. Even if they are separated, she doesn't want to pay for her parents-in-law to build a house!

"Well, what do you do with this on this day? Third daughter-in-law, if you have anything more, you can go home!"

Shen Youfu looked at the people around him watching the fun. Although he didn't say anything, he laughed and felt ashamed again. He vented his anger on the Sun family.

Sun immediately lowered her head and pretended to be honest. She didn't want to go back. The greenhouse would cook delicious food, and even the worst people would also serve pot meat, which was much better than what she ate at home. What's more, this time it's Shen Zi'an's house. He has made so much money, and this table is definitely not bad. From the fragrance just now, you can know that it must be delicious. Now looking at this first dish is a fried peanut. The oil is smooth and shiny, her saliva is flowing down, and she will not let go of the delicious food in her mouth.

Don't underestimate the fried peanuts. At this time, the oil is expensive, and the peanuts are also expensive. Usually, some people put peanuts on the table, which are boiled with water. It is rare to be fried. It is naturally fragrant when you eat it!

Shen Zhang said to Su Zhi, "Ji'an's daughter-in-law, don't pay attention to your third sister-in-law. Go and do your work!"

Su Zhi said to invite everyone to eat well, and then left lightly.

Although Shen Ziju is a junior, he is a child and has a good future in the future, so he also sat at this table with his father. He looked at the fourth sister-in-law and thought about what she said after seeing the fourth sister-in-law. Every sentence seemed to be so simple. Especially today, he really felt that the fourth sister- . I want to hear that she used to live in a nun. Can she see the world like this?

Shen Ziju looked at the direction of Su Zhi's departure and thought about it in his heart.

The dishes came to the ground one by one, and the people were dazzled. I didn't expect that there would be such a rich variety of dishes in winter, and the dish was also good-looking and smelled better.

Su Zhi first fried a peanut, then added pork head meat, pork and cabbage stewed tofu, scrambled eggs, braised pork, stir-fried bean sprouts, shredded pork stir-fried shredded beans, chicken stewed potatoes, fried pumpkin strips wrapped in noodles, stewed hares, fried mutton with Sliced, stewed pork ribs with radish, as well as stewed meat sections, stewed liver tips, large meatballs, and finally a sauerkraut fish!

Although these dishes are not all served on one table, and there are only twelve dishes at each table, it still dazzles everyone and eats very much. The only thing that is not satisfied is that the people who have finished eating in the first round look at the dishes they have not eaten on the second round of the table and are greedy again. The second round of people There is no dish on the first table. However, after hearing others say how delicious the dish they didn't eat was, although it was stronger, it also praised Su Zhi's craftsmanship more. I think I must eat it again when I have a chance in the future.

Although they didn't eat all the dishes, everyone was very satisfied with the staple food.

Su Zhi's steamed this time are all miscellaneous steamed buns, half of the white flour and half of the grain noodles. It's delicious when you eat it, but you don't eat it. You just want to hold it in your hand when you look at it. It seems that the steamed buns made by Su Zhi are more delicious than others

In the end, everyone's stomach is round. There are some that are greedy, and the aisle is a little laborious. I think the gift I gave is really worth it.

It took a total of three rounds of seats to greet everyone.

After eating, everyone said goodbye and left one by one. They can't leave. There are really so many people in the room. The embarrassed people left. As soon as they left, a group of people followed, and soon they calmed down.

"Zi'an, your house has been built, and the garden has also been bought. Live a good life in the future."

Shen Youfu also said goodbye to Shen Zi'an. Shen Zi'an and his couple had been busy for a long time and didn't even eat. He didn't help him work any longer when he stayed here, so he didn't take up his time.

Shen Yu also went back with Ye Er and Yang Qingshan with the Shen family. They just had the last round of dinner. Shen Yu and Yang Qingshan thanked Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi very much. They knew that it was because these two people helped them persuade Shen Youfu, which made Shen Youfu accept them. Ye Er was very reluctant to give her fourth aunt, who would give her delicious food. Finally, Shen Yu said that she would take her to see her fourth aunt again, so she left reluctantly.

Shen Zifu and Shen Zigui stayed with his family to help clean up.

Li Shi took people and helped send the tables and chairs back one by one. Several women helped Su Zhi wash the dishes and basins. The people were so strong that they were quickly cleaned up.

Su Zhi and Shen Zi'an thanked everyone and sent them out. Then they walked back and felt exhausted.

After closing the courtyard door, the two returned to the room and sat down for a while. Finally, they recovered. Then Su Zhi went to see the gifts given by others. There were too many people here today. She wanted to see how many gifts she could receive.

All the gifts were put in the west room. When Su Zhi went all the time, she saw that the table and chairs on the kang were full of things. She suddenly got better. Sure enough, women like the feeling of receiving rich gifts, even if these gifts are not clothes, perfumes or something.

The guests from this country greenhouse, except for their parents, all have to come with gifts. Although they are all from this small basket of eggs, there are not many things, but they accumulate a lot. These things are all-encompassing. They are not only food, but also useful, such as a few bowls, such as a small piece of cloth. In short, they are all things that can be used in life. Although they are not expensive things, they make people feel comfortable at first glance.

Su Zhi thought that if she had these things, she could save a lot of money at home.