Farmer's spiritual spring is a little field

Chapter 90 A wave is not flat, a wave rises again

Shen Ziju's head wrapped around the cloth and went back home. He felt that it was not good-looking. He chose a few people to go home, but it was still seen. This matter soon spread to almost the whole riverside village. This rumor made his injury very evil, and some people even said that he was blind.

Shen Ziju is also a celebrity in Riverside Village. At the age of 15, he was already a child, and the ranking at that time was still at the top, which was extremely rare among children in the countryside. In addition, he was very handsome and elegant in his words and manners, which made people feel that he would become a great weapon in the future. Almost everyone thinks that he will definitely be admitted as a scholar next year, and then continue to take the entrance examination. He will become a scholar and finally become a senior official. So although he is still young, he has been treated very respectfully in the village.

Now Shen Zi raised his head and was beaten, which is also a matter.

Many people were talking about this matter. Some people saw that Shen Ziju came back from Riverside Village. Naturally, they knew that he had gone to Shen Zi'an's home. Someone asked Huang Langzhong and learned that he was indeed Shen Zi'an's family to treat Shen Ziju. However, Huang Langzhong is not a talkative person. He did not say how Shen Ziju was injured. This also makes those who don't know the cause and effect of the matter begin to think about it.

When the relatives and friends of the Shen family heard the news, they all came to see Shen Ziju. When they saw that his head was really wrapped in cloth, they thought of Huang Langzhong's diagnosis and asked what was going on.

The Shen family didn't want Shen Ziju to have a relationship between a man and Su Zhi's sister and a girl. Although the girl accidentally hit Ziju with a stone, there was no ambiguity in it. However, this person's words are getting more and more chaotic, and it may be ridiculous for others to spread it. It can't be said that it was fought by the Lotus, nor can it be said that it was fought by the Zhao family, in case it is rumored to be a fight with his sister-in-law's family. That's even worse.

In the end, the Shen family said that they were touching it, and others said whatever they asked.

Sister-in-law Li, these women who are good with Su Zhi also ran to ask Su Zhi what was going on.

"Girl, you don't know. The villagers spread the story to the evil, and the little man who was jealous of your family began to talk nonsense again.

Sister-in-law Li said to Su Zhi that she looked at Su Zhi and found that Su Zhi had nothing to worry about. She was also relieved. Recently, she got close to Su Zhi, and Su Zhi let her man make money by relying on the drawings. She really likes Su Zhi and doesn't want her to wear the broom star hat she had just taken off.

Sister-in-law Feng said next to her, "It's okay for those people to talk nonsense, but sister, is it okay to raise your brother's head? I heard it's a little serious.

Shugen's sister-in-law looked at Su Zhi. He said, "I heard that you sent the medicine to your fifth brother, saying that the medicine works. Does it really work? If it really works, you won't be afraid of anything.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, the fifth brother is just careless."

Su Zhi and the Shen family have the same caliber. She now knows what it means to be fearful, especially the mouth of the countryman, which is really the same person. In the end, it is not only the name of that matter. The rest have all changed!

Su Zhi told several people that she would have some fur to see a doctor, but she had some prescriptions for the trauma in her hand. She also said that her illness was cured by herself, so she wanted to treat Shen Ziju.

Several people looked at Su Zhi's faces all day and believed it.

Sister-in-law Feng smiled and said, "I believe in the girl. Look at the girl's white and slippery face now. It's like that peeled egg. Just look at this face. If someone says that you are a broom star, I will be the first to disagree! This is not a broom star. This is obviously a fairy in the sky!"

Sister-in-law Feng said and reached out her hand to touch Su Zhi's face. She felt that it was really smooth and tender, and she was envious. Thinking that this girl was well, she was obviously a beauty.

Sister-in-law Li and sister-in-law Shugen also found that Su Zhi had become good-looking. At this time, they looked at Zhao Feng and praised her, and they also smiled and agreed.

Su Zhi sent a few people away, and then returned to the room to sit down, thinking that it was good that she had not hidden her before. It was better for these villagers, which made them change their minds about themselves. Or now Shen Zi raised this injury and put the responsibility on her own head. Seeing that she had increased her strength, let her prestige be higher, so high that she would never talk to her again. She began to think about inviting the white wolf family.

All the people in the village got was a letter, that is, Shen Zi lifted up to Shen Zi'an's house and accidentally bumped into his head. Although many people didn't believe it, the villagers still had nothing to say about Shen Zi'an's character, and Su Zhi spread the kang, and in addition, there was no one in their Say something bad about them, even if there is speculation, it will be over in private.

Su Zhi thought that although the medicine she had given to Shen Zi was effective, it had to be wiped like this for half a month. Only when the wound was scarred could she continue to be cured. She didn't want to let him get better at once, which was too sharp. But she can't make it too long. She has to let others know that she still has some ability.

Su Zhi knew that there was a shortage of doctors and medicine in ancient times. Many people died because of a cold and fever, so people respect Lang Zhong. Just like Huang Langzhong, he only knew some simple medical skills, but his family lived a good life and was very respected. Su Zhi thought that if she had done so many hands, she could also make a good relationship at that time, which was also the way to win people's hearts. Now take your illness and Shen Ziju's injury as an advertisement.

Su Zhi first gave Shen Zi the medicine for a few days, and then put it down. She still has a lot of work to do. Although the quilt and other things have been done, the cushions have not been done. After finishing the cushion, she will start thinking about how to make money. There are a lot of hawthorn and chestnuts at home, which can make money.

God does not follow people's wishes. The more people want to live a peaceful life, the more trouble will come.

Su Zhi was sitting on the hot kang sewing a cushion. Shen Zi'an sat on the other side and knitting the basket. This was made by Su Zhi. Su Zhi also gave him all kinds of small suggestions. As a result, the basket made by Shen Zi'an was not only fine and exquisite, but also beautiful. Su Zhi asked him to make more things to put, and also asked him to make a small and big basket, thinking about waiting for him to buy some silk and rags, make some flowers to put them in, and decorate the house.

The couple chatted while working, and as a result, they heard the door of the courtyard banging outside.

Shen Zi'an put on his shoes and opened the door, and saw that it was sister-in-law Li.

As soon as Sister-in-law Li came in, she said, "Girl! Your third sister-in-law gave birth!"

Shen Zi'an took a look at Su Zhi. His daughter-in-law told him that if he ate too much red sour fruit, he would give birth. Now as expected, the third sister-in-law gave birth. He was glad that he had persuaded the third sister-in-law with his daughter-in-law at the beginning, or in front He can remember that she made trouble for this reason when they split up!

Su Zhi sighed in her heart. If she doesn't like the Sun family anymore, what she lost is a child after all. She doesn't like this kind of thing, but she also thinks that she has fulfilled her duty to remind her, so she is not too entangled.

Su Zhi asked Sister-in-law Li to sit down and ask her to talk about what was going on.

Sister-in-law Li sat on the edge of the kang and said, "I also heard what Mrs. Fang said that your sister-in-law gave birth. Your third sister-in-law is fine, but she has to lie down and recuperate. You said that the red sour fruit can't be eaten, and she insisted on staying. Now she has got retribution. I guess she has nowhere to regret now! However, I'm afraid she will have to talk to you. Your third sister-in-law is the kind of unreasonable person. You have to deal with it well."

Shen Zi'an and Su Zhi also think so. The Sun family is unreasonable, which they have all seen, but this time they have already had something to say, and she can't make trouble again.

Sun Shi was really noisy and noisy at home, making a weaker and weaker. She insisted that Su Zhi cursed her child to death and asked Su Zhi to compensate her son. Shen Ziping even made trouble to go to Shen Zi'an and asked them to compensate his son. He was scolded by Shen Youfu.

"You two are looking for boring things! Zi'an's daughter-in-law has long said that she can't eat the red sour fruit. You greedy person has to eat it. Who can do this?! Now that the child is gone, he has to spend a lot of money to raise his body! You all give me a little bit of steadfastness. Don't make any more noise and shame on us! Whoever wants to go, I will break his leg!"

Shen Youfu scolded and went back to the house angrily. Shen Zhang also went into the house. She didn't expect Sun's children at all. Seeing that the children she gave birth to were all hopeless, and it would cost an extra silver money to raise a mouth to give birth to one more child. Now the child is gone.

"Don't quarrel anymore. The little brother's head is injured. You should rest quietly."

Shen Zhu shook her handkerchief and turned away. The third sister-in-law's room really smells bad. She'd better go out quickly. She has to change her clothes when she goes out. The clothes are full of smell!

"Brother, didn't I bother you?"

Shen Zhu went to Shen Ziju's room and saw Shen Ziju sitting at the table, but she didn't read. She went over and looked at Shen Ziju with distressed eyes. Their brothers and sisters were born together. Her feelings for him can be said to be the deepest of these brothers and sisters. She was also uncomfortable to see him injured, and his It's also related to her own future, and she is more worried.

"This third sister-in-law is really uneasy. It's still so noisy. It really affects the family tradition to have her at home." Shen Zhu complained softly.

"I'm fine."

Shen Zi raised a smile, but he was thinking about what had just happened. Thinking of Su Zhi, he wanted to say that people with red sour fruit can't eat it. The third sister-in-law really had an accident, and she was really sure! ( To be continued) RQ